One Night Bride

Chapter 258

However, this thread of hidden sweet reverie was soon suppressed by the cruel reality of fear, and all the doubts were suppressed. Then he calmly said, "Lord Ma, don't be polite."

Seeing that she was obviously haggard these days, Ma Su thought it was caused by restlessness day and night, and bowed: "princess, please rest assured, I will go through fire and water to protect the queen mother and your health."

The two didn't show anything different, and Zhai ruwen didn't see the subtle situation of the two. Seeing Ma Su's hurried departure, he immediately tipped off and informed the Empress Dowager of Miao Liu's whereabouts

He had understood that Miao and Liu had no wise countermeasures. Now what he had to consider was how to protect himself, the empress dowager, the princess and the Zhao family in the palace

The three exchanged glances, and Tian Wei said, "these days, my family has almost searched the streets and alleys of the Imperial City, but there is no real safe hiding place."

"The minister will disperse the family members. When the time comes, the queen mother and the princess will be ready."

Everyone knew it was preparation for escape, and they couldn't help sweating

As soon as Miao and Liu left the palace gate, they muttered. They were terrified by Yue Pengju and other soldiers, and there was no wise countermeasure. Under tension, Miao Fu first said, "I'd better ask the Lord?"

Liu Zhengyan said, "it's the only way."

Immediately, the two discussed together, and Miao Fu still went to the Lord

As usual, he came to the secret room, but after waiting for a long time, there was still no news of any messenger He was surprised, but he heard an emissary say, "Lord Miao, the Lord has something to do today, you don't need to delay."

"I have something urgent."

"If you tell me, I'll convey it."

Miao Fu was anxious. At such a critical moment, if he didn't get instructions, he couldn't operate at all

At the other end, in the resplendent hall, the geisha was still playing, and the dancer's soft posture was still swinging the flowing cloud sleeves and dancing However, the person enjoying it in the middle disappeared, but in a completely closed secret room

The bodyguard took out a volume of urgent documents. The Nvzhen article on it was very scrawled. I think the person who wrote it was in a very urgent mood at that time It turned out that the newly appointed wolf Lord Heci had a great change of heart and was extremely enthusiastic about his desire for power. He not only dismissed several meritorious officials in a row, but also killed nine princes or princes of the clan and ten ten ten thousand captains except Zonghan. Countless people were involved Zonghan, in particular, was relieved of his military power and was poisoned to death after guarding the imperial stronghold He Ci even personally sent an imperial edict to the puppet emperor of the Qi Dynasty, ordering him to officially call him "the son emperor", fully submit to the jurisdiction of He Ci and accept his grace These things happened almost within a month. The speed and efficiency of their action are no more than that of teenagers. It is simply the ability of a brilliant monarch to do them

The man sitting at the desk was originally dressed in white, with silk and jade ribbons, and was elegant. At this time, he was so angry that he suddenly stood up: "how dare he stab do this in such a mess? Who ordered him? Besides, Liu Yu is the emperor of my country. Why should he stab now be under his authority without any discussion?"

"The fourth Prince calm down..." here, he has been asking everyone to call himself "childe", but at this time, in a hurry, not only the bodyguard forgot, he also forgot, just waving the parchment, angrily said: "He Ci is so violent at a young age?"

"The little wolf Lord was taught by Han Chen Yu Wenxu and his stepfather. Was it their idea?"

"His stepfather is the third prince. The third prince is as timid as a mouse and has no idea. How can he make such a decision? Soon after Yu wenxuzhong arrived in the kingdom of Jin, although he was respected as a national teacher, his foundation is unstable. How can he make such a plan?"

Almost as quickly as possible, it swept away all major forces and wiped out the great forces without faction His heart was cold. He was only fifteen or sixteen years old. He was so cruel at such a young age. If he was not in the state of song, who could say exactly what would happen? What forces are behind him?

Having said that, Yu wenxuzhong had seen the emperor's skill of educating He Ci with his own eyes. After he ascended the throne, he immediately removed the discussion Kang used by two generations of wolf owners, indicating his emperor's "self-esteem"

If he is allowed to be so "exclusive", who will be the next to operate?

Although half of the killed power ministers were political enemies, it was inevitable that the rabbit died and the fox was sad, especially Zonghan. His style of acting was vicious and sophisticated. How could he be easily poisoned?

What on earth does he CI tell people behind his back?

"Fourth prince, what should we do now?"


The situation here in the state of song is unclear, and Miao and Liu are not big tools, and there are only 30000 troops in their hands. Now, LV Yihao issued a call to denounce rebellion and mobilize troops to fight the king. Miao and Liu are simply not enough to resist

When he looked at the secret letter again, he added that King Xin, the beloved son of Emperor Huizong of Song Dynasty, who was originally imprisoned in the five kingdoms city in the desolate land of Dajin, escaped taking advantage of the civil strife in the kingdom of Jin

King Xin was born to Qiao Guifei, the favorite concubine of song Huizong. Originally, he wanted to make king Xin the crown prince privately. Fortunately, it was difficult for Jingkang to arrive, so he had to let song qinzong, the eldest son, ascend the throne Now King Xin's escape, although it is not a climate and there is no news, is a major hidden danger after all

He thought for a moment: "immediately ordered Miao and Liu to garrison troops in the towns around Lin'an and stop Yue Peng's army."

"What shall we do?"

"Change the plan. No matter whether it is successful or not, it can be pushed to puppet Qi Liu Yu."

"Only afraid that Zhao Deji will encircle and suppress Liu Yu?"

"It's a good thing to completely eliminate Liu Yu."

Anyway, He Ci has put all Liu Yu's regime within his sphere of influence. It would be a great good thing to weaken it The situation in Dajin is so chaotic that if you don't go back at this time, I'm afraid that you don't know what your sphere of influence will look like, and you must not lose money for small things

"Fourth prince, isn't your hard work in vain?"

He smiled mysteriously, "in vain? Haha, you can only catch big fish by taking a long line. A short-term desire for quick success and instant benefit can't become an eternal foundation. This time, it's just right."

In the previous song and Jin wars, there was a clan general in the Zhao family, who was gradually supported. Coupled with the king Xin who escaped and returned, even if Zhao Deji was abolished, Miao and Liu couldn't sit on a solid foundation Fortunately, this move can eradicate the forces you want to eradicate step by step. If the obstacles are completely cleared, why don't you worry about a big deal?

In the secret room, the shrill screams came one after another The whip fell on the snow-white body one by one

Wang Junhua sat on a chair, enjoying the red marks on his snow-white skin This whip is not too heavy, thin, not injurious and disabling, but painful She was already in her thirties, and her skin was no longer as smooth as that of a girl, and began to show signs of drooping and relaxation. In addition, the "childe" refused to "moisten with rain and dew" in any case during this period of time. Half of her thought that she did not meet the childe's requirements, and half of her realized that childe preferred those wonderful ketone bodies at the age of sixteen or seventeen

Although Wan Wan is not one of them, she is the most tortured one to vent her anger This damned little girl dared to expose her shortcomings again and again in front of Zhao Deji and other concubines

In particular, this time, Hua Rong was not fooled

She flogged with her own hands, chuckled, and was very happy: "little bitch, Hua Rong didn't come to save you, she didn't come, let you die without a burial place..."

Wan Wan's teeth were almost broken. She heard Hua Rong reach the appointed place, but she saw through the trick and ran away. Although her body was painful, she felt happy. If Hua Rong was caught, she was afraid that she would suffer more than herself

She looked at the demon like demon sitting in the huge black robe over and over again. She once thought it was Wang Junhua, but her voice was not like walking Moreover, she would never dare to say it. If it were Wang Junhua, she would recognize her for fear of dying faster. She just scolded loudly: "demon woman, where are you from? What hatred do I have with you?"

"Bah? You little bitch, what qualifications do you have to make a grudge with my mother?"

"How did sister Hua offend you, a witch?"

"It's her husband who offended, not her. This bitch will die naturally with Yue Pengju..."

"You are the bitch..."

Wang Junhua became angry and whipped her on the chest. With a gentle scream, Wang Junhua suddenly heard a sharp whistle outside. She quickly put down the whip and went out, and the stone gate overlapped again

At the door, the young master in white with a jade belt scowled: "Wang Junhua, what are you doing?"

Wang Junhua rarely saw his anger, so he knelt down in a hurry: "what's wrong with my family? Please make it clear..."

"You failed to send people to handle affairs again, leaving clues and endless disasters."

Wang Junhua was stunned: "what I ordered were all the dead men raised by Qin Hui, and I will never leave any clues."

He snapped, "then why not succeed?"

"Who wants Yue Pengju to come with her? Yue Pengju sets up troops in Jiang Ping. At present, who knows that he should accompany Hua Rong regardless of the overall situation for his personal interests..."

"I told you not to be too busy, but you have to be too busy. There is no need to catch Hua rongben, but you are selfish and bad my plan."

Wang Junhua listened to his harsh rebuke. He was very unwilling and cried, "my family is also for the sake of the young master. Is Hua Rong such a bitch really that good?"

"How dare you contradict me?"

Seeing his anger burning in his eyes, Wang Junhua kowtowed like garlic: "no, I dare not, I ask for punishment..." the two bodyguards at the door answered and waved their whips to the left and right, and she was heavily hit twice

Only two times, the bodyguard was immediately ordered to stop Small punishments and great commandments are the way to resist others

Wang Junhua crawled over, hugged his thigh and wept bitterly, "I am wholeheartedly thinking of the childe, but I don't want to be in the childe's heart. Other women are more important than me..."

"If you dare to have another time, you must be severely punished!"

"The slave will never dare to violate any more orders."

He was very upset, but he endured it and said, "Yue Pengju is smarter than others. I did all this to protect you, otherwise, ten flowers will be killed."

Wang Junhua was overjoyed, and suddenly remembered that Hua Rong had been Yue Pengju's wife. It was conceivable that the fourth Prince hated married women since the Yelv Guanyin incident. He thought he was reading Hua Rong, didn't he find a fight himself? Thinking about it like this, he was ecstatic about the two lashes and laughed: "thank you, childe. I must care about doing things in the future."

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