One Night Bride

Chapter 302

Until I cursed all these people back and forth According to the female immortal's superstition, as long as he curses, these people will encounter bad luck and their families will be destroyed

He was sad and angry about Zonghan's death, cursed extremely miserably, stood in the snow, floating, and almost became a snowman

He didn't know that behind him was an ancient pine tree, and a big man was listening to his curse

This man is king Qin

He was curious about the magical witches used by Yelv, so he deliberately went to find other witches in the kingdom of gold to see if their spells could work Knowing that dada was the first "shanman" in the kingdom of Jin, he had hidden here for several days to observe his habits. Today, at last, he turned around and left happily

The three of them found an abandoned pit excavated by a female immortal, made a fire, and baked some pheasants and wild dogs caught in the snow. In a moment, the fragrance overflowed

Liu Wu asked curiously, "is it really effective to use such a curse?"

King Qin laughed: "it's useless, it must be useless. If you can curse people to death, how can there be living people in this world?"

"However, why is Yelv's Witchcraft effective?"

King Qin was very proud: "I've been thinking about the difference between witchcraft and Shan man all the way. There must be a big difference..."

"What difference?"

"Didn't you find out? Curse is a kind of ritual. Wizards point out the sky and seize the earth. But, how can people be killed by their minds alone? Otherwise, if anyone hates someone, a curse will not kill the enemy? But witchcraft is different. Yelv uses this old thief to make a slip of green bamboo sticks. Lao Tzu estimates that witchcraft must be some invisible poisons. If you poison people, you will poison people invisibly. Think about it, if you curse people, you can't poison people?"

Liu Wu had to admit that King Qin's words were very reasonable But even so, it's worth coming all the way here to inquire specifically?

King Qin knew that they were not hardy, and he was eager to return to the sea immediately to have fun, He laughed and said: "The girl always thinks that Yue Pengju, a little bunny, has made great achievements in planning strategies and killing prisoners. In her eyes, Yue Pengju is a hero! Lao Tzu thought that if Lao Tzu killed the fourth Prince alone with Yelv's powerful witchcraft, killed Hetian, and even killed all the generals of the Kingdom of Jin, and destroyed the kingdom of Jin, wouldn't Lao Tzu be far better than Yue Pengju? Even if I killed wastes like Zhao Deji and Qin Hui, I would be happy..."

Liu Wu was dumbfounded

He thought of a sentence that almost every Han people knew, "the son of heaven is better to have seed? A strong army is better for it". His heart was cold, and he quietly looked at King Qin However, seeing King Qin's tiger eyes and leopard eyes, square face and big ears, and paying attention to his appearance in ancient times, he felt even more strange. Especially after King Qin met with Yelv Dayong, he always vaguely felt that he had an increasingly obvious style, but as for what it was, he couldn't say

Hearing these words today, Fang Yinyin understood

He suddenly felt proud in his heart. After thinking for a while, he said, "if big Wang wants to, Liu Wu will follow him to the death."

King Qin didn't notice that the loyal subordinate looked more respectful than before. He just said to himself, "no, I must find Yelv to use."

"It's not easy for Yelv to get too close to this man. He's too weird."

King Qin disapproved: "no matter how weird he is, he is just a master at baiting, and he doesn't dare to stand in front of people at all. This is his weakness."


Liu Wu and Ma Su, from the "han'er" of Liao and Jin Dynasties to the outlaw, thought that their style was enough deviant, but hearing King Qin's words, they were stunned Liu Wu also comes from a scholarly descendant. His great grandfather failed repeatedly in the Song Dynasty. He was beaten up because he had no money to bribe examiners in an imperial examination In anger, he went far beyond the Great Wall. With his wealth of experience, he was appreciated by the king of the Liao Kingdom and once held a high official position When the Liao state perished, Liu Wu's family path completely declined. In the Liao and Jin Dynasties, he had experienced hardships, so he was cornered and became a bandit. Seeing the decline of the song state, he naturally would not have any intention of retiring, but he never thought of killing a king and being independent He had followed King Qin several times from south to north, and witnessed King Qin's style of behavior, from commanding a crowd of pirates, to fighting with Jin Wushu at sea, and then to the unscrupulous trick of Shangjing on Jin Wushu. He acted unpredictable, brave and resourceful, far beyond the style of a pirate

Yelv has a weakness. What about King Qin?

He couldn't help but look at King Qin carefully, but he didn't dare to look directly into his eyes

King Qin didn't notice the change in his expression at all, and was even more excited. He immediately said, "go to find Yelv Da Yong right away."

After thinking for a while, Liu Wu suggested, "let's take the initiative to find him, isn't it very good?"

"Things are urgent, so we can't worry so much. Let's start right away."

"What is it?"

"You'll know when you go."

Yue Peng left Beijing by light car and joined the army led by several of his main generals halfway from Jiangnan to Dongting directly At this time, spring rains continued in Jiangnan and Jiangbei, and the road was very muddy, causing great difficulties for the March The horses of the song army were scarce, and it was difficult to buy good horses from Xixia and other places due to years of war. Therefore, the army cherished war horses very much, and everyone dismounted and walked. According to the rules at that time, only military staff and scholars could ride horses Yue Pengju's main civilian staff are Li Ruoxu, sun Ge and Xue Bi Among them, Xue Bi was personally appointed by Zhao Deji

Another horseman was Hua Rong, whose family first got rid of the pain of the war, but she was determined to go with Yue Pengju and follow everyone in the wind and rain

She saw her husband walking in the mud. Later, Li Ruoxu and other three scribes all dismounted and walked, and they would dismount themselves, but Yue Pengju and all the generals insisted on not allowing it, especially Zhang Xian and others. Knowing that she was seriously injured, she was not in good health Hua Rong had no choice but to ride alone

It has been six years since the water thieves became rampant in Dongting Due to the rampant Jin army and the people's livelihood, the Song Dynasty was unable to give consideration to the country at all. The local Zhong Xiang gathered in the mountains and forests and put forward the slogan of "equality between the rich and the poor". The people called Zhong Xiang "master". Once the master did this, he would be invincible in the world Because of the "law", the people donated all their property. In just a few years, Zhong Xiangbian had a family capital of millions. The so-called "equality of wealth and wealth", in fact, is just a lie. Other working people are still naked and hungry After Zhong Xiang died, Yang Yao, his successor, became the leader, and his momentum became more and more powerful

Yue Pengju has already done a lot of investigation, knowing that the villagers were desperate before they followed Yang Yi and others, hoping to get a real ideal "Xanadu", which is not too vicious In addition, the encirclement and suppression of the previous officers and troops were also burning, killing and looting all the way, and their actions were more brutal than bandits. Therefore, it aggravated the people's resistance to the officers and soldiers. Therefore, as soon as they entered the Jinghu Road, they had long been ordered not to plunder any money or goods from the people, and violators would be severely punished Some people heard that it was the famous "Yue family army" in recent years, so they took the initiative to send wine and food, and Yue Pengju also ordered to pay all the money

In this way, the army came to Dongting without any obstacles on the way

Contrary to the climate in Jiangnan and Jiangbei, Dongting has not rained since the beginning of spring, and has entered a spring drought on a large scale Yue Pengju and others came to Tanzhou City, declined the invitation of the local governor, and set up a military camp outside the city, ready to start an arduous war

As soon as he settled down, he immediately summoned all civil and military generals to discuss military information Over the years, Zhang Xian and others have followed him and understood his temperament. Therefore, when discussing military intelligence, everyone has always been reckless and spoke freely. Finally, they chose the best and many major military victories were obtained under this atmosphere

Xu Yi, the local governor, also attended the military meeting today Yue Pengju said, "I'm not familiar with water warfare. All the officials have been in a stalemate with Hu Kou for several years. I'm familiar with the local human geography. If there are any good strategies, I'm all ears."

Xu Yi said, "Dongting Lake is vast. There are four prefectures around the lake. Yang Mo's water invaders occupy two counties, set up thirty-five water stockaded villages, and there are many large vehicles and ships, so the army can't resist."

Yue Peng asked, "how many warships are there waiting for Yang?"

Xu Yi said, "Hu Kou has 29 large and small vehicles and ships, and more than 500 sea ships. In addition, Zhong Ziyi, another leader, has 24 large ships. There are tens of thousands of other large and small warships."

Yue Pengju heard that such a scale was even larger than King Qin's elite division, especially the number of believers, involving hundreds of thousands of people. He understood that this was a tough battle, and discussed with the deployment for a while before returning to camp

Hua Rong lives in a temporary military camp. This is a separate room that she and Yue Pengju have. There is no luxurious decoration in it, but it is extremely clean and tidy

On the evening of that day, she had just returned, but she saw a woman with neat hair bun and clean clothes looking at the door. She saw that it was Zhang Xian's wife, senior sister, with two children

She greeted the mother and son with a smile, and the two children called for sir. She touched their heads and found that they had been separated for only twoorthree years, and both children had jumped a big head

She invited the mother and son to sit down, but the child couldn't sit still and played outside, so they talked in the room After talking for a while, senior sister couldn't help asking, "Lu Wenlong, the child was taken away by the fourth Prince again?"

Hua Rong nodded gloomily and said, "I'm a blessing in the end, and I can't keep my baby."

The fourth sister of high school wanted to stop talking, and finally she was bold: "madam, there is a sentence that I don't know what to say."

"Senior sister, but it doesn't matter."

"I also heard Zhang Xian say about his wife's body, and I'm very worried about her. Yue Xianggong must also want to have his own flesh and blood. In that case, as long as his wife is magnanimous, he allows Yue Xianggong to take a concubine and have children. In this case, it's not better for the opposite sex to adopt him?"

Hua Rong was pale and speechless for a moment

She never thought that when she came to Dongting, the water invaders were still alive, and what she heard was such a terrible head-on blow Then he realized that at all times and everywhere, Peng Ju's relatives and friends, from Zhao Deji to Zhang Xian and his wife, were worried about his offspring and hoped that he would take a concubine, afraid of the incense of the Yue family

"Mrs. Yue..."

The fourth sister of Gao called her several times before she came to her senses. She forced a smile, and her forehead was full of sweat

Seeing that her face was so terrible and she didn't know what she said wrong, senior sister stammered, "Mrs. Yue, if you rest early, I won't disturb you."

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