One Night Bride

Chapter 286

The day gradually dawned

On both sides of the road are pine trees. Occasionally, squirrels jump, and cold drops of water fall down, drenching people all over

At this time, Jin Wushu suddenly heard such an obvious heartbeat, Dong Dong, like beating a drum. He didn't know whether it was his own or hers

As soon as the camouflage of the night dispersed, he immediately judged that Yue Pengju was really only a dozen people However, these dozen people must be one in a million good players to pass the pass all the way Especially Yue Pengju On his own side, the guards behind him were almost shot dead, relying only on Wu Qimai's defense

However, can I support it to that moment?

In the wind of running, he was absorbed and full of excitement, and he had completely realized that today either he died or Yue Peng died

This result is long awaited

That's your natural nemesis

Behind him, Yue Pengju also saw the man running in front of him

A big fur, cloak, temporary armor, and the familiar Fang Tian painted halberd are undoubtedly golden Wu skills Due to the fluffy fur and cloak, he couldn't see that there were two people at once, but he saw the horse galloping like a black cloud

Behind them are a dozen elite bodyguards

Yue Peng raised and touched the arrows behind him. There were only three left, which could not be wasted He aimed, one arrow at a time, and then carried a long gun

In the sky tomorrow, Zhang Xian and others found that the charred flesh and blood behind him were fuzzy, black and red, condensed into blocks, shocking

They followed Yue Peng for a long time and never saw him suffer such serious trauma. However, he didn't feel it at all. He just carried a long gun and chased desperately, like a King Kong who didn't know the pain Even if it is a real King Kong, the golden body should be destroyed

However, at this time, no one dared to ask him, but blindly followed him. It was a critical moment. Catching Jin Wushu was also a great honor for all soldiers in the Song Dynasty, not just to rescue Mrs. Yue

The distance has always been maintained at more than 300 song feet, but it can no longer be shortened

Ahead, there is a hillside

After this pass, entering the dense forest area is convenient for hiding, and it will be even more difficult to catch up

It was an obvious trap, but Jin Wushu was sure that Yue Pengju would jump in knowing it was a trap, so he just beat his horse and ran forward recklessly

Yue Peng lifted his breath and shouted, "Jin Wushu..."

The cry gathered all his Chi and spread far, far away

Hua Rong heard the sound very clearly, and she suddenly opened her eyes

Jin Wushu glanced at her in the wind, but what he saw was that she was still tightly closed her eyes, numb, pale and weak, as if the whole person had been unconscious Along the way, she looked like this, neither struggling nor resisting Jin Wushu was relieved. If she woke up, he would struggle when he heard Yue Pengju's cry. At this time, he was afraid that any struggle of her, even the smallest, would hinder his progress

She needs to be so obedient

Yue Peng raised his bow and took out the last arrow He has three arrows made from the horns of bamboo cows, which are tough and penetrating The first two have been used in the early war. This one has always been around. This time, it finally comes in handy

He aimed and ran close. The guards of Jin Wushu were busy escorting him, and they had no time to turn around and reflect

The burning pain on the body is getting weaker and weaker, and the whole pain nerve seems to be numb. I can no longer feel any taste, but the flame is burning in my heart

How many times?

On the way from the golden camp of Liujia temple to searching mountains and seas, every time, Jin Wushu was forced hard, either to plunder or to kill flowers

There is such brazen entanglement in the world

Just like the huahuajiangshan in the Song Dynasty, knowing that it was not his kingdom of Jin, he insisted on seizing it by force The same is true of the woman he likes, regardless of whether she is someone else's wife

Starting from Princess Maude, even a married woman will be sent to serve the Jin people as long as she is liked by the Jin Jun, even if she is a princess

Yue Pengju was almost so angry that he was about to explode

That is a kind of humiliation belonging to men

It is the humiliation of a man on the land to other marauders

From Song Huizong to Zhao Deji, from their own daughter to the wife of the general who saved their lives many times, they all made the same choice Although Zhao Deji didn't personally send it to Jin Wushu, if he didn't just run for his own life, close the city gate, and die, would Hua Rong fall to today's situation?

If you want your ministers to die, your ministers have to die However, if you want your wife to be humiliated, will she go?

The horse under the seat didn't seem to be driven away, but galloped by itself. Yue Pengju just focused on the bow and arrow

The anger and flame in my heart condensed on this arrow and on the cloak in front of me. My back seemed to be changing. Sometimes it was song Huizong, sometimes it was Zhao Deji, and then it was the triumphant smiling face of Jin Wushu

An arrow, only this arrow, can get rid of all gratitude and resentment

Fame and glory, shaped like smoke and cloud

How can you protect the world when your wife can't keep her husband alive?

The mount was foaming at the mouth, but his arrow never tilted at all, only aiming wholeheartedly Several Jin Jun bodyguards turned around and shot indiscriminately, but because of panic, the arrows lost their accuracy and fell to the ground one after another. On the contrary, because of this hesitation, Zhang Xian and others took the opportunity to shoot several more

Soon, there were only 35 people protecting Jin Wushu

In front of it is the hill with dangerous terrain

He was delighted that in front of him was a gradually dense forest. It would be easier and easier to hide from the pursuers Just get through this

He looked again at Hua Rong, who was still lying soft in his arms, in all kinds of anxiety and tension, with a little joy. Maybe after today, there will be no such a person as Yue Pengju in the world Only by yourself can you win completely


With a "whoosh", an arrow passed through the wind and several heads, as if it had eyes After hearing the wind, Jin Wushu could not dodge. With his head tilted, the arrow narrowly avoided his neck, but reached the soft part of the armor, under his armpit, and inserted it along his left waist

The body suddenly became hot

He clearly felt a stream of hot blood rushing out of his body

However, it is not fatal But he could no longer control the galloping horse. With another miserable hiss, the horse was also hit by an arrow and rushed into a dense forest regardless of three or seven twenty-one

The horse ran wild in the dense forest. He couldn't control it anymore. Several times, he almost hit the trunk Finally, the horse stopped, because its head hit heavily under a thick ancient tree

Both of them on the horse were heavily thrown off their horses

For a while, Jin Wushu loosened his hand and opened his eyes. He didn't know whether he was alive or awake

Opposite, a woman stood and looked at him

Her eyes were so strange that he couldn't speak for a while

He was shocked and sat up. Although the injury was serious, it was not fatal He struggled a few times and stood up straight, but when he saw her holding his saber in her hand, he didn't know when it was pulled from his waist

At this time, he also carried Fang Tianhua halberd, which was his main weapon. He would never let go until he fell

However, her eyes, her knife holding posture, how can it be like a person who has been hungry for a few days and is dying?

Her eyes were so bright, flashing flames of hatred and anger, like a raging fire, burning in this cold, dew filled wilderness

She was holding a knife, and every step she took, he took a step back

Before he was injured, she was obviously not his opponent But at the moment, he was seriously injured and difficult to support If she is an ordinary woman, she can be dealt with, but she is not an ordinary woman

But looking at the brightness of her eyes, we can also see that she is actually full of physical strength and energy at the moment

He was surprised and muttered, "Hua Rong..."

She laughed

It's really charming and colorful, sweet and greasy, more charming than the butterfly dance's smile, sweeter than the fog's smile, as if under the sun, looking at the white ice and snow bit by bit smile, can't say whether it's warm or cold

Her voice was a little hoarse, but it was so sweet and soft, as if she was telling a story to her lover, because her smile was too sweet, and her white teeth were looming: "fourth prince, do you think I should have fainted?"

Jin Wushu was stunned and could not make a sound Isn't it? She fasted for a few days and was dying. Why did she suddenly become so energetic?

She stood upright with a knife in her hand, but it was different from the straightness of men, but it had a kind of graceful and beautiful curve peculiar to women

Her hand picked up, jade fingers verdant, on the back of the knife, made a clear sound

"If I don't pretend to fast, how can I relax your vigilance? I actually eat the food delivered these days, but no matter how hungry I am, I eat less to maintain my life. In order to be afraid of the maid finding out, I only move a little bit in everything so as not to arouse her suspicion. Moreover, I ate a little more last night, because I'm too hungry..." she smiled, "However, at that time, you were having fun, and the maid had no time to report to you..."

Jin Wushu looked at her with a frown and a smile, chatting. Her messy hair was blown by the cold wind, revealing her snow-white cheeks, dotted with a little blush, nervous and excited, like a little girl who had just eaten candy, for fear of being discovered by adults

How long has it been? How long have you not seen her smile like this?

Or has she never laughed like this before?

"Fourth prince, there's one thing you don't know, but I have to tell you. I've committed suicide many times, so you think I'm easy to die, right? But since I was beaten by King Qin and narrowly escaped death, I don't want to die anymore. Why do I want to die? My husband Yue Pengju takes care of me so carefully, and Wen longer is so sweet to me. No, I don't want to die long ago, as long as I have a chance to live, I don't want to die..." The shy blush on her face deepened, and she sighed deeply and delicately, "Alas, people, that's it. Many suicide attempts, in fact, have lost the courage to commit suicide. Mole ants are still greedy for life, why should I die?"

She took another step forward, and Jin Wushu took another step backward

A cold wind, her skirt flying, with a faint fragrance So luxurious and exquisite clothes

He breathed quickly, and then slowly retreated. He leaned against the towering ancient wood behind him, and the blood wiped on the branches, and immediately mixed into the brown skin of the old tree, and he couldn't see a star or a half

"Hua Rong..."

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