One Night Bride

Chapter 263

In ordinary times, Wang Junhua was naturally not her opponent, but at the moment, she was injured and hungry, weak, numb hands and feet, Wang Junhua stabbed again, but she could not dodge, but stretched out her hand, clamped the dagger, exhausted all her strength, and the dagger fell to the ground with a bang

Wang Junhua was shocked and dared not press forward any more, but retreated to the door step by step

Hua Rong looked at the man in black carefully with the dim light of the lantern. He was wearing a huge bamboo hat on his head, and he was bloated, and he didn't say a word from beginning to end But just a fight, that breath, also immediately understand that it is a woman

But is this the woman who wants to kill herself?

She drank, "who are you?"

The shadow had retreated to the door and gasped heavily

Hua Rong took advantage of this moment and immediately rushed out Wang Junhua suddenly woke up and immediately closed the door

Hua Rong was too hurt after all, and she couldn't hold on any longer. She had to watch her close the door and leave

As soon as I went out, I saw the maid coming with the meal, which was brought to Hua Rong Wang Junhua shouted, "stop!"

The maid stopped, "what do you want from the messenger?"

"But deliver meals for prisoners?"


Wang Junhua saw that there were several delicious dishes in the food box inside. He was so angry that he slapped her in the face: "fool, how can prisoners eat such a diet?"

The maid covered her face and began to cry, sobbing and saying, "the maid just sent it as ordered, which has nothing to do with the maid."

Stomping in a mess, she stopped, sneered and ordered the maid, "pick it up."

The maid dared not refuse, squatted down, grabbed the trampled food from the snow and put it in the box


"Just kick her."

The maid looked embarrassed: "this..."

Wang Junhua twisted his sharp fingers on her face. With a strong force, she immediately screamed in pain and hurriedly said, "slaves, slaves, slaves..."

The door opens again

This time, Hua Rong had been vigilant, leaning against the wall and staring at the people who came in

Just a rough servant girl, with thick eyebrows and eyes, tall and strong, plain looking, not masked, came in and said, "eat."

Hua Rong struggled and saw that she put down her food box and stepped back to hold the door

Hua Rong was very hungry. As soon as he picked up the box, he saw that the food in the bowl was vague and mixed with mud and snow, and he couldn't swallow it at all

Wang Junhua's ghost usually hid at the door. When he saw Hua Rong's angry and disappointed expression, he couldn't help giggling in his heart. Only then did he proudly twist back a few steps

Hua Rong threw the bowl to the ground: "who on earth are you? Where is my son?"

The maid said nothing

She hissed, "where's my son?"

Hua Rong clenched her teeth, snorted and fell to the ground The maid turned and closed the door, only to hear a sound, the key fell, and the prison door closed again

Hua Rong's lips are almost biting and bleeding. I don't know whether I fell into the hands of Miao Liu or others. I can't imagine my fate

Wang Junhua was overjoyed when he heard the scream from the room. Seeing the maid come out, he whispered, "every time I deliver rice..."

She took out a piece of silver, and the maid hurriedly took it: "the maid must act according to your orders."

"Well, go down and don't mention it to anyone."


Wang Junhua walked slowly forward and passed through the courtyard. In the front yard, there was a smell of plum blossom, which was originally full of wintersweet

She folded a plum branch and put it on the end of her nose. Then she walked slowly to the warm Pavilion in front of her

This is a warm Pavilion made of all wooden houses, which is very rich even in the southeast The room is covered with a large carpet, hidden in the embedded fireplace, and is covered with smokeless high-quality coal for princes and nobles. There is no smoke at all, but the room is as warm as spring

The bed placed in the room is absolutely exquisite, which is by no means comparable to the bitter and cold earth Kang in Northeast China. At this time, in the Jun kiln vase in the corner, there is a large bunch of wintersweet, which is fragrant and refreshing On the table are several plates of preserved meat in winter, some fresh vegetables that are only available in southern winter, frozen deer pear juice, and cracked official kiln porcelain lamps filled with fragrant wine

The wide imperial chair is covered with thick white woolen silk. People fall into it, soft and warm With a glass of wine in his hand, he looked happily at the carpet. A child dressed in powder and jade chased colorful glass beads, played with marbles, and climbed excitedly

The child was tired of playing, and the room was warm. After a while, sweat soaked slightly on his forehead. He rolled over and climbed up and ran over, waving his fat arms and legs: "Dad, Dad, mom... Where's mom?"

He hugged his son and took out three rattles and a string of candied haws with a smile: "son, what do you think this is?"

The child's attention was immediately attracted. He took a bite of sugar gourd and his eyes were bright, but he asked, "where's mom? I want mom..."

"Son, what do you think this is?" He took out another exquisite thing made of gold. It was a monster with a cow's head and a unicorn. It would moo when it pressed the mechanism Attracted by the novelty, the child immediately climbed down his father's knee with the gadget and sat on the carpet to play

After all, it was a child who was so tired that he couldn't open his eyes. He only murmured, "where's my mother?" and was carried into the room to sleep by a maid next to him

As soon as the child left, Wang Junhua wriggled in through the door

At this time, she had removed the thick camouflaged black robe on her body and the round iron hoop hidden inside to support her skirt and change her walking posture in order to change her figure She took off her superior White Mink Fur, which she had brought back in the golden kingdom She casually took it off and put it aside. Inside it was a narrow waist skirt in water red, with a layer of exquisite patterns, and a towering chest could be seen below

Looking at the flowers in the fog, a layer apart, the childe likes the body of youth, but the women who still have charm naturally have charm that girls can't match These days, she thought she knew the young master very well. She walked over with a smile, stood next to him, poured a glass of wine for him, fed it to his mouth, and drank it herself. A peach blossom immediately appeared on her face

Her hand touched his chest, inviting every inch, full of charm, guiding his hand to touch his towering chest, and her voice was surprisingly charming: "childe..."

He hugged this body, which was already familiar with disgust. There were countless beauties in the Southern Dynasty. By contrast, this body no longer had the temptation of the past At this time, he also took a bit of alcohol, and asked, "Why are you here again?"

"Yesterday, the censor ordered the old dog to return to his post, saying that the court still had rewards..." she smiled and hugged his neck, "thank you for your excellent chess skills, master."

He laughed: "it's so good. If you expect it to be good, you can soon become the prime minister's wife..."

She knew that every step of the childe was done step by step. In addition to Qin Hui, there must be golden eyes and ears in the court. Although she didn't know who it was, she was more devoted to the childe

She smiled coquettishly and wondered, "really?"

"Naturally. Soon, Zhai ruwen will be dismissed."


He just laughed and didn't answer, "just be your prime minister's wife."

Wang Junhua stopped questioning wisely and bowed his head, but saw him sitting barefoot, like a scholar doctor She knew that this was one of the childe's habits. In the Southern Dynasty, the climate was warm, so he liked it and relaxed at will

He sat on the ground, spread it out on the small table next to him, and picked up a roll of paper. The handwriting on the paper was a child's. He was very happy: "my son's calligraphy has made great progress."

Wang Junhua immediately complimented: "the little childe inherits the childe's wisdom and is naturally smart."

He was very happy. He raised his pen and frowned on the words written by his son, shaking his toes as he wrote Wang Junhua suddenly made an unprecedented move and leaned over

He was surprised, but she smiled: "slave help childe stop itching."

Her toes were lightly added by her tongue, which was very comfortable. For a long time, he smiled and said, "well, I'll leave for home in a few days. What reward do you want? For the sake of your serving so much, everything depends on you."

She just sat up, still lying on his lap like a cat, and her eyes were like silk: "the slave doesn't want any reward, just ask to take care of the little master when the master is away."


"The slave has no own son, so he must serve him as if he were his own son. He will never dare to have two hearts."

He still shook his head

She tried to ask, "do you want to take the little master back?"

When Wang Junhua saw him meditating, he couldn't help it any longer: "no matter how you arrange it, I just hope you don't leave the little master in Hua Rong's hands again."

His face changed

"What does the childe mean by catching the flowers, neither killing them nor letting them go?"

He squinted: "did you see Hua Rong again?"

She was breathless and silent

"I warned you not to expose your identity. Hua Rong is not wan wan. She is smart and powerful. If you are identified..." his tone gradually became severe

Strong jealousy, a woman's jealousy, almost broke through all reason. She hugged his leg and whispered, "so what if you see through? Wan Wan dare not kill, does she dare not kill? Only by killing this woman, can we get rid of our serious problems..."

"You don't have to talk much about me!"

Her voice was a little louder: "don't you know that the childe is selfish? Just because you are infatuated with her..."

His face was gloomy. "Wang Junhua, don't forget your identity!"

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