One Night Bride

Chapter 284

King Qin was deceived and was about to lead people to break through, but soon there was an earth shaking sound of fighting. It was Liu Lin who led the crowd back, but it was the song army's surprise attack

King Qin saw the situation badly. At this time, he was almost alone. There were only two or three minions around him, such as Liu Wu. In his heart, he had to admire Jin Wushu and cunning rabbit grottoes, and sent a double at any time

The situation reversed in an instant. King Qin didn't dare to fight hard and was chased in a panic. Wang, in a panic, suddenly took care of it, immediately took off the armor of the fake fourth prince, and put it on himself. He even took the fake Fang Tianhua halberd, and only wore his big knife on his waist

He picked up the painted halberd and weighed it. He was more convinced that the underground was not Jin Wu Shu, but a double, because as we all know, Jin Wu Shu used a heavy halberd, but this painted halberd was very light, and it could only be used by ordinary warriors

Liu Wu followed him for a long time. Seeing this, without waiting for his order, they immediately took off the vests of the two bodies around them and put them on their bodies. The three turned and ran away

In the woods ahead, there were also soldiers of Jin Wushu. Liu Lin chased them indiscriminately. In the dark, he could not distinguish them clearly. As soon as the two sides approached, they fought in a scuffle, only killing the sky and the earth, and overturning people

After fighting for an hour, both sides have been injured for more than half, but they increasingly find something wrong

Liu Lin rode on the horse and was lighting a torch, but as soon as the voice fell, he heard a "whoosh" and an arrow hit him on the shoulder He swayed and almost fell on his horse

Childe Liu Lin, who didn't have much fighting experience, was hurt by this arrow, and almost fainted. He became angry and hissed, "kill, kill none of these song troops..."

The puppet Qi army, which had just slackened, began a fierce attack again

This arrow was shot by King Qin He and Liu Wu and others hid in the dense forest. Facing Liu Lin's army, they were helpless at all, but asked both sides to keep fighting and greatly weaken each other's power Seeing that Liu Lin is aware of it, who is willing to stop?

The other side was fighting again. King Qin estimated that it was almost done, motioned to Liu Wu, and suddenly shouted, "the fourth Prince has orders..." then, a signal was sent

He and Ma Su played tricks on Jin Wushu with King Qin in Beijing. They had worked hard to study the preferences and habits of Jin Wushu and the people around them. At this time, Liu Lin naturally understood this signal as soon as it came out

Liu Wu said this in Jurchen, and then he used stiff Chinese Liu Lin knew a few words of Nvzhen language. Hearing this cry, he hurriedly asked, "is there the fourth Prince ahead, Minister Liu Lin here..."

King Qin didn't know it was Liu Lin. hearing this, he was overjoyed

Liu Wu was clever and immediately replied, "the fourth prince was attacked by spies of the song Army..."

At this time, the sky was already slightly bright, but Liu Lin saw the horse in front of him. It was faintly the armor of the fourth prince, and in his hand was the Fang Tian painted halberd of the fourth prince. With Liu Wu's Jurchen language, where would he have the slightest doubt?

Liu Wu said, "there is the main force of the song army sneaking attack in front. Prince Liu, please send someone to pursue it quickly, and don't delay the fighter. The fourth prince said that this time, he would formally ask the wolf Lord to canonize you..."

Liu Yu was getting older and older, but after hearing that he CI succeeded to the throne, there was a rumor that he Ci was dissatisfied with himself and wanted to make the eldest son of song qinzong a puppet emperor, abolishing his minister emperor For this reason, he repeatedly courted the powerful ministers of the state of Jin, hoping to get his son canonized as soon as possible, so as to avoid long dreams Liu Wu's words hit Liu Lin's heart, and he immediately gladly accepted the order, determined to show his face in front of the fourth prince

He immediately ordered that most of them chase deep into the dense forest

Seeing that he had left, King Qin was relieved and immediately dodged out of the woods He knew that at daybreak, Liu Lin would know the truth. He didn't dare to stay long and ran in the opposite direction immediately

Besides, Yue Pengju led the 18 elite cavalry to enter the mansion, but he saw that the fire had already burst into the sky, and there were women and children crying all around. It was originally the wives, concubines and children of major officials and generals, as well as prostitutes and maids who had no way to escape and ran around

The lobby where Diewu and others are located is also the deepest part of the back garden. This is a typical southern building. It was originally built in the middle and late Northern Song Dynasty, which was the most prosperous. It stresses nine loops, with flowers and trees scattered everywhere, and pavilions When the Jin people went south, this place fell quickly and was not much damaged. Although it was not as luxurious as before the war, it still maintained its old appearance

The family members who are familiar with the environment here naturally have already escaped. However, these new singers are restricted to fixed areas and are not allowed to walk around casually. They are not familiar with the road at all. There are seven twists and turns, and there is a sea of fire everywhere. They don't know where the intersection to escape is at all

Butterfly dance and wu'er have never been affected by the war. Their usual training is mainly how to please men with piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, wind and Moon Song and dance. No one can have taught them the ability to escape. Therefore, when the four princes ran together in the fire, they immediately fell into a desperate situation in a panic

Twoorthree clever dancers ran fast. As soon as they went out, a fire broke out in the courtyard, and the underburnt rubble beams fell down, blocking the door

Butterfly danced in a dance dress with flowing clouds and water sleeves. After running a few steps, she was tripped by a long gauze skirt and fell to the ground. The fog in front of her didn't care to laugh at her. Her own situation was no better. Even the pipa, which had always loved more than her life, was thrown on the ground and trampled by

When everyone rushed to the door, the fire had blocked the way Three Liang was a little daring and came out of the fire. However, the gauze skirt was flammable and soon became a burning man, sending out bursts of heartbreaking cries and rolling to the ground

Other women dared not follow suit, but cried and watched the fire spread

The most miserable cry was butterfly dance. She was just immersed in the joy of "side princess", and once had a princess's dream. However, in an instant, great disaster was coming, and the man who had been lingering for several times escaped alone without notice But at this time, she had already forgotten her resentment, and only cried in despair, hoping for the slightest chance of life Wu'er was originally jealous of her because of the competition for favor. At this time, the two stood in front of the sea of fire and cried bitterly. They had already forgotten each other's disagreements. They almost fell on Diewu's body, holding each other and collapsing on the ground

Yue Pengju killed the general all the way in. The young man had already fled with his family. The group of singers ignored him, and the sad cries for help were heard from a distance

He hesitated for a moment and rushed over. Zhang Xian immediately reminded him, "the fourth prince must not be here."

Under such a fire, Jin Wushu must have run away, but what about Hua Rong? Where's the son?

Did he take it away or stay here?

The woman's cries were overwhelming, and he didn't know whether there were flowers in it. He couldn't help but rush in in the sea of fire A crowd of crying women saw a man rushing in with his horse and hurriedly shouted, "help us, please help us..."

Yue Peng raised his spear and immediately lifted the burning beam that blocked the gate. Under the thick smoke, a group of women rushed forward regardless of their lives

Yue Pengju made way. Under the instinct of escape, the women ran incredibly fast. When the paralyzed fog was helped out by butterfly dance, another burning thing fell down

Seeing that it was about to hit him, Yue Peng raised his eyes and hands quickly. He raised his gun to separate it. Sparks splashed on the horse's tail. The horse ate and rushed frantically Yue Pengju was almost knocked off the horse and finally grabbed the horse. At this time, the women had rushed to a relatively empty place, but immediately ran around like headless flies

Yue Pengju rode up, easily stopped butterfly dance, and asked anxiously, "is there anyone else in there?"

Butterfly Dance almost knelt to the ground: "no one."

"A woman is locked up. Hua Rong, her name is Hua Rong. Where is she?"

Butterfly Dance didn't know Hua Rong's name, but suddenly remembered the woman who was bound. She thanked Yue Pengju for saving her life and immediately said, "she was locked in the wing room in the back garden..."

Yue Peng had no time to answer her, and immediately rushed to the wing

The fire in the wing room was on fire a little later, but the fire spread faster. At this time, there was no figure or call for help. There was no sound around except for the crackling of the fire and the falling debris

Zhang Xiandan saw that Yue Pengju's clothes had been burned to pieces and his body was covered with blood. He immediately rode to stop him: "Peng Ju, my wife must not be inside... There is no one here..."

Yue Pengju woke up a little, but he still didn't give up. If his wife was inside, wouldn't she be burned alive? Knowing his temperament, Zhang Xian prepared a wet cotton padded jacket. As soon as he threw it away, Yue Peng put it on his body. The war horse hissed and dared not go in at all Yue Peng jumped off his horse and dived into the sea of fire. He saw that the wing room was empty and there was no human figure

As soon as he was relieved, he immediately came out. The wet cotton padded clothes on his body were already burning. Everyone rushed up quickly and removed the attachments on his body with all hands and feet. He almost became naked. Zhang Xian took out the clothes on the dead body he had just stripped and threw them to him. He put them on in a hurry, and almost one of his eyebrows had been burned

Although he didn't find his wife, he breathed a sigh of relief, came to the spirit, and shouted, "come on, chase outside."

Jin Wushu led people to flee from the side door. As soon as the initial panic passed, he didn't find any pursuers. He immediately knew that he was fooled He had fought with Song Jun for many years, and he knew the combat effectiveness of song Jun. more importantly, after Zhao Deji ascended the throne, he never dared to ask the senior general to take the initiative to launch a war against Jin He was already wondering whether this force came from a strange place, but Liu Yu's troops were extremely poor in combat effectiveness and discipline. Compared with Song Jun, he ran away at the sight of the wind. At that time, he was drunk and saw fires everywhere, so he had to run for his life

Now as soon as he calmed down, he immediately judged that the enemy had insufficient troops

Wu Qimai pressed the chariot in front and was pushing forward. He shouted, "stop, stop..."

Everyone was ordered to stop

Sitting on the horse, Jin Wushu looked at the sky high fire in the city from a distance and said to himself, "we've been tricked."

Wu Qimai hurriedly asked, "fourth prince, what should I do?"

"I guess the visitor is either Yue Pengju or King Qin. If it was Yue Pengju, he would never be able to bring a large number of troops, and if it was king Qin, he would not be afraid."

Wu Qimai breathed a sigh of relief: "are we going back?"

At this time, the sky in the West lit up with flames, and a large amount of smoke filled the air. Jin Wushu said happily, "Liu Lin's army is back..."

Wu Qimai and others also judged that it was Liu Lin's army, and he also rubbed his hands: "fourth prince, we might as well go back. If it was Yue Pengju, wouldn't it happen to catch turtles in a jar?"

"Hahaha, the crown prince has this intention."

He suddenly bowed his head and looked at the woman in his arms

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