One Night Bride

Chapter 308

Elder sister Gao Si was a little disappointed and was about to say something when Hua Rong politely left

As soon as she turned around, the woman behind her whispered:

"Mrs. Yue is really beautiful. She is nearly thirty years old and doesn't look old at all..."

Another said, "she has never given birth, so she is not as old-fashioned as we are..."

"Keep your voice down. Look, Li qiaoniang is here..."

"Ah? The wife of Yue Xianggong is here? Look at the Yinu family, this Li qiaoniang is blessed, and her mother is expensive with her son. In the future, she must be favored by Yue Xianggong and surpass Mrs. Yue..."

"What are you talking about? Mrs. Yue is a heroine. She is the wife of the country granted by the imperial court. Where can she compare with her?"

"What about Madam Guo? Being infertile is not as good as being madam. Don't you know that there are three ways to be unfilial and that having no offspring is great?"


Hua Rong listened to these comments with a knife in her heart. She quietly stopped behind a big tree, but saw that Li qiaoniang had dressed up properly and walked towards the crowd. The women's families met her with an extremely intimate expression

She was disappointed for a long time, thinking that Li qiaoniang was better adapted to such a life than herself In that case, why not help her?

Son, childbirth, this is a barrier to marriage. If you can't get over it, being immortal is just a fake flower

At the birthday banquet of Zhizhou, Yue Pengju was the commander in chief with the highest official rank and naturally became a guest of honor Governor Xu Yi kept pouring wine for him, and other generals and local officials also came to toast

Because according to the custom, men and women have separate seats, Yue Pengju did not find that his wife did not arrive Later, Xu Yi's wife came in to propose a toast and kept praising how dignified and virtuous his wife was. He was also very happy

I had a good day and didn't go back until evening When I left, I found that Li qiaoniang was waiting respectfully at the door to say goodbye to Xu Yi's wife and concubine Yue Pengju realized that his wife hadn't come at all

Li qiaoniang saw his face sink out of the water, and said softly, "Xianggong, let's go."

Yue Peng followed her drunk and walked back. He went out to Li Xu, and then angrily said, "why didn't madam come?"

Li qiaoniang had never seen him so angry and said in panic: "Madam said she was going to the city to get customized clothes. She said that the tailor was good and there were many people in line, so she was afraid to wait, so she asked me to replace her..." she said while wiping her tears, "I know my identity is low, and I trespassed. Please forgive me..."

Yue Peng raised his head and said, "it's your wife who ordered you. Why are you guilty?"

Li qiaoniang dried her tears and smiled through her tears, "thank you for your forgiveness." In the twinkling of an eye, she saw that the wild flowers were blooming all the way in front of her. Suddenly, she jumped to pick them and handed them to Yue Pengju: "husband, don't be angry..."

Although she is also dressed simply today, she is not shabby. She is skillful and has made a beautiful skirt. Coupled with the natural charm of the girl, she looks different in every move Yue Peng raised but saw that she was crying and laughing like a little girl. When she cried, she was pear blossom with rain, and when she laughed, she was innocent. She hurried back a step and shook her head: "no, no..."

She pouted stubbornly, with a very cute expression: "take it..."

Not far away, Zhang Xian and Gao Si looked at the two people in front of them. Gao Si smiled and whispered to her husband, "Yue Xianggong, most of the good things are close."

Zhang Xian also lowered his voice: "why do I look wrong?"

Senior sister Bai glanced at him: "Li qiaoniang is gentle and virtuous. She is a rare good woman. In addition, she is young and beautiful. It is normal for Yue Xianggong to like her."

"But in my opinion, Peng Ju won't fall in love with other women so easily. It's a pity that Mrs. Yue, such a talented and beautiful woman, why does god treat her like this?"

Elder sister Gao also sighed, "they all say that beauty is short of life. Maybe it's Mrs. Yue who is so good and everything is first-class, so God wants to give her a regret. To be honest, these days, I see Mrs. Yue, who is really virtuous and kind to Li qiaoniang, and I'm not jealous. If it's not for the sake of the incense of the Yue family, Mr. Yue really shouldn't take a concubine..."

Zhang Xian shook his head, and the couple both sighed

Because of Li qiaoniang's boredom, they talked and laughed all the way home

Yue Pengju saw that the room was still dark, and his wife didn't come back until this time A little comfort in his heart soon faded away. No matter how clever Li qiaoniang was, she couldn't suppress the anger that was about to erupt Simply move a stool and sit at the gate to see when the wife will come back Seeing his angry face, Li qiaoniang dared not show tenderness any more. She went to get a book, lit the light, and said softly, "my husband, look and wait."

"No! Get out of here."

"I'll do it. I'll prepare some tea for my wife first."

"No, she's already eating out."

At this time, Hua Rong was sitting on a big tree at the door of his house, looking down at the situation of the two entering the door Talk and laugh, come back together, like a ladle of cold water pouring through the bottom of my heart, the weather in early summer is as cold as winter

After a while, she slipped down from the tree, adjusted her clothes, and walked to the door

A man stood across the door, staring at her She smiled faintly, "Peng Ju, what are you doing?"

Yue Pengju forcibly suppressed his anger, looked at her new light green shirt, and said stiffly, "why don't you go to the banquet today?"

Hua Rong understated, "I'm going to get my clothes."

"Take clothes? Clothes are really so important?"

"Peng Ju, what's the matter with you? I didn't go, but also told Qiao Niang to go instead of me. Why do you make a mountain out of a molehill?"

Yue Peng raised his breath anxiously: "I'm making a mountain out of a molehill? Sister 17, what's the matter with you recently?"

"Nothing? Don't you allow me to walk around?"

Yue Pengju was still patient: "if you have something, you must tell me. We are husband and wife, what can't be solved? Sister seventeen, you weren't like this before..."

"How was I?" She asked with a smile, "I met you in Weishi. Now, you are in official residence and frugality. Is it wrong for me to improve my clothes, food, housing and transportation?" She simply said, "Peng Ju, I ran out of 100 liang of gold and used your 1000 yuan salary..."

At that time, 1000 yuan was almost the cost of food and clothing for a medium-sized family in a year Since the reunion with Hua Rong, Yue Pengju's salary has been arranged by his wife before and after marriage, and his wife is in charge of all the expenses at home Both of them don't like luxury, so in addition to Hua Rong's serious injury, they need to buy Ganoderma lucidum for treatment. In that year, more than 90% of Yue Pengju's salary was used to supplement the military supplies Now, seeing his wife spend a thousand dollars without blinking, he didn't know what it was like, but he couldn't help but raise his voice a little: "Seventeen sister, you need to know that the war was difficult, how many soldiers were short of food and clothing, have you forgotten the hardships of the past?"

Hua Rong's eyes were very disappointed and said faintly, "I thought I would always be happy after all the hardships if I followed you, but I didn't expect..."

The implication of her words was to complain that she wouldn't let her live a prosperous life Yue Pengju was young and vigorous after all, and he increased his voice: "I didn't expect you to be such a person..."

She demurred: "what kind of person am I? Is it wrong to marry a Han, dress and eat? Isn't it true that a man's retirement is for the sake of his wife and children?" With that, she stepped into the room and refused to say another word

Yue Peng held his forehead, but felt a headache These days, busy with military affairs, the cold hasn't healed. However, his wife not only doesn't greet him at all, but is keen on exquisite clothes, wine and food every day. Is this the woman who shared joys and sorrows with him in the past? What makes her so vulgar?

He pressed his forehead and heard the soft voice behind him: "Xianggong, drink a bowl of hot soup..."

Li qiaoniang had changed her old clothes and stood gently aside with brown sugar water Yue Peng shook his head and said, "Qiao Niang, you are also wronged here. I saw many unmarried young officers in the barracks, who should choose their relatives for you, without delaying your youth..."

Li qiaoniang's eyes shed tears: "I just want to serve my husband and wife, and I don't dare to make them angry. Is it madam she..."

Yue Peng shook his head. "It's none of madam's business. It's the servants who deal with household chores in a mess."

Li qiaoniang dried her tears and said, "I will serve my wife twice in the future."

Hua Rong leaned against the door and listened to their dialogue. Her heart was even more painful. In panic, she seemed to understand that her fate with Peng Ju had come to an end - it was not that he was not good enough, but that she did not deserve him, which would make him "unparalleled" - no matter how excellent a woman is, when she meets such a thing, her inferiority complex is always getting deeper and deeper. Such obsession together is like a poisonous snake Zizi in the bottom of her heart, taking root, Originally, I wanted to control my emotions and solve the problem with my husband, but often when I saw him talking more and more softly with Li qiaoniang, I couldn't help being jealous and angry, and the whole person was completely out of control. I just wanted to make it worse. Instead of tossing around like this for a lifetime, I'd better make a clean break early, and let him have as many sons as he wants

The night is already deep

Yue Peng sat at the door for a long time, depressed and coughing for a while His heart is also very confused. He and Hua Rong have known each other for many years, and they have been in love since then. There is almost no awkward time, especially after marriage, Hua Rong's whole husband sings with his wife, obeys him, is gentle and virtuous, and the husband and wife get together, which is almost equal to raising a case Although King Qin came to the dispute, he knew her heart knot and how to solve it at that time However, this time, seeing her wife's changes day by day, it seemed that from the first day she set out from the capital, there had been unexpected changes What is the reason?

He was also very frightened. He was invincible on the battlefield and could plan strategies. But in housework, especially his obedient wife, became difficult to understand day by day. He was even more anxious and only vaguely uneasy. If this continued, wouldn't he and his wife go farther and farther?

Although he was full of energy and didn't think he had done anything wrong, he had no choice since his wife was angry. After pondering for a while, he still pushed the door in It was dark in the room. He lit the light, sat down next to his wife, hugged her body, and softened his voice: "Seventeen sister..."

Hua Rong just closed her eyes and didn't speak

He sighed, "sister seventeen, let's talk about it."

Hua Rong felt sad, but said faintly, "just say what you want to say."

He saw his wife speak, breathed a sigh of relief, and stroked her cheek with a very sincere tone: "I am busy with military affairs these days and have no time to accompany you. If you are depressed, you can go to the sideline with me to participate, as before."

"I'm not interested."

Yue Pengju was stunned by her hard sentence, but he continued to say gently, "your temper has changed greatly recently. What's the matter?"

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