One Night Bride

Chapter 262

The Empress Dowager sighed, "fortunately, with the blessing of Haotian God and ancestors, my great song Zhongxing is expected. This time, the meritorious heroes are not old. The first meritorious heroes in the court should be LV Xianggong and Yue Xuanfu; the first meritorious heroes in the inner court are the princess and Mrs. Yue, and the ninth brother needs to be kind to them in the future..." she looked at Princess pan Xian holding the little prince. Although Princess pan Xian faced difficulties and had no idea at all, she also needed to give her a dignity, just say, "The virtuous concubine has worked hard this time."

Princess pan Xian was very happy and saluted the Empress Dowager with the little prince in her arms

Zhao Deji said, "I respect my aunt's wishes." Then, he asked, "in addition to the great work of King Qin, many officials were summoned to resume their duties this time when Miao Liu committed the murder. The censor responded by saying that Miao Fu had called Qin Hui back to the court several times as prime minister, and Qin Hui had all declined under the pretext of loyalty. The minister believed that this cadre of officials should also be praised..."

Tianwei's heart sank, and the Empress Dowager only said, "I live in the jiuzhong palace, and external affairs will be difficult. I was forced to hang the curtain that day, which was very difficult. Now, naturally, it is at the disposal of brother nine."

"This was originally my nephew's misconduct, which caused my aunt to suffer. After that, my aunt should enjoy her old age, and my nephew must be filial and respectful."

The Empress Dowager nodded before saying, "unfortunately, Wan Wan's whereabouts are unknown."

Zhao Deji was about to ask the reason, only to hear the maid of honor inform him. Outside the door, a woman stumbled in and rushed into the Empress Dowager's arms. It was Wan Wan

The Empress Dowager and Tianwei were overjoyed and immediately held her: "Wan Wan, how did you come back?"

It turned out that Wan Wan woke up and found herself released However, I can't tell where I was caught and who I saw All the clues revealed after hearing the narration suspected that it was the puppet Qi Liu Yu

Zhao Deji said angrily, "I must send someone to exterminate Liu Yu, a thief."

The Empress Dowager nodded, "Liu Yu is ultimately a big problem. Brother nine might as well let go and take Liu Yu in one fell swoop, otherwise, it will be restless. But, Mrs. Yue and Wen Longhai are missing. What can I do?"

Zhao Deji also had no choice: "rong'er fell into the hands of Miao Liu, and the two thieves fled to Fujian, which must be used to coerce Yue Pengju, and it is estimated that she will not be killed for a moment..."

Tianwei was anxious: "what should I do?"

"I have sent several people to search, and Yue Pengju himself rushed there."

Wan Wan wanted to say something, but he wanted to stop talking. Zhao Deji led a group of palace maids out

When the crowd finished walking, it became quiet around The Empress Dowager had already noticed Wan Wan's expression of wanting to speak and then stopped talking. She held her back and closed the door. Then she whispered, "Wan Wan, what's the matter with you?"

Wan Wan, with tears streaming down her face and a frightened look, flopped and knelt in front of the Empress Dowager: "aunt, I suspect that Wang Junhua is the poisonous woman who hurt me... However, in front of brother nine, I dare not say..."

The Empress Dowager and Tian Wei were surprised: "do you have evidence?"

"No. I just intuitively think it's her."

The two looked at each other without any evidence. How can they bring down Wang Junhua only by guessing? Moreover, Qin Hui had already retired from illness

The Empress Dowager slowly said, "you two need to know that brother nine has praised Qin Hui's loyalty now, and the death of Wang Yuan is more beneficial to Qin Hui..." Wang Yuan is the brother of Wang Jixian, a medical officer. The Empress Dowager also knows a little about the relationship between Wang Jixian and Qin Hui After Zhao Deji's impotence, it was all Wang Jixian's medicine that made him have sex. It was impossible to change any medical officer Now when I return to the palace, I will never leave Wang Jixian for a moment With this dual relationship, if there is no evidence to impeach Qin Hui, it will not only be meaningless, but also cause Zhao Deji's antipathy

Wan Wan refused to accept it and said in a trembling voice, "at the beginning, the witch asked me to write to sister Hua to deceive her. However, sister Hua was not deceived..."

The Empress Dowager and Tian Wei looked at each other, which could not prove that it was Wang Junhua Besides, can Wang Junhua be stupid enough to appear in person? If Wang Junhua really let Tianwei go, wouldn't she be afraid to expose it? However, it is obvious that those who hijacked Hua Rong and Wan Wan are a group of people. Tian Wei is anxious and wants to ask for some clues, but wan wan is hooded and stunned back and forth, and can't say any useful clues at all

The Empress Dowager said, "Wan Wan, since you escaped the disaster, go home to have a good rest. You two need to know that in the future, you should eat more and talk less, and your old body is not very old. You two should be more cautious and maintain wealth."

They had to be taught Tian Wei hurriedly said, "what about Mrs. Yue?"

Wan Wan also looked at the Empress Dowager

The three women were at a loss. The Empress Dowager only said, "since brother nine has sent someone and Yue Xuanfu has gone out in person, what else can we do?"

Tianwei suddenly thinks of Ma su. Ma Su is a subordinate of King Qin. So far, she can only talk to Ma su

She whispered a few words in the Empress Dowager's ear, but did not disclose Ma Su's identity, as long as the Empress Dowager tried to call Ma Su to meet The Empress Dowager hung the curtain these days, it was not difficult to see Ma Su, but it was the next day that she saw Ma su

At this time, Ma Su was already dressed up as a scholar. When Zhao Deji granted the reward, he was very fond of LV Yihao's "door guest", and he promoted seven officials. At this time, he was working in the Ministry of rites

When Ma Su came in, he saw the curtain hanging behind him, and there was no one left or right. Only a gentle and beautiful voice came: "master Ma is well."

Masu saluted: "see the princess."

Tian Wei couldn't help being polite and whispered, "Mrs. Yue was arrested. What should I do?"

Ma Su also heard that Hua Rong was captured and was hesitating whether to try to tell King Qin King Qin finally made a "clean break" with Hua Rong. If he gets entangled again, I really don't know what will happen in this life However, according to King Qin's temper, if Hua Rong is difficult, he doesn't inform him, and I don't know how to get angry afterwards

He could only say, "princess, to tell the truth, the lower officer had already set someone to inform the king, but he couldn't get in touch for a moment. Fortunately, Lord Yue has gone in person."

Tianwei was at this point, and there was nothing she could do. In her heart, she didn't fully trust brother nine, and felt that the people he sent would not have any effect

She only replied, "in that case, there is Lord Lao ma."

Ma Su passed through the curtain, but seeing the white jade hands, he was stunned, and then slowly left

It was a rainy and snowy night The ground is very muddy

Hua Rong hugged her son tightly and walked hard under the drive of random knives Although it was dark, she soon found that these people were by no means Miao Liu's rebels

In the dark, one person shouted, "too slow."

Immediately, two bodyguards rushed up, caught her and pulled her on the horse The child was so frightened that he began to cry again Hua Rong hugged her son and patted him on the back, calming down a little This group of people must be holding themselves in order to threaten Yue Pengju. Therefore, for a moment, they won't kill their mother and son

She reined in her horse and asked loudly, "who are you?"

"Stop talking nonsense and go." The prisoner waved a whip, and her shoulder ached Lu Wenlong burst into tears again. "Little rabbit, don't cry..." was another whip, hitting Lu Wenlong Hua Rong leaned over to block his son, and received another heavy whip. He only felt a heat flow coming out of his shoulder. He didn't know whether it was rain or blood. The two phases were mixed, cold, condensed on his shoulder, and the pain stabbed his heart to the bone She clenched her teeth, hugged her son, and resisted the heart wrenching pain, fearing that her son would suffer an accident if she fainted

I don't know how long I walked along this section of the road. The horse flew up. At dawn, Hua Rong could no longer support it. As soon as it was dark, he fainted

When I woke up, it was dark in front of me, cold all over, numb hands and feet, and I didn't know whether it was on the road or in prison. I just subconsciously shouted, "son..." my voice was hoarse, my arms were empty, and my son had disappeared

She struggled to stand up, only to find that she was sitting on the cold slate, reached out and touched it, surrounded by cold walls, empty around, and immediately understood that she was imprisoned

She shouted, "come here..." then she patted the wall hard, but the wall was very thick, and there was silence all around, and it was still dark

I don't know how long I shouted. My voice was almost hoarse, but no one answered She leaned against the wall and slumped down. At this time, hunger surged up again, hungry and cold, and she could hardly support it any longer

Outside the door, a woman stood quietly holding a lantern

The excited Hunter finally caught the prey, ecstatic, but uneasy Her greatest wish is to torment the imprisoned women in the house. This is a long-term wish, which is much stronger than the desire to torment Wan Wan However, since she was whipped twice by the childe, she never dared to act rashly. Besides, she was also afraid of being exposed

The excitement in my heart is getting stronger and stronger. If I kill this woman, wouldn't it be once and for all? For men, women who never forget, as long as they die, are not as valuable as living women Although the childe didn't admit that she was still infatuated, she knew that she was a woman. She knew at the original sheliu festival that the childe's flattering eyes had never appeared on herself or any other women This woman is more hateful than Yelv Guanyin Now locked here, is it just a threat to Yue Pengju? Besides, Yue Pengju will definitely be promoted again due to his great contribution to the king's work. His husband is valued and his wife is prosperous. Isn't it easier for Hua Rong? She angrily, how can this bitch have such a good life?

As long as the flower doesn't die for a day, he will be uneasy for a day The best thing is to kill her yourself

Her hand was on the door, and a dagger had already been hidden in her sleeve

However, the childe asked, how to answer?

The strong excitement suppressed the worry, and the door opened with a push

As soon as the light came in, the flowers on the ground couldn't help but retreat quietly

The figure at the door, dressed in black robes, carrying lanterns and waving a dagger, came quietly After jingkangnan, Wang Junhua came to the kingdom of Jin with captives. After several years of training, he was very capable and had a little strength She saw that the woman on the ground was injured and fell to the ground. She was almost dying. Originally, she thought she could hit with one blow. The dagger went down, but it fell empty. Hua Rong struggled and jumped up to avoid the knife

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