One Night Bride

Chapter 285

After running around in the middle of the night and starving for several days, she closed her eyes as if in a coma For a moment, he was a little distracted, thinking of the moment when he rushed out to save her when the fire started At that moment, my mind was really blank. I just thought, no matter what, I couldn't burn her

Obviously, I hate her very much. What if she dies?

He tightly hugged her waist, remembered the enemy he was about to face, and said to himself, "Yue Pengju, since you send it to the door, the crown prince will be impolite." He was very proud. It turned out that it was useful to keep her. If he could use her to kill Yue Pengju, it would be a great wedding

He was too proud, but she closed her eyes and didn't know whether to sleep really or falsely. Her lips were pale and a little dry He took out his water bag and some dry food and said leisurely, "Hua Rong, you can eat something."

Hua Rong opened her eyes and looked at him triumphantly

At this time, she was completely unable to struggle, and put his water bag on her mouth, and she drank it He was very happy to see that her attitude finally became a little docile. When she had enough water, he took out a piece of dry food and ate it

He was happy: "Hua Rong, you've had enough to eat and drink. When the crown prince kills Yue Pengju, I'll show you his head."

Hua Rong's voice was a little hoarse: "where's my son? I just want to see my son..."

Her voice and Qi were as loose as a thread, and Jin Wushu immediately said, "my son is in front, and he is unharmed."

She breathed a sigh of relief and closed her eyes slightly

His hand gently pushed the messy hair in front of her forehead, and she opened her eyes to look at him again. Her eyes were extremely dim, showing a dead color But when he saw Jin Wushu's forehead was black, his hair smelled burnt, his scarf fell off, and his white clothes became scattered and embarrassed

His hand stroked her cheek so gently: "Hua Rong, this is the prince in order to save you. But do you know why I want to save you?"

She was silent

"At that time, I didn't know why, but now I know..." his eyes gradually became ferocious, like a devil, "Hua Rong, don't get me wrong. I didn't save you because I like you. No, no, no, I don't like you anymore. In this world, there are many women worth liking, not just you, and even you are not a likable woman at all... I saved you, just using you as a bait to catch Yue Pengju..."

His voice turned: "someone set fire to break in, I guess it's Yue Pengju. What do you think?"

His tone was calm, and he was not ashamed of running away just now, as if he were chatting with his friends

Hua Rong was burning with anxiety. In fact, she knew that the visitor must be Yue Pengju He must have saved himself In this world, no one cares about himself, and he will never ignore it

Knowing it was a tiger's den, he would also come

"Yue Pengju has made great contributions to Qin Wang. This time, he will get a greater promotion and become my biggest enemy. If you can get rid of Yue Pengju at one stroke, hahaha, it's really a good thing for my country. Hua Rong, I've sent people back to intercept and kill, and Liu Lin's army has also rushed back. If you catch Yue Pengju, hahaha, I have to think about how to torture him..."

He stared at her snow-white forehead, lost in thought, and looked very excited: "you say, is it better to imprison your husband and wife together in wuguocheng to keep company with Hun De Gong, or to hold Yue Peng up in front of you?"

Seeing Hua Rong, he ignored him, and was even more proud. He sighed, "Hua Rong, do you want to die with him? You are deeply in love with Yue Pengju, do you want to die with him?"

Still no one answered, but he was angry: "why? Hua Rong, why should the crown prince meet your wishes? Haha, even if you die, I won't let you two die together. I'll kill Yue Pengju in front of you. As for you, I don't want you to die. I want you to live and suffer all your life, so as to punish you for your unfaithfulness to the crown prince..."

He said a lot of intimidating words. Seeing that the other party was still indifferent and even more depressed, he stopped talking and looked only at the direction of the city, looking forward to the good news from the soldiers who went back to intercept

He is almost certain that if anyone, whether Yue Pengju or King Qin, can catch one, it will be a great joy. Both of them are future troubles that he will get rid of

When the wind blew, a branch shook, and the cold dew fell on his head. Jin Wushu looked up and saw that the sky was dark into an ocean of ink. It was the darkest time before dawn. After this period, the day was about to dawn

Being in the wilderness, he found the cold at this time Jin people are strong in the north, and are the most Hardy. This winter in the south is not enough to fear, but at the moment, they still feel the penetrating chill He hugged the woman in his arms and felt warm on his chest I don't know whether it's such darkness or such warmth. He sighed for a long time, and then slowly said, "Hua Rong, if you leave me in the future, I will treat you well..."

The crying sound in front of him was Lu Wenlong, who had just woken up, shouting, "Mom, mom..."

Lu Wenlong woke up long ago, and his cry was covered by the guard's mouth, but as soon as the guard let go, his cry came again

Jin Wushu heard the cry and looked at Hua Rong again, but she seemed indifferent to her son's cry He was a little distracted and said slowly in her ear, "in fact, if you weren't so stubborn, you would have a good life. You have me and a son. What's wrong with you?"

In front, the spy Pegasus reported, "the fourth prince, there is only arson in the city, and there is no fighting army."

"Where is Liu Lin's army?"

"I'm fighting with a song Army..."

Jin Wushu's face changed: "how many people are there in the song army?"

"It's impossible to count in the dark. They're heading southeast."

Jin Wushu's face is even more ugly: "stupid, stupid..." the southeast is the elite army he sent to intercept the possible song army and help him escape Is Liu Lin fighting with his less than 500 troops?

He immediately found out the seriousness of the matter and immediately ordered the bodyguard to go out to intercept it. At this time, another spy rushed to the scene, too late to salute, and shouted, "Song Jun is coming..."

Behind him was the sound of gongs and drums and horses' hoofs

Although Jin Wushu was suspicious, how dare he delay the enemy's situation? Turn around and order the horse to flee

Wu Qimai and others were ready and started quickly. They escorted Lu Wenlong and ran forward Jin Wushu held a man in his arms, waved Fang Tianhua halberd, and rode away

This group of pursuers were Yue Pengju and others. They found the direction of the Jin army's escape. They didn't know it was Jin Wushu, but they killed all the way. In order to make a bluff, they used firecrackers, dragged long branches on the horse's tail, swept the dust, and created the illusion of thousands of troops Jin Wushu was frightened twice. Although he suspected fraud, he did not dare to stay for verification. Seeing that Liu Lin was trapped, he was even more worried and had to flee in a hurry

Along the way, Yue Peng raised but saw that this group of people fled in an orderly manner, which was very different from the puppet Qi army. They did not abandon their armor, and obviously had a strong combat effectiveness It must be Jin Wushu who can command such a team, so he did not hesitate to catch up

He took the lead, and the iron horse was like the wind. At this time, the sky was dim. From a distance, he could vaguely see the horse hoof prints in front of him, as well as some fresh horse dung

He suddenly reined in his horse, jumped down, picked up a piece of horse dung, looked carefully, and immediately said, "the enemy is not far in front, and these horse dung is no more than three incense..."

After being chased for a long time, they heard that the four princes were in front of them. They were all in high spirits and rushed forward regardless of the number of enemies

Jin Wushu rushed with people in his arms. In fact, he was not very anxious. To a certain extent, he still believed that it was Yue Pengju who bluffed. What he deployed was to ambush at a mountain pass in front of him in order to catch Yue Pengju

While thinking about it, I heard a continuous scream behind me, and the swish of sharp arrows in my ears. Unexpectedly, the pursuers came, and more than a dozen soldiers behind me had been killed and injured

He fled in a hurry and was cunning. He had less than a hundred followers. At this time, hearing the loss of soldiers, he couldn't help feeling flustered. Yue Pengju and others shot down several people in succession. He had faintly seen the flag of the Jin army and was even more eager to pursue

By this time, the sky was already light Jin Wushu pulled the reins of his horse and clamped his belly between his legs Several bodyguards stood beside him and never left for a moment

The wind was blowing in my ears, and my heart seemed to be bumped out of my chest

Hua Rong suddenly opened her eyes at this time

Jin Wushu was still whipping and galloping, and did not notice her expression at all Hua Rong's expression was still extremely calm, only slowly listening to the faint sound of horses' hoofs behind him

She had no doubt that it was her husband, and it was definitely Peng Ju who came after her

Infinite joy in my heart, but anxiety

There were continuous screams behind him, and the pursuers were getting closer and closer Jin Wushu couldn't help looking back, but in the dim light of the morning, a man riding a tough horse, carrying a long gun, swept and pursued

Yue Pengju

Although he couldn't see the face of the man on the horse clearly, he could still recognize that the spear was the sign of Yue Pengju Because this spear has repeatedly defeated the Jin generals, and this kind of shooting technique has also been spread in his army

In Ezhou and Xiangyang generations, many soldiers were practicing Taizu's long fist and Yuejia's marksmanship

At this time, he suddenly looked down at Huarong, but saw that she still closed her eyes, as if she had been bumped into a coma Didn't she know Yue Pengju was coming?

A strange feeling surged in his heart. At this time, he seemed very uneasy but excited Wu Qimai is in front, and a pseudo Qi Tongshi (translator) of his entourage is familiar with the terrain in this area and knows that there is a suitable defensive depression in front of him There, Yue Pengju will surely be captured in one fell swoop

No matter how many people Yue Pengju has, he will surely be doomed

There were continuous screams behind him. He had no time to rescue, nor could he rescue, but galloped his horse Behind him, an arrow fell to the ground, and he even heard a cold wind in his ear. The arrow just now flew close to his ear

He didn't know that Yue Peng used an improved Xixia bow This kind of arrow is not an ordinary "Liu Gan Pi Xian", but is made of the horn of a bamboo ox produced in Xixia Bamboo ox weighs hundreds of Jin, with long horns and alternating yellow and black. It is excellent for making bows This bow not only has good performance, but also has a long range, which can reach a distance of 320 song feet

Hearing the sound of the bow landing, Jin Wushu had judged that the distance between him and Yue Pengju was only 350 song feet

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