One Night Bride

Chapter 296

When Hua Rong first met her, she was crying in the street. How could it be if she hadn't been in great trouble? She admired this famous poet very much, and did not beat around the bush. She said sincerely, "although it is the first side, Hua Rong has long admired the literary talent of the lay. Seeing the lay sad and crying today, she must be very upset. Let's listen. If we can do our best, my husband and wife will never stand by..."

Li Yi'an sighed and said something

It turned out that after the Jingkang disaster, she fled south with her husband Her husband is a master of epigraphy. The couple collected a lot of epigraphy calligraphy and painting, and their love exceeded their lives When he fled, he also took this batch of calligraphy and paintings and put them in dozens of bags Later, when her husband died of illness, she took care of the calligraphy and paintings alone, and finally moved to Lin'an

After arriving in Lin'an, many local celebrities came to visit her after listening to her reputation. A celebrity also lent her a room to live temporarily, which was also considered to be able to survive Later, a local official named Zhang Ruzhou came to visit her very attentively, talked about calligraphy and painting with her, and showed great concern and preparation Soon, he proposed to her Li Yi'an, a woman, was nearly 50 years old at that time. In order to live, she had to agree to marry Zhang Ruzhou After marriage, the husband and wife are in peace But soon, Li Yi'an found something wrong, because his collection of calligraphy and painting decreased day by day, and many precious ancient books disappeared

She pressed Zhang Ruzhou. Zhang Ruzhou hesitated and had no choice but to admit that he stole bribes. Now Wang Jixian, the most favored medical officer of the emperor, sought his kind words in front of the emperor to promote himself and make a fortune

Li Yi'an knew that he had fallen into the hands of the white eyed wolf But at this time, Zhang Ruzhou saw his face was seen through, and simply showed his ferocity, saying that if you marry a chicken, marry a dog, marry a dog, and Li Yi'an's things are his own, he took them openly to honor Wang Jixian

Li Yi'an and her late husband tried their best to protect these cultural relics and went south. Naturally, they couldn't let it show like this. After a little argument, Zhang Ruzhou unexpectedly developed to fight and beat her several times Li Yi'an was helpless, so he remembered that he had a cousin, Wang Junhua, who was Qin Hui's wife

Hua Rong was shocked when she heard the name of "Wang Junhua", thinking that the world is really small and stuffy. What a person li Yi'an is, he should have such a brazen cousin She did not interrupt Li Yi'an's narration, but listened to her quietly

At this time, Qin Hui was already a second-class official in the imperial court, so it was natural to deal with a Zhang Ruzhou But Li Yi'an naturally did not know that Wang Junhua and his wife were obsessed with Wang Jixian. How could they offend him? Then push it off in every way In desperation, it was another famous scholar who saw the scars on Li Yi'an and couldn't bear to see a generation of talented women being bullied and swept away the floor. Only then did he come forward, run the government, and judge her to divorce Zhang Ruzhou

After the divorce, Li Yi'an lived in an overseas Chinese hostel and had no place to go. But just the day before yesterday, the medical officer Wang Jixian sent a servant to lay down 50 liang of gold and said he would buy all her calligraphy and paintings. Whether he agreed or not, he would come and move away in three days

Even if the store owner sympathizes with Li Yi'an, who dares to offend the powerful medical officer Wang Jixian? Li Yi'an was helpless. On this day, he went out to visit local celebrities for help, but no one dared to step forward. It was a sad scene when you Huarong saw her wandering alone in the street

As soon as she finished speaking, Yue Pengju had not yet opened his mouth, and Hua Rong was so angry that he almost slapped the table: "Wang Jixian, a mere medical officer, dared to be so aggressive and bully famous men, and I will kill him..."

Yue Peng raised his wife's heart and gently pulled his hand. Although his heart was also heavy, he said softly, "I have a way to deal with Wang Jixian."

Hua Rong asked, "what can I do?"

He smiled and said to Li Yi'an, "the monk doesn't need to be afraid, nor does he need to go back to the hotel. The officer tonight asked several soldiers to disguise themselves to guard the things of the inn. Tomorrow, I will act."

Seeing that these two people had no relatives with him, Li Yi'an was so moved that he immediately accepted such a thorny matter. He saluted and said, "thank you."

Hua Rong lifted her up, but she felt her body tremble slightly, and her palm was cold. She said softly, "the monk is haggard and tired these days. Go to have a rest first..."

Li Yi'an was excited at this time, but he saw paper and ink on the table next to him, which was originally written by Yue Peng at home There are only four big words on it:

restore our lost territories

She looked at it carefully, but she felt majestic and overwhelming. She could never write such a word unless she was a great husband with a vast heart

She was so excited that she immediately picked up her pen, dipped it in ink, and wrote on the paved white paper:

Be a hero in life

Death is also a ghost male

Up to now, I think of Xiangyu

Refuse to cross Jiangdong


Hua Rong rubbed the ink for her, but when she finished writing, she felt a heat wave straight at the bottom of her heart But seeing that Yue Pengju was also on the side, staring intently, his face was never excited

Li Yi'an put down his pen, Hua Rong took a paperweight and fixed the four corners. Then he looked carefully, only exclaimed, speechless It is said that Li Yi'an is talented and a generation of Ci, and this poem is even more vigorous and heroic, forthright and majestic, and powerful

The two met many scholars in the dynasty, and Hua Rong also went to the state of Jin with Yu wenxuzhong, a university student. But when they saw these scholars from this dynasty, none of them could match Li Yi'an

Seeing Hua Rong's eyes, Li Yi'an has been wandering for a long time. He has rarely seen such sincere appreciation and admiration, especially from a young woman She looked at Hua Rong, smiled and said, "Madam Yue, this poem is for you."

Hua Rong looked up and said happily, "really, really give it to me?"

Because of joy, her eyes are black and bright, with an extremely rare smell of innocence. Li Yi'an looks at her, like looking at a close nephew, thinking that the fate between people is really strange She is superior to the world, and most of the women in the world are limited by their families. The focus of their lives is to teach their husbands and children, and to embroider and weave Now, seeing the harmony between flowers and arrows, appreciating calligraphy, and Yue Pengju, I can't help sighing in my heart. If it weren't for my late husband's early death, I would also be so happy and happy

After writing these sentences, Li Yi'an was extremely tired. Hua Rong immediately helped her to a clean and tidy room She helped Li Yi'an lie down, but saw that the old woman who was 50 years old was anxious, and her life was like a frosted yellow flower, even like an ancient old man

Li Yi'an ran around for a long time. At this time, his spirit relaxed, but when he saw the woman in front of the bed gentle and filial, like children, he couldn't help crying and sighing: "I'm lonely, how nice if I had such a daughter around?"

Hua Rong knew that this generation of talented women had never had children all their lives, had no children, and was always alone. Originally, she thought her children had been lost in the war

It turned out that such a famous poet also has such a sigh

It is this sigh that makes Hua Rong think of her own affairs and Lu Wenlong's departure Sudden anxiety and sadness But at this time, she couldn't reveal her feelings to anyone at all. For fear of adding to Li Yi'an's sadness, she just smiled and said softly, "if you don't give up, you'll treat me as your daughter."

Li Yi'an's eyes lit up, but he was so tired that he couldn't support it anymore. He fell on the bed with a very listless expression

Hua Rong held the quilt for her and said softly, "rest early. Don't worry, everything will be fine." Like serving her mother, she covered her whole body and put a cup of hot tea at the head of her bed. Then she closed the door and turned out

When she returned to her bedroom, she saw Yue Peng sitting beside her, full of meditation

She breathed out a long breath and scolded in a low voice: "Wang Jixian is just a wandering doctor in the Jianghu who treats Zhao Deji's impotence, and he dares to deceive others so much..." it can be seen that if Zhao Deji didn't indulge, how dare he do so?

Hua Rong looked at her husband and asked, "Peng Ju, are you sure about tomorrow? If not, I'll find another way..."

Yue Peng shook his head and said softly, "since I'm a Yi'an Buddhist, how dare I swear?"

Hua Rong listened to him say so and so, his eyebrows slowly stretched, and happily took his hand: "tomorrow will do so."

The next day was a warm day. After the Spring Festival, the sunshine in the South had been a little warm, and tourists were like weaving on the West Lake In a gorgeous boat, the medical officer Wang Jixian came as promised

This time, he was invited by Yue Pengju to come to the banquet

Wang Jixian made great contributions to Zhao Deji's impotence diagnosis and treatment. It's strange to say that as long as Zhao Deji changed doctors, he would never take any medicine. Over time, he simply couldn't live without Wang Jixian for a day Once, he was drunk, hugged a maid in waiting and said proudly, "Wang Jixian is my commander (commander is the God in charge of human life)." These words were heard by the eunuchs and maidservants who served outside, and spread like wildfire. Because Wang Jixian was ranked eighth, he was nicknamed "Wang Jixian's order" Here, we can also see the extent to which Wang Jixian was favored

Wang Jixian naturally knew his weight in the eyes of the emperor. Plus, he deliberately seduced the eunuchs in the palace, which was even more like a fish in water. Over time, he committed many evils and became rich Relying on his identity, he usually doesn't even pay attention to officials higher than himself, and he also makes jokes about some military generals such as Zhang Jun But for Yue Pengju's invitation, he was not only surprised, but also happy to associate with this meritorious man of Qin Wang, because at least he had a few sides with each other

He came to the boat, but when he saw the gorgeous boat, he thought to himself that Yue Pengju and his wife had come from a simple and unproductive way. What are they doing today?

Yue Peng stood in the bow of the boat and greeted him warmly at first sight. Wang Jixian also politely said according to his level, "my lower official has seen Yue Xianggong."

The two of them were polite. Wang Ji went in first, and then he saw that Hua Rong was also inside. He was enthusiastic about fruits and vegetables, and there was a bottle of good Jinbo wine on the table

Hua Rong poured three cups in person and said with a smile, "Lord Wang, please."

Wang Jixian was suspicious in his heart, and suddenly thought, is it possible that these two people came for a son?

He drank three cups, and Hua Rong smiled and took out onehundred liang of gold: "Lord Wang, it's a little meaning, it's no respect."

According to the monetary unit at that time, onehundred liang of gold was equivalent to 2500 yuan, which was already a considerable sum of money Wang Jixian naturally received much more property than this, but when he thought that it was sent out by Yue Pengju's wife, he was very surprised and hurried to say, "I won't be paid for my useless work."

Yue Pengju also laughed and said, "Lord Wang doesn't have to refuse."

Wang Jixian still didn't know why. Hua Rong toasted him again, and then slowly opened his mouth: "my family is a distant relative of Yi'an. It's not easy for her to live alone. Please forgive me..."

By this time, Wang Jixian had fully understood the meaning of the 100 gold coins, and he couldn't help blushing. He only said, "please rest assured, Mr. Yue and Mrs. Guo, and the lower officials will take care of it."

Hua Rong toasted him again. Wang Jixian ate and drank for a while, looking for an opportunity to leave. At Hua Rong's insistence, he naturally had to take away the onehundred liang of gold

When they saw that his figure was surrounded by servants and completely disappeared, they were relieved

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