One Night Bride

Chapter 330

That night, they were naturally "banquet guests"

Hearing the good news, both Lu Da and the two soldiers who followed Yue Pengju were ecstatic Ruda knew some medical theories and stopped drinking his usual favorite wine. He also earnestly warned Yue Pengju not to drink alcohol in the future Yue Pengju was naturally ordered to recuperate from eye disease these days. He didn't drink much at all. Now, he is taking a warning for fear of hurting his wife and fetus in the abdomen

When everyone used tea as wine, Yue Peng was happy, not only because he "had a queen", but also because he saw his wife's ecstasy, knew that she had worked hard for years, and knew her heart knot. Now, there is such a gift from heaven. How can he not be drunk?

Everyone said goodbye and Hua Rong returned to the room. Yue Pengju stayed behind to ask the soldiers about some things, piecemeal, and told them to go down the mountain tomorrow to buy some snacks and sundries that pregnant women like Today, they were happy, dizzy and ran back without buying anything

Hua Rong went back to the room first, but subconsciously, she opened the big wooden box in the corner In the box, the turquoise bottle was still lying well, shaking gently, the crystal liquid flowed, and then stood still, like a piece of good green crystal Why did you get pregnant when you didn't take this medicine yourself? She thought of the strange medicine King Qin sent to her on that full moon night. It was after this medicine that she basically recovered Is it at that time that the body fully recovered? No wonder many doctors, including Li Yi'an and even Ruda, say that they have no problem with their bodies

It turned out that it was true

She didn't know why she thought of King Qin and his medicine when she was so happy. She couldn't help but feel sad. She put the green bottle back in the box and covered it

Yue Pengju returned to the room and saw his wife sitting on the bed, smiling and wondering what he was thinking He ran over and sat beside her, hugging her shoulder: "sister seventeen, do you say the child is like you or like me?"

"How do I know?"

"Do you mean boys or girls?"

"I don't know. Hehe, Pengju, do you like boys or girls?"

He scratched his head: "I don't know. I can't imagine it at all. As long as it's a child, I like it. However, when Wen Longhe was in the past, he already knew how his son looked. I would like to be a girl. If it was a girl, wouldn't it be as beautiful as you?"

Sweet talk, this guy, more and more sweet talk The flower dissolved in his arms, smiling

Just when Yue Hua and her husband were immersed in the joy of giving birth to a new life, a big thing happened in the palace

These days, Zhao Deji received special medical treatment from Wang Jixian, "the dragon is powerful and the tiger is fierce", and he favored the palace maid every night Although Wu jinnu, Zhang YingYing and others are not out of favor, they understand that if they go on like this, sooner or later they will grow old and be rejected Shrewd Wu jinnu took the lead. She heard the eunuchs talk. Zhao Buyou, a member of the Zhao clan, had a beautiful fiancee who had never been there. According to the legend, her appearance was amazing He became obsessed and ordered the eunuchs to do so

Zhang Yingying is naturally not idle However, when the two failed to fight, the news came that the little prince was seriously ill Since the beginning of winter, the little prince Zhao Jun has been coughing continuously. Later, the lively children began to be bedridden

Over the years, Zhao Deji has used up all his methods and never had a man or a woman again. It is conceivable that he is anxious. Even the maid in waiting is not favored. He visits his son every day and prays that his son's condition will improve He summoned all the famous doctors in and out of the palace, but everyone was helpless He thought of Wang Jixian, the "miracle doctor", and pinned his hope on him because of his wonderful rejuvenation of impotence However, Wang Jixian, who has been walking in the palace these years, has long understood that the little prince is congenitally deficient and the day after tomorrow is out of balance. He is very cunning. For fear of being blamed for poor treatment, he shirks his "difficult diseases" that can only treat adults. He is not proficient in children's strategies and dare not make up for them

Zhao Deji had no choice but to dismiss the eunuchs and continue to offer rewards to famous doctors inside and outside the capital, but it was still useless

These days, Princess pan Xian is tied up with her son every day Since she accused Zhao Deji of being amorous when she fled, she has completely fallen out of favor and has never been lucky again for three or two years Although Wu jinnu and others were still humble in front of her, she knew that it was because of her son that she could "lead the harem" She took care of her son day and night. In addition to her natural mother and son nature, there was also a panic that the woman's appearance was not bad, and she was worried day and night. Her son was the only basis for her to establish herself in the deep palace. With him, her mother and son were expensive, and then her beloved concubines were also afraid of three points But what if it's not there? If you lose your son, aren't you a walking corpse in this palace?

She suffered double pain, praying to God and worshiping Buddha Day and night, and gradually became haggard

Wu jinnu, Zhang YingYing and others also did their best to be virtuous. They came to visit several times a day and served the little prince carefully and attentively Princess pan Xian didn't know whether it was true or false, but she had to deal with them politely

The empress dowager, Tian Wei, Wan Wan and others also visited for many times. Each time they visited, their worries increased

However, no matter how you serve, the little prince's illness is getting worse and worse

On this day, the little prince's condition worsened. By noon, he had gradually fainted and could not eat Princess pan Xian kept her son, weeping secretly, and the palace people dared not go out The imperial doctors were also guarding, helpless

It was dark in winter. For fear of stimulating the little prince, in the evening, only a small lantern was lit. The room was very dark, and the palace people walked carefully

A palace maid came in with a bowl of soup medicine. Because she couldn't see clearly, she tripped over a copper tripod under her feet. "Ouch", and knocked the medicine bowl over to the ground. The copper tripod under her feet was also kicked over, making a harsh noise

The little prince lying on the bed was so frightened that he gave a "woo" sound in his mouth and twitched all over

Princess pan Xian flew into a rage, rushed out and raised her hand, gave the maid a mouth, clenched her teeth and cursed in a low voice, "damn bitch, pull it down..."

The people immediately pulled the maid down, and the maid panicked, so scared that she didn't dare to cry

The imperial doctors surrounded the little prince and were helpless

Princess pan Xian hurried back to the bedside, but saw her son's eyes closed, his face like gold paper, and his long weakened life. After this shock, her hands and feet twitched for a while, and she even stopped breathing

All the Royal doctors looked at each other, and no one dared to come forward. Hearing Princess pan Xian's heart rending cry, they knelt down together: "I wait for death, I wait for death!"

On this day, Zhao Deji left the court early. Feng Yi, a confidant eunuch around him, saw that he was worried about the little prince. He wanted to report the good news of finding the beauty, so as to slightly alleviate the saint's sorrow, but he watched his words and expressions, and did not dare to report it However, the palace people saw that Zhao Deji didn't favor the beauty for three or two days. In line with the inertia of "being responsible for the emperor's body", they were naturally afraid of his "imbalance of yin and Yang". On this day, they arranged several beauties to serve Zhao Deji's lunch After lunch, the beauties sang poems, painted pictures, sang and danced, which did not attract Zhao Deji's interest. Finally, Zhao Deji was flattered by a new dancer After finishing the work, the palace servants all breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the official's Long Yan show a little

Feng Yi held a ginseng tea, Zhao Deji drank a few mouthfuls, and a little eunuch ran in. Li couldn't take care of it, so he knelt down in a hurry: "official family, no good, little prince..."

Zhao Deji didn't wait for him to finish speaking. He immediately got up and went to see his son

Hearing Princess pan Xian's cry from afar, his face changed greatly, rushed up and saw that his son had completely closed his eyes After all, it was the nature of father and son, and he also fell to the ground and wept Everyone knelt down, and the imperial doctors apologized, naturally mentioning the culprit, the maid in waiting who delivered the medicine Zhao Deji's eyes were full of stars. Two eunuchs helped him up and walked out of the door. Then he clenched his teeth and whispered, "kill the bitch immediately..."

A trusted eunuch was ordered to withdraw, and from then on, there was another insignificant maid in waiting in the palace

The news of the death of the little prince shocked the government and the public Zhao Deji was depressed and walked out of court for seven consecutive days to mourn for his son The palace was completely immersed in a black shadow. Empress dowager Tian Wei and others recalled the days when Miao Liu Bing became the little prince and "ascended the throne". The children were young, lively and lovely, but now they died so young, and they were all sad and weeping

Zhao Deji fainted in the grief of the loss of his son. No matter how the trusted ministers in the court, palace maids, eunuchs, concubines and people beside his bed comforted him, it was useless

More than half a month

Winter is bitter and short. After noon, it is very gloomy, like dusk. Palace lanterns are lit up early in the palace. Zhao Deji sits in his couch in the warm Pavilion, three cups of warm wine and two cups of warm wine, and he sighs Wu jinnu and Zhang Yingying accompanied him around. He held the beautiful Zhang Yingying on his lap and played, while Wu jinnu read him some long overdue memorials It's nothing more than some flattery to comfort him, or some impeachment issued by the censor, or some memorials to remind the golden soldiers to attack

When he heard this, he was upset. Seeing Wu jinnu stop reading, he frowned and said, "what is this?"

Wu jinnu knelt down and said, "I dare not read."

He took it and saw for himself that it was a scholar who wrote to him that he might as well follow his ancestor song Renzong Song Renzong had no children, so he adopted the clan, and the children were later song Yingzong Zhao Deji saw that his son's bones were not cold, but a rabid scholar told him to adopt others. He was so angry that he threw the memorial on the ground and only shouted, "exile, never hire."

But at this time, he had no strength to be angry These days, he suspended Taking Wang Jixian's aphrodisiac and was not interested in anything His earlier impotence, he always thought it was a big secret, but after reading this memorial, he knew that his inaction was already known all over the world The premature death of his son, his refusal to promote female sexuality, and his infertility to future generations left a double humiliation in the bottom of his heart. His whole body was like being bitten by thousands of poisonous snakes. He collapsed on his couch, waving only to let Wu jinnu and others retreat

Zhao Deji lay alone, thinking about his son's lovely appearance and the humiliating Memorial, suddenly remembered Hua Rong, and remembered that she was also seriously injured and sterile. With a sneer, he said to himself, "I didn't expect that I should be like rong'er, so I feel sorry for each other!"

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