One Night Bride

Chapter 327

He smiled in the dark, tightly hugged the soft body in his arms, and his big hands habitually covered her. It was hot and warm, and the breath was the long lost soft taste, the taste of her habit

"Seventeen sister, I like you so much, how can I like anyone else? No, never again!"

She still breathed quietly and slept soundly Only then did he feel relieved and fell asleep

After Hua Rong and her husband had a quarrel, she was worried all day and came to Donglin temple. She was lonely and tossed around night and night. That night, she didn't think about anything and didn't think about anything. She was so calm, carefree, slept very heavily, and didn't even have a dream Yue Pengju was in the same mood as her. She felt more successful than defeating the Dongting Navy, such as winning an arduous battle Once he slept, he was also sweet and sound

When I wake up, it is already three achievements in the day Hua Rong opened his eyes, quietly looked at his chest on his pillow, looked up slowly, and saw his eyes still wrapped - Shh, fortunately, he couldn't see himself

She blushed and quietly removed her hand from his chest. When she moved, one of his hands stretched out, grabbed those soft hands, pressed them back on his chest, and firmly held them. One of his big hands was still a habitual bully in his favorite place, hot!

It turned out that he had already woken up!

Hua Rong snorted slightly. Her cheeks were red, and she didn't know what to say. She closed her eyes again, and could hear his powerful heartbeat, which was gradually completely consistent with her own heartbeat, which was very regular

Yue Pengju did not speak, enjoying this rare moment of peace

How long has it been since they were so at ease?

For a while, she turned slightly to get up. His hand was still firmly around, gently wrapped her in his arms, and softly said, "Seventeen sister, you accompany me..."

Her voice was subtle: "I... I want to get up and practice arrows..."

"Don't practice today, rest today. Let's stay in bed together, it's been a long time."

She gently twisted in his arms, not sure whether to get up or continue to lie in bed. He laughed, and his voice was so strange: "sister seventeen, the more you move, the hotter I get..."

She woke up, blushed, and was about to spit him. He rolled over and pressed her under her body, looked at her with his eyes covered, and asked softly, "sister seventeen, do you remember what you promised me last night?"

"I don't remember, hum."

"Don't you remember?"

His lips were completely on her lips, with a dangerous breath, and his deep voice was like a big gray wolf: "sister seventeen, do you want me to remind you? You are not allowed to leave me anymore! Remember?"

She protested in a low voice, "Peng Ju..."

Unable to speak, she was completely "bitten" by him. She refused and resisted at all, and couldn't speak a word. Her breath was taken away. Her body was hot with him, and her thin groans turned into eager mutual joy, and her two feelings were tired

Hua Rong's hands and feet are soft, and he has no strength to struggle, and he doesn't want to struggle. In his sweet words, under his rapid wind and rain, he gasps and trembles slightly

For a long time, he was also very tired, and his voice rustled: "sister seventeen, I haven't been so relaxed for a long time, hehe, it's good. How are you?"

She blushed, bit her lips, exhausted and relaxed, lying in his arms, silent

His hand slipped around her arm. She couldn't help giggling. He moved away and laughed, "sister seventeen, this is the day I want to live like this for a lifetime..."


After lying for a long time, she slowly sat up, and he stretched out his hand to pull her: "sister seventeen, don't get up, we'll lie like this today."

Two fingers clasped, no war, no disturbance, no unhappiness, some only love each other, only the silence here - what a beautiful feeling! Like ordinary people, live comfortably and happily. If you want to sleep until you wake up naturally, sleep until you wake up naturally!

Her body moved slightly again, and he firmly hugged her waist: "we just lie down!"

"I have to change your dressing."

"Don't change your dressing! Don't get up!"

Her hand stretched out and grabbed his ear, but it was gentle, light anger and thin anger: "how can it be better without changing the dressing? You don't want to see me?"

He then released his hand and said happily, "well, then change it. I haven't seen the appearance of seventeen sister for a long time. I really want to have a look... Alas, one eye is not enough, I have to see it every day..."

"Hum, I'm always tired of it!"

"If you are tired of watching, you have to watch it until you see an old woman, hahaha!"

Hua Rong pulled his ear again, then gently released it, put on his clothes and got out of bed to change his dressing again The white cloth in front of me was untied. As soon as the herbs went away, I slightly opened my eyes, but I saw my wife's soft long hair scattered, wearing a plain robe, barefoot, rolled sleeves, revealing a white lotus root like arm Seeing this, I felt that "a long separation is better than a new marriage" - the ancients sincerely didn't deceive me

Hua Rong brought the medicine, saw him staring at him in a daze, and spat at him: "what are you looking at? Close your eyes quickly, you can't see light..."

"Madam, little one, yes!" He closed his eyes with a smile, and Hua Rong sat beside him. He carefully applied the medicine for him, wrapped it in a white cloth, and made it properly Then, I went to fetch water again, washed his face and hands carefully, cut his nails, and complained endlessly: "look at you, you don't cut your nails, and you're hiding dirt. I really don't know what the boss is doing with a man. It's dirty and annoying..."

In a long military career, many times, it's common to lack water and food, or it's cold and freezing, and don't take a bath for ten days and a half months How can there be a few white faces in the barracks? They are all big men Or after getting married, with a wife to take care of, he can often have hot water to wash, hot and delicious meals, and the softest and most comfortable "human stove" in the world at night - with a wife, there is a home, without a wife, who has that leisure?

He listened to her sweet complaint, stretched out his hand and circled her waist, "sister seventeen, I can't see. You've been walking for so long, and I don't care about me, how can I have a mind..."

Wash your face with your hands, not your eyes! There are many excuses

Hua rongbai glanced at him and dressed him. His hand was always clinging to her waist. He couldn't stand it. Hua rongbai couldn't move easily, so he patted off his hand: "you're still naughty, hum."

He solemnly said, "sister seventeen, I can't get over my eye disease for a moment. I've resigned to the imperial court and rested for a period of time. I like here very much and decided to live here first..." his voice became mysterious again, "I want to live here all the time, be a diner and eat brother Lu down, hahahaha..."

Hua Rong simply promised, "well, brother Lu has arranged a room for you anyway."

"It's for the soldiers there, and I live here with you."

"Sister seventeen, let's not be awkward. I was bad before. In the future, we should have a good life, and we can't have any unhappiness anymore, okay?"

At this moment, my heart is happy. He Pengju is here to live a carefree life, even if it takes only three or five months. In troubled times, I can be happy first

Outside the door, two soldiers walked anxiously The two of them, Ma Chao and Li Bin, have followed Yue Pengju for several years Yue Peng had an eye attack and went out to find his wife. The two of them served and escorted him all the way On this day, I was very anxious to see that the Lord general had not returned all night and that there was no figure near noon

The two discussed, and Ma Chao said, "no, I have to go to see Yue Xianggong. His eye disease has not healed..."

"Yes, and he hasn't had breakfast yet..."

Their discussion was interrupted by the oncoming Laughter: "don't bother him. It doesn't matter whether you eat breakfast or not, and you can't be hungry. Hahaha, it's almost noon, and you can prepare lunch..."

When they saw it was Lu Da, they were surprised and delighted, and asked one after another, "has Lu Changlao, Yue Xianggong and his wife ever been reconciled?"

"Just prepare your lunch."

Seeing him laughing, the two of them knew that Yue Xianggong had won another "big victory" this time. Happily, they immediately went to prepare lunch. On this day, Lu Da was in a happy mood and brought many dishes, which seemed to be preparing a big meal

Until noon, the crowd was making arrangements, and far away, they came hand in hand

Lu Da shouted all the way, "Peng Ju, a Mei, wait for you to have lunch, hahaha..."

The two of them were holding hands. As soon as Hua Rong's face was red, they were about to let go of her husband's hand, but as soon as she loosened, Yue Pengju held it back tightly and continued to hold it

She whispered, "people will laugh at me."

Yue Pengju disapproved: "who will laugh at you? Brother Lu is eager for us to make up. How can he laugh at you?"

Her protest was invalid When it was almost there, Yue Pengju just let go. Hua Rong was slightly embarrassed, but Lu Da laughed: "hurry up, hurry up, A-Mei, Peng Ju, how many good things have been prepared by the family, and it's time for dinner..."

Hua Rong was relieved by his hearty laughter. Ma Chao and others were naturally overjoyed when they saw that Yue Xianggong and his wife were reconciled. Hua Rong came forward, but they saw a table full of bowls of fresh vegetables, plates of pheasant and game, a large pot of steaming dog soup, a delicious roast rabbit, and a variety of things... There was a jar of wine on the table

Lu Da asked the two to sit down and said with a smile, "Peng Ju, it's sunny after the rain with a Mei. Today we have to have a good meal. I hope Peng Ju's eyes will recover soon..."

Hua Rong blushed. Yue Peng held her hand and sat down. Then he said, "thank you for taking care of brother Lu."

"Boy, do you still want to see Sajia? Eat."

Yue Pengju had a particularly happy meal. His wife took good care of him. Although he couldn't see it, he could eat the most delicious dishes and drink the most rich hot soup in time. Moreover, the wine Lu Da found was also clear and delicious. He ate several bowls of rice at one go, but he didn't finish his intention: "I haven't eaten so many good things for a long time, hahaha..."

Ma Chao and others were surprised, delighted and secretly relieved, thinking that it was really the best policy to have a wife to serve them. No matter how they waited for them, they were not so agreeable to Yue Xianggong

After eating, Lu Da saw that his husband and wife were reconciled as before, especially Yue Pengju. As soon as he was in good spirits, his eye attack seemed to be less severe He was in a good mood and was in high spirits: "go for a walk and take you to a good place."

Hua Rong helped Yue Pengju and followed him to the back mountain of Donglin temple. Here, there was a huge and smooth stone slab with a length of sevenoreight feet and a width of sevenoreight feet. People sat on it, like sitting on a large natural carpet stretched out on the cliff

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