One Night Bride

Chapter 254

"Lao Tzu has a plan. If Qin Hui rises again, he will post his scandal in the folk and tell the world about the scandal of the dog couple. In this way, the people doubt and rumors abound, and he will always feel better..."

Hua Rong wanted to say hello, but she held back Yue Pengju laughed and nodded

King Qin stole an eye to see Hua Rong's pale expression, thinking that you ignored Lao Tzu, and Lao Tzu was not looking for you, but only discussed with Yue Pengju, the little rabbit

At this time, the food was ready, and Yue Pengju immediately said enthusiastically, "King Qin, eat first, it's not early, and you'll have a rest here tonight..."

"Well, I'm hungry."

Yue Peng looked at his wife. He thought she would immediately order to prepare a room for King Qin. It would be as gentle and obedient as before, but he saw her expressionless face and cold eyes, and only said faintly, "King Qin, you go."

King Qin had made up his mind last night that he would leave as long as he kept her safe this time. The news of Qin Hui came from his search. He gave them two to be on guard However, after all, there was a faint desire and expectation in my heart, especially when I saw her occasional smile when I entered the door. Although I was not facing myself, I was also secretly happy. I had a slight hope in my heart. I just thought that as long as she was like this, as long as she didn't turn her face again, even if I would die for her again, or even escort Zhao Deji, a despised person, because of her

But hearing that Yue Peng kept himself for dinner, he greedily wanted to experience it again. Even for the last time, she gave him the warmth and consideration of serving dinner - vaguely, it made him feel that it was his wife, like the extravagant hope of a family But it is not the warmth and kindness in memory, but such coldness

His heart was cold, he coughed, and turned his eyes to look at him

Yue Peng saw his wife like this, slightly embarrassed and stunned. Then he remembered that when King Qin came, Hua Rong didn't greet him as usual. He tried to say, "let's go to dinner first..."

Hua Rong was still indifferent, glancing at King Qin: "only two people's meals were prepared, and there was no extra."

Yue Pengju was even more surprised. The food outside was rich, and another king Qin was enough. When did his wife become so stingy and open her eyes to lie? He couldn't help but secretly pull his wife's hand: "Seventeen elder sister..."

Hua Rong ignored him and shook off his hand. He didn't look at him, let alone King Qin. His voice was cold: "I don't want to eat with outsiders. I want to eat by yourself."

King Qin only felt a chill from head to toe, cold to the bottom of his heart, and then he realized that, girl, she was completely going to break up with herself King Qin couldn't stay any longer. His chest fluctuated sharply and he said angrily, "Hua Rong, you don't need to do this. I don't care about your meal..."

She sneered and didn't speak again

King Qin turned and left

Yue Pengju was embarrassed to ask him to stay until he walked out of the door. His eyes turned to his wife and said in a deep voice, "what's the matter with you?"


"King Qin is also kind. How helpful he is to us. This time, the news came. Why can't we eat a meal?"

She replied firmly, "I don't need his kindness, and I don't want to see him again. Why should I ask him to eat?"

Yue Pengju had never seen his wife so arrogant. Stunned, he slowly said, "King Qin has something bad, but these days, he has worked hard..."

Hua Rong suddenly became angry, and the grievances suppressed in the bottom of her heart poured out together, Say loudly: "What's his hard work? He deserves it. He beat me infertile, not like a woman. I walk around in front of me every day, and I hate him when I see him. Can't I hate him? It's your business for General Yue to be tolerant, and it's my business for me to hate him. Yes, I'm so narrow-minded that I don't want to work with him, don't want to see him, and don't want any news from him. He wants to eat for Zhao Deji, not for me. He asks Zhao Deji to invite him to dinner …”

Fortunately, Yue Pengju had already held everyone back, the door was closed, and even though she was angry, her voice was subtle, but the more she said it, the more she was disgraced. Yue Pengju and his wife had always loved each other, but they couldn't tolerate her being so indiscriminate, and they were slightly angry. They whispered, "now the situation is tense, King Qin is a pirate, and you can take the overall situation into account, you..."

"Yes, I'm not as good as a pirate. I don't want to take care of everything. You're a man who does great things. You're a high-level man, but I don't want to work with my enemies anymore..."

"King Qin is not an enemy!! even if he has done anything, he will be killed by death!"

"Offset? It's offset for you. It's not for me. You can naturally take a concubine and have children for you. What about me? My whole life is ruined. Don't you want to have your own blood? Can you not take a concubine this year, next year, five years later? What about ten years later? Then I will become a sinner, the sinner who breaks your incense, despised by you, old and helpless..."

Without finishing her words, she turned and rushed into the bedroom, slamming the door. When Yue Peng lifted it to push the door, she found that she had locked the door and could not push it open

This is the first time that they have had a dirty quarrel in more than ten years of acquaintance Yue Peng sat on the chair for a long time in anger. He didn't understand what was going on and what drastic changes had taken place. His wife suddenly became so abnormal?

Wasn't it all right a few days ago? She also fried tea for King Qin. Why did she turn against each other today?

In a hurry, he always believed that he and his wife had the same heart no matter when they were together or apart. Today, he found that he didn't understand what she was thinking at all

Unable to bear, I never disliked her; Concubinage is even more groundless Besides, I already have a lovely son. What does it matter if I can have one? With a long sigh, he suddenly remembered that his son had stayed in the palace as a "hostage". Although he was not born, Hua Rong had great feelings for his son, thinking that he was worried about his safety and was out of sorts

Even so, don't you worry? Sending troops in such a hurry can save Zhao Deji and naturally her son. She doesn't need to vent her anger on King Qin!

The food was put on for a long time, but there was no news. The bodyguard came in and asked carefully, "adults, have a meal..."

He shook his head. He was hungry, but now he had no appetite at all. He just said, "go and heat up the food first. Madam is uncomfortable. I'll wait for her to have a rest and eat together."


When King Qin went out, he may have been at the bottom of last night. He was not surprised by Hua Rong's behavior, nor did he feel more sad, but his heart really died completely

Liu Wu asked him, "Your Majesty, where are we going?"

"Go back."

Uncle Yang has sent messages to him many times to hurry back He thought that if he didn't go back, he was afraid that the minions would rebel

Liu Wu hesitated: "what about masu?"

"Since Ma Su has entered Beijing, he can't get away for a moment. If he wants to stay, he may be able to earn fame and fortune, and his talent and learning will not be wasted. It's more promising than being a pirate. Don't worry about him."


Liu Wu had a brotherly relationship with Ma Su all the way. Thinking of this farewell, he didn't know when to see him again, but listening to the tone of King Qin, he didn't dare to say anything

King Qin looked back at the dark night It's been a dream for ten years

Seeing this, Liu Wu couldn't help but say angrily, "Mrs. Yue is also ruthless. The king narrowly missed her life, but she turned her face and didn't recognize anyone."

King Qin shook his head

"Your Majesty, there are many good women in the world. You go back to the island and immediately get a wife and have children. Why do you want her? Such an unkind woman..."

King Qin lightly interrupted his words: "she is not ruthless!"

Liu Wu was stunned

"I bullied her many times and hurt her again. She just scolded me, which is not ruthless."

Liu Wu disapproved: "she doesn't know good or bad at all."

"What do you know about Lao Tzu?"

Liu Wu refused and dared not say anything

As soon as king Qin waved his whip, he quickly ran forward, and Liu Wu followed him They soon disappeared into the night

After running a distance, the horse was suddenly frightened and raised its hooves. Fortunately, King Qin firmly reined in the reins before he sat down and shouted, "who is it?"

In the dark night, the voice like a ghost loomed and fluttered: "King Qin, please, Lord."

King Qin was shocked and scolded, "shit, I'm finished for you? Do you still want to call me?"

"The Lord does not call you, but invites you."


"It's a good thing. It's only good for you, not bad."

"Even if I go to heaven, I won't go, not to mention your bitter cold ghost place. I'm not hardy and won't go."

"It's better than heaven. It's not to go to Beijing, and the road is not far away. It's not far ahead."

King Qin was surprised that the old monster Yelu Dayong had arrived in the state of song? For a moment, he released poisonous insects under the pillow of He Ci, and for a moment, he came to the state of song. What is his intention?

It was already pitch dark

Yue Peng sat up in the hall and didn't make a stove. It was cold He has never had an argument with his wife, and now for the first time, he doesn't know what to do Although he was annoyed by her arrogance, it was not her nature at first. He felt strange and didn't know how to coax her I don't know how long I sat and felt numb in my legs and feet, so I slowly stood up He remembered that there was no stove in his wife's room. She was always afraid of the cold, so she got up and pushed the door again With this push, the door opened, and I don't know when she took off the bolt

With a sigh of relief, he ran to the bedside, lit the light, and saw his wife lying on her side, covering her head with a quilt, with her back to herself Without calling her, he took the stove and lit it first. After a while, there was some heat in the room He then sat down beside the bed, gently opened the quilt, exposed her head, and said softly, "sister seventeen, I'm so hungry..."

She still kept silent

He stretched out his hand and put it under her armpit. She couldn't help but hate to open his hand: "if you're hungry, go to dinner and harass me for what..."

At last he spoke

He laughed, simply hugged her and said softly in her ear, "how can I eat without you?"

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