One Night Bride

Chapter 331

The pain of others can best make him find a sense of balance, which gives him a little comfort. Suddenly, he shouted, "Feng Yi..."

Feng Yi heard the sound and came in trembling: "what's the official's order?"

Zhao Deji sat up from the Dragon bed, listless: "and then present the memorials of the generals."

"The official dragon is not healed. Please take care of the Dragon first."

He was furious: "bring it as soon as you are asked. Dare you defy orders, brave slave?"

Feng Yi didn't dare to say more. He hurried to get the memorial and presented it to the table Just after reading a few copies, it was nothing more than Lao Sheng's heavy bullet. Zhao Deji threw it down again

The next day, suddenly on a whim, I replied to the early morning

Seeing that his majesty finally stood up from the shadow of the loss of his son, the Minister of civil and military affairs naturally sang praises one by one and said something like "take care of the dragon body" Zhao Deji listened to the play correctly, and could not help but be concerned about the Jin Bing invasion he was worried about day by day Hanzhongliang, Liu Guang, Zhang Jun and others all have memorials. He glanced at them, but there was no word from Yue Pengju

After the early morning, he left Jae Fu Zhang Junshan solo pair

Zhang Jun was originally excited about the northern expedition of the landlord Zhang Jun these days, but he suddenly encountered the premature death of the little prince. He figured out the holy meaning and naturally did not mention it for the time being

He only said, "the little prince is smart, but unfortunately he has ascended to heaven early. His majesty is in full swing, and he will have another dragon."

Zhao Deji was slightly relieved by this remark He is in his thirties and still has great confidence in his fertility. He is not willing to adopt the son of the clan at all Hearing Zhang Jun's words, he cried bitterly and said, "I have been living with my son for years, and father and son love each other deeply. Unfortunately, my son has left, and I am really left alone. I dreamed of my mother last night, thinking that my close relatives in the world had suffered in a foreign country, and I feel deeply guilty..."

Zhang Jun originally wanted to take the opportunity to mention the northern expedition, but the official family first mentioned the matter of his mother at this time, and said it so pitifully. He secretly said it was bad. Sure enough, Zhao Deji said, "I deeply miss my kindness, and I can't bear the Empress Dowager to suffer in the land of captivity. In order to do a little filial piety, even if it's humble, I have to make peace with the captives and welcome the Empress Dowager back..."

Filial piety is the great righteousness of human relations. Zhang Jun can't refute it completely. He can only say: "Your Majesty, filial piety moves heaven, and ministers will do their best."

Zhao Deji was determined to welcome back his mother at this time, so he took the opportunity to say, "now the cabinet is vacant, does Aiqing want to choose a good person?"

Qin Hui has visited Zhang Jun's residence many times these days Both he and Zhang Jun were scholars in the past. He also maintained a certain degree of nobility in front of Zhang Jun, and was very popular with Zhang Jun After the victory of Zhang Jun's Dongting commander and the suppression of Yang Yao, he was satisfied. What he needed most was not an assistant who fought against him everywhere. Qin Hui's obedience and his early "integrity" made him completely relieved and immediately said, "Qin Hui is the right person to watch."

Since we should really negotiate peace, Qin Hui should be the best candidate in the court This time, Zhao Deji didn't think about it anymore, and immediately made a decision: "that's it, call Qin Hui in."

"I will comply."

Zhao Deji asked, "how about the four generals?"

After all, Zhang Jun was still in charge of the war, so he said, "the prisoners are cunning. Even to welcome the Empress Dowager back, we must make full preparations."

Zhao Deji naturally understood this intention. Since he fled and returned from the sea, he had a deep fear of Jin Bing, especially Jin Wushu, and didn't dare to fight with it at all. But without a certain guarantee of victory, there was no bargaining chip to make peace with Jin Guo. At this time, he needed several decent victories to improve his negotiation cost

"In Aiqing's view, how do the four generals govern?"

"Chen Guan, Zhang Jun, Liu Guang, are all Yong generals. Han Zhongliang dares to fight. Only Yue Peng holds a heavy sword and has a strategic strategy. Now the prisoners are eyeing the enemy, especially in lianghanoi..."

Zhao Deji also developed a psychological dependence on Yue Pengju over the years, especially during the war, Yue Peng had to show his horse Hearing this, he said, "it's urgent to order Yue Pengju to garrison Xiangyang."

"But Yue Peng's eye disease did not heal."

"He's recuperating these days, and his eye disease should be all right."


On this day, Wang Junhua went home early

She came to Qin Hui's study unexpectedly. She heard a joke inside and shouted, "dead old ghost". Sure enough, a maid came out in a panic

Wang Junhua raised his hand and slapped his face. The maid covered her face and ran away. She rushed in and grabbed Qin Hui's beard: "how dare you cheat?"

"Madam, I dare not, I dare not."

Wang Junhua reluctantly let go of his beard. Such a drama is staged from time to time With a sneer, she naturally felt her husband's playfulness clearly She was not upset, smiled and said, "don't you thank me for running around for you?"

Qin Hui was very concerned about his comeback and begged his wife to go to the Doctor Wang Jixian's house every day Because Wang Jixian went in and out of the palace every day and got familiar with the eunuch. The news was first-hand Seeing his wife returning from Wang Jixian's home, he was overjoyed and immediately realized that his opportunity had come

Wang Junhua turned it over again and said, "old man, here's your chance."

Hearing the news, Qin Hui was surprised and delighted. He stood up and laughed, "madam, just wait to be the prime minister's wife."

"Dead old devil, you just joined the cabinet. What do you want to do, Zafu?"

"Madam, I don't know. I dealt with Zhang Jun a few days ago, and I completely understood this guy's temperament. Zhang Jun, who has great ambition and little talent, is ambitious and plans to fight in the northern expedition. The officials don't like the main war faction most, and his position as the commander and assistant will not last long. As long as I join the cabinet, I will have the opportunity to replace him!"

Wang Junhua was overjoyed and grabbed his beard: "hahaha, I can also be a prime minister's wife if I don't want to. Good! And then, we can better serve the fourth Prince..."

Qin Hui was deeply afraid and disgusted with the fourth prince. Naturally, he was not as "loyal" as his wife, but he didn't dare to show it at all. He just asked, "the fourth Prince hasn't heard from him for a long time."

Wang Junhua said bitterly, "it's all the fault of the bitch."

She failed to assassinate Hua Rong last time, and was caught and beaten by Yue Pengju's soldiers. She immediately said, "old man, if you don't show up, you must do everything possible to kill Yue Pengju and his wife in order to revenge."

Qin Hui's hatred for Yue Pengju was not under his wife, and he also said, "in the future, I will try my best to kill these two people and avenge my wife."

Qin Hui returned soon. The day after he took office in the cabinet, Wang Junhua was also called into the palace

After meeting Wu jinnu and others for a while, she took an excuse to leave, and was led by the clever little eunuch to Zhao Deji's warm Pavilion

Since Qin Hui's illness, Zhao Deji has never summoned Wang Junhua again. He hasn't seen her for months, but although she has heavy makeup, she has been defeated by the traces of time, and she is half old He was completely uninterested and "spoiled" her, only sighed, "I am heartbroken to lose my beloved son."

Wang Junhua was clever and exquisite. He immediately fell to the ground and wept, kneeling on the ground: "slaves are also unlucky people..."

She said this for a purpose, knowing that Zhao Deji summoned him at this time precisely because he was "in the same boat" with his husband and wife Qin Hui had an affair with a concubine in his early years. The concubine gave birth to a son and remarried. His son was named Lin Yifei Qin Hui once moved to find his parents and children. Wang Junhua was very angry about this, and Qin Hui had to give up

Zhao Deji knew that he and his wife had only one adopted son, Qin Xi, but at this time, he wished that all the couples in the world would die, so he said, "Qin Hui is still alive, and he has an illegitimate son..."

Wang Junhua shook his head: "I don't dare to be ignorant. I once secretly saw Lin Yifei. This son has nothing in common with Qin Hui's old ghost, but his face and facial features are like that bitch's Congliang man surnamed Lin. Lin Yifei is by no means Qin Hui's own, but is the son of the Lin family. These years, Qin Hui's man fooled around with many servant women in the family, and I noticed that no one was pregnant and gave birth to a man and a half. The old ghost can't bear children himself. He lied that he had an illegitimate child, in fact, to hide his shame..."

She said this very rudely, but she guessed Zhao Deji's heart. Sure enough, Zhao Deji didn't blame her rudeness at all, but said, "Qin Hui is as miserable as I am, and there's nothing I can do..." but she was extremely pleased. It turned out that Qin Hui was also a Silver Pewter spearhead Therefore, he had a more unspeakable favor for Qin Hui in his heart Who is Wang Junhua? Seeing his expression, he immediately understood his husband's future position. When the wind and water were smooth, he knelt down and retreated gracefully

Until he got out of the Palace door, Wang Junhua got on his carriage and giggled in the carriage: "in this great Song Dynasty, the emperor is impotent and the prime minister is impotent. If the fourth Prince doesn't win the world, God will have no eyes!"

Tianwei and others soon learned the news of Qin Hui's reinstatement That day, she went to the Buddhist temple to meet the Empress Dowager After they chanted sutras and worshipped the Buddha, they sat down inside and tasted vegetarian tea around the stove

She whispered, "Bo Niang, brother nine has decided to make peace with the prisoners and welcome Princess Wei Xian back."

The Empress Dowager closed her eyes. She was more and more depressed these days. Like all Twilight old people, she counted the sun to live She sighed and looked at the niece with some pity, knowing all her worries As long as Princess Wei Xian comes back, how should she deal with herself? However, as a princess, where can she go?

Tianwei is even more afraid. More than that, once Qin Hui gains power, how can Wang Junhua forgive himself?

Princess Wei Xian and Wang Junhua, if they are mixed between these two women, how can they have a stable life in this life?

It's already the midwinter season. It's a warm winter in the south this year, and there hasn't been a single snowfall

There was sun for several days in a row. Yue Pengju followed the doctor's advice and took his wife out for a walk every day Hua Rong no longer practiced violently since she learned that she was pregnant, but in order to maintain enough exercise, Yue Pengju accompanied her to walk or do some simple breathing, breathing and internal mental skills In this way, after the initial pregnancy and vomiting, Hua Rong can eat and sleep. She is in a good mood every day, but her body is healthier than before

Hua Rong was tired. Yue Pengju took out his portable cushion and spread it on the big stone. The two sat down. He took out some snacks. Hua Rong ate a few pieces of sour plum. Looking at the basket next to her husband, he burst out laughing: "Peng Ju, you are about to become my valet. You have to bring a lot of things to play these days. It's hard."

Yue Peng blinked his eyes, hugged her in his arms, touched her already swollen stomach, such as the husband of twenty-four filial piety, and whispered softly, "sister seventeen, as the saying goes, it's very hard to conceive in October. I can't share it for you. What's the hardship of looking after you?"

"Hee hee, since you are so hard-working that your child is born, I'll call him 'Daddy' first, and then call him mother."

"Good. Haha..."

The two of them were laughing and hearing the sound of hurried footsteps. Yue Peng looked back and saw that it was Ma Chao, a soldier. He shouted, "Xianggong Yue, the imperial court sent someone to come..."

Hua Rong smiled slightly, and Yue Pengju said in a deep voice, "I see." Ma Chao stepped down, and then he helped his wife up with a dark sigh. Presumably, the imperial court's recruitment has arrived The sun and moon in the mountains are not at peace

He was about to comfort his wife. As soon as his hand warmed, it was his wife who grabbed his hand and smiled, "Peng Ju, it's okay. Let's have a look first."

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