One Night Bride

Chapter 255

Hua Rong just sat up. Yue Peng raised but saw that her eyes were red and swollen. It was obvious that she had been crying just now. With a sigh, she rubbed her eyes and slowly said, "you can't do this in the future."

She gave a muffled snort Then he got up and went out to eat with his husband

This meal, they did not say anything, just eat hard Yue Peng held up many dishes for her and piled the bowl like a hill She glared, "eat it yourself, leave me alone."

He laughed again, "I don't care about you, who cares?"


Because I was running around and crying again, I felt even more hungry when I ate this one. I unconsciously ate two bowls of rice and still didn't feel enough Yue Peng Ju was secretly happy to see his wife like this, and offered her a meal. He just thought that she would be like this all the time

After eating, Hua Rong still didn't talk and ran back to bed Yue Peng followed her and lay beside her, hugging her soft and warm body. Then he said softly, "sister seventeen, are you unhappy today?"

She said stiffly, "No."

His lips were close to her ears, and his voice was more gentle: "we are husband and wife, and I won't hide anything from you. If you have anything, you must tell me. If you're stuck in your heart, you feel bad, and I feel bad."

Her head rested on his chest, and her heart was very sour He hurled his temper at Peng for no reason, but he didn't care, only worried about his unhappiness

She said stiffly, "I don't know why. I'm angry when I see King Qin."

"Alas, he's gone. He probably went back to the island and won't be seen again."

"Forget it if you can't see it. Besides, why does he work for others?"

Yue Peng was stunned and naturally understood who the "others" in her mouth were

Hua Rong was also stunned. Only then did she realize that she had deep resentment against Zhao Deji and no longer had the courage to save him at all costs when she was on the island At the beginning, Zhao Deji obstructed their marriage, and she could forgive all kinds of coercion, but he actually used Qin Hui to have an affair with Wang Junhua Repeatedly sent medical officers to test whether he could bear children, which made his injured heart worse In this way, where is there half a breath of the son of heaven? Is it the choice of the ancestors and Haotian God of the Song Dynasty? My husband and wife Qin Wang have no choice but to do so. What about King Qin? What obligation does he have to work for Zhao Deji? Moreover, if King Qin contributes, he owes him another friendship

Why should I owe the friendship of King Qin again because of Zhao Deji?

She didn't understand why she suddenly became angry with King Qin. In addition to his evil intentions, it turned out that it was the same

She suddenly sighed

Yue Peng held her shoulder and said after a long time, "in that case, it's OK for King Qin to leave."

She said low, "Peng Ju, do you think I'm selfish when I'm like this?"

He suddenly laughed and hugged his wife tightly: "selfish? Who is not selfish? Otherwise, I won't leave my duty without permission and rush to rescue my wife in the middle of the night. For me, you are the most important."

Her eyes flushed, she tightly hugged her husband's neck, thinking of the coming danger, and said softly, "Peng Ju, I won't lose my temper in the future."

"It's all right. I haven't seen you get angry yet. Haha, but the way you just got angry really scared me, like a lion roaring in the east of the river..."

"Bah, you are the Hedong lion..."

He suddenly whispered in her ear, "when we take back our son, the family of three will be happy and complete..."

She immediately understood that it was her angry words just now, so she nodded shyly He stretched out his hand and creaked her. The two laughed and made a mess, and there was no quarrel at all because of this quarrel

Besides, once Ma Su arrives in Lin'an, he first finds his old ma rouji Like him, Ma rouji was also a han'er at that time. Later, he joined the army of the Liao state. After the Liao was destroyed, some of them surrendered to the song state. He was one of the frustrated counselors Now in the Miao Fu army, because of several suggestions, he has gradually been appreciated by Miao Fu and become a member of the think tank However, he is still far from a core member

The two made friends in their early years and were happy to see each other Ma Su never mentioned his affairs on King Qin's Island. He only said that he used to wander all over the world and now he is a doorman under Lu Yihao's door Ma Su took out Lu Yihao's handwritten letter. Ma rouji read it and took Ma Su to the capital hall where Miao Liu worked to meet with Miao Liu and Zhai ruwen

Zhai ruwen's situation has become more and more embarrassing these days. Although he works with Miao Liu in the capital hall every day, he actually has no right to make any decisions. All official documents are for the benefit of Miao and Liu. He just needs to draw a pledge, self mocking as "the pivot of the pledge", and he can't face it alone with the Empress Dowager

Ma Su entered the capital hall, sang to the three, and handed LV Yihao's official letter to the three for circulation. The content was nothing more than gently exhorting them and asking Zhao Deji to restore

Ma Su said, "Lord Lu has other notes. He asked me to play the queen mother and the young master."

Miao Fu said, "now that the castration party has been killed, the world is peaceful, and the overall situation has been decided, Lord Lu will not have other complications."

Ma Su said, "the eunuch Party of this dynasty has been rampant for decades. It is indeed a blessing for the country that the two Taiwei have removed great disasters for the country. However, since ancient times, they have been abolished in the imperial court, not in the army. Besides, the Lord is in full bloom in spring and autumn, and he doesn't hear of great mistakes. How can he pass on the throne of the young master?"

Miao Fu got impatient, pressed the sword around his waist, and his eyes showed a fierce light: "now there are the Empress Dowager and the young master in charge. First, we need to make peace with Da Jin, and second, we need to stabilize the overall situation, so that we can see peace and prosperity again. The world will return to our hearts, but Lu Yihao still blocked it. Do you want to eat a sword?"

Without fear, Ma Su met his eyes: "the prisoners sent out troops to annex our great song dynasty. Now the Empress Dowager is old and lives deep in the jiuzhong palace. How can she lead the troops to resist? I naturally know that these words will offend both of you, but at this time, if you don't say it, the prisoners will attack in the future and will also die under the chaos. Both sides are dead. The Tai Wei needs to know that I am a scholar, but I'm not a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death."

Seeing him like this, they had no idea. Liu Zhengyan said, "restoration is also a story. In that case, you might as well set out immediately and call Lord Lu, Han Zhongliang, Zhang Jun, Yue Pengju, etc. to return to the DPRK for consultation."


Ma Su and the others went out of the capital hall He wanted to meet Zhai ruwen in private and ask about the Empress Dowager and Princess Tianwei in the palace, but he couldn't find a chance

Zhai ruwen also wanted to talk to Ma Su alone, but there was no chance at all. He was helpless and finally found an opportunity to meet the Empress Dowager Tian Wei was listening as usual When I heard the name "masu", my heart moved Is this masu the other masu? However, Ma Su is a pirate, and it is supposed to have returned to the island long ago. How could he enter the palace?

The Empress Dowager said happily, "did Lord Lu unite the generals with the king Qin?"


The Empress Dowager put her hand on her forehead: "it's really the blessing of Haotian emperor and ancestors."

Tianwei couldn't help but ask zhairuwen: "who is masu?"

Zhai ruwen saw that she asked, so he described Ma Su's appearance, only saying that he was a disciple of LV Yihao Hearing the description, Tianwei was more certain that it was that "masu", and she couldn't help but rejoice

However, since Ma Su didn't disclose her identity, she didn't ask questions anymore, even to the Empress Dowager

While talking, I saw a little maid in waiting hurriedly running in: "empress dowager, it's bad, Princess wanwan is missing..."

The three people were stunned. The queen mother immediately said, "you don't need to panic. Speak carefully. Where did Wan Wan go?"

After the incident, Wan Wan also accompanied the people in the palace. However, she has not returned since she went out a few days ago. She sent someone to her mansion and said she never returned

The Empress Dowager leaned back in her chair. "Did Miao Liu do it?"

Zhai ruwen was puzzled: "what is the purpose of Miao Liu's arrest of the princess?"

Tian Wei and Wan Wan had a deep love for each other, and they were even more anxious. They moved in their hearts and immediately said, "step up your precautions, and be sure to protect the little emperor and Wenlong child."

The Empress Dowager immediately got up and went to the inner court. She was relieved to see Princess pan Xian playing with her two children

There were several plates of snacks on the table. The little emperor was sitting, and Lu Wenlong walked up and down on the ground The little emperor couldn't sit still. He jumped down and held his hand. "Let's play..."

At this time, seeing the Empress Dowager come in, Princess pan Xian called her son, "see the Empress Dowager and aunt..."

The Empress Dowager picked up the little emperor, but Tianwei picked up Lu Wenlong and listened to him ask crisply, "princess, where's my mother? Why hasn't my mother come back?"

Tianwei was sad: "my baby is good, and my mother will come back soon."

Princess pan Xian panicked and said, "will Lord Yue mobilize troops to fight for the king?"

The Empress Dowager knew that her affairs had no chance to change, which was not enough to entrust major events, nor did she mention the news brought back by Ma Su, let alone the disappearance of Wan Wan, so she had to comfort her and took Tian Wei out

Both of them were in a hurry. Tian Wei said, "you have to send someone to find Wan Wan immediately."

"Lord Zhai has arranged it. I'm afraid it's more or less bad."

"May God bless wan wan to be safe."

Wan Wan was captured on the morning she returned to the sheriff's residence

On the way, he was abducted

She was blindfolded and led to a secret room. When the black veil was removed in front of her, she saw that there were walls made of whole stones and only a small iron door

She shouted, "who caught me?"

No one answered, and she was even more afraid. Her feelings were related to rebellion. In this way, she didn't know life or death

While talking, I heard a cold voice: "don't panic, princess."

She shouted, "who are you? Why are you catching me?"

The woman's voice was dismissive: "you little girl, it's useless at all. You just need to write a note, and I'll let you go."

"What note?"

"Ask Hua Rong to wait for you at Wuliting." She said the date and place, and said angrily, "are you going to deal with sister Hua?"

"Who told her to be unkind and bad for our major events?"

Wan Wan wondered, "who are you?"

"You can't control it. If you want to live, write immediately... Someone..."

She drank, and a similarly masked servant sent paper, ink, brush and inkstone, which was placed in front of Wan Wan: "please write, Princess..."

Wan Wan knocked over the inkstone: "I can't write."

"Little girl, if you don't write, don't write?" She sneered, "somebody, call me!"

As soon as the words fell, two big men came out from both sides and waved their whips around. Where has Wan Wan ever been tortured like this in her life? He fainted when his eyes were dark

When I woke up again, I only felt the deep-seated pain. The demon masked woman still stood beside me, her voice was like the most vicious crow, hoarse and ugly: "princess, you'd better be obedient. This fight is a small thing, otherwise, hehe..."

Before her laughter fell, the two men tore off Wan Wan's clothes left and right. With a "hiss", she screamed with fear and almost fainted again

The masked woman laughed and said, "you haven't played the noble princess yet. If she doesn't obey her orders, you can not only enjoy her body immediately, but also ask your brothers to enjoy it together... Speak quickly, do you write?"

Wan Wan tightly covered the torn clothes on her chest, and her whole heart seemed to fall into the ice cellar, and then fished it out and baked in the fire. She trembled and incoherent: "write, I write..."

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