One Night Bride

Chapter 307

King Qin took the potion and shook it. "I have to see the effect first."


King Qin turned around, took the medicine bottle and left

When he went outside, Liu Wu and others had been waiting for a long time. Seeing him in high spirits, he sighed in his heart. If King Qin wanted to say that there was any death, it was here If he can get around this dead end, maybe he can really achieve some hegemony

Liu Wu said tentatively, "Your Majesty, you can send someone to give this thing to Mrs. Yue."

King Qin stared, "that's what I owe in my life. After I found the medicine to her, I was cleared with her. In the future, I will never have anything to do with her."

Liu Wu was overjoyed: "it's so good."

These days, Yue Pengju finds his wife's temper getting more and more strange At first, he thought his wife was afraid of having more women at home, so he took the initiative to send Li qiaoniang away several times However, Hua Rong firmly opposed it He saw his wife talking and laughing with Li qiaoniang, and Li qiaoniang had no other fault. Why

In early April, the imperial court sent Zhang Jun to supervise the division After the reform of Miao and Liu dynasties, Zhao Deji did not use Qin Hui for various reasons, but used Zhang Jun He was very worried about the Dongting water invaders, the country's biggest concern. After sending Yue Pengju, he asked Zhang Jun to personally supervise the division in order to show his attention

Zhang Jun was born as a Jinshi and looked down on Wu Sheng. When he saw Yue Pengju, he didn't call him "Xianggong", but his military rank: "Yue Taiwei stationed in Dongting for more than a month, how to use troops?"

Yue Pengju explained his deployment once again Zhang Jun was very satisfied, so he talked about his views freely again

Yue Peng went home and told his wife about the meeting. Hua Rong frowned and said, "Zhang Jun is ambitious and talented. If he was in the cabinet, he would definitely introduce Qin Hui."

Yue Peng asked, "why?"

"He can't listen to other people's opinions at all. But Qin Hui is at the helm, good at flattery, and will certainly go along with him."

Yue Pengju's cold lasted for several days. Hua Rong quietly asked the military doctor. The military doctor said it was okay. She was relieved. Seeing that Li qiaoniang was taking care of Yue Pengju, she didn't show up and only gave Li qiaoniang the opportunity

On this day, Yue Peng came back from inspecting the military situation. It was continuous cold, unwell, and in a bad mood. It was late at home, and he frowned when he saw that his wife was still not at home

Li qiaoniang cleverly came up to serve tea and water. Yue Pengju sat down, frowned and asked, "where has madam gone these days? Why is there no figure?"

Li qiaoniang said, "back to my husband, Mrs. Yue hasn't come back from her trip to Tanzhou city." Li qiaoniang said as she served food to Yue Pengju for dinner She specially prepared light dishes. Yue Pengju, a northerner who likes pasta, specially added a kind of Sour Dumpling

This is the first time that Yue Pengju ate this kind of thing. He had a big appetite and asked curiously, "what is this?"

Li qiaoniang, however, saw his appetite soar, and happily replied, "this is what I learned."

Yue Peng held up and felt delicious. Seeing her standing aside, he said, "you can eat together."

Li qiaoniang sat down next to him with a smile and watched him while eating slowly, but when she saw that he soon finished a large bowl, she stood up and pulled the dumplings that had not been moved in her bowl into his bowl, saying, "I have a small appetite and can't eat this much. Please use it for my husband..."

Hua Rong quietly stood at the door and looked at the "warm" scene, but he was very happy to see Yue Pengju eating and sweating, and he didn't know what it was like in his heart These days, she has seen too many such scenes In a daze, I understand what is "love over time". If this goes on, Peng Ju will fall in love with this Li qiaoniang. It must be a natural thing

After eating the dumplings, Yue Peng found his wife standing at the door, as if she had just come back, and said happily, "Seventeen sister, come and taste it, Qiao Niang cooked a good meal today..."

Li qiaoniang also hurried to stand up and looked very obedient: "madam, I have left you a meal and will bring it right away."

When the two sang together, Hua Rong felt like a strange guest With a faint smile, she sat down beside her and said, "I've already eaten it. Don't worry about me."

"Oh? Seventeen sister, where did you eat?"

Hua Rong glanced at the sour stuffing and said faintly, "I ate it in Tanzhou city. The Drunken Chicken there is very good. Peng Ju, you know, I don't like pasta very much. Dongting is really a good place, and the consumption of food and clothing is really dazzling..."

Yue Pengju frowned slightly. He saw that his wife had changed into a light red gauze shirt, and a crystal clear jade hairpin was inserted into her head at some time. Her clothes were bright, forming a sharp contrast with the simple Li qiaoniang

Hua Rong saw her husband's eyes and laughed disapprovingly: "before, I fought every day and didn't know how happy the world was. Now I know that the days of entertainment and stability are better than the past. It's also a great pleasure in life to see the beautiful scenery and taste the delicious food around Dongting every day..."

Yue Pengju heard it more harshly, and then remembered that because of the "king of diligence", Zhao Deji had rewarded flowers with 200 liang of gold alone Except for solving the trouble for Li Yi'an and giving Wang Jixian 100 Liang, she kept all the gold and did not use it as military expenditure

He saw his wife's hardships over the years. It was natural for him to let his wife eat and dress well. However, when he saw his wife's disdain for his favorite food, especially his eyes, which were completely like a nouveau riche looking at the poor, he was very uncomfortable, and he didn't know how to speak, and couldn't speak for a long time

Seeing the situation, Li qiaoniang went to clean up the dishes and chopsticks immediately, smiled and said, "if my husband likes it, I'll do it tomorrow."

Yue Peng said faintly, "well, I came from a peasant family. I haven't seen many delicious dishes, so I like this kind of pasta. You've done this these days."

Hearing this, Hua Rong didn't say anything, slowly stood up and yawned, "I'm so sleepy, I'm sleeping." With that, he went straight back to his room to sleep

Yue Peng raised but saw her charming and colorful back flash by, and his heart was even worse As usual, the couple always read books together after dinner and practice swords together in the morning However, these days, Hua Rong stopped reading books and practicing swords Like the wives and concubines of other generals who love wealth and wealth, they pay attention to food and clothing every day After joining the army, Yue Pengju came to share weal and woe with the soldiers, and his family members should set an example with the army. Otherwise, senior officials will eat fish and meat every day, and the soldiers will not have enough to eat. How can he lead people to fight the enemy with determination?

He was very upset, so he got up and went in with his wife to talk to her

When I entered the room, I saw that my wife had undressed and went to bed He sat down beside her, took her hand, and his voice was very gentle: "sister seventeen, the war is tense these days. I go out to check the situation and hold meetings every day, and I haven't been with you well..."

Hua Rong turned over slightly and muttered, "Peng Ju, why do you say this?"

"Seventeen sister, do you feel very lonely?"

"No, I eat and drink outside every day. I don't know how happy I am. Peng Ju, you're free, and I'll take you there. Alas, now I know that the previous days have been in vain. Oh, Peng Ju, look at my clothes, which are made by the best tailor in Tanzhou city. It costs 10 yuan. Do you think it's good or not?..."

Yue Pengju was completely speechless

Hua Rong said in a daze again: "Peng Ju, it's hard to fight these years. Look at the eating and dressing style of Liu Guang and Zhang Jun, who are generals of others, can't live up to high officials and high salaries. You're also a frugal envoy. If you're a first-class senior official, don't be too shabby..."

Liu Guang only knows beautiful food, and he is a famous general Zhang Jun was even more open-minded. He used his authority to search everywhere and deduct military pay. He had never fought any decent war and was a typical example of fleeing after hearing the wind His family was piled with gold and silver. In order to be afraid of the thief, he cast the silver into a big silver ball of onethousand Liang, which was called "helpless", which means that even if the thief broke in, he had no way to take such a big guy and couldn't move away

Yue Pengju has always despised these two people, but when he heard that his wife actually yearned for the glory of these two people, he was even more unhappy, but he said patiently, "now the war is tense, it's not a time for pleasure..." he felt strange that his wife should not be such a person, so he slowly said, "sister seventeen, what's the matter with you these days?"

Hua Rong was still confused: "after experiencing life and death, everything is indifferent. Living is about enjoying, not working hard."

Yue Pengju couldn't speak any more After a while, I looked at my wife again and heard that she was breathing heavily and had fallen asleep

He got up and walked out of the door, but saw that candles had been lit in the temporary study, and Li qiaoniang, who wore a jingchai cloth skirt, was diligently cleaning up, leaving the house spotless

Today's Li qiaoniang seems to melt the flowers of the past How can people change so much?

He sighed secretly and said to Li qiaoniang, "you've worked hard, go and have a rest."

Li qiaoniang got his praise. She was very grateful. She stood cross handed and whispered, "I'm not hard at home. It's my honor to serve my wife and husband."

Yue Peng sat down at the desk without saying anything, but he saw that Li qiaoniang had put on her favorite book of war, with a cup of tea beside it. Everything was just right

Li qiaoniang cut the candle core brighter, and then stood beside him: "I serve my husband to study."

Yue Peng was upset, shook his head and said, "go and rest, I don't want anyone to accompany."

Li qiaoniang retreated meekly and closed the door carefully when she went out

Hua Rong heard the subtle sound of closing the door in the bedroom, slowly sat up, looked blankly in the dark for a while, and slept again. Yue Pengju returned to the bedroom shortly after half of the night Hua Rong still pretended not to know. When he opened his eyes in the morning, Yue Pengju had got up and went for morning exercises

The next day is the birthday of the local magistrate. All generals and their families are invited to a simple banquet Because fighting in the local area depends on the governor of the state, Yue Peng saw that the specifications of the banquet were not too extravagant, so he prepared to let his wife attend the banquet Because he was in the army, he went directly and the women went together

After getting up, Hua Rong walked around the outside and saw that there were many married women who had changed their clothes in front of the fourth sister's door The fourth sister of high school greeted her very warmly when she saw her The flowers melted away, and the eyes of all the women fell on her Because the women's families usually talk about children and wives and concubines, Hua Rong has no common language with them on these two topics, so she doesn't talk to them much Especially after Li qiaoniang came, she avoided greeting these women Therefore, a group of women also feel that she is high above and difficult to approach

Elder sister Gao asked enthusiastically, "Mrs. Yue, will you go to the Zhizhou banquet today?"

Hua Rong shook her head, "I have something to do, I can't go."

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