One Night Bride

Chapter 250

At this time, she was not aware of King Qin's strange eyes. She picked up the crown dress, folded it, wrapped it with a piece of cloth, and said in a deep voice, "Qin Shangcheng, do something for me?"

He asked casually, "what?"

She handed the package to King Qin, very seriously, "in case of accident, please keep this dress for me."

He subconsciously took it in his hand and suddenly asked a very strange sentence: "girl, are you cold?"

Because when his hand touched her hand, it felt very cold for a moment Suddenly I want to hold her, hold her hand tightly and put it on my chest, so that it will soon warm up

Hua Rong also felt a little cold, so she took the wide robe outside and put it on her body, nodded, "it's a little cold."

Such a robe covered such a beautiful figure. King Qin was thirsty and incoherent. He only asked, "what clothes are so precious?"

"There is a secret order from the Empress Dowager in the collar. Take it out of the city for me and give it to Yue Pengju." She smiled and explained, "I don't know what the secret order is, and I don't want to know, so I can't tell you."


"It's no good for us to know. I don't want to know at all. It's best for Qin Wang Chenggong to burn it immediately. I'm afraid that if Miao and Liu are searched tomorrow, the consequences will be unimaginable. If I lose my clothes, it's easier for me to get out..."

She explained patiently, with a smile on her face, her red lips opening and closing, like the petals of a rose silently stretching, soft and sweet

Uncle Yang, the old pirate, scolded him many times, saying that he fell into a magic barrier. He once secretly asked him that if he died and no one looked after the island affairs for him, wouldn't he be destroyed in the hands of that woman?

Ma Su and Liu Wu don't understand why he has to stay here, because the wives of other men are wasting their lives endlessly

He himself did not understand why he had to stay here, knowing that it was despair and that she was already a wife

I don't understand, and I don't want to understand

Now I realize that I am afraid to return to the island, afraid to return to night suffering, and the desire to torture men like torture

I can bear without knowing the taste How can you restrain yourself when you know that you are ecstatic?

So, subconsciously stay here, even if you look at her from a distance

However, after hoping for plum blossom to quench thirst, there is greater hunger and thirst. For example, when people walk in the desert for a long time, they can only imagine a mirage until they die of thirst Like a desperate beast, it wanders quietly in the forest, seeking just in case of vitality and lucky prey

When she is seriously injured and dying, this desire can be forcibly suppressed

However, she is well, so smiling and smiling, standing in front of her, slim and graceful, like a ripe peach, waiting for her to pick it and taste it well

When she is green, it is her own, and when she blooms, it should be her own

be unable to hide one 's greed!

All the desires of a man can only explode in her at this moment Especially the ecstasy of the wedding night, the joy she got, revived, like a beast, instantly woke up

I saw her mouth close, I saw her chest slightly shrug, I saw the waist that was not full of a grip... His blood red eyes almost penetrated her night clothes, and he searched for the body in the memory that had brought him such deep joy She was her first man and had the happiest enjoyment in her

It was the first time to understand the supreme realm of the unity of soul and flesh

He swallowed and grunted

Hua Rong found his strange eyes. He was surprised and suddenly stepped back

At this time, King Qin's eyes sparkled with a fierce flame, his breath was short, and he suddenly stepped forward

She immediately stepped back, almost against the wall She has been a mature woman and has been married for two years. She is in harmony with her husband and has enjoyed the love of fish and water. Seeing King Qin's eyes, how can she know what he wants?

What's more, he is his first man!

The unforgettable pain and the pain of being torn have gone deep into the bone marrow

It's just that she didn't notice it before Since he was seriously injured, King Qin has been busy running to rescue every day, and has never made her dissatisfied with anything. Some are just caring and obedient Over time, she almost forgot that King Qin was a dangerous man

The most dangerous person

I don't know when I forgot to be on guard, and I once thought I didn't need to be on guard Now, I found myself badly wrong She subconsciously tightened her robe, wishing it was a solid wall and fortress


She was surprised and stammered, "qinshangcheng..."

King Qin is one step closer

At this time, her body was already against the wall, and there was no way back


She suddenly remembered the terrible night on the island, with such tearing pain

It's not pain, but the recovery of nightmares in the soul

Her voice was anxious: "qinshangcheng, things are urgent, I must leave immediately, otherwise, Miao and Liu will not let me go, and my son is also in the palace, and I can't have any mistakes, otherwise it will endanger my son..."

She said hurriedly, and she didn't know what she was talking about

"I will protect you and your son..."

"Thank you very much, I'll go first."

She leaned to leave, but his big hand stretched out against the wall and surrounded her

"Girl, don't go. It's dangerous to go back. It's here tonight..."

She was flustered, extremely frightened, and even wanted to escape

His two hands were wrapped around the wall and completely caged her, but he didn't touch her limbs. He just tightly trapped her in his gentle surrounding circle. His voice was thick, and his desire slid between roars. He bowed his head, and his eyes were facing her eyes: "girl, girl..."

Because the distance was too close, he even felt the long eyelashes on his eyes, itchy, crisp, so comfortable Even in an instant, he saw his reflection in such bright eyes

What a wonderful feeling!

She hurriedly avoided her eyes and reached out to push him: "I'm leaving..."


She was so frightened that she almost jumped up, but she couldn't move at all

She breathed hard, dizzy, the whole person, gradually losing her breath

He lowered his head again, eyes to her eyes, so focused on looking at her, for a while did not speak, still immersed in her long eyelashes like a small brush and such soft friction and itchy feeling

For a moment, he closed his eyes and quietly realized that, as if he were a small fan, his soft and breezy eyelashes were the most emotional and moving poison in the world

Even, there is her clear heartbeat, one by one, in line with the beat of her own heartbeat

This joyful cognition made him almost forget his urgent desire. How intoxicating it would be if he could follow her heart beating or lose it all his life?

Love, is this love?

Why should I love this woman so much?

Is the heartbeat of loving her?

He suddenly laughed, laughed happily, opened his eyes again, and saw his reflection again from her misty eyes

His eyes showed the profound tenderness that he had never imagined in his life, and he opened his mouth low: "girl, girl..." he kept shouting and calling like this, as if she belonged to herself, her heart and her people

The warm voice from eardrum to soul was beyond reproach

Fear, deeper and deeper fear

Hua Rong couldn't move his eyes, so he could only move his eyes and didn't look at him She twisted her body desperately, but her petite body was still as strong as ten years ago in front of his steel

Still so

As long as he doesn't let go, he can plunder everything from her at any time

She can't resist at all

The fear in my heart deepened little by little. Before, I was alone. After being insulted, I could endure humiliation and live again with the idea of shame However, now that he is a wife and mother, how can he withstand another devastation?

However, he is a pirate Never mind these ethics, regardless

As long as he likes, he won't consider anything

Other people's wives, other people's mothers!

Those were never within the scope of his consideration

As long as he wants, he will

His eyes became more gentle, and his actions became more gentle. One hand firmly surrounded her, and the other hand gently touched her face. The hot breath blew on her face, entered her mouth, plundered the tense breath, and his voice was a little trance: "girl, I think this moment, I've been thinking about it for ten years..."


It may have been more than ten years

The silent loss of time

But it always cuts off

He thought many times about cutting off, and even about killing her to destroy everything However, the oath has been made, and the heavy hand has been laid on her. After life and death, why is human desire like a tiger that can't be suppressed?

Even stronger

Be sure to get it. If you suppress it again, you will explode like a fireball in this night

"Girl, I like you... Always... I don't know why..."

She didn't know why, but she would rather he didn't like it

His lips were almost close to hers, but she turned her head away His eyes darkened, but he did not dilute this strong desire at all, and he still stood firmly against her

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