One Night Bride

Chapter 309

Hua Rong suddenly opened her eyes, sat up and said in a loud voice, "what's the matter with me? You ask me what's the matter? I'll tell you the truth. I've had enough of living like a ascetic monk every day with you these years. Brocade clothes, fine food and delicious food are people's aspirations. I'm a woman, and I'm just not rich and noble, but my husband is a high-ranking official, and I've had enough of such a frugal life..."

Yue Pengju was very sad to hear his wife say this. He couldn't help loosening her waist and said in a deep voice, "sister seventeen, you knew my temperament when you married me, not today! Li qiaoniang, a young girl, is willing to spend poverty with us..."

He didn't mention that Li qiaoniang was OK. At this moment, Hua Rong almost completely collapsed, sneered and shouted, "so I regret it! I don't want to live like this."


Yue Peng looked at the flame burning in his wife's eyes, panting, shaking his head, sad and disappointed It never occurred to me that a wife with the same ideals should have such an idea

He stood up and went out, slamming the door

Hua Rong sat up sideways and heard the rustling sound outside, Yue Pengju coughing, and then Li qiaoniang's gentle voice: "my husband hasn't recovered yet. Drink a bowl of hot soup to have a rest..."

She could only hear Yue Peng's cough, but could not hear his response I was worried about my husband's body, but hearing Li qiaoniang's gentle voice, I slowly lay down and said to myself, well, since there are other better women suitable for him and take care of him, let him go

This night, tossing and turning, where can I sleep? At dawn, he quietly got up and opened the door Yue Pengju had already been doing morning exercises in the woods outside. Li qiaoniang followed him before and after running, serving tea, pouring water, putting on clothes and handing hats, and serving him meticulously Under the morning sun, Hua Rong saw that Peng Ju was at the best age for a man. Li qiaoniang was eighteen young girls. She was surprised that the two people were so well matched, heroic and beautiful. More importantly, Li qiaoniang was healthy and could give birth to a son for Peng Ju! It seems that the Empress Dowager has really thought about it!

She looked a few more eyes, only to feel that her body was broken, like the dying flowers and willows, a burst of blood surging, such as touching the old scars, quietly turned around, and then returned to bed to lie down, only to feel a burst of dizziness

Yue Peng finished his morning exercise, stood silently at his wife's door for a while, knocked on the door, but saw that she didn't respond at all. At this time, Li Ruoxu, an aide, had come to remind today's military meeting, saying that the imperial court sent Zhang Jun, the left minister, to supervise the division, waiting to meet with various generals He had to hurry to do official business

After the reform of Miao and Liu dynasties, Zhao Deji did not use Qin Hui for various reasons, but used Zhang Jun, who was originally released Zhao Deji was very worried about the Dongting water invaders, the country's biggest worry. After sending Yue Pengju, he asked Zhang Jun to personally supervise the division in order to show his attention

Zhang Jun was born as a Jinshi and looked down on Wu Sheng. When he saw Yue Pengju, he didn't call him "Xianggong", but his military rank: "Yue Taiwei stationed in Dongting for more than a month, how to use troops?"

Yue Pengju explained his deployment once again Zhang Jun didn't understand it, but it was inconvenient to show that he didn't understand it in front of these "Warriors". It was inconvenient to ask more questions. He only asked Yue Pengju the specific date of defeating the enemy, but Yue Pengju didn't say the deadline Zhang Jun talked about his views again. Yue Pengju just listened with an open mind. Zhang Jun was very proud of his respectful attitude

When the discussion was over and it was still early, Yue Pengju returned to his office to discuss with the deployment and tell the story of Zhang Jun's supervisor Just as the discussion reached a sound place, a bodyguard reported, "I'd like to inform Mr. Yue that a guest surnamed Qin asked for an audience."

"Please come in."

The voice just fell, but I heard a burst of laughter: "hahaha, Yue Pengju, have you ever broken the Dongting water invaders?"


Yue Peng was overjoyed when he saw that it was king Qin. He immediately stood up and said, "King Qin, why are you here?"

Most of the people present are the ministry that followed Yue Peng for a long time, especially Zhang Xian and others. They once fought against the golden soldiers at sea with King Qin. They have a deep connection, and most of them got up to meet him

King Qin sat in the guest seat arranged and said loudly, "before I came, I went to inquire about the enemy situation, but I saw that Yang Mo had many magnificent ships, and the scale of the warship was larger than Lao Tzu, so I came to see how you deal with him..."

"OK. I'm just about to hear your high opinion on water warfare. You're an expert in this field."

King Qin was not polite either. He sat down and discussed with everyone However, seeing that Yue Pengju took out a pile of sketches of an unfinished warship of Yang Yao, which was captured, and the design was so fine and the scale was so huge, Rao Shi also exclaimed, "Lao Tzu's five tooth warship is not as large as Yang Yao's. how much money will it cost to build such a large ship? What does Yang Yao say about equalizing the rich and the poor? Really equalizing the rich and the poor, he can build such a large ship?"

The crowd began to talk about it After the meeting, Yue Pengju was very enthusiastic and strongly invited, "King Qin, go to my house for a potluck."

King Qin hadn't seen Hua Rong for a long time, and he was eager to go, but thinking of her attitude, he didn't want to ask for trouble again, so he refused to say, "no, I have my own place."

Yue Pengju also thought of his wife's attitude at this time. In addition, the relationship between him and his wife has become increasingly tense in recent days. He was unwilling to conflict with her on this matter, so he no longer insisted

King Qin turned and left, and Yue Pengju stopped him King Qin, however, stared at him and said, "what else do you have?"

Yue Peng shook his head and said nothing He had thought that his wife had become more and more abnormal recently. King Qin was also his wife's old friend, and he was still her "sworn brother". He had no choice but to ask this sworn brother, but he held back when he thought about it

It was getting late. King Qin quietly stood behind a big tree and looked at the grass lake in front of him, with a pale green shadow

At this time, the last touch of sunset has set, and there is a bright red burning cloud in the sky As the pale green shadow came closer and closer, he felt his eyes a little blurred, as if he had returned to that summer ten years ago. On the first day of the meeting, it was such a dusk, and the water and the sky were the same. On the endless beach, the barefoot woman, dressed in strong clothes, was so thin and small, carrying a dagger, ready for the final blow, either to kill the enemy or to kill herself

The terrible beginning led to ten years of delay

In an instant, the beach turned into a lake, covered with green grass and waves Although not as majestic as the sea, it is also vast and boundless

The woman with green figure bowed her head, picked up the stones beside her, threw one to the center of the lake from time to time, and sighed occasionally, looking worried For a long time, she looked up at the sunset in the west, and then stood up slowly

King Qin stood quietly behind the tree and watched the pale green shadow come She wore a light green silk blouse and a moon white dress, with fine cutting and fiber fit, especially the dark pattern bottom flowers embroidered on it. Her craftsmanship was not inferior to that of the palace dress On her feet, she wore a pair of calfskin boots with holes, and she was still carrying a small bow. The seven colored flower feathers and arrowheads came out from behind and matched the sunset behind her

In a hurry for more than ten years, years and months without trace

His heart roared like a drum. After a while, he calmed down, closed his eyes and opened them again. Then he flashed out and shouted, "girl!"

Hua Rong was stunned, and her figure was a little stiff She slowly raised her head and looked at the tall figure opposite in the evening. After a while, she said faintly, "King Qin, what's the matter with you?"

Her attitude was cold and her voice was cold. However, this did not stop King Qin's excitement at all. She couldn't help but step forward. But when she saw her bright eyes, there was a cluster of dangerous flames in her eyes. She was stunned, stopped and said, "I'll see Yang Yao's warship."

i see. King Qin is the overlord of the sea. Hearing that Yang Yao's boat is powerful, naturally, he is like an alcoholic. Seeing good wine, he specially came to watch the war - which is also justified

Seeing that she stopped talking, King Qin looked cold, as if to say that if you want to see it, go and have a good look. What does it have to do with me Then she will pass by In a hurry, he said, "Yue Peng raised this boy. He was thoughtful and arranged really well. I decided not to think of this move. He is getting stronger and stronger. I think he will win Yang soon in this battle."


"Today, I attended a military meeting of Yue Pengju, and I found that he really excelled. In the past, Lao Tzu underestimated him. Looking at the state of song, he was definitely the first general worthy of it. The plan he put forward..."

Hua Rong said coldly, "I'm not interested in these."

No interest? Why not interested? In the past, didn't the girl often discuss with Yue Pengju and give advice together? Didn't she work as a "coach" for some time?

King Qin was still in high spirits. He didn't care what she said. As long as she opened her mouth, as long as he could talk to her, and no matter what she said, he was happy to hear her voice, and said loudly, "I found that most of his subordinates were upright people, but there was a lack of tactful and knowledgeable people. Aides such as Li Ruoxu, Yu Peng, sun Ge, Zhang Xian, etc...."

"So what?"

"If such a group of people meet the Ming Lord, they will naturally become prime ministers and become famous, but if they meet people like Zhao Deji, they are afraid of a bad end."

Hua Rong didn't feel too surprised. She was used to Zhao Deji's turning her hands over for clouds and rain Especially this time, he and the Empress Dowager unexpectedly traveled thousands of miles and specially "bestowed" Yue Peng to hold a concubine, which simply made her angry If you want your ministers to die, your ministers have to die. Do you want your ministers to take concubines, and your ministers have to take concubines? It's obvious that Peng jujujue is forcing himself hard

Hearing King Qin's words, she was vaguely angry, which was also the reason why she was no longer willing to participate in any military discussion since Li qiaoniang came. She just thought, why should she protect such a foolish king? What does it matter if he killed Yang Yao or Yang Yao killed him? But these thoughts, she only hid in the bottom of her heart, did not say it, and said faintly, "when the northern expedition is successful, my husband and wife will naturally retreat."

King Qin breathed a sigh of relief: "you two know how to retire, but it's not too stupid."

Hua Rong said faintly, "thank you for your advice."

Seeing that she was leaving again, King Qin immediately said, "I heard that Zhang Jun came to supervise the teacher?"

"So what?"

"Lao Tzu once heard Kang Gonggong and others talking about imperial politics. He said that Zhang Jun was ambitious and talented, and if he was in the cabinet, he would definitely introduce Qin Hui."

Hua Rong was surprised, "why?"

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