One Night Bride

Chapter 321

The sun had risen, and Ruda stood in front of her door for a moment without calling her. Hearing nothing, she walked away It was not until shortly before noon that he called Hua Rong out, looking very haggard

"Mei, SA Jia found you some books and Buddhist scriptures. You can read them when you are free."

"Well, thank you, brother Lu."

She stretched out her hand and was about to shrink back, when Ruda suddenly took her hand, took her pulse, and frowned: "A Mei, it seems that you are in good health, logically speaking, there is no disease..."

He cried about his illness because of Hua Rong, and thought about it in his heart. He always wanted to find a doctor for her, so he said, "the diagnosis of the family can't be counted. When the family goes to find some doctors, it will cure you... However, according to the judgment of the family, you are in good health, and there is no problem at all..."

Hua Rong thought of the medicine given by King Qin with her. At this time, she was discouraged and had already lost the idea of seeking medical advice. She just felt that it didn't matter whether she was born or not Even if it is cured, what is the need for your life? She shook her head: "brother Lu, you don't have to worry about it anymore. I've made up my mind. I'm so tired that I don't want to go out and work anymore..."

Seeing that she was haggard, Ruda said readily, "in that case, you can live here at ease. Running around for many years has really hurt you."

Hua Rong has lived safely in Donglin temple since then

Unlike outsiders, Ruda doesn't take concubinage, childbirth and other marriage matters very seriously I just think it's a good thing if her heart is quiet, calm and happy Since then, he never mentioned those things that bothered her anymore, only looking for Buddhist books to relieve her boredom in her spare time If she is in a good mood, he will compete with her and point out some archery and martial arts Lu Da spent the first half of his life in the Jianghu, and his martial arts were outstanding, especially in Donglin temple. During these years, he calmly read Buddhist scriptures and martial arts classics, and has greatly improved It is of great benefit that the flowers dissolve and get his advice

What's more, living in such a place, I live on a shoestring day by day, but my mood is calm. For a long time, the flower dissolves, but I feel the blocky gas accumulated in my heart, and the depression of depression slowly begins to dissolve. I also drink a kind of leaf green tea refined by Luda myself, and I feel more clear-minded. Day after day, my complexion begins to return to its former ruddy, but I feel as light as a swallow, and my spirit is healthy and calm as never before

As if she fell in love with such a day, she thought, if so, why should she hate Peng Ju every day? Even if he really took a concubine, it was Zhao Deji's coercion. It must not be out of his heart, but his eye disease

She told Lu Da about Yue Pengju's eye disease Ruda asked all the details in detail and found an ancient medical book that had been lost for a long time. After reading it for a long time, Hua Rong saw a special medicine for treating eye diseases She wrote down this inconspicuous plant shape. Sometimes when she went out, she looked all over the mountains and fields and found that it was better. It turned out that this medicine was very common, but she didn't know it could cure eye diseases

She gathered the medicine and dried it. She just wanted to find an opportunity to take it down the mountain to Peng Ju I just want his eye disease to get better as soon as possible

Just when Zafu Zhang Jun set out to return to Beijing, Yue Pengju also entrusted the military power to senior generals Zhang Xian and Wang GUI. He also explained to his staff Li Ruoxu, Yu Peng and others, and left alone

The Deployers didn't know that Hua Rong had run away from home. Yue Pengju told them that Hua Rong left first with something to do People don't know the truth, but blindly persuade him to stay and treat eye diseases first. It's not easy to rush around at this time However, where can Yue Pengju wait quietly at this time? The longer the wife goes, the more difficult it is to explain

On this day, he rode alone on a yellow puma, with only two soldiers, and set out to the place agreed between him and King Qin

About fifty miles out, a horse neighed. In front of him, a big man was in charge. It was king Qin and his subordinate Liu Wu

Yue Pengju was overjoyed. "Where's the seventeen sister, brother?"

King Qin laughed: "little bunny, I only tell you that the girl is safe. As for where she went, you can find it yourself. If you can't find it, it means you are hypocritical."

Yue Pengju knew that King Qin would not make himself feel better. How could he tell himself obediently? But hearing that his wife was safe, his heart was relieved for most of the time. Moreover, King Qin said this, which showed that he had confirmed his wife's whereabouts, so he came back at ease He arched his hand and saluted in awe: "thank you! As long as the 17th sister is safe, I will find her whereabouts myself."

King Qin snorted, "if you dare to go around again, I'll tear your bones apart."

Yue Peng raised a wry smile and said, "when am I going to sleep?"

"I won't talk to you, and I'm going to leave. By the way, what do you say you want to identify for Liu Wu? Do you have it?"

"Take it, take it."

My wife left with nothing Yue Pengju collected these bags this time and held them together. He felt the thing out of his arms and handed it over: "look, what is this?"

Liu Wu took it, looked at it, his face changed, looked carefully, and then breathed out

King Qin asked, "what the hell is it?"

Liu Wu read out: "give Wu Shu, except rebellion and flogging, I don't ask."

Yue Pengju also changed his complexion, which turned out to be the gold medal of Jin Wu Shu No wonder Jin Wushu paid so much attention to it

King Qin laughed, took the inconspicuous golden iron certificate, took it in his hand and threw it: "I can't kill the golden dog Wushu for several times. Hahaha, I won the gold medal of laoshizi to avoid death first. It's estimated that when he wanted to kill him again, he would be so anxious that the dog jumped over the wall, hahaha..." he was angry that he couldn't kill Wushu for several times, and took his iron certificate. He was very excited, "Hahaha, the girl is so smart that she took this. It's good, it's very good. Alas, the girl is so smart, but she married you, a stupid smelly boy. It's a flower inserted in cow dung. It's a pity, a pity..." he sighed repeatedly, "it's a pity". His eyes were red with blood, and he just wanted to smash Yue Peng's head with one punch

Yue Peng's eye disease broke out, and he was already in pain. He kept trying to endure it. When the light came, it was even more painful. Seeing him like this, King Qin reluctantly loosened his clenched fist and threw the iron ticket to Yue Pengju: "little rabbit, you put it away, and it may be of great use in the future."

King Qin treated the top military general of the current Dynasty one by one, and Yue Pengju's soldiers glared at him Liu Wu always respected Yue Pengju and was saved by him. He was also very embarrassed, but he didn't care at all when he saw Yue Pengju. He admired his generosity and said very respectfully, "my family went to Beidi with the king and learned that Zonghan and others were executed. Under the Great Purge of the joint stab, the fourth Prince is also estimated to be trembling. Yue Xianggong may use this iron coupon one day."

Yue Peng smiled and nodded, "thank you. This is something picked up by sister 17. I will give it to sister 17 to deal with personally."


King Qin, however, saw that he was a "Seventeen sister" at this time, and was always elated in front of him. He said faintly, "maybe the girl doesn't want to meddle in your business."


"I see the girl has decided to divorce you. Yue Pengju, you'd better not disturb her."

Yue Peng shook his head. "I've never failed my seventeen sister, and she will forgive me."

"Really? Live up to it? After she married you, what did she live a good life? What did she eat and wear? How sad was her heart? Today, Zhao Deji, the Empress Dowager tomorrow, forced you to take a concubine every day. This time, you narrowly avoided it? Next time? Next time? What do you do? You little bunny, don't look like a man!"

Yue Peng was stunned and speechless

King Qin stopped at that point and said no more. He was only secretly distracted. He followed the girl all the way. For fear that she might find it, he never dared to show up. He only quietly watched her arrive at the destination and complete his "mission". Now, at the ends of the earth, Yue Pengju will find it. What's the matter with him? He was discouraged, and did not say goodbye to Yue Peng. He turned and left Liu Wu and others said goodbye to Yue Peng and hurriedly followed

He walked out twoorthree feet, and Yue Pengju caught up with him: "brother, I have something for you."

He didn't look back. "No."

"You must want it."

Yue Peng threw a package to him before holding up his camera When he opened it, he couldn't help but see that there were written and graphic records of all the key technologies of Yang Yao shipbuilding He has quietly sought opportunities to observe the best ships for many times, but he has not been able to obtain core technology Now, Yue Pengju captured and gave himself the information of the unfinished large warship His joy is not difficult to understand

"Hahaha, little bunny, thank you very much."

"You're welcome."

Yue Pengju stood where he was and watched his party go away. Then he stopped and looked at the fork in front of him Palms sweat, judge the wife will go to three places, but which is it? After a long separation, I can't wait any longer. I just wish I could fly with wings

King Qin and his party rushed out and arrived at a prosperous town

In the most luxurious Inn in the town, there lived Kang Gonggong and his party He got the signal from King Qin and waited here all the time Unexpectedly, he was delighted to see King Qin here and waited here for several days On this day, he stretched his neck and looked around. He saw a group of people coming in a hurry. Isn't it King Qin who led the way?

He was overjoyed and hurriedly waved, "Your Majesty."

King Qin laughed and went in. Father Kang was eager to offer fresh fruit refreshments, a good meal King Qin took out a string of golden beads: "senior official Kang, hurry, never have good goods, don't dislike."

Don't want father-in-law Kang but quickly waved his hand: "Your Majesty doesn't need to do this. You need to spend money outside. Keep it first, and you will have a chance in the future."

King Qin was a little strange. In the past, father Kang would "smile" every time he saw gold and silver, but how did he change his temper this time? Seeing that father-in-law Kang looked determined and didn't seem to be faking, he put away the golden beads. Father-in-law Kang laughed and said, "I haven't seen you for a long time. What's the matter with your king going south all the way?"

"To be honest, after years of war, everything was depressed, and there was little business on the sea. I was so bored on the island that I wanted to come out and see if there were other opportunities outside."

"So it is. Your majesty, since you are so, why don't you find three or five beautiful women and live happily?"

"Haha, what's the fun of women? It's better to eat, drink and gamble."

Hearing this, father-in-law Kang was overjoyed, and then lowered his voice: "Your Majesty, I have something to ask for."

"Senior official Kang, but it doesn't matter."

"My family has accumulated a fortune over the years, which is quite expensive. Since the change of the Miao and Liu soldiers, the censors have wantonly impeached the eunuchs of the palace people. I think it's better to find a safe place to accompany the king like a tiger and collect this treasure first. But after thinking about it, my family has no close relatives, and the war is frequent, and my hometown is not safe. King, you and I are close friends, and I can trust people. This time, I can only ask you for help..."

King Qin was very surprised. It turned out that father Kang didn't want these things, but he had to entrust his belongings to himself

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