One Night Bride

Chapter 301

Flowers dissolve the benevolence of women, it can only be flowers dissolve

He Ci kills people while talking and laughing, so he is the wolf owner

And song, Zhao Deji, Qin Hui, monarchs and ministers are the same, despicable, regardless of race and country In his heart, he thought of Yu wenxuzhong, the old thief. If he hadn't given advice and stabbed him at a young age, how could he become so cruel?

After Zonghan's death, He Ci naturally did not dare to announce that he was killed by Yi, but publicized his death. The imperial court also paid great tribute to him, giving him Taibao, Lingsan Province, the memorial of the king of Jin, and at the same time, he was also granted the title of King of Zhou and song

Zonghan's death was extremely sad and glorious. The more glorious it was, the more afraid it was These days, he is almost at home, behind closed doors, only playing with his son In particular, buluhu had a good personal relationship with Jin Wushu. Although he had been invited many times, Jin Wushu always declined politely. Knowing that the next goal of Zong Gan was buluhu, he dared not go too close to him


When pruhu was declined for the fifth time, he finally realized that something was wrong and simply killed Jin Wushu's mansion

The snow was thick, and Jin Wushu accompanied his son to play in the snow Since returning to "home" this time, little Lu Wenlong is no longer as lively as before. He is six or seven years old and a little sensible. After witnessing dad's behavior towards his mother, he always thinks that his mother is dead On this day, as usual, he habitually asked, "where is mother? Where is mother?"

Jin Wushu was about to answer, but he saw pruhu rushing in murderously, followed by the panting housekeeper behind him. Obviously, it was because he couldn't stop it. He looked at Jin Wushu anxiously and shouted, "the fourth Prince..."

Pu Luhu put his hand on his waist and wore a knife. Most Jin people are straightforward, and he doesn't know how to beat around the bush. He shouted, "Wu Shu, what do you mean by hiding from me everywhere?"

Jin Wushu ordered two maids to take his son down, and then smiled, "well, since I'm here, I'll accompany you today."

Pru followed him into the house with a huff

The two sat down on the warm Kang like spring, and the servant brought two jars of wine made by Jin Ren Jin Wushu also didn't say hello. Pruhu poured himself a large bowl and drank it dry. Then he stared at Jin Wushu: "fourth prince, what do you mean? Why did you hide from me as soon as you came back? How unhappy are you?"

Jin Wushu gave a wry smile and stretched out his hand

Pruhu looked at his severed thumb and index finger on his right hand, leaving only three bare fingers He had never seen such a hand before and felt extremely strange

He stared: "so what? Injury is a common occurrence..."

Jin Wushu sighed: "but, my injury..."

"Song pig hurt you?"

Jin Wushu nodded

"Why is song pig so powerful?"

Jin Wushu as if nothing had happened: "Yue Pengju!"

In recent years, Yue Pengju has become the most troublesome song general in the Jin army. Pu Luhu naturally knows his name. He is no longer surprised to see that he was killed by Yue Pengju

However, seeing his dark eyes and being rude, pruhu also understood that it was indeed a great trouble for the former brave fourth prince to abandon this right hand He scratched his head: "I thought you had something against me, my brother. So it is. I won't blame you."

This is also the idea of Jin Wushu. He has been making friends with Pru tiger since he died. Zong Han and others felt more sad about the death of the rabbit. Seeing that Zong Gan and others had secretly targeted Pru tiger in the next step, because Pru tiger once competed to be the wolf owner, Zong Gan and others were always worried Jin Wushu wanted to help him save his life But there is no way to get the best of both worlds

Sure enough, pruhu angrily said, "once Zonghan died, now Zong GaN has all the power. Everything is co stabbed and yuwenxuzhong. The three of them discussed and excluded me..."

Jin Wushu was silent and said after a while, "I think this old thing in Yu Wenxu is really a little tricky."

Pruhu patted the table, "I've long hated this old thing. I'd better find an opportunity to kill him."

Jin Wushu was eager for someone to kill Yu wenxuzhong, but he did not show his face and cleverly shifted the topic away At this time, pruhu didn't realize that his situation was already very delicate. He spoke up and drank more than half of a jar of wine. Then he was ready to get up and leave

Just about to get off the Kang, I suddenly remembered something and said with a smile, "Wu Shu, I got more than a dozen Qidan Xiao beauties last month. I'll send you four."

"Then I'm welcome."

Pu Luhu was very proud: "I became the king and gave the first lady the title of princess. Now you are also the king of Yue. Who is your princess title going to give?"

This question stopped Jin Wushu, and he couldn't answer it for a moment

He pondered for a moment before saying, "later."

Pu Luhu thought he was still depressed about Yelv Guanyin, so he stopped talking about it, and then he went drunk

As soon as he left, Jin Wushu returned to the room and heard his son crying

He frowned. These days, because Hua Rong and nanny were not around, his son often cried He walked in and saw Lu Wenlong sitting on the Kang, constantly crying. No matter how the temporary nurse took care of him, he didn't listen

When the nurse saw him coming in, she looked panicked, "the fourth prince, the little prince is a little hot..."

He waved her back, sat next to her son, hugged him, and touched his forehead first, slightly hot Because of this burst of crying, the little face flushed and coughed

He gently touched his son's back to make him more angry When the child saw dad, he opened his eyes wide, put his arm around his neck and cried, "Dad, I don't want them, don't want them..."

Naturally, he refers to the temporary nurse, etc

Jin Wushu said in a warm voice, "OK, son, dad will find another nurse for you."

The child danced with his little hands: "no, no, no, I just want my mother..."

"Son, what's the matter?"

"Mom, I want mom, Dad, where is mom? Is mom dead?"

"Mom is fine, not dead."

"Dad, you lied to me. I saw you hit your mother with my own eyes... Why did you hit your mother?"

Jin Wushu hugged his son tightly and sighed. He was very regretful and couldn't face his son's innocent questioning at all Yes, why did you hit his "mother"? Is it that slap in the face, all feelings were completely cut off by yourself?

He couldn't help sighing, especially in such a bleak and lonely day, he needed comfort That kind of spiritual comfort must not be brought by an outstanding concubine at will. It must be shared by a woman who knows herself and her situation

What woman in the world knows her situation better than Hua Rong who fought all the way?

If flowers dissolve in!

If she is with her son, she can at least tell her the truth Even if she doesn't say anything, at least she has the warmth of cooking tea with her bare hands

He sighed in his heart. Seeing that his son was crying badly, he was even more depressed. He just hugged his son and kept coaxing him: "dear, dad will take you to hunt tomorrow..."

Lu Wenlong refused to comply, and still cried, "don't hunt, want your mother..."

He had a wet nurse around all these years, and then he had Huarong Hua Rong, in particular, treated him as if he were his own, and he was a bit more spoiled than the average biological mother. Now, there is no familiar person around him. Little boy, he feels very lonely. Before, every time he asked, dad always stared Today, seeing that my father didn't stare, he simply acted coquettish and cried: "I must have my mother, and I don't want anything else..."

Jin Wushu was going to be angry, but seeing his son obviously thin these days, he also knew that he was because he had no mother and no familiar nurse. The woman in the real woman looked after him and didn't understand the habits of the child Looking for ordinary Han slaves, he was not at ease In such a dilemma, touching his son's face is very distressing

He wiped the tears on his son's face and coaxed him softly: "good son..."

The child's cry decreased a little, sobbed and asked, "Mom, where's mom..."

He almost promised: "mom is fine. Son, dad will fight in the future, take you back, and you may still see her..."

The child was skeptical, so he grabbed dad's hand, but when he saw dad's disabled hand, he asked childishly, "Dad, what happened to your hand?"

He also asked Jin Wushu about this several times, but Jin Wushu didn't answer. He didn't know how to mention it to his son, and he didn't know how to tell his son that his mother cut off his hand

"Dad, can you hunt with your hands like this?"


"Which villain cut it for you?"

He laughed, "it was dad who hurt him carelessly."

The child showed suspicious eyes. Although he was young, he naturally did not believe that someone would make his hands like this However, he was young after all. After listening to my father's other interesting stories, he forgot to ask, and the attraction was completely in other aspects

Jin Wushu finally calmed his son to sleep, and he also felt sleepy. This night, he lay beside his son and hugged his son to sleep

In the middle of the night, the roaring north wind penetrated through the closed door, like wild animals roaring in the mountains He had been used to hearing it since childhood, but this night was in every way unpleasant, and there was always a faint foreboding His crippled right hand tightened again, touched his son's sleeping face, and smiled bitterly. It occurred to him that the fourth prince, who was able to carry the best, could only coax his son to sleep at home now. In the political vortex of the kingdom of Jin, he watched the change and protected himself from the next storm

It was not until dawn that he closed his eyes in a daze that he suddenly thought of a problem: his death free coupon was still in Hua Rong's hand If you ask her for it, will she give it back to you?

Or, if she knew what it was, would she give it back to herself?

After receiving the news of Zonghan's death, Shan Manda began the second worst curse in her life In his hand, he held a wooden stick tied with a pig knife, which was his wizard's belongings Holding a wooden stick, he walked to the courtyard, put the two long braids on his head on his neck, face the direction of the court, and began to sing a sad spell in Jurchen language:

Take the combined thorn, one horn refers to the sky, the other horn refers to the underground cattle, and there is a nameless horse. In front, there is a flower face, in the back, there is a white tail, and in the horizontal view, there are left and right wings

As he sang, he scratched the ground with a sharp knife at the end of his stick After singing wolf Lord, he sang others:

Take zonggan, one horn refers to the sky, the other horn refers to the underground cattle, and there is a nameless horse. In front, there is a flower face, in the back, there is a white tail, and in the horizontal view, there are left and right wings

Take one horn of the Prussian tiger to point to the sky, one horn to the underground cattle, and another nameless horse. In front, there is a flower face, in the back, there is a white tail, and in the horizontal view, there are left and right wings

Take Wu Shu, a horn refers to the sky, a horn refers to the underground cattle, and a nameless horse, with a flower face in front, a white tail in the back, and left and right wings in the horizontal view


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