One Night Bride

Chapter 257

Feng Yi was so anxious that he was sweating. Miao and Liu fought under the banner of "killing the castration party". When they went back this time, they died automatically But when he saw Lu Yihao's hand pressing the sword, he knew that it was also death to refuse. It was better to put all your eggs in one basket and go back to have a look. If you can make contributions, you will be rich and valuable for life

Disguised as a Confucian scholar, Feng Yi met his cousin Wu Zhan at the gate of the city

Wu Zhan secretly flirted with Miao Liu Mei. On the day of the rebellion, it was he who opened the gate that made Miao Liu Bing successful Feng Yi saw him, forced himself to be calm, and called him affectionately, "Wu Erqi, my family is here to give you a great wealth this time."

"What wealth?"

"Lu Shuxiang summoned four generals and gathered 100000 troops. Miao and Liu will not be able to resist the attack in the near future. You opened the gate to meet the enemy that day. It was not a sin for those who did not know it. Why not take the blame and make contributions today?"

Hearing this, Wu Zhan was very moved, and hesitated, "I'm afraid of the restoration and killing of the officials."

Feng Yi smiled low, "in front of the official family, I will protect your wealth."

Feng Yi was one of the emperor's most trusted eunuchs. Wu Zhan saw that he patted his chest and vowed, and he didn't dare to make it clear. Hearing that his distant relatives were like this, he weighed it and agreed

Feng Yi quietly disguised himself into the palace

When he met the palace maids and eunuchs all the way, he greeted them, never revealing his identity, and then quietly went to meet the queen mother He took out Lu Yihao's autograph, knelt down and said, "several generals will soon launch troops to fight the king."

Tian Wei and the Empress Dowager looked at each other and said happily, "great song Zhongxing is expected."

However, the two soon became worried. Once the troops were launched, Miao and Liu would attack and kill the little emperor and the royal family. What could they do? Tian Wei said, "I've been searching the imperial city these days and found a reliable place to go. The Empress Dowager's aunt, the little emperor and Wen longer can hide first at night."

"And you?"

"I'll go to see brother nine first and inform him."

After dealing with Miao and Liu, they agreed that Tianwei went to see Zhao Deji every three days

Zhao Deji lived in Xianzhong temple with some palace ladies and concubines He has been under house arrest for only ten or twenty days, but he is as old as ten years old. His face is haggard, he can't eat or sleep well, he has many blood bubbles on his mouth, and there are a few threads of white hair on his head The feeling of being abandoned is more frustrating and terrifying than running away at sea

After he got impotence after fleeing across the river, he took many aphrodisiac drugs under the guidance of Wang Jixian, and became more and more enthusiastic about sex. However, in the past ten or twenty days here, he was no longer interested in female sex Although Zhang Yingying, Wu jinnu and others served, he was not interested in making love with them. Like an old monk, he got up early and went to bed late, burned incense, worshipped the Buddha, and prayed for the blessing of Bodhisattva

Tian Wei came in and called nine elder brothers, but saw that his eyes were distracted, and the blood bubbles in his mouth were too big to open his mouth. For this only brother, he suddenly felt more intense pity and sympathy, squatted down beside him, and took his hand: "nine elder brothers, LV Shuxiang's defiance call was released, and soon he will raise troops..."

Zhao Deji immediately came to the spirit. His eyes lit up and he said, "really?"

"Really. Yue Xuanfu and his wife are the pioneers of King Qin. Mrs. Yue also went to the palace to discuss major issues with the Empress Dowager. Her husband and wife will not bear the heavy trust of brother Jiu..."

He murmured, "I knew that ronger would be like this! Ronger, after all, never lost me!"

Tianwei said, "now Wen longer and the little emperor are in the harem. I've made some arrangements for fear of the rebel."

"It's so good. Tianwei, it's hard for you." He sighed, "when rong'er left her son in the palace, I knew she was loyal. We must protect the safety of the child."

"Brother nine, don't worry. As long as I'm here, the children will be safe."

Tianwei leaves and sees Wu jinnu and Zhang Yingying waiting at the door. After moving to Xianzhong temple, they try their best to treat eunuchs and bodyguards well and win their loyalty to the emperor

Zhang Yingying lowered her voice, "I'm worried about the two thieves."

Although Tian Wei didn't like the two people's palace fight, she knew that they really meant their hearts to the ninth brother and worked hard to protect him. At this time, they were in the same boat and had different tastes. She said, "the two women have worked hard, so we must be careful these days."

"I have no strength to bind chickens, so I have to burn incense and worship Buddha, and ask Haotian emperor and ancestors to bless me."

Wuli Pavilion

On this day, the wind and snow are blowing hard, and it has entered the coldest day of the year

Hua Rong came here in the evening as agreed in the letter

Snowflakes are flying around, and people can't open their eyes

Far away, a slim figure came, vaguely it was Wan Wan

Hua Rong, dressed in extremely thick robes, came up. As soon as she saw Wan Wan's face, a big net came over her head. Hua Rong shouted, "it's really you..."

Seven or eight people in black suddenly saw that the "flower dissolving" sound was actually a man. Under the thick robe, a short gun shot out, followed by a loud "bang", two consecutive thunderbolt bombs exploded, and a crowd of knives, guns, swords and halberds retreated in panic. The people in the net had broken the net and shot out, and then a clear voice: "catch..."

When a long gun was thrown, Yue Peng caught it with his backhand and swept it On the back of the horse, Hua Rong held a bow and arrow in her hand and aimed at firing two arrows in a row. They fell down in response. She stepped forward, swept a man's face, and shouted, "who on earth are you instructed by? Where is Princess Wan Wan?"

The man in black whistled, and immediately, a dozen men in Black shot out, and one man shouted, "kill these two people."

Seeing the situation, Yue Pengju jumped forward a few steps, back-to-back with his wife, and shouted, "what do rats want?"

The leader sneered, "if you still want the life of the princess, you will die obediently."

Wan Wan really fell into the hands of these people

The couple didn't need to tell each other. They fought desperately. At this time, another thunderbolt bomb was issued. Everyone had never seen such a powerful firearm. It was very shocking. More and more bodies fell down. Yue Pengju took advantage of the chaos, picked up sevenoreight people with long guns, and the remaining few people were defeated. The person who was the head whistled again, and the rest of them retreated quickly

The two men stopped and looked at the bodies in all directions Hua Rong was about to uncover the masked man's face towel, but Yue Pengju said, "be careful, it's poisonous..."

She withdrew her hand. Sure enough, after a while, those bodies began to decay into water, exactly the same as the scene she saw last time Both of them were surprised. Who is so powerful that he can raise so many dead men?

Yue Peng took a step forward and held her hand tightly. She was relieved and suddenly thought of how terrible it would be if she came alone

"Thanks to the thunderbolt bombs King Qin brought me last time, otherwise, I won't be able to get away from the net. It's a pity that I can't find clues."

Hua Rong just kept silent, not thanking King King Qin, but didn't know what to say, and worried about Wan Wan: "Peng Ju, they didn't expect you to come with me. However, you should go back, and the troops are about to start, otherwise it will delay major events, but you can't afford to bear it."

"OK, I'll ask them to protect you and act carefully."

She took her husband's very rough hand and let it go for a long time: "don't worry, Feng Yi is here. It's okay. I'll inquire about Wan Wan's news first, and I'll see my son soon. I can't rest assured until I'm with him."

"Be careful when you go back. Don't try to be strong. Safety is the most important thing in everything. I've sent someone to follow up on the way. You can't act rashly."


At this time, the two had made a distance. Yue Peng blew a whistle, and several bodyguards were ordered to come out. The people disguised again, and then changed direction, got rid of the tracking, and went to Lin'an City

He rode out a distance and turned back. At this time, his wife's figure had been submerged by the wind and snow When he arrived at a safe place and had enough people to protect him, he was very uneasy, and even had a fear of life and death However, he couldn't catch up any more, so he had to fight back, hoping to lead the army back to the capital immediately

Along the way, Hua Rong was very nervous. If Wan Wan fell into these people's hands, what would she do? Peng Ju was ordered to start the army, and he would never dare to delay it. Otherwise, the pioneer would lose, not to mention Wan Wan, and Zhao Deji would not be able to hold it But how can wanwan bear to sacrifice? How can you save yourself without sacrifice? She was so confused that she could no longer worry about danger and immediately went to the palace

On this day, Zhai ruwen just arrived at the capital hall to work, and saw Miao Fu rushing in with a list in his hand in a bad mood: "Zhai Shuxiang, please see, their families were originally for the sake of peace in the world, but they were accused by LV Yihao as rebels and wanted to mobilize troops to fight..."

What he was holding in his hand was Lu Yihao's personal denunciation, which was brought back by Ju Zhong Liu Zhengyan also said, "hundreds of such notices have been posted in the city today. It seems that there must be spies."

Zhai ruwen looked at it with joy in his heart, but said, "what are the two Taiwei going to do?"

Miao Fu angrily said, "it's all Lu Yihao who plays tricks on right and wrong. He must be dismissed first."

Liu Zhengyan said, "you might as well play the Empress Dowager and immediately dismiss LV Yihao."

Zhai ruwen was inconvenient to express his opinions at this time. He just heard Miao Liu immediately inform his confidant to send troops to the northeast town of Lin'an to cut off the march route of Yue Pengju and others

Miao Fu said, "now there are spies in the city, it's better to transfer troops and horses to replace the bodyguards of Xianzhong temple."

Zhai ruwen could no longer keep silent and said, "no, you two are so. Disturbing Shengjia gave Lu Yihao and others an excuse."

For a moment, they couldn't think of any clever ideas, so they immediately withdrew from the court

Zhai ruwen knew that when they went back at this time, they must be talking to a think tank. He was hesitating and saw Ma Su coming in from the side door of the capital hall

Zhai ruwen was very happy to see him. He told the situation. Ma Su said, "I have a plan. I'll take this opportunity to lobby Miao Liu."

"Isn't it dangerous to lobby at home?"

Ma Su said with regret, "since I promised Mr. Lu to enter the city, I have put life and death aside."

Zhai ruwen saw that he looked awe inspiring and liked him very much. He was about to say a few words of comfort, but he saw that the curtain was lifted inside, and Princess Tianwei came out Zhai ruwen didn't hang the curtain when he played the right song to the Empress Dowager alone. He was not surprised to see Tianwei come out, but Ma Su was too surprised to speak for a moment

Tianwei finally found a chance to see Ma su. Her heart wavered and she couldn't speak. She just stared at him for several times. Ma Su looked very calm and saluted according to the etiquette Tian Wei came back to her senses and wondered how Ma Su had changed from a pirate to a court official? How did he become a disciple of LV Yihao? Why did he risk coming here? His heart suddenly looked forward to and was uneasy. Was it because of himself?

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