One Night Bride

Chapter 300

Zonghan was suddenly arrested in the coup because one of his generals, Khitan, reported that another general, Gao Qingyi, had embezzled and accepted 10000 yuan in bribes

Corruption and bribery are very common among Nuzhen nobles, and there were not many such punishments before. This time, He Ci used Yu wenxuzhong's trick to put him on the charge of "public crime" from the Song Dynasty and put him in prison

Gao Qingyi was Zonghan's right-hand man. At this time, Zonghan had lost power. He hoped to save Gao Qingyi's life both in terms of strategy and psychological dependence, so he took out his "death free token" to redeem Gao Qingyi's life

It turned out that after the old wolf Lord ascended the throne, in order to win over the Zonghan faction, he ordered to reward him with a "death free token", which had the same effect as the iron coupon Dan book of the song state But the difference is that at the same time, there is a certain right to transfer troops. In a sense, it is more effective than the iron coupon Dan book

After Zonghan handed over the iron ticket, he was drunk at home every day, even the woman he used to like At this time, he was in his fifties. After two years of political loss and indulgence, he had already hollowed out his body. He was fat and extravagant. Once the first valiant general of Daikin, he even had trouble riding and galloping

On this day, an outsider came in. He thought he had news about Gao Qingyi. He got up drunk, but was stabbed around his neck by the outsider The person behind laughed: "Zonghan, you have today."

It was pruhu who came

Zonghan knew something bad, so he said, "buluhu, please release me quickly. I will lead the army to kill He Ci and hold you as the wolf owner."

Pruhu sneered, "isn't it too late for you to say that now? Today I'll take you to meet Gao Qingyi."


Jin Wushu rushed to Shangjing and immediately went into the palace to see the wolf Lord's stabbing

Although he was not healed from his serious injury, he still supported not to be carried by others. When he entered the Qianyuan hall, he found that he had already changed The Qianyuan palace has completely imitated the appearance of the court of the Song Dynasty, with monarchs and ministers

The spring in Jin is still very cold, and the wind and snow are still raging But as soon as Jin Wushu entered, he immediately felt as warm as spring. It was burning vigorously in imitation of the charcoal stove of the song state

The boa gowns of officials are designed according to Yu wenxuzhong. According to the water belonging to the kingdom of Jin, senior officials are all narrow sleeved soap gowns with bear, deer and mountain forest patterns, called "autumn water clothes" Tie a tuhu jade belt around your waist, wear a gold medal on your left, an iron knife on your right, and black leather boots on your feet The officials also wore seven beam crowns and five beam crowns according to their grades, imitating the state of song The ministers were divided into two columns. On the left, led by the stepfather of He Ci and the brother of Jin Wushu, zonggan, and on the right, led by buluhu. Both of them added Diao Chan cage towels to the seven beam crown to show their noble status

Everyone was surprised to see the fourth prince come in so embarrassed Jin Wushu did not expect that he would not leave for a long time, and the court had such earth shaking changes

Although he was scarred all over, he still held Fang Tianhua halberd tightly in his hand with a powerful expression. Everyone knew that the other side commanded the puppet Qi army to beat Song Jiang Liu Guang, throwing away his armor and retreating to several States and counties, but he didn't dare to despise it Zong Gan was naturally overjoyed to see his brother come back. He went to help him with his own hands and asked affectionately, "Wu Shu is hard."

Before Jin Wushu answered, he saw the wolf Lord with a thorn head and a Chu Huangluo robe, surrounded by the instrument guard, stepping into the imperial collapse The ministers knelt down in Jurchen to worship, but shouted "Viva, viva, viva" in Chinese Because there are no similar words in their Nuzhen characters, they use Chinese transliteration

Jin Wushu also knelt in the courtiers, but if it weren't for the two thick braids on his head, he would be exactly the same as the emperor of the Han people

He was very unhappy, but he CI said, "Wu Shu is hard. I am crowned king of Yue and given a full set of scepters."

Jin Wushu had long been informed that he was proclaimed king of the state of Yue. At this time, Fang was officially ordered to give thanks After thanking him, he was not happy. With the sign of his stepfather, he stabbed changed the tone of his relatives this time, and said, "fourth uncle worked hard and was injured for the country. Please sit down."

A palace man immediately brought a chair, and Jin Wushu sat down. Everyone showed envious eyes

Jin Wushu reported some situations of the state of song, and especially mentioned the current situation of Liu Yu and Qi puppets. Then the ministers retreated from the dynasty, and zonggan left his brothers for a banquet and business

After three drinks, Zong Gan said, "Zong Han has been harbouring evil intentions and is not satisfied with the wolf owner. Now, I design with national master Yuwen and catch him. What do you say?"

Jin Wushu meditated He and Zonghan are sworn enemies. He thought zonggan had killed Zonghan, but he didn't expect to keep it At this time, he was not in a hurry to kill Zonghan, so he said, "Zonghan has made great contributions to the destruction of Liao and Song Dynasties, and there is no obvious traitor. How can he be killed openly?"

Zong Gan lowered his voice: "to be honest, recently, the Pru tiger has become more and more domineering and disrespectful to the wolf master..."

He only said this sentence, but Jin Wushu was surprised, and immediately understood that zonggan killed Zonghan was just an excuse, and the real purpose was to deal with the Prussian tiger First cut off the threat of Zonghan, and then completely destroy the Prussian tiger

He naturally understood that since Zong Gan Mi Zhao hurried back quickly, he must agree with him However, he was still realistic and said, "now the state of song has not been pacified, but the generals who can fight in the state of Jin have been killed by the joint stab one after another. Zonghan and buluhu are both capable generals. If you kill them, wouldn't there be no generals?"

Seeing that he was so "ignorant", Zong Gan was a little unhappy and said, "fourth brother, the wolf's master is not guaranteed. How can we destroy the Liao and Song Dynasties?"

Even when his father, the old wolf Lord, was alive, he also maintained a strong democracy of Jurchen slavery. Jin Wushu was deeply affected by this. Seeing that he Ci was now completely the sole ruler of the Song Dynasty, he was even more secretly angry, but he said to zonggan, "in that case, the third brother will see to it."

Zonggan stared at him, "do you support it?"

He said slowly, "I should follow the third brother to ensure the wolf's master."

Zong Gan was very satisfied with his words, and knew that after cutting off those generals, sending troops in the future basically depended on the fourth younger brother who was familiar with the situation of the Southern Dynasty, so he was more intimate with him, and the gifts he gave him were even more than the level of being sealed by He Ci as a reward to the king of Yue

The weather is cold and the north wind is raging. Even in the room, you can hear the north wind whine

Jin Wushu rested all night, opened the door, and looked at the ice and snow in the north. I couldn't help feeling melancholy. If it were the Southern Dynasty, at this time, when the grass grew and the warbler flew

He wore thick fur and came to the prison of the kingdom of Jin

The prison in the kingdom of Jin is very special. It only digs several big pits four or five feet deep, which are guarded by several veterans Putting the prisoner down is to put on wooden shackles and shackles, let him sit in a wicker basket tied with hemp rope, hang down the pit, wait for him to step out of the basket, and the jailer lifts the rope and closes the basket

This kind of open pit often freezes prisoners to death in cold winter, although it has been covered with thick straw and wheat straw, which makes people shiver

As soon as Jin Wushu arrived at the prison, he heard a burst of fierce abuse: "where's He Ci? Call him out. He has an iron ticket to avoid death. How dare he take me?"

It was pruhu who escorted him, sneering, "where is your iron ticket?"

Zonghan hissed, "don't you know that the iron certificate is given to me by your father?"

Pruhu laughed proudly, "it doesn't count if you don't see it."

Gao Qingyi had already been executed, and Zonghan realized at this time that he had only given an iron ticket to avoid death in vain He couldn't get the iron coupon, and was so anxious that he sweated all over his head. Suddenly he said, "there's another one in the palace. You can ask he ci..."

Pruhu pushed him, "if you have one, take it out. If not, don't be wordy."

In desperation, Zonghan suddenly saw Jin Wushu standing aside and looking at himself from a distance. As if he had seen the Savior, he couldn't care that this was his enemy, and shouted, "Wushu, come here, you also have an iron certificate, tell me..."

Jin Wushu walked over a few steps and watched Zonghan being guarded by four soldiers His body is very fat because of excessive alcohol and lust. This struggle has already breathed heavily. Where is there the slightest shadow of the brave general in the past?

Seeing that he didn't speak, Zonghan shouted anxiously, "fourth prince, you need to know that you also have an iron ticket to avoid death..."

There was no jade seal in the Jin Dynasty. At first, the gold and jade treasures seized from the Liao state were used. The iron coupon was in the shape of a rolled tile, and the gold characters on it were written in Jurchen The iron coupon of the female immortal is not as exquisite as the Chinese, but only written according to each person's name For example, what is given to Zong Han is: "give Zong Han nothing except rebellion and flogging." The iron coupons are made in two pieces, one for the meritorious man and the other in the palace for future reference

Jin Wushu naturally knew the details, but at this time, he knew that the imperial iron certificate had been lost and he had to die. Although the rabbit died and was sad, he just shook his head without saying a word

Pu Luhu laughed: "Zonghan, what's the matter? Wu Shu doesn't remember whether you have it or not. Please die."

Zonghan cursed loudly: "my family only wishes that I didn't get up early and give up the river and mountains to Hetian, but I was murdered by this little rabbit. Wu Shu, you need to remember that Hetian can kill me today, and you don't have a good end. You'd better pray that your iron certificate won't be cheated by Hetian. Now, the brothers have been killed, and it's your turn next..."

Pruhu didn't let him scold any more, and a ball of broken cotton wadding was stuffed into Zonghan's mouth. He could only struggle in despair, making a terrible whine and moving his hands and feet

Pruhu immediately ordered Zonghan to be put into a large wooden box, and the soldiers carried him to the prison where Gao Qingyi was once imprisoned Zonghan was covered with a thick hemp rope around his neck and then thrown into a deep pit. The poor first valiant general of the golden kingdom was thus killed

Jin Wushu witnessed the whole process, standing on the snow, but felt a chill on his back

Pu Luhu ran over and warmly extended his hand to him: "Wu Shu, today is refreshing, ha ha, get rid of Zonghan, and invite you to a dinner at home."

Jin Wushu laughed, "good, good."

As he walked along with the Prussian tiger, his vest was even colder. Today, Zonghan will be the Prussian tiger tomorrow. What about the future? Is it yourself or others in the future?

In particular, his iron ticket has been lost

It was taken by the flower

Originally, he was almost considered that he would use the iron coupon one day. Today, he witnessed the death of Zonghan and realized the importance of the iron coupon

However, how can Hua Rong return it to herself?

The snow was so thick that his black gold boots sank into a thick section. He pulled them out with force and couldn't help but pour a sharp burning knife on his back The thumb and index finger of his right hand were useless, so he could only lift the wine bag with his left hand With a wry smile in her heart, no matter how cruel the woman is, or how life and death are relative, she only loses her two fingers And what about Heci? I'm afraid the next step is my own head

He touched his neck with his broken hand, which was covered with snow and cold He brushed away the snow. In fact, the worst enemy is often not the enemy country, but politicians Throughout the ages, how many heroes actually died not in the battlefield, but in the hands of monarchs

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