One Night Bride

Chapter 303

She said that and left At that time, women were deeply influenced by Confucian morality. Women's virtue was not jealous. In a large family with mixed wives and concubines, being kind to her husband's concubines and bastard children were all virtues that women should have Because of the personal relationship between Zhang Xian and Yue Pengju, senior sister Gao boldly persuaded her that she was originally thinking of the couple, but she didn't expect Hua Rong to have such an expression. She only secretly said that Mrs. Yue was all right, but jealousy couldn't pass the test

After discussing the military situation, Yue Pengju went on a long way to investigate. After returning, it was already dark

A light was on in the room, and a few dishes were placed on the table. Hua RongZi brushed his silver gray armor that had been in battle for a long time

He hurriedly said, "sister seventeen, you are in poor health. Stop brushing."

Hua Rong smiled and put the armor away: "you can use it when you wear it again."

Yue Pengju sat down and ate with a bowl before sighing, "I know today that the Dongting naval force is more powerful than I thought."

Hua Rong nodded: "I also went out to inquire today. Yang Yao and others are more powerful than King Qin, more than ten times. However, I got a message today..."

"What news?"

"When I was wandering today, I heard the vaudeville people in Tanzhou City boast that Zhong Ziyi had kidnapped the most beautiful prostitute in Liuyang County. Be careful to be a slave as a concubine. And this woman was once Yang Yao's favorite concubine."

"Is there such a thing?"

"It would be much better for Zhong Yang and yang to form an alliance. If they could dissolve their alliance first, wouldn't it be better for them to break each other?"

Yue Peng raised his head and nodded, "well, if you can resolve the alliance between the two first, it is naturally the best policy."

The couple talked about their own collection of information for a while Hua Rong sighed: "I heard Zhong Xiang's expression of 'waiting for high and low' all the way. I was very excited. For a time, I thought he was a figure. However, when Dongting saw it with his own eyes, I heard that his family's industries were all over the prefectures and counties. If it was true to equalize the rich and the poor, why did the villagers in this area still sell children and women? It can be seen that he really made him an emperor, but he was a new loner. The world goes round and round. In fact, the people at the top always enjoy pleasure and glory, while the people below People can only follow and serve Whether the emperor or the water bandit, they are all like this in essence We exterminated the water bandits today, but only to make Zhao Deji more extravagant Fighting and killing every day, in fact, it's better to follow brother Lu in the ancient Buddha with green lanterns in Donglin temple, and eat humble meals... "

Yue Pengju heard his wife's tone was flat and depressed. He almost never saw her like this. It was a little strange. He reached out and grabbed her hand and asked her, "sister seventeen, you've been worried all the way. What's the matter?"

Hua Rong shook her head, "it's okay, it's just a feeling."

Yue Peng glanced at his wife. "If there is something, you must tell me. Don't be depressed at the bottom of your heart."

Hua Rong smiled and said angrily, "what did I hide from you? I just feel too tired recently and hate war."

Yue Peng heaved a sigh of relief. He felt the same at this point. Seeing his wife's words were reasonable, he did not worry about him. It was really tiring to March continuously. He rested early this night


On the second day, Yue Pengju summoned the people to discuss again. This time, he put forward a clear idea, one is to block the grain road of Yang Yaoshui army first, and the other is to block the surrounding transactions Two pronged approach, Dongting Yang Yao water army heard the news, very frightened

Yue Peng took a look at the map and made another field investigation. He found that there was a pocket lake between the north and the south, called Qingcao lake, which was not marked on the map Xu Yi said it was a local name, so it was not marked

The people discussed that the green grass lake was like a pocket. If Yang Yao's north-south passage was cut off, it would be like catching turtles in a jar when the food and grass were cut off, so they immediately sent people to guard the green grass lake

Yang Yao and Zhong Ziyi were even more frightened when they found that QingCaoHu was occupied, so they sent people to sneak attacks many times, but each time they failed

At the same time, Yue Peng summoned Li Yu, who had been dealing with Yang Yijun for many years, and asked him to persuade Yang Yao's stronghold leader to surrender There are more than ten water strongholds near Tanzhou. Li Yuyi saw the ten prepared Zhao'an flags and placards, and knelt down: "the villain would rather be engaged in military justice than provoke the water invaders. All the persuaders sent by the imperial court over the years are gone and gone, and they are all killed by Yang Yao."

Yue Peng raised his frown and said, "you don't need to be afraid. No matter whether they agree to surrender or not, as long as you come back safely, it will be a great achievement."

Li Yu was unable, so he had to go to the nearest Shuizhai to persuade him to surrender

The leader of the water stronghold is Huang Zuo. He has more than 1500 people under his command. When he saw Li Yu coming, he came out in person and took the list and the flag to have a look Li Yu took the opportunity to say, "the emperor's grace is vast, and he sent Yue Xianggong to fight in Dongting. You need to know that Yue Xianggong is different from the previous Imperial Navy. Yang Yao is determined not to be an opponent, so it's better to abandon the secret and turn to the light as soon as possible and seal his wife and son."

Huang Zuo had long heard of the arrival of the world-famous Yue family army, and he was very polite to Li Yu, saying only, "wait for your family to consider."

Li Yu did not dare to go to the other nine strongholds to persuade them to surrender one by one, so he handed the remaining flags to Huang Zuo: "you can distribute the rest of the nine strongholds." Then he left

As soon as Li Yu left, Huang Zuo immediately summoned people to discuss, saying that his water stockade was the first to bear the brunt. Now that the grain road was cut off, it was better to surrender But his subordinates hesitated because they were afraid that Yue Peng would kill again after luring him down Huang Zuo thought for a while and said, "I heard that Yue Xianggong and his wife are famous all over the world. They should not be perfidious people. Let's watch again."

Immediately, Huang Zuo distributed the rest of the nine flags, and the hearts of the water stockaded villages fluctuated for a moment

Moreover, Li Yusheng also said the situation. Yue Peng was overjoyed and immediately ordered the promotion of his two officials After the reward was sealed, I heard the hustle and bustle outside. It turned out that it was Zhang Xian and others who managed the trading market and arrested more than 400 hidden Yang Yishui soldiers

Hua Rong and Yue Pengju came together to check, but they saw that the 400 people were detained on the school field, each in rags and with a cheeky face

The garrison shouted, "Yue Xianggong is here."

Everyone knelt down one after another, and only a few fierce and rebellious men stood

Yue Peng raised his anger and said, "when you wait for burning, killing and looting, and refuse to accept the call, the crime should be killed. What else can you say?"

The man said coldly, "if you are protected by master Zhong in heaven, if you are killed by the dog army, your soul will also go to heaven with master Zhong. Isn't it far better than suffering on earth?"

At that time, people believed in Zhong Xiang and called him "master", which showed that Zhong Xiang had a far-reaching influence Hearing this, it was not easy for everyone to argue for a moment

Hua Rong came over and asked the man, "Zhong xiangzeng said that if he practiced the law, the world would be rich and poor. You were short of food and clothing in the Shuizhai, so you had to venture out to trade. But why don't Yang, Zhong Ziyi and others share the wealth with you?"

The man was speechless, but the other kneeling man shouted, "as you can see, the two heavenly kings are eating and drinking all day long in the water stronghold. Each of them has three wives and four concubines. They sing songs and have fun every day. They drink and eat good food. They are not as poor as the children, and suffer all their sins..."

Hua Rong said with a smile, "Yang Yao said that Zhong xiangyouling, but since Yue Xianggong besieged Dongting Lake and blocked the grain road, what can Yang do? He also sent people to sneak attack, how ever did he win a battle? Yue Xianggong now blocks Qingcao lake, and soon catches turtles in a jar and Yang Yao and others."

The crowd looked at her secretly, but when they saw her talking, they didn't laugh, but also with a third smile, spoke softly, and the timidity in their hearts was removed first

Yue Pengju was very satisfied with his wife's words, and took the opportunity to say, "you were originally a good people, but you were deceived by magic, and were driven here. If you were killed, what would you do in your family? God has a virtue of living well, it's better to let you go and persuade all believers to obey." He immediately ordered the release of the people and distributed copper coins to everyone

People used to face off with the officers and soldiers, and they were often killed when they were captured. I didn't expect that this time they would not only live, but also have consistent money. They were overjoyed and cheered away Yue Pengju also ordered that they be allowed to buy scarce necessities in the market, and taught merchants to underestimate the value, which will be repaid by officers and soldiers later These hundreds of people bought bargains and returned to the Shuizhai. Naturally, they hyped how happy life on land was, which further disturbed the people in the Shuizhai

For more than a month, Yue Pengju was only stationed locally, and he was not in a hurry to send troops. Instead, he took an offensive attitude. Slowly, rumors rose everywhere in Yang Yao's water stronghold, and he could no longer sit still On this day, he received a letter from pseudo Qi Liu Yu Yang Yao and Liu Yu have a long history of contacts In order to win the common siege of Zhao Deji by the southern Navy, Liu Yu sent gifts many times

Immediately, Yang Yao called more than 80 leaders of the whole village to discuss the matter Yang Yao is called the "great sage heavenly king", and Zhong Ziyi, the son of Zhong Xiang, is called the "Prince Zhong". These two people are the leaders of the Dongting naval force, acting on Zhong Xiang's "spirit in heaven"

Because prostitutes are careful about slaves, there is something dirty between the two people, and they have not been in contact for a long time. This time, because it is the pressure of the army, which is related to the future of the Navy, Yang yaolao took the initiative to say: "crown prince Zhong has obtained the wife of the stronghold, and he is satisfied. There is nothing dirty in his family. Now Yue Peng raises the army to encircle and suppress, and we especially need to work together in the same boat."

Zhong Ziyi naturally said, "pay attention."

Yang Mo then said, "I have inquired about the details of Yue Pengju. Although he is a valiant general on the land, all his troops are northerners, who don't learn water warfare. It's not enough to be afraid. As long as we stick to the stronghold, he will have nothing to do."

Huang Zuo had already distributed the 9-point persuasion book to others, and the several stronghold owners said one after another, "Yue Pengju is no better than other mediocre generals in the court. If the grain road is cut off, we will have no food and grass this autumn. How can we resist it?"

Yang Yao laughed: "what's the fear? Master Zhong's spirit in heaven will naturally bless us to win. Besides, backed by Emperor Liu of the Qi Dynasty, it's nothing to worry about."

Master Zhong was their spiritual victory method, but it was not enough to convince everyone at this time. However, they had no choice but to break up the meeting and return to the water stronghold to prepare

After the meeting, Huang Zuo saw that Yang Yao and others were not prepared at all, so he made up his mind to surrender. The trustee told Li Yu and agreed on the date of surrender

Yue Pengju was overjoyed at the speech and immediately ordered Wang GUI to be surrendered on his behalf

On this day, Huang Zuo led more than 1500 people to surrender Wang GUI was also fully equipped and led the people to surrender Both sides are wary On this day, in the sunny weather, the two sides met in formation. According to the rule of being surrendered as the enemy, they were all armed, and their armor was scorched by the sun But Huang Zuo's army was obviously not as strict as the official Army. Only Huang Zuo rode a horse, and the others were infantry Wang GUI ordered the commander to suppress the formation. He ran out with an iron knot and bamboo woven weapon on his back and shouted, "I am under the command of prime minister Yue to lift Wang GUI. Now I have been ordered by Prime Minister Yue to accept surrender. Prime Minister Yue is based on benevolence and righteousness, and those who are willing to worship will not do harm, and will be treated favorably. The officer was ordered to swear by the arrow."

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