One Night Bride

Chapter 328

Ruda is a wonderful person. He even brought a pot of tea with him, took three bamboo cups and poured them aside

Looking from this "big carpet", below is the situation of autumn, all kinds of mature fruits, some ups and downs of crops, the harvest season, the autumn wind passes by my ears, the sun is warm, but not baked, everything in autumn is just right

Yue Pengju can't see, so he has a more sensitive sense of smell. In the air, all kinds of autumn wild flowers, gorgeous smell, faint fragrance With his beloved wife, deep friends, a cup of tea and a wisp of breeze, he took a deep breath: "if my husband and wife can accompany brother Lu to die here in this life, it is a blessing in life."

Lu Da drank a cup of tea and smiled brightly: "Peng Ju, when your wish comes true, SA Jia welcomes you and your husband at any time. Although you are a big belly man, SA Jia is not afraid, haha, but ask the little monks to cultivate more wasteland and a variety of vegetables."

"Thank you, brother Lu."

Immediately, the three people discussed all kinds of interesting stories from all over the world, but did not mention anything unpleasant, nor did they mention imperial politics, nor did they mention war But Hua Rong still couldn't help it. She had repeatedly euphemistically implied that she had persuaded Zhao Deji to be vigilant against Qin Hui, and had never had any effect. She had already died of the idea of persuading. She knew that Zhao Deji actually wanted such a "moderator" in order to make him half the country But not without worry: "Peng Ju, I don't know how long the emperor will allow you to take a holiday. I'm afraid he's in a hurry to send someone to call. Now, you must take care of your eyes first."

"I have submitted my resignation, and Jae Fu Zhang Jun witnessed it with his own eyes. Sister 17, don't worry, we will have a quiet day."

Hearing her husband so, she stopped talking. She handed him a cup of tea and drank it herself. Looking at the cliff under the boulder, the wild chrysanthemums spread like golden brocade, and a gentle breeze blew to her nose, which made both of them temporarily forget all kinds of troubles. She just wanted to enjoy every moment at the moment

That night, before the two went to bed, Hua Rong sorted out the sundries on the table. Seeing the bottle of green liquid, he casually put it aside. His heart was faint and painful. How much effort did he spend on this thing, King Qin?

Yue Pengju couldn't see his wife's expression, and listened to her rustle to pack things. He said softly, "sister seventeen, I forgot to tell you that I've asked Liu Wu to identify the iron coupon."

"Oh, what is that?"

"It's the death free token of Jin Wu Shu."

"Haha, I'm very kind. I'll take it. He must try his best to get it back. In the future, we'll make some trouble for him and threaten him." Hua Rong was very happy. She remembered something, but she couldn't help asking, "where did king Qin go?"

"Well, I have to thank him for finding you for me. I gave him the design drawings of Yang Mo's ship, and he left without saying where he went."

Hua Rong quietly removed the burden on the table a little. Inside, there were the golden leaves left by her packed King Qin Golden leaves and Turquoise medicine bottles, both of which are vaguely distressing when you see them She didn't tell her husband such a "panacea". Subconsciously, she was even more unwilling to take it, as if she drank it in one gulp. No matter the result, she was stepping on a friendship that she couldn't repay to get "happiness"!

In that case, I would rather not be "happy"!

She put the package away together, put it in a wooden box in the corner, covered it, and breathed a sigh of relief Hearing her husband's gentle voice, "sister seventeen, what are you doing? Why don't you go to bed?"

She then walked over with a smile and gently shouted at him, "I'm coming right now."

After this entanglement, the friendship between the two people was deeper The couple have lived in Donglin temple since then, with love and happiness

Lu Da successively invited several doctors to diagnose and treat eye diseases for Yue Pengju, and day after day, he continuously applied various herbal medicines for eye diseases With a quiet and warm life and the careful care of his wife, Yue Pengju's eye disease gradually improved. After such a month, although he still needs to be covered with gauze, he just can't accept the irradiation of strong light and no longer has pain

This period of time is really the best and happiest day in their lives. There is no quarrel between the husband and wife, and they are affectionate, especially Hua Rong. Although they serve their husband all day, they don't feel hard at all, but are extremely sweet. They feed him soup and eat every meal, wash his hands and face every day, and read him all kinds of art of war books every night... All kinds of trivial things, each of which is more fulfilling than the ups and downs of the war

Two people have been in the mountains for a long time, and they don't feel the passage of time, so more than three months After breakfast one day, Hua Rong took a walk with her husband for a while. Suddenly, she felt very uncomfortable and vomited continuously Yue Pengju hurriedly held his wife: "sister seventeen, are you sick? You have to find a doctor."

"It's OK. I think the weather has turned cold and I'm infected with the wind chill."


When she said this, she couldn't help but retch again

Yue Pengju was even more worried: "sister seventeen, I hear you often retch these days. I must see it, but don't get sick."

She leaned against her husband and felt tired. Her eyelids were drooping. Obviously, she had enough sleep last night and now she wanted to doze off. "I don't know why. Recently, she has been dizzy and sleepy. She doesn't want to eat anything."

"What should I do? I must ask the doctor to have a look."

Hua Rong saw that he was worried and laughed, "it's all right now, it's all right again."

"No, we have to hurry back. We can't let you get cold."


The winter sun rose up warm on the treetops, and Hua Rong held her husband back, but when she saw the huge stone slab next to him, she took his hand: "Peng Ju, let's go sit down."

Seeing that his wife was unwell, he didn't want to, but listening to her warm voice, he let her sit down on the smooth slate together

Behind is an ancient pine, which blocks out the sky and the sun. Looking from a distance, the winter climate starts to kill everything, but before the coldest time, the withered grass turns yellow, and all kinds of evergreen plants in the south are still quite alive The breeze blew, which was very cool. Yue Peng raised his hand to touch his wife, which was a little cold. He held her in his arms, untied the thick cotton jacket and covered her

"Sister seventeen, it's really hard for you to take care of me these days. Maybe that's why you're tired and sick."

What a fool! He takes care of his daily life every day, not to mention the help of two soldiers. How can he be tired? She said lightly, "I don't know how happy I am. I'd rather die here with you and take care of you every day, so what!" When she said this, she felt something strange. She raised her head in his arms and looked at him. Only then did she find that Peng Ju did not know when to lift the veil on her eyes and stared at herself tenderly

"Peng Ju, cover your eyes quickly, how..." she said and stretched out her hand to get it for him. Her hand reached his cheek, but she was caught. His voice was full of laughter: "Seventeen sister..."

Her eyes lit up, ecstatic: "Peng Ju, your eyes are good?"

"OK! I'm completely recovered! A few days ago, I didn't feel anything different, but for the sake of insurance, I endured an extra twoorthree days..."

She watched with joy as he threw down the "eye patch" that had been with him for a long time, but she blushed with his burning eyes

From the beginning of the contradiction, to her running away, to the two and three months of not looking at things, Yue Peng looked at his wife carefully without blinking Although he could see his wife several times during the dressing change, he couldn't really see her, vaguely, and was urged by her to cover his eyes. Only today, he could really see the woman in his arms clearly with extremely bright eyes - the joy of seeing the sun again

She wore a light green dress with a hairpin inserted thinly on her head. Because of the quiet life in recent months, the complete relaxation of her body and mind, the fresh air between the mountains and the delicious wild vegetables - Fang is the nourishment of a woman who is really completely immersed in marriage and love. The whole person's face is radiant, beautiful and charming, especially the kind of full eye waves - he can even see his reflection in it

She suddenly stretched out her hand and twisted his cheek: "what are you looking at? Haven't you seen a beauty... Your eyes are just right. You can't see more light all the time. Close them quickly..."

"Hahaha" he burst out laughing, held her hand, obediently closed his eyes, lowered his head and spoke to her lips, "yes, sister seventeen, I haven't seen you so beautiful!"

This man!

Hua rongdai wanted to quarrel with him, but his heart was sweet. Looking around, the mountains were surrounded by green pines. They were like in a painting. They just thought that on such a day, whoever asked me to be an immortal would not go

The winter sun set quickly, and the two got up and walked back hand in hand

Hua Rong said happily, "Peng Ju, your eyes are fine. We are going to have a big banquet tonight."

Yue Pengju readily agreed

The so-called "banquet guests" are Luda and a bunch of young monks The two live in the west wing, which is the reception area of Donglin temple and is "isolated" from Donglin temple to a certain extent After Yue Peng raised it, Ruda naturally no longer worried about the safety of Hua Rong, so he told the little monks not to disturb them. He also meditated himself. For a long time, he didn't eat dog meat and was in a semi closed state

The two of them went to Lu Da excitedly. Seeing Yue Peng's recovery from eye disease, Lu Da was naturally happy for him: "haha, it's really time to celebrate tonight. Go and find a jar of good wine..."

The two knew that he was "wine and meat passed through the intestines, and the Buddha kept it in his heart". They really had to practice to a certain extent to reach this supreme level, so they were free of him However, because other young monks have to be entertained, the dishes are also vegetarian

In winter, there is a lack of fresh vegetables in the mountains, so huarongsu will renovate some mushrooms, dried vegetables and so on. In addition, there are some fresh radish and cabbage under the cellar, as well as other winter mountain vegetables, tofu and so on, which will also renovate sevenoreight delicious dishes

Ma Chao and others had already cooked dinner. Today Huarong was happy, so he went to cook two small dishes by himself After the dishes were cooked, the smell of oil smoke rushed up, and her stomach was seriously uncomfortable. She couldn't help retching again, threw down the spatula and ran out Yue Peng held her hurriedly. "No, I must ask the doctor to see it tomorrow."

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