One Night Bride

Chapter 304

Then he took out an arrow and folded it in two

When Huang Zuo arrived, he felt completely relieved and immediately dismounted and knelt down: "the sinner Huang Zuo has been fighting with Master Wang for several years. Today, he specially came to apologize."

Wang GUI personally lifted him up, handed him an official notice, and said, "Yue Xianggong has ordered that your first surrender is great merit, and you are specially promoted to the seventh grade Wuyi doctor."

Huang Zuo received the official report, but he was more relieved, and his face showed a happy face Therefore, Wang GUI and he went back to Tanzhou side by side

When the army arrived in Tanzhou, it was noon. An open space was specially set aside in the barracks to allow Huang Zuo's team to rest and provide food and tea Huang Zuo was led to the big account by Wang GUI. He saw a senior general, dressed in military clothes, sitting in the middle, with a very powerful appearance He immediately knelt down and said, "sinner Huang Zuo meets with Yue Xianggong."

Yue Pengju said, "since the Wuyi doctor has been subordinated to the court, he should not be commensurate with the sinner."

After paying homage, Yue Peng went to comfort the soldiers He rode alone, unarmed Everyone persuaded him one after another, and Li Ruoxu said, "Peng Ju should not take risks easily. In the past, there was a Dongting water thief Jay Chou who pretended to surrender and killed three court officials. In order to prevent change, it's best to be prepared."

Yue Pengju firmly said, "I see that all the troops are poor people, desperate, and by no means ferocious."

The crowd couldn't move, and looked at Hua Rong one after another Hua Rong laughed: "to tell you the truth, I also looked at the surrender troops all the way. Seeing that they were just ordinary people, you don't have to worry. Since it was the beginning of surrender, you have to be sincere in order to make others sincerely submit."

She didn't say a word. In fact, compared with most soldiers like wolves, these people couldn't see the traces of tigers and wolves at all Who is willing to be a robber unless there is no way out?

After hearing this, it was hard to persuade her. Yue Pengju went to Huang Zuojun alone Hua Rong was worried about her husband's safety, so she quietly followed him

The soldiers were surprised to see that the commander came alone Yue Pengju walked to the middle of the army, and everyone knelt down one after another, Yue Peng raised his voice and said: "You don't have to be polite. Like you, I'm also a farmer's son. I've been poor since I was a child, and I knew that the people were poisoned by the heavy burden of tyranny. However, Zhong Xiangyang seduced you to fight against the imperial court with magic, and colluded with the puppet Qi. Now you know your way back, and don't ask about past grievances. Now the great rivers and mountains of the Central Plains have fallen, and the great song people are all hurt. In the future, Mr. Wang will drive north, and you will show your skills to restore the mountains and rivers, so you are really good men."

He also announced that each person would give two copper coins, and everyone was happy and thanked the commander-in-chief

Hua Rong watched the surrender and worshipped. She was relieved. She just thought that if she accepted this army, she would send troops north to fight against the four princes of the kingdom of Jin in the future. Only then could she have the real value of today's civil war

That night, Yue Pengju held a banquet to celebrate Li Yu and Huang Zuo

When the wine was half drunk, Yue Pengju came to Huang Zuo, sat down next to him, stroked Huang Zuo's back according to the habit of intimacy at that time, and said, "the lower official wants to send you back to the lake to appease. If you disobey, you can exterminate it. As long as you have the intention of appeasing, you will be appeased and will never harm. I wonder if you are willing to undertake this important task?"

Huang Zuo was very excited and immediately said, "I wish I could be driven by Yue Xianggong."

Yue Pengju then laughed and said, "Zhou Lun in the Shuizhai has been treacherous and pretended to surrender for many times, and he has killed three court officials. Your Shuizhai and Zhou Lun face each other from north to south. If you attack the Shuizhai unprepared and break it, you will do meritorious service for the court."

Huang Zuo immediately took orders

The next day, Huang Zuo led more than 1000 people from his headquarters to leave Yue Pengju camp and return to Shuizhai Before leaving, Yue Pengju saw him off in person Wang GUI and others also suggested sending officers and soldiers to accompany them for surveillance Yue Pengju replied, "don't doubt people. Don't doubt people. I expect Huang Zuo to have no second thoughts."

After Huang Zuo returned to the stronghold, he immediately deployed according to Yue Pengju's arrangement and sent troops at night on the third day He personally led 16 warships of the stronghold to Zhou Lun stronghold and shouted, "my family is willing to destroy the officers and soldiers with brother Zhou."

Zhou Lun was caught off guard and was defeated. Zhou Lun led only a few people to escape

Yue Peng immediately promoted Huang Zuo to Doctor Wu Jing

After Zhou Lun's water stronghold fell, Yue Pengju immediately sent Xu Qing and Huang Zuo to block Qingcao lake and completely control the exit of Dongting

After breaking Zhou Lun's water stronghold, Yue Pengju once again stopped military action and sent capitulators to each water stronghold to recruit security Most of the uprising peasants in the past dynasties have great limitations. Often, after the leaders obtained huge economic benefits, they were quickly corrupted and became new landlords and gentry, without much enterprising intention Yang Yao and others are the same. They have been the king of Dongting for six years, and have lived the life of the earth emperor. Especially the former officers and soldiers have little ability. They have been beaten back many times, and they think Lao Tzu is the best in the world. Therefore, although Zhou Lun and others have lost, they don't think so, and they still drink happily

Yue Peng took pains to collect information and was very happy to learn about Yang Yao and others. He stood still and waited for the further deployment of the recruitment work

On this day, the couple went out to check the terrain and came back. In the distance, they heard the melodious piano outside the door The two men looked at each other with great surprise

According to the practice at that time, there were many families with the army, and the generals generally rented civilian houses outside the military camp Yue Pengju and his wife, for their convenience, also rented a residential compound with Zhang Xian's family members At this time, Hua Rong clearly heard the sound of the piano coming from his door

She couldn't help but speed up her steps. As soon as she entered the door, she saw the fourth sister of high school coming out with a smile on her face. But when she saw Hua Rong, she was slightly uneasy, and just said, "Mrs. Yue..."

After Hua Rong greeted her, she immediately saw a woman holding a lute standing up slowly in her yard, curling a salute: "I've seen my wife, I've seen Yue Xianggong..."

Hua rongdan saw that the woman was beautiful in appearance, but she was very elegant in dress. When she smiled on her face, she was very gentle, delicate and polite

Yue Pengju is also curious. Who is this woman? Why at home?

The couple were stunned, and a father-in-law came forward with a smile: "the official family knows that Yue Xianggong fought hard, and the special envoy came to comfort..." he looked at Hua Rong and whispered, "the Empress Dowager still has a message to greet..."

Hua Rong's face changed slightly. He stepped forward and heard him whisper a few words. His face was even worse

Yue Pengju was surprised by these changes, and did not notice the instantaneous change of his wife's face. When he looked at his wife, Hua Rong's face had become completely normal. He only calmly said, "in that case, let's settle this girl first."

The woman also curled a salute: "my family, Li qiaoniang, is willing to serve my wife, Yue Xianggong."

At this time, Yue Pengju also understood that this woman was a concubine rewarded by the emperor Just about to refuse, Hua Rong said faintly, "since you've come all the way, it's better to settle down for the time being and talk about it later."

Yue Peng listened to his wife and stopped talking

Li qiaoniang saluted again. She was only eighteen or nine years old, and she was very clever. She didn't have the slightest sense of beauty. She put down her lute and didn't wait to serve. She immediately put out bowls and chopsticks and served them very attentively

Because of this, Yue Pengju became more and more strange. When she cleaned up after dinner, Yue Pengju immediately took his wife to the room, frowned and said, "it's inconvenient for this woman to stay here after all..."

Hua Rong thought of the Empress Dowager's few messages, sighed secretly, and said, "since the emperor sent it, even if you want to send it away, you need to have a proper reason."

Yue Pengju thought of the beauty sent by Wu Yu at the beginning, and said, "well, I have my own way."

Hua Rong glanced at him and suddenly asked, "Peng Ju, do you really want to have your own flesh and blood?"

Yue Peng was stunned What's the relationship between flesh and blood and this Li qiaoniang?

He immediately said, "sister seventeen, I swore not to betray you. Why are you doing this?"

Somehow, Hua Rong was suddenly dissatisfied with this answer Is it because you swear that you don't take concubines? If you are blocked by the oath, you will stop the incense of the Yue family. What are you?

She said slowly, "in that case, go and kill yourself."

Yue Pengju heard his wife's tone was not very good, and I don't know why she was so, so he had to follow suit

Li qiaoniang had just finished her busy work in the kitchen. Hearing Yue Xianggong's invitation, she hurried to the hall and gave a blessing

Hua Rong hid behind the screen, but when she saw her words and deeds, she was very elegant, not to mention men. Even if she herself, she also had a bit of a good impression The woman put her wife in front of her husband again and again. Obviously, she did some work before she came Plus her clothes, she knew that Yue Pengju's excuses would never work

Yue Peng asked, "the little lady needs to know that there is no money left in the official family, and her wife is dressed in plain clothes and cloth skirts, and there is no wealth..."

Li qiaoniang frowned and said in a low voice, "I'm also from a poor family. I never admire wealth and honor. I only heard the names of my wife and my husband. I'm willing to serve them. I don't dare to have any wealth and honor."


Yue Peng was stunned and said, "my wife should go with me at any time, and my wife is not at home all the year round."

Li qiaoniang was more obedient: "in ancient times, there was Wang Baochuan who had been guarding the cold kiln for 18 years. Although my family was not so virtuous, I was steadfast in running the house and would never dare to lose the love of my wife and my husband..."

Yue Pengju was speechless

Li qiaoniang smiled and said, "Mr. Yue doesn't have to worry about my family. My family came here without any undue desire. I'm only willing to serve you two for slaves and maidservants. To be honest, I came here mainly not because of you, but because I heard my wife's name and knew that she was a female Yingxiong of the Song Dynasty, who was willing to serve her, and I had no other ideas..."

Yue Pengju was speechless, thinking that the woman came for her wife, but she was amorous My heart also secretly breathed a sigh of relief

Hua Rong heard clearly, and saw her husband tongue tied. Obviously, she didn't know what to do with the woman She didn't know what it was like in her heart, so she quietly returned to the room

Yue Pengju had no choice but to say to Li qiaoniang, "in that case, you can rest in the side room for a while and make plans later."

"Thank you for taking me in."

Yue Pengju didn't promise to take her in, but hearing the woman's reward, he didn't know what to do, so he had to give up

After a while, Yue Pengju returned to the room Hua Rong saw that his face was indecisive and said softly, "Peng Ju, there is no need to panic about this. Just act according to your circumstances in the future."

Yue Peng raised but heard his wife so, sighed with relief, and hurriedly said, "I can't get rid of it this time, and everything has to be decided by sister 17. She said she came because of sister 17..."

Hua Rong was stunned She never had the experience of competing with any woman, but after hearing Li qiaoniang's words, she couldn't help but have hostility. She thought, this woman is really powerful, and she pushed everything on herself. If she drove her away again, wouldn't it show that she is a bitch who can't tolerate others?

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