One Night Bride

Chapter 325

He waved them back and lay in bed with clothes, angry and annoyed I have never experienced these trivial things in my life. I quarreled with my wife like a husband and wife I thought that as soon as I saw my wife and made it clear to her, everything would melt. Unexpectedly, women's hearts are far more complex than I imagined

He found that running a family was actually more complicated than fighting a war I haven't spent any time on this since. Now difficulties have hit, and I'm simply overwhelmed. I don't know what to do

For two days, Hua Rong refused to meet him again, or even talk to him through the door. Her whole body seemed to evaporate, and there was no trace of her He asked Ruda. Even Ruda didn't know where the flowers had gone Donglin Temple says it's big or small. The flowers melt all over the mountain and wander all over the fields. How can you easily see her? Moreover, his eyes are in a semi blind state, and there is nothing he can do The meals of these two days, although there are still vegetables and meat, have changed their taste. He tasted it at a glance. It was not his wife's craft, but the little monks who cooked it This made him even more insipid

The autumn sun was no longer so dazzling. In the evening, Yue Pengju no longer listened to the persuasion of his soldiers. He got up from bed and waited at the West Wing behind him

This is a house built on the slope. On both sides of the road, there are many flowering trees. The vast wild grass has slightly begun to turn yellow. Some golden wild chrysanthemums and pink wild flowers are in full bloom

Yue Peng raised his eyes and covered them with a veil. Although he couldn't see it clearly, he could smell the fragrance of all kinds of wild flowers. He sat down on the grass at will, groped, and pulled a bunch of wild flowers at will according to the smell

He lay down with his eyes closed, and the beautiful feelings of the two people together in the past appeared in his mind. From the escape on the island to the meeting in Zhongjiazhuang after many years of separation, she suffered a lot, came all the way to the military camp to find herself, and said softly, "Peng Ju, you accompany me tonight", and then to the meeting between life and death on the sea. After her injury, the two of them lived in seclusion in elong Town, and even in this Donglin temple, the husband and wife spent three days of quiet time together... Life and death, There is no quarrel between them, and their love is stronger than gold

Because I can't see it, I miss it especially, but I suddenly feel frightened. Over the years, my wife has followed me to fight north and South without complaining. She has to endure the most unspeakable pain of a woman As king Qin said, how many times has she had a good life? Even if she ran away from home, she could only bring 50 yuan and a few old clothes Whether it's King Qin's ten-year pursuit, Zhao Deji's coercion and inducement, or even the cruel torture of Jin Wushu, she can't change her mind. She always sticks to herself. If she doesn't break her heart, how can she easily say "divorce"?

It turns out that love can withstand storms and waves, and can also withstand the test of life and death, but it is very easy to be consumed by mundane trivia bit by bit This kind of wear and tear is silent, but drops of water pierce the stone. By the time it is found, it has been riddled with holes and cannot be healed

He was ashamed and terrified. He felt sorry for his wife's hardships and was afraid that she would really divorce him. For a moment, he was at a loss, like a teenager in first love. His lover suddenly broke up and didn't know how to deal with it

He sat down for a while and then lay down. He was very anxious. He had a lot to say to his wife instead of arguing blindly The more he thought about it, the more frightened he was. He couldn't sit still anymore. He turned over and jumped up and took the big bunch of flowers Then he shook the closed copper lock, "Seventeen sister, seventeen sister..."

This time, there was an answer soon A very calm voice came from the door: "Peng Ju, I'm here."

He was delighted: "sister seventeen, after you left, I'm not used to it. I miss you every day."


"Sister seventeen, open the door and let's talk about it. In the past, I really didn't do well enough. No, it was very bad, which made you suffer a lot..."

"No, Peng Ju, you're fine. I'm careful."

He was sincere and eager: "sister seventeen, open the door first. We can't solve the problem until we talk."

Her voice was still very calm, as if after two days of deliberation, It's no longer impulsive: "no, Peng Ju. I've considered it clearly, and the problem lies with me. Moreover, Zhao Deji has doubts about you, and he will never give up. When we are together, he will destroy it again, which is helpless. Moreover, I feel extremely tired running these years, and I don't want to lead a wandering military career. I'm in a precarious situation. I'm very tired in the face of war smoke and life and death every day."

"Sister seventeen, it's my poor performance that makes you disappointed..."

"Peng Ju, you're not bad..." she tried to hold back her tears Is Pengju bad? Actually, no! He has always been fine Many times of life and death rescue, many years of mutual help How many men can do it just because of the boring and dangerous tiger binding and bear slaughtering in the year when elong town lived in seclusion and stayed with himself who was seriously injured?

Yue Pengju heard her speechless for a long time, her voice choked, and she was even more anxious: "sister seventeen, open the door first. I miss you all these days..."

She shed tears in her eyes and said firmly after a while, "Peng Ju, let's divorce!"

Yue Peng was shocked! Hearing his wife say this so solemnly, it seemed as if he had been beaten hard, and he didn't know how to react for a moment

"Peng Ju, you haven't recovered from your eye disease, so you shouldn't delay here. Go down the mountain to find a famous doctor. Cure your eye disease first, and then there's hope. I won't go down the mountain. There are many good women in the world, and there's something suitable for you. Peng Ju, don't think of me, go down the mountain."

Yue Peng held his head in the same place, and suddenly heard a burst of noise. Subconsciously, he stretched out his hand and caught a thing, which was shot by Hua Rong with an arrow

"Peng Ju, this is the divorce book I wrote. In the future, marriage and remarriage, all free people, do not interfere with each other. Peng Ju, you are so good, there is a woman who is 10000 better than me to match you. Good things are rewarded, you will have more children and more blessings, I don't believe it, God is really blind..."

With a few "brushes", he didn't look at it, tearing the divorce book to pieces in the moonlight

Hua Rong listened to the angry tearing sound and couldn't say any more

Yue Peng raised his mouth slowly, "sister seventeen, do you still remember the Huaiyang massacre?"

She was stunned. She didn't know why he mentioned it at this time

"The fourth Prince searched the mountains and seized the sea to catch the emperor, and chased him from Ying Tian to Hangzhou. The officers and soldiers of the Song Dynasty collapsed thousands of miles, and there was no resistance. The only 5000 troops of Yelv Wuma slaughtered Huaiyang and Yangzi all the way. At that time, the defenders of these two places exceeded 20000. 20000 troops and hundreds of thousands of people were slaughtered and humiliated wantonly by 5000 prisoners! That time, you and the emperor boarded the ship to escape, I chased to the sea, and saw a lot of wooden people... Seventeen sister, you know this is What? "

She remained silent

"These puppet puppets are the God puppets of the ancestors of the great Song Dynasty, including even the puppet spiritual tablets of Taizu. I personally saw the puppet statues of Taizu. Taizu's literary and military strategies, a generation of heroes, created the territory of our Dynasty for hundreds of years. The descendants of later generations are like clouds, and the royal clan of Zhao is even more prosperous. However, what is the final result? Let's say the supreme emperor, he has more than 20 sons and more than 20 daughters, but where is he now? His children Where are you? "

Hua Rong suddenly remembered Li Yi'an's words, "life is a hero, death is also a ghost hero". The prosperous and rich Song Dynasty, overnight, destroyed and decayed, such as a toppled building, the hula floor collapsed, and even the emperor was reduced to prisoners. The princess entered the "laundry house", and the prince and grandson were slaves and maidservants. How many sons ensured the safety of their parents? How many men protect national security?

"Since then, I have long been indifferent to secular concepts. What about children? What about infertility? Life is short and precarious. It's a good thing to be able to live happily with my loved ones. If you can expel the prisoners and restore rivers and mountains, it's better. Sister seventeen, even if outsiders say, how many times have I ever brooded on this matter?"

Hua Rong couldn't promise a word at this time, so she had to be silent

I suddenly feel ashamed. It's a shame that morality is not as good as people She and Li Yian hit it off at first sight, and felt that this strange woman was the only confidant in the world As everyone knows, she is not at all. Yue Pengju is her confidant! Only people like Yue Pengju deserve to be compared with Yi'an lay!

Inside and outside the door, there was silence

Yue Pengju didn't say anything anymore, as if he had done what he said, and didn't want to say anything more

After a long time, Hua Rong slowly said, "Peng Ju, I want to spend a few years quietly, no longer care about the invasion of the Jin army, no longer care about comforting family members, no matter what, just live for myself! You go! This is where you and I end!" In particular, I don't want to work for Zhao Deji anymore Because of Li qiaoniang's case, her resentment against Zhao Deji has been very deep. Fang felt that this person was simply a despicable person who turned his hand over the clouds and covered his hand with rain

Yue Pengju felt a twinge of pain when he heard his wife say this In fact, he knows that his wife is stubborn. Once she makes a decision, ten cows can't pull back Yue Pengju answered slowly, very quick and decisive: "well, sister seventeen, since you are determined to break up, I don't insist. These years, you have suffered with me and never had a good life. You have the right to live the life you want."

This is also his habit, a habit of soldiers. At an important juncture, he is never vague, let alone sloppy Hua Rong was clear, but she felt a strong pain in her heart, as if life had come to a dead end

She forced herself to calm down. This is the result of her own desire, isn't it? Rest when you are tired I need to rest, not rush. What's the matter with me?

Her voice was unusually calm: "Peng Ju, you go down the mountain."

"I'll go down the mountain tomorrow! But before, I had only one request."

"What requirements?"

"I have something to give to you face to face. If I give it to you, I don't have to wait for tomorrow. I'll leave right away!"

Hua Rong was silent for a while, and the moonlight sprinkled on her, with quiet brilliance and infinite desolation After a while, she stretched out her hand and put it on the latch, trembling slightly Finally, she slowly opened the latch, and the heavy door opened slowly with a "squeak"

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