One Night Bride

Chapter 323

In this way, I couldn't travel much in a day, and the time was delayed. I didn't come to the foot of Donglin temple until the end of the month

At this time, the sun had just risen, and he could no longer take care of his eye diseases. He ordered his soldiers to lead the way and followed him up

Hua Rong got up early as before, finished morning exercises outside the west wing, and then walked around with a bow and arrow on his back My heart suddenly jumped, like an extremely strange intuition, looking down the mountain, and sure enough, a burst of horse hooves sounded soon

She jumped up a big tree and looked down. She saw three people riding fast and riding fast to the ground. In fact, she didn't walk fast, because the person in the middle seemed to move very slowly, with a white veil on his face

Peng Ju!

It's Peng Ju!

Her heart thumped, she jumped down the tree, turned and ran back See him? Not seeing him?

Lu Da got up early as usual, and was about to open the door. He heard the temple door suddenly ring. When he opened the door, he saw that it was Yue Pengju, and when he lifted his Zen stick, he wanted to hit him: "good boy, you dare to come to the door! Eat a dozen first..."

Hearing this, Yue Pengju knew that his wife was indeed here But hearing the wind of the Zen staff, he didn't dodge, and said happily, "brother Lu, where's the seventeen sister?"

Lu Da saw that he didn't hide and didn't flash. The Zen stick came back to him and he saw that his eyes were covered with white silk. It seemed that the situation was very serious. He was secretly worried about him. Before he spoke, he saw him rushing forward: "Seventeen sister, seventeen sister..."

Ruda grabbed him. "What are you shouting about?"

"Brother Lu, where's the seventeen sister?"

"Why did you delay so long?"

Yue Peng raised a wry smile and took off the masked white silk. Lu Da looked at it and said in surprise, "Peng Ju, if you don't take care of your eyes, you'll be blind." He saw that Yue Pengju could come almost half blind. It was really ungrateful. How could he be so reckless? At this time, the anger in his heart immediately went to sevenoreight in ten, and his attitude improved slightly. "You sit down for a while, things are not clear, you can't expect to see A-Mei."

Yue Pengju was helpless, but he could only follow him into the meditation room and sit down

He explained the matter briefly. After hearing that he had not taken a concubine, Ruda breathed a sigh of relief and laid the Zen stick on the ground, laughing: "so it is! Peng Ju, the SA family would have beaten you as soon as they met. In that case, he would spare you. However, although the beating is free, the A-Mei can't see you. The SA family still has to ask her, and it's up to her to make her own decision."

Yue Peng raised his hand and said sincerely, "thank brother Lu for taking care of my seventeen sister these days."

"Peng Ju, SA Jia always knows that you are a sincere gentleman. However, you need to know how many hardships A-Mei and you have experienced before they get married. She was exiled in her early years and suffered countless hardships over the years. You should double treat her well and don't make her suffer any injustice."

"Peng Ju must pay attention in the future."

"OK, I'll ask you. By the way, I have some herbs here, which may be good for your eyes."

"Thank you, brother Lu."

When Yue Peng saw these herbs, he knew that his wife was worried about his eye disease. Otherwise, how could Ruda "happen" to be prepared? He was filled with mixed feelings. He sat down and stood up again, eager to see his wife right away

Ruda came to the west wing, but saw the door closed and there was silence around

"Mei, Mei..."

After a while, Hua Rong slowly came out with a cluster of arrows on his back. He looked very calm. Before he spoke, he said, "brother Lu, I know it's Peng Ju. I've already seen it."

"You already know, that's good. A-Mei, Peng Ju didn't take a concubine..." he hurried to tell Yue Pengju's situation briefly, "A-Mei, you should have a good talk with Peng Ju, he is not a heartless person."

Peng Ju really didn't take a concubine! Although she was not very surprised, she also felt comfort in her heart Just, I feel sad faintly

Ruda said, "Mei, he came all the way. There must be some misunderstanding between you. How can a husband and wife not quarrel? Just explain clearly."

Hua Rong said calmly, "brother Lu, tell him that I'm no longer angry. If you ask him to go back, I won't see him."

Ruda was very surprised: "sister, why is this?"

Hua Rong gave a wry smile The quarrel between husband and wife is a small matter, and the misunderstanding is also a small matter. It is easy to compound and eliminate the misunderstanding But after that? In front of him, he is still infertile As long as this victory doesn't pass, for a long time to come, Zhao Deji, the empress dowager, and other trusted friends who think they are good to Peng Ju will also put this issue on the agenda again - don't let Zhongliang be the Empress Dowager! The opposite sex is not as good as his own. Yue Pengju hopes to have his own flesh and blood. There are three ways to be unfilial, and no offspring is great! In this huge moral vortex, my husband and wife are ordinary people, how can they be extraordinary?

Do you really want to go to the point of Wang GUI's wife, embarrassed and disgusting?

Concubine and have children! Virtuous wife!

Since I can't do the real "wife virtue", without that mind, why bother to firmly occupy a position that doesn't belong to me? It's better to end everything at the best time!

Even if Peng Ju doesn't think so, what about Zhao Deji? Once, there is a second! How can he give up? Even the "worry" of her closest friends, senior sister!

I walked once, go back! Then, in the next reincarnation, run away again and again?

How many times can a woman stand such trouble?

Lu Da was about to persuade again, and her expression was very firm: "brother Lu, I don't want to experience another pain. I live a peaceful life here, and I will never go back with Peng Ju! Tell him not to waste time!"


She has a lot of pain in her heart and never tells others. Even if it is king Qin, she is not willing to reveal anything in front of him because of his tangled past. She is not afraid of his ridicule or schadenfreude. On the contrary, she is afraid that he will not laugh and take the opportunity to breed other unrealistic fantasies and hopes Only Ruda, like a friend, like a father and brother, can have no scruples about his worries and pain unless he confides in front of him

Lu Da heard her so. After all, he was a Zen practitioner. He didn't pay attention to "force" everything. Seeing that she didn't want to see Yue Pengju, he didn't force it. He just said, "sister, Peng Ju has a severe eye attack..."

She was stunned When he went up the mountain, he saw his eyes covered with white silk. It seemed that the journey was very difficult

She finally worried and asked in a low voice, "will he be blind?"

"I'm not sure. I only apply the collected herbs to him first. Regardless of eye diseases, he drove continuously. He was exposed to strong light and dust, so it became more and more serious..."

Hua Rong knew that Ruda would not exaggerate. Her husband's eye disease was really serious He was in his prime of life and was surprised. If his eyes were blind, wouldn't it be a fatal blow to him? If he hadn't run away from home, how could he stay up late so that he couldn't get rest?

She was even more flustered. She wanted to rush out to see what happened and serve him with her own hands, but she was still ruthless and gritted her teeth and held back: "that's so, brother Lu might as well ask him to go down the mountain immediately to find a famous doctor, so don't waste it here."

"Mei, it's not easy for you two in the past ten years. Don't be too impulsive."

"Brother Lu, I'm not impulsive. I'm really tired of my long-term military career. I like a quiet life. If you don't like me here, I can go elsewhere."

Lu Da sighed greatly, "sister, you know I don't mean that. Even if I can't live here, my hometown still has 200 mu of thin farmland, you can still go. Why can't you stay?"

This was originally Zhao Deji's original request for concubine Napai, and Ruda thought out a good place for her. Unexpectedly, after several years, he actually came to this step again What time is it, where is the beloved? There is always no way out! She couldn't help being sad, angry and hard hearted, and resolutely said, "thank you, brother Lu. I'd rather go to your hometown and live alone! I won't see Peng Ju, you tell him to go!"

Ruda saw that she was determined and could no longer be persuaded, so she had to leave

It was getting late. The wind blew in from the open window and rolled up a few yellow leaves. It was a little chilly. The flowers dissolved and found that early autumn had arrived She stood in the window and looked at the leaves of the towering tree outside. Slowly, they would turn yellow and fall The mystery of nature is that when the flowers fade, the leaves will wither and fall, and new buds will appear in the coming year, but what about people? Once a person withers, how can he be in one year, withers and thrives once each?

She stood slowly in the same place, the autumn wind blowing, and her heart was cooling down bit by bit The ground of the window is also covered with gold leaves, which were thrown on the ground one by one when it was so stuffy She also offered Ruda the gold for the expenses of the temple, but Ruda resolutely stopped it and said it was unnecessary The bigger doubt is, how can Peng Ju temporarily let Li qiaoniang marry Gao Lin? What means did he use? She couldn't think of it. Why did things change so much? Peng Ju hid what he didn't want to tell openly? Is it because he found himself gone that he had to?

The more she thinks, the more depressed she is. What if she doesn't go? If he doesn't leave, he will take a concubine?

According to Luda's instructions, the soldiers boiled the herbal medicine for eye diseases, and the other was applied externally Yue Pengju was anxious to see his wife, so he refused to apply the medicine first for fear that his eyes would be covered later

He lingered impatiently at the door. The Zen room was quiet and quiet, and he could only travel three or five times. The little monk who had been exiled here because of the war was originally a monk to make a living and escape the years of war, but just to make a living Hua Rong is a woman. It's inconvenient to stay here after all. Even if Lu Da is open-minded and aboveboard, she only occasionally gives her some arrow skills, martial arts and ordinary life. She lives alone in the west wing. When she meets, she just nods to the little monks Now, seeing that Yue Peng came here and knew him again, the three people came up to greet him and asked him about the outside world Everyone was very happy

However, today, Yue Pengju didn't want to talk with them. He was perfunctory. Seeing Lu Da coming, he immediately greeted him and asked, "brother Lu, how's the seventeen sister?"

Lu Da waved, and the little monks stepped back. Seeing Yue Pengju's face full of expectation, they said, "Peng Ju, you settle down first, a Mei is still angry."

Yue Peng Ju was greatly disappointed and anxious, and hurried to say, "when I go to see it myself, the seventeenth sister will meet me."

Ruda pondered. He had a deep relationship with the two people. He really hoped that the two people would be reconciled rather than split, so he said, "well, go and see for yourself."

Yue Peng was overjoyed. Ignoring his eye diseases, he tore off the masked white silk and ran out straight to the west wing

Although he has been to Donglin Temple once, he has never been to the west wing Close, Fang found that it may be the norm of previous etiquette. The west wing has a gate and a high wall completely separated from the Zen courtyard, which is very closed, obviously to protect the female relatives from being disturbed

The gate is closed, and you can't see the inside at all from the outside. You can only see a tall tree with a crown at least fourorfive feet high, like a large circular umbrella, covering the surrounding tightly

He was so excited that he pulled the copper ring on the door and shouted, "Seventeen sister, seventeen sister..."

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