One Night Bride

Chapter 287

She took another step forward. The blade was so bright that it could almost shine on the face of the person opposite

His Fang Tianhua halberd was still in his hand But I know that I am not the opponent of this woman!

One day, I will not be a woman's opponent

Is it to beg for mercy from her?

Or like a man, work hard and die together?

It was originally a simple answer, but he had never fought face to face with a woman like this, so he didn't know how to choose for a moment

He was not afraid, but suddenly he was very curious. What was she going to do? Kill yourself? Step by step, kill yourself?

He suddenly laughed, dropped his hand, and Fang Tianhua halberd fell to the ground, with a trace of evil smile on the corner of his mouth: "OK, Hua Rong, you kill me! Peony flowers die, and being a ghost is also romantic. If you can die in your hand, the crown prince will not waste a lifetime of Heroes..."

A slap fell heavily on his face

The air was full of "pa", heavy It seemed to shake the ancient tree, and the water trickled down, dripping all over his skirt, turning the numb pain into a fiery pain

The smile on his face completely disappeared, only panting

This slap was not heavy, not even painful, but it burned, as if dignity was burning in the fire It is no longer the occasional miss when she is angry, but the carelessness of the winner

Different, absolutely different It's a completely different feeling than she once beat herself into a pig's head

He closed his eyes, trying to get rid of this terrible feeling of frustration and humiliation

When I opened it again, I saw that the face was close to me, and I could touch it with my hand So sweet

"Jin Wushu, you pretend to be a hero. What kind of hero are you? Insulting others' wives and bullying and torture are your heroic qualities?"

He sneered, "a scholar can be killed, not humiliated! Hua Rong, read in the past, hurry up and kill me with a knife."

Cheer up? How to be happy?

She stared at him with thoughtful eyes: "Jin Wushu, what affection do I have with you?"

When the jar of wine was poured on the throat and the slap fell on the face, all feelings had long vanished

In front of this man, he has always been in a state of hiding. How many women in the state of song have been chased and insulted by him and his brothers?

If there is love, how can you tie your hands every day?

She couldn't help touching her neck. She couldn't see the bruise on it, but it still existed. That night, he had killed him

His eyes followed her hand and fell on her neck - shocking signs of attempted suicide, pinching the bruises left by her

It turned out that love had really long been broken

Hua Rong smiled and slowly lifted the knife

Liu Lin led the army to catch up for a while, and suddenly found something wrong

Naturally, his advisers are not all straw bags. They have long suspected the authenticity of the fake fourth prince But they knew Liu Lin's temper and didn't like to be refuted At this time, seeing that the crown prince was suspicious, they lost no time to immediately put forward: "Song Jun, Liu Guang has just been defeated, and we have never found new news. Where did Song Jun come from so quickly?"

Another Counselor also said, "the fourth prince took so many bodyguards with him, how could there suddenly be only a few people left? Moreover, he didn't dare to face us at all, which was obviously deceitful. I heard that when the fourth Prince joined the army, he was cunning and fell in love with bodyguards with similar figures who wore their own armor to confuse the enemy..."

Liu Lin wanted to be more and more wrong, but he was unwilling to admit that he had been deceived. At this time, the sky was already shining. In front of him, he rode a fast horse and ran to him, angry: "crown prince, it's not good. We found that it was all our own people who fought last night..."

Liu Lin was stunned and rode forward, but he saw that the woods in front were full of his own people It turned out that last night was a trick of the enemy, fighting for a long time, and our own side trampled on each other

He immediately turned his horse's head and angrily said, "hurry up."

The army turned around and chased in the direction of King Qin and others

Besides, King Qin used tricks to make Liu Lin run counter to himself, and finally won a chance to breathe At this time, the flames in the city were spreading, the buildings were empty, and even the fire fighters did not help in time

King Qin couldn't distinguish the direction of Jin Wushu's escape, and rushed around. Here, it seemed that the whereabouts of Jin Wushu had also disappeared

Because he has the poison that Yelv uses, but at this time, it seems that the poison has lost its efficacy

He took out the bamboo stick and put it on the end of his nose. His head suddenly fainted, as if a strange thing had entered the wound. With a scream, he backhanded pulled out an arrow that he didn't know when

Because of this hesitation, Liu Lin and others have caught up

"King, run..."

King Qin reacted and ran away

The pursuing army was getting closer and closer, and the arrows were shooting indiscriminately But at this time, the horse neighed again and gave the enemy a signal. Dozens of arrows were fired closely. King Qin couldn't dodge and was hit by another arrow

Fortunately, there are many mountains in the South and a small hillside in front

King Qin rushed over without hesitation

There is only one path on the mountain Liu Lin's army came here. Although he saw the Shanzhai version of the fourth prince in armor from a distance, there was nothing he could do. Everyone lost their advantage, and all the single handed people were killed

After the hillside, there is a smooth road ahead

But king Qin dared not stop for a while At this time, the fog was deep, but his armor was scattered and extremely embarrassed Rarely in his life has he been so badly defeated

Liu Wu, who ran in the front, was panting: "king, no, there are enemy troops in front..."

Only a burst of horse neighing in front of me was heard, and both sides were in a mess

This battle is the pro guard of Yue Pengju who met Jin Wushu

Wu Qimai led people to ambush here, waiting for the arrival of Yue Pengju

Yue Peng shot Jin Wushu with an arrow, but he didn't even see how Jin Wushu fell off his horse. Wu Zhui's horse had galloped on all fours and broke into a dense forest in front of him

Yue Pengju killed in one fell swoop. At this time, in front of him was the ambush of Jin Wushu. Wu Qimai waited for a long time. Seeing Yue Pengju and others coming, he saw him chasing the fourth Prince and quickly embarking on another road He could not help but immediately changed his tactics and ordered to launch an attack in advance, regardless of the previous arrangement

Dozens of archers rushed out, bowed down, and strafed

Yue Peng took the lead and was trapped. He waved his long gun and swept down the arrows like raindrops His spear danced so hard that he became braver and braver. Unexpectedly, he jumped up and directly broke into the enemy's arrow array. With a provocation, a dozen archers died in pieces in an instant

The crowd had never seen such a brave man, as if his body was not human flesh and blood, but steel. When he jumped to the front, the crowd found that he had inserted at least seven or eight arrows

The crowd was even more frightened. He took advantage of the moment's blank, didn't waste any chance, and another fierce killing. At this time, Zhang Xian and others also followed up, and dozens of Jin Jun were killed

Wu Qimai saw the situation and ran away quickly, because he had the task of escorting the little Master Lu Wenlong He was loyal to the fourth Prince and knew that at this time, Yue Pengju should never be allowed to snatch the little master away. As long as he protected the little master, it would be a great achievement

Fortunately, Lu Wenlong has been escorted by 20 soldiers Wu Qimai escaped and found that the fourth Prince and others had disappeared

The fourth Prince is gone!

This is more important than taking care of the little master If the fourth Prince is not here, how can he make an appointment this time? He had been in battle for a long time, but when he saw Yue Peng killing him, he knew that he must be looking for flowers. Sure enough, he was relieved to see that he was only a dozen people. There was also Liu Lin's army. As long as Liu Lin came, he could turn the situation around He hid behind a tree and held his breath

Sure enough, Yue Pengju, who was red eyed, caught a soldier and asked sternly, "where is the fourth prince?"

The soldier knelt down and kowtowed: "spare my life, spare my life..."

"Where is the fourth prince? Are there any women in your army?"

"Yes... The woman is with the fourth Prince..."

Yue Pengju was shocked and angry. When he saw Jin Wushu, but saw that he was wearing the boss's hat, he didn't know that there were flowers in front of him At this time, Jin Wushu has escaped into the dense jungle. What should we do if we want to find him again?

"Where are the children?"

"The child has been escorted away... Please forgive me, sir..."

Yue Peng threw him to the ground. Judging by the time, Lu Wenlong must have been sent hundreds of miles away and could never catch up with him again The current plan must first save his wife

Wu Qimai heard these words clearly and was overjoyed. After a little thought, he immediately ran in the opposite direction There is also a small team distributed by Jin Wushu. At present, it is just right to use this team to rescue the fourth Prince first If we can seize the opportunity to catch Yue Pengju, it will naturally be a good thing

When he hit the horse and galloped, Yue Pengju suddenly heard the sound of the horse's hooves and immediately ran after it It is this dispersion that pulls the distance between oneself and Jin Wushu in the opposite direction and goes farther and farther

Wu Qimai naturally heard the voice of the pursuers behind him, but he deliberately made the fourth Prince out of danger. Seeing that he had attracted Yue Pengju's attention, he didn't respond to the battle, but just kept beating his horse and galloping

Yue Peng chased all the way, with sevenoreight arrows on his body, like a hedgehog. He didn't feel any pain in the cold wind, only endless anxiety and fear

Zhang Xian and others saw clearly in the back, vaguely afraid. If he was told to run down like this, let alone capture the fourth Prince and rescue his wife, he would fall down first if he didn't support himself halfway

Zhang Xian didn't dare to stop him. At this time, she couldn't help it anymore. She came forward and almost kept pace with him Say loudly, "Peng Ju, you have to bandage the wound first..."

Yue Pengju turned a deaf ear. At this time, where is the leisure to stop? His clothes were completely fragmented, covered in armor, and a trace of white frost appeared on the metal outside. It was obvious that his whole body had been soaked with sweat The blood came out, and soon condensed. When it was blown by the cold wind, it was painful But this pain soon numbed, only took the last breath, a whip, knowing that as long as he fell today, his wife would have no reason to live

It's a close call. How can we give up halfway?

Zhang Xian also felt a little angry: "if you don't stop, you'll die first. How can you save your wife?"

While talking, the bodyguard behind them had surpassed them and went straight to Wu Qimai Yue Pengju didn't answer, but clamped the horse's leg again and caught up quickly

Zhang Xian had no choice but to keep up

At this time, the snow had already stopped and the weather cleared up, indicating that it was a brilliant day

The rising sun penetrated through the woods, projected onto people's faces from the cracks of ancient trees, and projected onto the blade, flashing a cold light

Jin Wushu closed his eyes and looked at the woman opposite. Within a short distance, he exhaled like orchid

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