One Night Bride

Chapter 295

For three days in a row, both of them were at Donglin temple with Luda. It was a pleasure On the morning of the fourth day, I received a report from the bodyguard, saying that the imperial edict had arrived The father-in-law is waiting for the prefecture magistrate

They smiled bitterly, knowing that it must be Zhao Deji who urged them to return to Beijing Hua Rong also thought of a hidden worry and had to say goodbye to Luda

Along the way, Hua Rong said in a low voice, "Peng Ju, we really have to go back."

Yue Peng raised her eyebrows and suddenly remembered her green Luo Zhai dress. He immediately said, "sister seventeen, don't worry. I put my clothes in a safe place and there is no mistake."

She nodded and smiled, "just return the clothes, and my task will be completed."

The two rushed to the prefecture magistrate's mansion. It was Zhao Deji who, after receiving the news of the defeat of the puppet Qi army, ordered a eunuch to send a message saying that Yue Peng was injured for his country. In addition to offering great condolences, he asked him to try to return to Beijing as soon as possible

Hua Rong was worried about Yue Pengju's injury, but saw that he was sitting and lying unhindered. Although he could not use a knife, gun, stick and stick, he was walking unhindered. After a discussion, the two decided to leave for Beijing on the same day

For fear of bumping the injury behind him, and because Zhao Deji's edict had a very broad deadline, Hua Rong insisted that Yue Pengju take a carriage Due to the slow pace of the carriage, it was only three days' journey from the capital, which took almost eight days to arrive

As soon as we arrive at the bustling area of the capital, there is too much difference from the outside. It is also war, but Lin'an is full of Yingge and Yanwu

Han Zhongliang, Zhang Jun and Liu Guang, the top generals of Qin Wang, arrived before Yue Pengju, and they had already started their happy life in the capital. They ate and drank in the mansion awarded by the emperor, and they were very comfortable. As soon as Yue Pengju arrived, the emperor would give a banquet to the four generals

On the way back, Hua Rongyi inquired about Qin Hui, and had not received any appointment of Qin Hui as prime minister She felt a little relaxed, knowing that if Qin Hui was the prime minister, Yue Pengju would never have another day to show his ambition Since I came here, I have never heard of it. The prime minister infringes inside the Bureau, and the general can also make contributions outside

The closer she saw her husband to the capital, the tighter her eyebrows were. Knowing his intentions, she took his hand and said softly, "Qin Hui is not necessarily a phase."

"I hope so."

As soon as the two returned home, they acted separately, and Hua Rong immediately entered the palace

The empress dowager, Tian Wei, Wan Wan and others who had been waiting for a long time gathered together, nervously waiting for the arrival of Hua Rong The flowers dissolved into the inner palace. Seeing the empress dowager, she was about to salute. The Empress Dowager immediately said, "Madam Guo, don't be too polite..."

Tian Wei and Wan Wan immediately took advantage of the situation to hold her, and she no longer insisted on saluting

The empress dowager, however, was delighted to see her wearing that new blue luozhai embroidered crown and exchanged a wink with her Hua Rong immediately took off her crown dress, and Tian Wei took it over and handed it to the Empress Dowager. The Empress Dowager saw that the collar was intact and the stitches were even and dense, which was sewed by herself She nodded. Tian Wei immediately opened the silk thread with small scissors and took out the small note hidden inside. The Empress Dowager reached out and put it on the candle lit by her side. Soon, a burst of smoke turned the big secret of the day into ashes

Several women breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, with infinite joy in their hearts

The Empress Dowager said, "Mrs. Yue is really a heroine for her great contribution."

Hua Rong sighed, "the Empress Dowager's painstaking efforts and mediation made her a great hero this time, but because she was a female, her achievements were not recorded in history, and there was nothing she could do."

The Empress Dowager experienced "hanging the curtain to listen to politics" some time ago. She worried and worried every day, and she was even more aging She stroked her white hair and said wistfully, "how difficult the country is. The old woman can do nothing. She just wants to go underground in the future and not be beaten by the Taizu family, which is thank God."

Tian Wei saw that her aunt was sad. Although she had experienced many torments, she was young and good-natured after all. She smiled and said, "fortunately, the loyal and good people such as Yue Xianggong worked hard to eradicate Miao and Liu, and slaves and aunt Bo will have a stable life in the future."

The atmosphere relaxed when she smiled

Wan Wan was also smiling, but she held Hua Rong's hand tightly and wanted to say something. She looked at the Empress Dowager and stopped talking

The Empress Dowager didn't seem to have noticed that Hua Rong knew that she must have asked Wang Junhua, so she squeezed her hand slightly, understood gently, and stopped questioning

The three made friends and saw that each other was safe. They asked Yue Pengju about his injury. The Empress Dowager ordered a banquet

Just then, the emperor came

When the emperor saw Hua Rong, he was also happy and stopped her from saluting, saying only, "rong'er has worked hard."

At the moment when the Palace door was closed, Hua Rong had already completely cut off his personal gratitude and resentment with Zhao Deji. She understood that it was just the relationship between the emperor and his ministers. Therefore, she was neither disappointed nor sad, and only politely replied in accordance with the etiquette: "it is your Majesty's great blessing."

"Ronger made such a great contribution and rewarded 300 liang of gold and 300 pieces of brocade."

Hua Rong did not refuse, but said, "thank you for your kindness."

Zhao Deji was very happy that day, so he took the initiative to stay and dine with the people

At dusk, all the people went away with pleasure Wan Wan made an excuse to go the same way as Hua Rong, and they left together. Wan Wan insisted on sharing a sedan chair with her, but Hua Rong didn't refuse. As soon as the sedan chair came out of the city gate, Wan Wan Fang couldn't wait to ask, "sister Hua, is it Wang Junhua's evil woman who caught you?"

Hua Rong nodded, "I suspected it was her who caught you for a long time."

Wan Wan was indignant: "this * * colluded with Jin Ren to betray the country and seek glory, but I told brother nine that brother nine just didn't believe it, and it was said that he once wanted Qin Hui to be prime minister..."

The flowers won't melt Zhao Deji didn't doubt Qin Hui, but he had his own plan Perhaps, as Jin Wushu said, Zhao Deji is bent on peace. Even if he reuses his generals, it is nothing more than winning a few more victories and increasing the weight of the peace talks Therefore, it is not surprising that he put Qin Hui, who had always been the Lord, in high position Is it difficult? He wants to find a prime minister who is determined to resist the war to fight against him every day?

She could only think about these principles in her heart, but she couldn't tell Wan Wan, who was not deeply involved in the world. She thought that Wan Wan was raised in her boudoir like this, and it was not a kind of happiness to be rich and noble What good is it for you to worry too much?

She first sent Wan Wan back to her son-in-law's mansion, then stopped riding in a sedan chair and rode a jujube red horse After kinsys lost her horse, Yue Pengju found her a date horse in the army Although it was not as powerful as kinses' daily journey of a thousand miles, it was also vigorous. It was not a big deal to travel four or five hundred miles a day, and she was very satisfied

I don't know since when, every time she went to a place, she liked riding or walking to see the customs, figures and folk customs here Lin'an is bustling, but after all, it is no longer Tokyo Menghua in the past. The bustle shown on the riverside map at Qingming Festival is closed everywhere. As the Lantern Festival has passed, the night market lights will disappear. Occasionally, three or two hotels pick out flag poles in the wind, expose dim lights, and attract drunken guests

Hua Rong walked to the West Street and suddenly saw a man staggering in front of him on the street, crying faintly, listening to his voice like an old woman She wondered, how could this old woman cry in the street?

She rolled over and dismounted, motioned the bodyguard behind her to look after her, took a few steps up, and called the old woman, "grandma, what's your sadness?"

By the dim light of the hostel in front, I saw the old woman with sparse bun and gray hair. Although her face was very haggard with tears, she naturally had a kind of luxurious bearing

When the old woman saw a strange woman asking, she was a little vigilant, but she looked elegant. What was more strange was that she was carrying an arrow tube and a unique small bow She stared at her bow and arrow, looking a little surprised, and said, "girl, who are you?"

Hua Rong didn't get angry when she asked back. She smiled and said, "my name is Hua Rong, the wife of song General Yue Pengju."

The old woman's eyes lit up and said, "are you Hua Rong? The famous heroine?"

Hua Rong was more surprised than her. Did she know that she was so famous in the world that even an old woman knew it?

She smiled shyly, but the old woman grabbed her hand: "my old body is Li Yi'an..."

Hua rongna bowed and rubbed her hands with joy: "it's Yi'an Buddhist, disrespectful, disrespectful..."

Speaking of Yi'an lay, that's the real world-famous. She is the first talented woman in this dynasty. Her poetry is not inferior to the great literary giants Su Dongpo, Liu Yong and so on When Hua Rong was young, she was already famous all over the world. She grew up reading her "know, know, should be green, fat, red and thin". Unexpectedly, one day, she would meet her here

The fate of life is really wonderful

Seeing her like this, Hua Rong guessed that she was in a bad situation and immediately warmly invited her to her mansion Li Yi'an thought and agreed

Hua Rong personally helped her mount the horse. Since Li Yi'an crossed the south, he has obviously experienced disaster, and he can even ride for a while The flower melted into another horse and followed her with ups and downs of heart

Out of the West Street, in the direction of his mansion, Hua Rong saw a man standing in front of him, followed by several bodyguards She smiled and whispered, "it's her husband Yue Pengju..."

Li Yi'an was very surprised. Naturally, she learned that Yue Pengju was the first brave general in the South crossing, but this brave man was able to meet his wife outside

Close, Yue Pengju saw an old woman beside his wife, and Hua Rong jumped off his horse: "Peng Ju, this is a well-known Yi'an Buddhist, don't see me soon..."

Yue Peng Ju always respected Confucian scholars, and naturally respected this talented woman all over the world. He immediately bowed down: "I have seen Yi'an residents."

Li Yi'an returned the salute with mixed feelings. She fell behind since Kaifeng. Like thousands of northerners, she traveled southward, fled in a hurry for many years, and suffered a lot. I didn't expect this couple who met by chance to be so enthusiastic

When the people returned home, Li Yi'an saw that although the imperial residence was large, it had no gorgeous furnishings. It was simple, bright, clean and tidy, in sharp contrast to the image of ordinary military generals who were extravagant and lustful

She said solemnly, "I've heard the deeds of Yue Xianggong and his wife all the way to the south. I know that he is the first loyal and good general in my dynasty. I'm really lucky to see him today."

Yue Pengju smiled. He was naturally dull and didn't know how to answer. Hua Rong smiled and answered on his behalf, "thank you for your praise." She smiled and offered a cup of hot tea, "it's cold, Yi'an residents, please drink tea first to warm up..."

Li Yi'an drank a mouthful of hot tea, and the vicissitudes of life on his face were even more pathetic, with a long sigh

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