One Night Bride

Chapter 326

The night is as cool as water, and the moonlight flows

Yue Peng pulled the veil off his eyes, only across a high threshold. His wife was dressed in cloth, and the silver moonlight surrounded her colorful feather arrow clusters, such as mercury, soft and clear

He suddenly stretched out his hand, and the flowers dissolved in front of him, with a faint fragrance on his nose. It was a large handful of wild flowers, which almost completely covered her face: "Seventeen sister, here you are!"

She subconsciously took the flowers, fragrant, heart beating, she had no time to speak, has been tightly held by a pair of powerful arms, ears, is his gentle voice: "Seventeen sister, I miss you so much..."

Afraid of being crushed, he couldn't struggle, and his voice choked: "your things are sent, you can go..."

He didn't say anything. With a strong hand, he suddenly picked her up. Her feet were off the ground and exclaimed, "Peng Ju, what are you doing, put me down..."

He turned a deaf ear and quickly hugged her. As soon as he closed the door, he went to the place where the light was on - that was her house. When the light was on, a bean of orange red was like a bright light at night

In front of him, he didn't dare to face the light too much. He couldn't see it clearly, but he could see the general outline. Holding his wife, as soon as he entered the room, he smelled that special smell - that was the clean and fragrant smell of his wife. The room was full of the gentle smell of women, rather than the empty and lonely smell of the wooden house he lived in

Hua Rong struggled hard and got out of his arms. Her heart was panting. She angrily said, "Peng Ju, what are you doing? Go out..." she saw Yue Peng unable to lift, stretched out her hand to push him. He grabbed her hand, and she angrily said, "OK, you don't go, I'll go..."

As she said, she struggled hard. Yue Peng's eyes couldn't stand the stimulation of the light. They darkened and covered their eyes. A burst of strong stinging pain couldn't hold her for a moment, so he had to let go immediately Hua Rong angrily walked out: "OK, if you want to stay, I'll give this place to you..." she ran out quickly and heard his cry behind her, "Seventeen sister..."

She was unmoved and was about to run out of the door. His voice was faint, like a wronged child: "sister... My eyes hurt..."

This "sister" touched the softest feelings in my heart, full of incomparable deep feelings, the best tender feelings in the past He and I are more affectionate than husband and wife, and more affectionate than siblings. The mixture of family affection and love has been deep into the bone marrow. Can it be dissipated in a few words?

He suffered from eye disease. In the past, in Tanzhou, he could also argue that Li qiaoniang took care of him, but now? Now who can take care of him? She suddenly turned around and saw Yue Peng squatting down at the door of the hut, covering his eyes in pain She hurried back, picked him up and asked anxiously, "Peng Ju, what's the matter?"

"I have an eye attack and it hurts..."

Under the light, she saw a thin layer of sweat on his forehead, and his eyebrows were tangled. It was obvious that it was extremely painful, so she quickly helped him up and lay on her bed As soon as his body was next to the bed, Yue Peng heaved a sigh of relief. She was about to turn around and her hand was tightly clenched. His voice was weak: "sister seventeen, don't go..."

She brushed his hand away: "I'll apply your eyes first..."

After a little hesitation, he released his hand. Although he closed his eyes, he turned sideways, faced her direction, and listened carefully to her footsteps Hua Rong didn't want to see his little moves, so he quickly went to the corner table and lifted the lid, carrying a bowl, which was filled with mashed medicine slurry She took it, walked quickly over, washed her hands, grabbed the medicinal slurry and carefully applied it to him The herbal medicine came into the eyes, and it was cool. Yue Pengju lay quietly, motionless, with a slight smile on the corners of his mouth The hands that applied the medicine for themselves were so gentle and smooth, gently brushed from the corners of the eyebrows and eyes, such care? In this world, no one can match Moreover, she had already prepared the ointment in her room, and obviously worried about herself every day

This made him feel like a flower in his heart. He wanted to hum loudly, Lala, Lala, but he didn't dare to open his mouth. The corners of his mouth were pumping, which was very funny

Hua Rong is busy taking care of him. Where did he notice so many expressions? Finally, she found a clean white cloth, wrapped it for him, wrapped it around the back of her head, tied it carefully, made it clean, and then breathed a sigh of relief

The light flickered, and she looked at him carefully. Only then did she find that her husband had a scratchy beard and a haggard face. She thought it was caused by running through the dust these days and worrying about herself

After all, I loved him and missed him. Seeing him so haggard, I was very sad. I couldn't help reaching out and gently stroking his cheek He coughed, Hua Rong woke up, flushed, but fortunately he couldn't see his expression, and hurriedly withdrew his hand

She was about to get up, and as soon as she earned, she seemed to be firmly fixed, and his hand had been quietly holding on to a skirt of her dress She was slightly annoyed. Looking at the wild flowers she threw beside her, and looking at the slight smile on the corner of his mouth, she realized that she had been fooled. This guy tried to trick himself into opening the door. It turned out that he was not "leaving after giving something", but determined to "stay!"

War is not averse to fraud. That's how he used "tactics" against himself!

Who is so cunning Damn!

"Yue Pengju, you are open-minded, and your words don't count. You clearly promised to leave after giving something."

"What's wrong with me?"

"Then why don't you go?"

"You haven't taken it yet."

"I'll take it, you go..." she reached for a wild flower and brushed it on his face

"This is not what I want to send!"


He looked cunning and infinitely proud: "sister seventeen, I gave myself to you, and you haven't taken it yet. How can I leave?"

If he doesn't accept it, he won't leave; Take it, and you'll have to go with him He has a good idea!

The flower dissolved in air and was speechless

She earned again, but he couldn't see it, but he still held her tightly by the skirt, smiled, looked a little wronged, and muttered: "sister seventeen, I miss you every day these days, do you miss me?..."

"Hum! No!"

"Sister seventeen, my eyes hurt..."

"If your eyes hurt, have a good rest and don't talk nonsense."

"Where are you going?"

"You don't care about me..." she struggled to get up as she said, "I" word has not yet dropped, his hands out, around, her body a soft, has been hugged in his generous arms, she was thin anger, was about to scold him, but her mouth has been sealed, not even a word

As soon as his lips left, Hua Rong slowly breathed. His mind was a little clear. He hurriedly put his hand on his chest and struggled to get up and leave Where can Yue Pengju let her go? Bending her hand, she softly called her, "Seventeen sister, seventeen sister..."

Messy clothes were thrown on the ground, his, her, at this time, Hua Rong had completely forgotten "breaking up", forgot "fighting", forgot all kinds of unhappiness, completely paralyzed in his arms, allowing him to sometimes feel light love, sometimes violent storms

For a long time, they were still glued together and hugged tightly. They were sweating profusely, as if they had just been fished out of the water

He smiled with tenderness: "sister seventeen, I only like you. I only like you all my life. We should not separate forever..."

She pillowed softly in his armpit, close to his chest, warm, broad, no longer the slightest strength, but completely relaxed and happy, comfortable, slightly curled up, still slightly twitching

"Seventeen elder sister..."


"In the future, don't mention breaking up with me, and don't mention it again! These days, I'm worried to death."

She did not say anything, but leaned against his arms with her eyes closed

He hugged her shoulder tightly, stroked her messy forehead, listened to her silence, his hand stayed on her eyelids, and felt her long eyelashes fanning in his palm like a small fan. Itching, he approached her, and suddenly took advantage of her unprepared, gently bit her ear: "Seventeen sister..."

She was startled by the unexpected attack, and struggled gently, but he imprisoned her, biting slightly tighter: "Seventeen sister, don't leave me! Do you hear?"

After hearing this "Hmm", he slowly released her, pressed her lips, and said softly, "don't distrust me any more, don't get angry any more, and don't run away from home! If you have anything, you must make it clear to me face to face..."

She nestled in his arms. At this time, she had completely lost the ability to distinguish right from wrong. What he said was what he said. He just nodded and promised, "uh huh", as if he had been under a spell and was hypnotized Body and mind are still warm, as in the clouds Such complete relaxation swept away all kinds of unhappiness suppressed in her heart. She didn't open her mouth, and her eyelids were tired and couldn't open. She nestled in his arms and fell asleep

It was not until her slight breathing sounded that Yue Pengju contentedly stretched out his hand and waved out the light that had already been clearly extinguished. The room was dark. In a moment, I could feel the moonlight pouring in from the window

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