One Night Bride

Chapter 322

After thinking for a while, he said, "thank you for your trust, senior official Kang. But this is a major matter. Please think twice."

Kang Gonggong smiled: "I can't trust you? I've served the official family for half my life. I'm careful in the palace. I'm wary of anyone, but I feel like old friends at first sight and treat you with all my heart. I'm also thinking about it. After returning to Beijing this time, I'll start making arrangements. If I can get out of my body, I'll go to your sea island and live happily with you. Good, good!"

His eyebrows danced, and King Qin said solemnly, "I'm lucky to have the love of senior official Kang."

Kang Gonggong said, "if you are not abandoned by the king, your family is willing to bow down to the king as brothers. From then on, treat each other wholeheartedly and share weal and woe."

King Qin never dreamed that he would one day become a "brother" with a eunuch. He only felt very uncomfortable, and Kang Gonggong's reputation was not good, which was one of the main objects of impeachment by the censors However, he had no distinction between loyalty and treachery. Seeing Kang Gonggong's proposal, he also promised: "even if it is the good intention of Kang senior official, why should I refuse?"

When Kang Gonggong saw his carelessness, he was overjoyed, and the two actually started immediately. They lit incense wax paper money, placed water and wine, and made blood into a league. After bowing eight times, they became "Friends of eight times"

After the ceremony, the wine and vegetables ordered by father-in-law Kang came up. There was a big table of delicacies. After three cups, he was drunk. He opened a three foot square box beside him. It was full of gold, silver and jewelry, which had been bribed by raids and other civil and military generals over the years

"Your Majesty, take this box back to me first."

"No problem."

"But if you can get away and drink and eat meat with you every day, won't you be happy like a fairy?"

"Hahaha, I welcome you very much."

The two people were drinking and making preparations. During the chat, King Qin euphemistically said the things about Yue Pengju and Hua Rong Kang Gonggong naturally didn't recognize that he was going to speak well for Yue Pengju, but he also reported to Zhao Deji after returning to Beijing according to his intention

It was the end of July when Zhang Jun and others returned to the palace The government and the public shook when the victory returned On this day, Zhao Deji was in high spirits and hosted a banquet for Zhang Jun, the first assistant of the current Dynasty, and a group of generals who came to Beijing to report on their work Accompanied by three other censors, Zhao Deji personally toasted Zhang Jun: "Aiqing has worked hard, eliminate the Dongting water invaders, and remove the national cancer."

"It's all your Majesty's magnanimous grace, and ministers dare not take credit for it."

"Yue Peng made great contributions to this great victory, but unfortunately he never returned to Beijing to receive a reward."

"Yue Taiwei had an eye attack, so he had to stay for rest. There was nothing he could do." Zhao Deji comforted for a while and announced the reward

After the banquet, Zhao Deji left Zhang Jun alone

Zhao Deji asked, "how can the cabinet punish Aiqing when he returns to Beijing this time?"

At present, there are three censors, but these three are all war advocates and have repeatedly written to Zhao Deji to advocate the northern expedition Although Zhang Jun was also a war advocate, he was also disgusted with the toughness of these three people, and had already bred the idea of changing. Hearing the official's question, he said, "these three people might as well make other arrangements. Qin Hui, who was retired from the hospital, has a lot to do..."

Zhao Deji has been deploying another peace talk with North Korea and China these days. If there is no such person as Qin Hui in North Korea, it is not convenient at all He thought about introducing Qin Hui, but because of various opposition voices, he couldn't find a proper reason. Now he heard Zhang Jun take the initiative to mention it, but he was secretly happy, but he remained calm: "is Qin Hui suitable?"

"Qin Hui was able to maintain integrity when Jingkang was in great trouble, and returned from the state of Jin. He was familiar with the false feelings of the prisoners. Moreover, he was old and prudent, and had a good reputation among scholar bureaucrats, which was not comparable to other barking dogs. I also heard that he had recovered recently and was idle at home..."

Zhao Deji nodded, but he didn't make a clear statement, just waiting for Zhang Jun to make a decision

Zhang Jun and others retreated, and the palace man helped Zhao Deji back to the study. Duke Kang bowed in at this time: "see the official family, Saint Gong Wanfu."

Zhao Deji said, "get up and talk."

Kang Gonggong got up, took a step forward, whispered with a smile, "although Yue Taiwei didn't take a concubine this time, Mrs. Yue ran away from home?"

Zhao Deji sighed, "I meant well. Knowing that his husband and wife were loyal, I couldn't bear to see the empress in law die. I also knew that rong'er was good in every way, but I was jealous by nature, so I didn't know it would be like this! In other words, I was also for her good."

Hearing his righteous words, father-in-law Kang immediately flattered and said, "the official family is kind and wise, but Mrs. Yue doesn't understand women's morality. Your majesty, how does Li qiaoniang deal with it?"

"In that case, it's up to her to talk later."


Kang Gonggong said: "The little one paid attention to check all the way. Yue Peng Ju was really dedicated, plain and simple, and he was strict in administering the army. Hua Rong followed him, and he was also dressed in coarse clothes and plain meals. The little one heard some words in the army, saying that Hua Rong could not stand such plain meals for a long time. There was a period of time before, he didn't pay attention to Yue Peng's repeated orders, and he was well dressed and well fed every day. Moreover, he didn't want to stay at home at all, and went to Tanzhou city to eat and drink every day, with exquisite customization For this reason, she and Yue Pengju have quarreled many times So this time, Yue Peng ran away angrily on the excuse of taking a concubine Although Yue Pengju didn't make a statement, he also knew a little... "

"Oh? In that case, you might as well announce a reward of 1000 liang of silver for ronger. This Yue Pengju is really true. How can you not let your wife live a good life?"

"The officials are kind."

When Kang Gonggong stepped down and left, he saw the proud smile on the corner of the official's mouth Others don't know, but his heart is like a mirror Since the official impotence, although Wang Jixian's "good medicine", but the mind and behavior have changed greatly Especially for the only woman who can't get it in her life, although she tries to show generosity, she has always hidden jealousy that is not enough for external humanity Especially when he faced the usual beautiful women in the palace, "don't lift", the abnormal desire in his heart was even stronger, and he always thought that if it was her - the more he couldn't get it, the more he wanted it!

This extremely subtle and despicable privacy can't be seen by outsiders, but Kang Gonggong's eunuchs who serve him at any time can always figure out a thing or two, because they themselves are a very special group. A man, born into a eunuch, his desire has become abnormal. Therefore, eunuchs are not gay, or abnormally love money or abnormally enjoy torturing other palace maids

He vaguely guessed that the official family also had such a mentality. He always hoped that there would be something wrong between Hua Rong and Yue Pengju. He must not let them live in love, and it was best to end in tragedy Moreover, the greater Yue Peng's military achievements and the simpler he acts, the greater Zhao Deji's suspicion of him

On several occasions, father-in-law Kang even wanted to remind Yue Pengju and his wife that they must ask the officials for rewards, and the more they want, the safer they will be But he knew that Yue Pengju had a temper, and he had not received much bribes from Yue Pengju himself. He thought that his life and death had nothing to do with his family, so there was not much about that Today, I played Huarong "gradually pay attention to food and clothing" because I got the hint of King Qin

Sure enough, Zhao Deji was a little proud when he heard this. He said to himself, "I read countless women, and then there are women who are sanzhenjiulie. For a long time, they are impatient with daily necessities. It is human nature to like prosperity and wealth. How can ronger be an exception? In her early years, she was simple and thought that as long as she liked a person, she could live like that for a lifetime. But I don't know, how can she live a lifetime if she can live for a while?" He turned to look at father-in-law Kang, "tell him to go on, and then reward onehundred liang of molten gold, onehundred brocades, and thirty sets of new clothes."


After spending more than a month in Donglin temple, the morning bell and evening drum, chanting sutras and worshipping Buddha, the tired body and mind also calmed down day by day These days, Ruda has successively invited twoorthree old people, just people who come to meditate and taste tea Hua Rong tasted tea with them and found that these people were all famous local doctors They used all kinds of euphemistic excuses to treat Hua Rong, saying that she was in perfect health without any abnormality

After such a few times, Hua Rong has completely understood Ruda's pains. She no longer plans to heal herself, and she no longer holds any hope for childbirth. She just thinks that if she breaks up with Peng Ju completely, she will not want to marry again in the future, and it doesn't matter whether she is born or not

After she euphemistically expressed this idea, Ruda was cheerful and never asked for medicine again. In this way, Hua Rong was relieved

It rained heavily this day and it was inconvenient to go out. She stayed alone in the west wing, listening to the wind and rain outside It rained harder and harder. She walked slowly to the window and opened it. The wind and rain immediately floated in. She stretched out her hand, and the big raindrops splashed in her palm, making it painful

The pain and loneliness that have been hidden for a long time float to the bottom of my heart like a poisonous snake According to the schedule, Peng Ju must have ended the battle of Dongting long ago However, for so long, he had no news and never came to find himself Is it true that he is immersed in Li qiaoniang's beauty and tenderness and will never find himself again? Obviously, I took the initiative to run away, but my heart was unwilling to be angry, as if I had been severely abandoned

She closed the window and went back to the bedside to sit idly, regardless of her half wet sleeves

There is a big bag on the table, which is some simple clothes that I took when I left She opened it, and the strings of golden leaves inside, yellow, looked very pleasing to the eye This bunch of golden leaves was also quietly put in by King Qin when she was weeping on the ground She found the golden leaf on the road after she found the medicine bottle. She couldn't return it to King Qin, so she took it all the way But here, there is no use at all

She took out a bunch of gold leaves and threw them on the window one by one like throwing darts Each one hit the window and made a crisp sound. Soon, a row of yellow leaves fell on the ground

She was so depressed that she jumped out of bed, ran over, and stepped on the golden leaves with her feet. The faces of Yue Pengju and King Qin appeared in front of her eyes, but she felt that both of them were extremely annoying. As she stepped on them, she scolded, "trample you to death, trample you to death..." as if the golden leaves all over the ground were their heads

At first, Yue Pengju was able to travel both day and night, but later, the onset of eye disease became more and more severe, and he couldn't see light at all. He had no choice but to rest during the day and travel at night

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