One Night Bride

Chapter 249

After unpacking the imperial edict, Lu Yihao saw that there was yellow paper inside, representing the son of heaven, so he respectfully opened the imperial edict and put it on the table, and then knelt down with all the people present to the south where the emperor was located After the ceremony, Lu Yihao read the imperial edict to all present The content of the imperial edict is the reform of the little emperor

The crowd was excited, and LV Yihao said, "now, the two murderers kidnapped the Empress Dowager and the little emperor to order the world, and the false life spread, which is really worrying..."

Yue Pengju said, "my family listened to my wife's advice and has intercepted all the mail boxes that went out of Pingjiang far away."

Lu Yihao said happily, "good luck, so in the future, all documents in and out of Zhenjiang will be blocked." He turned to Yue Pengju, "where is your wife now?"

Yue Peng heaved a sigh: "to be honest, his wife Hua Shi returned to Beijing with her child to meet the Empress Dowager. Now her whereabouts are unknown." As soon as his wife left, he kept a diary about her safety and thought of ways to rescue her

All the generals were busy withdrawing their families from Lin'an after the mutiny to avoid worries. Unexpectedly, Yue Pengju's wife had left the capital and returned. Lu Yihao couldn't help saying, "Mrs. Yue is extremely loyal."

Han Zhongliang said, "in this case, didn't the two murderers take Yue Wu's old and young as hostages?"

Yue Peng only said, "Madam took the child back to inquire about information. I don't know when I can come out."

Lu Yihao was also very anxious: "it's a pity that we are isolated from outside. We need to send someone into the palace to inquire, but there is no suitable person."

Yue Pengju pointed to the people around him and said, "this is Ma Su, a scholar on the road. When in danger, he is willing to serve the country."

Lu Yihao saw Ma Su following Yue Pengju at the beginning. Because of the emergency, he didn't have time to introduce him. But he saw that Ma Su was gentle and very Confucian. At first, he had a good impression

Masu hid his name, so people naturally didn't know him, and he played tricks on Jin Wushu with King Qin in the kingdom of Jin. He has always been disguised and his identity is very secret

Ma Su saluted neither humbly nor haughtily: "I'm a scholar, and I don't rank first in the imperial examination. Now I have a chance to serve. I have old memories in the Miao Fu army, and now I can go to inquire about information and act according to my circumstances."

Lu Yihao said, "I'm afraid it's more or less bad."

Ma Su said with regret, "a great husband is born in the world, and it is time to win fame and honor his wife and children. Even if he kills himself to become benevolent, he also gets the name of history."

Lu Yihao was worried that no one could use it. Seeing this, he immediately said, "in this case, you can set out today. I will promote you to be a loan and compensation worker. When it is done, there will be another reward." He immediately ordered the petty officials to take an empty official report, and wrote Ma Su's name on the spot to commend him for coming forward

Ma Su took the document, saluted the crowd, glanced at Yue Pengju, nodded, and set off immediately

But it's nearly evening when Huarong comes home

She closed the door early. Naturally, the servant didn't know the importance of the mutiny. She had already gone to rest as instructed. She ate a bowl of rice at random and returned to her bedroom, feeling more desolate Before yesterday, I was separated from Peng Ju. Today, I gave up my son and was alone

She was worried about her son. Although she was very confident, she was also afraid that in case Miao Liu was crazy, what would happen to her son's safety? So toss and turn, it is impossible to sleep

After a while, suddenly there was a knock on the door and a light buckle three times

She was surprised. This was the signal of King Qin

She was lying down with her clothes on, and immediately turned over to get up and open the door. In the cold night, King Qin was carrying his 36 pound knife. He flashed in like a civet cat, and then covered her mouth like a child, and carried it and ran away

Hua Rong was covered by him, and only a few ups and downs. King Qin still climbed over the wall, jumped on her already good horse, and ran away with a whip

In the middle of the night, there was no one around. The wind was blowing in her ear. Her head leaned against his hard chest and wanted to turn around, but she was pressed by his big hand and hit it faintly for a while. Hua Rong hurriedly asked, "Qin Shangcheng, what are you doing?"

He still didn't answer, just holding her and running like a fly, until he ran out of a dozen miles. As soon as he stopped his horse, she immediately turned around and asked anxiously, "qinshangcheng, what are you doing..."

King Qin bowed his head. She couldn't see clearly in the dark. She raised her face and asked. It happened that he suddenly bowed his head. His chin almost hit her lips. She was in pain and was about to speak. He also wanted to look up. In this way, their lips almost touched Although in the dark, Hua Rong was startled and almost fell off his horse on one side

King Qin put his hand around her waist and said in a stuffy voice, "girl, sit still and don't move."

She didn't care about the accident, but said, "send me back quickly. I'm going to leave the city tomorrow morning. If Miao and Liu find me absconding, it will spoil the big deal..."

He hugged her tightly and felt uneasy. Seeing her struggling badly, he simply hugged her, regardless of her struggle, and then hurried the horse until he ran to a house in front of him

This is a very quiet house, surrounded even by unguarded servants, hidden in the depths of the desolate forest, lonely and desolate Because of the cold weather, it is even colder near the end of the new year

King Qin turned over and dismounted, hugged her, didn't go through the main door, or climbed over the wall to enter

As soon as she landed, Hua Rong broke away from his arms and was slightly angry: "qinshangcheng, I want to go back."

King Qin ignored her anger at all, pulled her into the room, closed the door, lit the light, pressed her to sit on the chair, and said, "girl, you can't go back."


"I've had nightmares for several days. I'm afraid of your accident. I won't let you go back."

He came and kidnapped himself and left just because he had nightmares? Hua Rong was inconceivable. Although slightly angry, he was also a little moved and said, "I have entered the palace to meet the Empress Dowager. I will leave in a fair manner tomorrow morning. Don't worry, there will be no danger."

King Qin still shook his head: "I always think things will not be so simple. If Miao Fu and Liu Zhengyan are such fools, how can they easily succeed in the mutiny?"

This is also the strange thing about Hua Rong. Today, she is acting with Zhai ruwen in the court, but she feels that the response of Miao and Liu is very mediocre, and they can't come up with any decent ideas. However, after listening to some situations of the empress dowager, she feels that some of their arrangements are very clever, and they don't seem to come from their hands at all

She thought for a moment and said to herself, "is it possible that there are other forces behind these two people? But who can it be?"

"I don't know. However, you're going out of town tomorrow, and you can't do anything today. Stay here tonight, and I'll escort you out of town tomorrow."

"No, if they're watching me, I'll be found out if I'm not here all night."

"If they were to kill you, wouldn't it be dangerous for you to stay?"

Hua Rong's heart moved, thinking of what was written in her collar For fear that in case of an accident, this thing will fall into the hands of Miao Liu. Not only will Zhao Deji and Empress Dowager Tian Wei die, but also there will be chaos in the world The more she thought, the more worried she was. How could she be safe?

When the candle light was bright, King Qin stood beside her and found that she was wearing a life woman's crown dress, with only a layer of big fur outside It turned out that Hua Rong was also careful. She was afraid of sudden accidents, so she wore this crown dress and lay down in it. In case of any accident, she could immediately get up and deal with it and protect the crown dress

Under the candlelight, King Qin saw that she had recovered these days and wore such a luxurious and elegant dress, which was even more elegant and dignified He looked at it for a few times, and his heart surged. The girl who was so green at the beginning is now a fully mature and charming woman. At the best time of life, she is blooming with the most beautiful and prosperous demeanor of a woman

He coughed and forced himself to calm down: "girl, why are you dressed like this?"

Hua Rong hesitated. Originally, she was unwilling to hide anything from him, but Guanfu was very important, which related to the list of the next emperor in case Zhao Deji was killed Between Abolishment and establishment, there will be great disasters. People who know not only have no benefits, but also will incur disasters

This is also the reason why she promised not to tell even Yue Pengju in front of the Empress Dowager When she told her husband, she ambushed him in advance and killed him. Even she didn't want to know who this person was

King Qin saw that she hesitated to speak, but her face was very gentle, not like deliberately concealing herself Under the candle light, I saw her eyebrows lifted slightly, so soft and light as smoke, like the first willow leaf just sprouting in spring Since her injury, he has never paid attention to her face for more than a year. Now, he suddenly recovers Memories of pale lips, deep sockets, bony withered, I do not know when all disappeared Or maybe it's the long-term nourishment of Ganoderma lucidum tiger bones. Her beauty is more beautiful than before she was injured

As soon as his voice dried up, he said, "girl..."

She suddenly took off her big fur, revealing her crown dress

King Qin was stunned, and she began to take off her crown dress again

What is this, girl?

He stared at the white and soft hand stretched out, and the act of undressing was dignified and gentle. There was nothing indecent at all, but it was more prudent

Soon, the crown clothes embroidered by qingluozhai were placed on the table. The embroidery work was exquisite, the materials were excellent, and the gold and silver silk thread was decorated, which was very luxurious King Qin's throat tightened when he saw her take off her clothes

At this time, he suddenly remembered those days ten years ago, the days when he forced her, her astringency, her pitiful tears or disgusting resistance Occasionally, she would obey. When she didn't resist, her voice was like the sound of nature, for twoorthree times. Therefore, she became a peak in her heart and never forgot it, a dream for ten years

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