One Night Bride

Chapter 310

"Zhang Jun claims to be aloof and can't listen to other people's opinions. Most of the officials in the DPRK and China are at odds with him, but Qin Hui is at the helm, good at flattery, and will certainly fall in love with him. It is said that Zhang Jun has been crowding out the other two members of the cabinet now. Qin Hui is trying to please him and has made a lot of efforts on him. In this case, it is sooner or later to introduce Qin Hui..."

This is an unexpected news. Due to the strict distinction between civil and military affairs in this dynasty, if it was not for deliberately forming a party for personal gain, the senior general could not know the details of the inner court at all outside. If it was not revealed by Duke Kang, who could know? Hua Rong pondered for a moment and didn't make a sound After a while, she looked up again and said, "I can't wait to deal with the affairs of the court, so I'll leave it to fate." With that, he turned and left

She took a few steps, and King Qin caught up and shouted, "girl!"

She didn't stop. King Qin hurriedly said, "girl, I have something for you."

She stopped, but didn't look back, just said, "what thing?"

King Qin walked around in front of her like a treasure, took a turquoise bottle from his arms, handed it over, and said eagerly, "this is the wound medicine I found, which can cure your infertility..."

Hua Rong was shocked, took the bottle and looked carefully, but she saw the green liquid lingering inside, emitting a faint light, which was very strange green

Holding the bottle tightly, she looked up and met King Qin's eyes

King Qin hurriedly said, "girl, if you take this medicine, you will recover and give birth to his fat boys..."

Hua Ronghu said, "where did you get the medicine?"

"You care so much! Just cure you."

Hua Rong still stared at him: "where on earth did it come from? Can it really be cured?"

King Qin hesitated for a moment Because Hua Rong's internal injury healed, he naturally believed in the drugs used by Yelv, but he also felt strange. Can Yelv's use even cure infertility? How can there be such an evil door? But he thought to himself that Yelv wanted to make use of himself, and it was impossible to deceive himself at this time. He nodded: "it should be possible!"

Hua Rong saw his strange eyes and asked, "where did the wound medicine you gave me last time come from?"

Seeing the suspicious look in her eyes, King Qin remembered her last abuse of herself, and was afraid that she would turn over again, so he preempted and said, "I said I would cure you if I cured you, girl, you don't have to be suspicious. If I cured you, I don't owe you anything..."

She suddenly laughed. King Qin said how good it was. If you cure yourself, you won't owe yourself She stared at the man carefully. From her girlhood to now, she was completely destroyed in his hands. He was the real nemesis and the total source of all her misfortunes

"Girl, you can take medicine and be sure to have children in the future..."

Sheng Sheng, Hua Rong, it hurts to hear this word during this period of time. If a woman can have children, marriage can be maintained; What if you can't have children? You can only watch your husband have sex with other women in his arms. You can't be jealous, and you can only accomplish it. Otherwise, you will destroy the human relations plan of your husband's family. Is it an unforgivable shrew?

Coldly, she shifted her eyes from the green bottle to King Qin

King Qin, however, was a little uneasy when he saw her eyes like a knife, and hurriedly shouted, "girl, I'm just delivering medicine, not pestering you. From now on, you're you, I'm me, don't worry, I won't be so unpromising, and I've been pestering you... From now on, you can have as many babies as you want..."

She nodded, still smiling, "that's good."

King Qin saw her smile like a flower, but he felt an inexplicable pain in his heart Her voice was also faint. Staring at the bottle, she said to herself, "King Qin, you also underestimate Peng Ju. He treats me well and doesn't change because I can't bear... Since Peng Ju likes me, he won't care what I look like."

King Qin was stunned and said, "girl, what do you mean?"

"What do I mean?" Hua Rong looked at the green bottle carefully again, and suddenly threw it out with a raise of his hand. "King Qin, only a man like you can be keen on succeeding. What is a woman in your mind? A fertile sow? A laying hen? If she can't bear, she will kill it? Or take it to the market and sell it?"

When King Qin heard the bottle fall into the water, he gave a "Dang" sound, stunned and speechless

Hua Rong turned and left

He caught up, unconsciously stretched out his hand, grabbed her, and his eyes were going to burst out: "girl, are you crazy? I've worked so hard to find this medicine, why did you throw it away?"

"Because I don't need it!"

"You don't need it? Since you don't need it, why do you swear in front of Lao Tzu and say that Lao Tzu has harmed your empress? Why do you say in front of Lao Tzu that Yue Pengju hates you?"

His words were like knives, and the resentment gathered in Hua Rong's heart erupted like a volcano. He pushed him away and said loudly, "how do I care about you? Do you think Pengju is a person like you?"

"Who is Lao Tzu? Lao Tzu only knows that everyone says that there are three ways to be unfilial, and no offspring is great. You can't have children, so you're not a complete woman. Since you don't want Yue Peng to raise the queen..."

Hua Rong's hand tightly held the bow and arrow on his back, with white knuckles and trembling lips: "when is it your turn to teach me something about me? Even Peng Ju doesn't dislike me. What qualifications do you have to tell me? I'm also a descendant of the Jue Yue family. What does it have to do with you, King Qin? What are you? King Qin, don't bother me again and again under the pretext of delivering medicine, I feel sick when I see your face, and I don't want to see you again all my life..."

King Qin was so angry that he almost jumped: "Hua Rong, I told you, I don't care about you! I came to deliver the medicine, but because I owe you a debt, not because I want to see you so much! What's so great about you? There are more young and beautiful women in the world than you, what are you..."

The beauty is old, and the withering flowers are ruined. However, successful men have a large number of young girls to send to their doors Yue Pengju was like this, and King Qin was like this. He had to grow old day by day and become the "hen that doesn't lay eggs" ridiculed by the world - and he didn't even have the qualification to argue for himself

She couldn't help it any longer. She burst into tears and screamed, "yes, there are women better than me all over the world. Then why bother with me? I'm just a broken flower and willow ruined by you. King Qin, you beast, my life is ruined in your hands..."

She couldn't say any more, so she turned and ran away


King Qin was stunned for a while before catching up quickly

He was fast, long hands and feet, stopped in front of her, saw her crying heartbroken, without thinking, stretched out his hand to tightly hug her, and said softly, "girl, what's the matter? It's me, it's all my fault... Don't cry..."

Hua Rong pushed him fiercely, but where could he be moved? These days, she already harbored resentment against King Qin. At this time, she vented her resentment on him and beat him desperately: "get away, let go of me, you devil... Why don't you die..."

No matter how she cried, scolded, and beat, King Qin would not let go a little She was so angry that she suddenly bent down and bit his wrist hard King Qin said "ah" and still didn't release his hand. At this time, Hua Rong had lost his mind. As soon as his mouth left, King Qin's arm was bitten off by Sheng Sheng, dripping with blood

King Qin tried to resist the intense pain. He saw that Hua Rong had been fighting with her hair down, and her mouth was full of blood, as if she had just eaten a female goblin With a long sigh, he relaxed his strength, stroked her messy hair, and said softly, "girl, it's me, it's always me..."

"It's you who hurt me. It's all your fault. You ruined my life..."

"Yes, it's all my fault. It's all my fault. I'll never hurt you again in the future. Girl, have you been wronged? Has Yue Pengju treated you badly?"

Hua Rong has lost the strength to struggle and leaned in his arms, just crying

"Girl, I'm your sworn brother. If something happens, just tell me. I'll take it out on your behalf."

Hua Rong slowly stood up straight, pushed his arm away, wiped the blood and tears on his face with his sleeve, and his expression gradually calmed down

King Qin asked again, "girl, what happened?"

Hua Rong heard his repeated questioning, and her heart was shocked. At this time, she was completely awake She knew King Qin's temperament well. If he knew that there was a crack between himself and Peng Ju, she was afraid that he would not know what would happen She dodged King Qin. On second thought, she said faintly, "as long as you don't disturb me again, I will live a happy life."


She walked away for three steps, and then stared straight into his eyes, word by word: "King Qin, Peng Ju treated me well, and I didn't have any grievances and regrets. The reason why I lost control is because of you! Every time I see you, it always reminds me of my unbearable past. Therefore, if you really think of me, please don't appear in front of me again!"

Seeing that King Qin's eyes were so strange, she suddenly remembered the token of Jin Wushu she had taken. He appeared here. Liu Wu and others who were proficient in Nvzhen characters must be there. They wanted to ask what it was However, she didn't take this token with her. If she wanted to ask, even if she didn't invite King Qin to go home, she would have to see him again She didn't want to entangle with King Qin anymore. She sighed secretly and added, "King Qin, even if I beg you, you will think about it for me. Don't disturb my life anymore, OK?"

"Girl, i... I'm just worried about you..."

"I just ask you not to appear in front of me again, which is your greatest reward for me!"

"Girl, are you really okay?"

Her tone was impatient again: "King Qin, how many times do you want me to repeat it? As long as you don't appear in front of me, I will live a good life all my life."

King Qin was speechless. To say anything, Hua Rong had turned and strode away. The seven colored arrow clusters and long feathers on his body showed such bright brilliance in the last sunset glow

He stood where he was until her shadow was gone. Then he turned madly and ran to the shallow lake That's where she just threw the medicine bottle He rushed over without taking off his shoes, and regardless of the scar on his wrist, he immediately went into the water and salvaged it within a radius of ten feet. He was very anxious. It was already late. If he couldn't find it, in case there were tides, storms and the like, he was afraid that he would never salvage it again

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