One Night Bride

Chapter 329


After a while, the food came to the table, and everyone was familiar with it, and they all ate it People were full of praise for a large plate of mushrooms and tofu, especially Luda, who thought it was more delicious than dog meat. They praised: "machao, you made such a good dish!"

Ma Chao hurriedly smiled and said, "villains don't dare to take credit for it. It's Mrs. Yue who did it."

"Haha, Mei, so you still have such a craft."

Hua Rong smiled. When she first went to Donglin temple, she was in a dark mood and didn't even want to eat. How could she be in the mood to cook? Now the weather is good and the mood is happy. Naturally, you can take care of your family

Yue Pengju was worried about his wife. As soon as the meal was served, she ate and drank like nothing else. She couldn't see what "strange disease" she had. Hua Rong was also very strange. Both the husband and wife thought it was just a little cold, which didn't matter

With enough food and wine, the people left, and the room was completely quiet

The flowers melted into a lamp, and Yue Peng sat on the big chair beside the table as usual, with a volume of scriptures on it Unlike in the past, he smiled and looked around. For the first time, he looked carefully at his home - bright and clean, fresh and tidy, a table and chair, a cup and a lamp, all right There is also a pot on the table as a vase, with a large bunch of beautiful branches and leaves inserted inside. It is well matched, red and yellow. It is very beautiful and more unique than flowers

A wife makes a happy home

How good!

He looked at his wife happily walking around the room and said, "Seventeen sister, won't you study for me tonight?"

Hua Rong's voice came from inside, mysterious: "I won't read it tonight."

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going to kill you."

He laughed, quietly got up and walked to the door. His wife took out bags of things from the wardrobe. These things were brought by him from Dongting. Those clothes she used to like. When they were angry, he quietly bought her new clothes, odd and total, several bags

Hua Rong found something, red cheeks, ran over and pushed him: "you go away..."

Yue Peng raised a smile and saw a hairpin on the table. He picked it up and saw that it was the hairpin he had given her at the beginning Hua Rong's eyes also fell on it, bit her red lips, and said low, "why is this hairpin still there..."

"Li qiaoniang gave it back to me the night before she got married."

She couldn't help but ask again and again curiously, "I really don't understand why Li qiaoniang married Gao Lin in the end."

He smiled and replied a hundred times, "because Gao Lin is more handsome than me."

Hua rongbai glanced at him. This guy didn't know what means he used, but he wouldn't say it even if he didn't say it She suddenly pushed him: "get out, get out..."

Yue Pengju had to go out

Hua Rong immediately closed the inner door

After a while, the door opened with a rustle, and I saw my wife changing her moon white dress, lightly dressing up, slender jade hands, swaying and coming He naturally knows his wife's mind. Because her eye disease has healed, she didn't want to dress up before, but now she's going to make herself "amazing"

But seeing his wife like this, he naturally had to cooperate, and he was really a little "amazing" and a little heartbeat. He laughed and waved, "Seventeen sister..."

But she didn't get close to him. She stopped halfway, picked up the Scriptures, and was serious: "Peng Ju, I'm going to study for you..."

He walked over two steps and gently hugged her in his arms. They giggled. He hugged her and went back inside. Under the orange light, but seeing her eyebrows and eyes smoke, he picked up the carbon green eyebrow pencil on the table for the first time and clumsily drew a pen according to her eyebrows She looked in the mirror and saw her eyebrows become thick, like female Zhang Fei, muttering, "Peng Ju, you are so ugly..."

He took a closer look. "It's not ugly. My painting is really beautiful."

The couple laughed and made a mess, and then they realized that the joy of thrush was far better than that of the military

After a while, Hua Rong frowned again and retched slightly Yue Peng held her tightly to bed, and she closed her eyes wearily: "Alas, I don't know why, these days, I'm so sleepy..."

"If you are sleepy, rest early."

"Well, I'll have a rest when I get up and wash."

"No, no, no, I'll..."

He knows his wife's habit. For many years, he must clean up every night before falling asleep He went out, fetched water and washed her When his feet reached into the warm water, a burst of warmth and fatigue disappeared, as if he had returned to the day when he was seriously injured in elong town. His husband served him like this

Hua Rong Yanran took her husband's hand: "you are poor. As soon as your eyes are good, you have to serve me. Alas, I sympathize with you..."

Yue Peng looked at his wife with a pulse. It's not a happy thing to be able to serve her?

When the couple went to bed, Yue Peng raised the light and turned off the light. He heard the even breathing sound of his wife around him, but he was not sleepy. He was just very worried. What strange disease did his wife get? Is his eye disease better, and his wife sick again? The more he thought, the more worried he became. He only hugged his wife tightly, and he didn't sleep at all that night

The next morning, Hua Rongyi opened her eyes and saw that her husband was no longer around She shouted, and Yue Pengju came in from the door. He had already dressed neatly and washed his face. He said softly, "sister seventeen, get up quickly, and today we'll go down the mountain to have a look."

Hua Rong is very happy. She has never been down the mountain since she came to Donglin temple. What she usually needs is that Ma Chao and others went down the mountain to buy it Now that her husband has recovered from his eye disease, it's time to go for a walk

Seeing her joy, Yue Peng said, "it's urgent to see your illness."

At this time, she was in high spirits. She got up and waved her arms, but she felt relaxed. Where could she get sick?

"You can't delay for a long time, but you can't hide from the doctor."

Hua Rong saw that her husband's eyes were bloodshot. Obviously, she was worried about herself. She couldn't sleep last night. She was also vaguely worried. After breakfast, she immediately went down the mountain with her husband

The town at the foot of the mountain is so small that it is not a fair day. Only a few small groceries are spread out, and there are few pedestrians on the street Yue Peng held her to the only drugstore Both of the doctors here know that they once went up the mountain to diagnose and treat Yue Pengju's eyes When the doctor saw Yue Pengju, the first-class senior came to his drugstore to ask for medicine. He quickly saluted, ordered the drugboy to prepare tea, and loudly congratulated him on his recovery from eye disease

Yue Peng lifted him up and said, "don't be afraid, sir."

At this time, Hua Rong handed a package of gifts and 20 yuan: "thank you for curing Pengju's eye disease, little meaning, no respect."

"Thank you, Mrs. Yue. I don't deserve it."

He refused but had to accept it

Yue Pengju said, "I came here today and asked you to diagnose and treat my wife's condition."

"Oh, is yue fu sick?" The doctor blinked, but he saw Hua Rong's ruddy face and refreshing spirit. Where did it look like illness?

Yue Pengju detailed his wife's "symptoms" these days The doctor listened carefully, and his heart was also at a certain bottom Yue Pengju was worried about his wife's condition. It was obvious that the more the doctor listened, the more he smiled. It was very strange. He heard the doctor say, "Mrs. Yue, stretch out your hand..."

Hua Rong was also afraid that he was really ill, so he followed his instructions. After listening to and asking, the doctor stood up and bowed his hands to Yue Peng, with a happy face: "congratulations to Yue Xianggong, he Xiyue Xianggong, madam, this is happy..."



The two people were tongue tied and could not react to this remark for a moment

"Mrs. Yue, this is a happy pulse. It has been more than two months. Although Mrs. Yue is healthy and in good condition, she also needs careful maintenance and proper nourishment. I will prescribe some medicine now, and Mr. Yue will take it back to let her have a good life and recuperate..."

Hua Rong asked subconsciously, "Sir, are you mistaken?"

"The villain has been practicing medicine for 30 years, and his pulse is very common. Anyone who knows a little about medical theory can diagnose it. It's not a problem. How can the villain make a mistake?"

He didn't notice their expressions, and as he spoke, he went to write a prescription

Yue Peng took a sip of tea and looked at his wife again; Hua Rong also looked at him. Both of them were smiling, but they didn't know what they were smiling at, and they just said nothing to each other foolishly

It was not until the doctor prescribed a prescription, grabbed the medicine, put some medicine on the table, and ordered his family to prepare meals for entertainment that the two of them woke up like a dream and hurriedly politely left

The two walked down a street hand in hand. At this time, Yue Pengju had already calmed down, but seeing his wife was still dizzy, he couldn't help shaking her hand and calling her: "Seventeen sister..."

Hua Rong promised blankly

In the past, the two people gathered less and separated more, and for a long time, her body had not recovered, so the husband and wife could not enjoy themselves In these days on the mountain, the sun and moon are long in the mountain, without any external interference. The husband and wife are accompanied by each other, and there is no other entertainment except ordinary exercise, walking, reading and other trivial things There is a lot of time, and the husband and wife are deeply affectionate. These days, they are carefree and uncontrollably lingering in love. It is not surprising that they are pregnant

But Hua Rong felt strange

Because neither of them had thought about childbirth at all, especially Hua Rong. His early pain and worry were completely hidden by the sweet life of more than three months. He had never thought about it at all. Other women would have had an intuition. She was so smart, but she never thought about it because of Reagan's deep-seated "infertility"

"Seventeen sister, seventeen sister..."

Her wandering thoughts were pulled back by her husband's cry, but seeing the blood in his eyes was caused by her worry about her "strange disease" last night She couldn't help laughing, and tears fell down at the same time

"Sister seventeen, what's the matter?"

She threw herself into his arms and rubbed his chest with tears on her face

Yue Peng did not know his wife's mood? Without comforting her, she gently hugged her for a long time. Until she stopped crying, she gently raised her face, wiped the tears on her face with her sleeve, and gently teased her: "sister seventeen, are you tired walking? Your feet hurt, so you have to cry because of playing tricks?"

Hua Rong couldn't help laughing and gently slapped him on the chest: "hum, it's just that I'm tired."

Yue Peng raised his hand gently and hugged her, "then I'll take you away."

Hua Rong put her arms around his neck, looked up, and saw the winter sky. Her heart was full of great ecstasy. There were countless times when she was alone, she hated God, her family was broken, her escape was endless, she suffered all kinds of pain, and she was unable to bear... Nothing was satisfactory Now, I got compensation - great compensation! For a long time, she murmured, "God treats me well."

"Ah? Sister seventeen, what did you say?"

"Didn't say anything."

"Sister seventeen, you're sinking..."

"Bah, how can I get heavy?" She hugged his neck suspiciously, "are you unable to hold it, so you framed me?"

"Haha, it's good to sink. I can hold it again, haha..."

The two walked slowly in the mountain path in winter, looking at the setting sun, and moved slowly, step by step, to the foot of the mountain

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