One Night Bride

Chapter 332

When the two returned, an envoy of the imperial court was waiting for tea. As soon as he saw Yue Pengju, the envoy took out Zhao Deji's hand. Yue Peng raised it to see that it was Zhao Deji who wanted to return to Xiangyang

This imperial edict didn't surprise him too much, and it was not too difficult. He just felt that the time on the imperial edict was urgent and he had to leave immediately However, to his surprise, the messenger said that the young prince died, Zhao Deji was in pain, and Qin Hui returned

Hearing the news in his ears, it was a bolt from the blue. He had already learned that Zhao Deji had been "impotent", and he only felt strange, and had a faint and extremely ominous premonition and worry

After he received the order, the messenger went down the mountain

As soon as the messenger left, Hua Rong took over the hand imperial edict, and saw the words above sincerely: "I always knew that Peng Ju was loyal and brave. Now the mountains and rivers have fallen, and the prisoners are rampant. The emperor and his ministers are all in one mind, trying their best to drive out the prisoners and reorganize the mountains and rivers."

She was very curious, how could Zhao Deji be so brave to "speak war" this time? Moreover, according to the usual practice in Japan, Zonghan once ordered the song army not to cross Xiangyang, but according to Zhao Deji's imperial edict, not only the army was allowed to cross Xiangyang, but also the two rivers Her heart was shocked. Was Zhao Deji really determined to fight the prisoners? Only then did I understand the reason why my husband promised to return to Xiangyang immediately - if I could take this opportunity to really unify the northern expedition, I would not worry that the two rivers could not be recovered

She put down the imperial edict, but still hesitated: "although the emperor ordered to fight hard, the little prince died prematurely, and Qin Hui joined the cabinet. In this great Song Dynasty, I'm afraid there will be no day to reorganize the rivers and mountains."

Every word of the imperial edict, Yue Pengju couldn't refuse or retire with any excuse at all. At this time, he was in the same mood as his wife. Although he was not afraid to go to the battlefield, how could his wife withstand the turbulence with six armed men?

He pondered a little: "sister seventeen, I have to set out for Xiangyang. The war is drifting outside, but the mountain is quiet and safe, and someone takes care of it..."

Hua Rongchen glanced at him, "I am naturally with you."

Knowing his wife's temperament, he didn't have the heart to leave his pregnant wife living alone in the mountains. Thinking that his wife's childbirth period was still more than five months, as long as he took proper care of her on the road, he said, "I'll arrange it now and find a light carriage."

Hua Rong then laughed, "we always want to be together."

"Well, I also want to see the baby born at the first time, hehe."

The two of them had a good discussion and found Ruda to say goodbye

After hearing this, Ruda said angrily, "the Imperial Court speaks with high sounding every time, but once Qin Hui enters the cabinet, the world will be difficult to be peaceful. Peng Ju, I'm afraid your ambitions in this life will be difficult to pay."

Yue Pengju was silent. Why didn't he know? He only said faintly, "fortunately, there is Zhang Xianggong who is also the main battle in the court."

"Zhang Jun uses Qin Hui, which means he is a fool!"

Yue Pengju was speechless no longer Originally, Yang Yao's power was flattened and the domestic situation stabilized in the first World War in Dongting. He hoped to accumulate strength and launch the northern expedition. However, if the North Korea and China were not supported and wanted to win, who would know?

"Fortunately, Qin Hui just entered, and it seems that he can only act on Zhang Jun's orders. For the time being, he can't get the real first power. If he can seize this period of time and make a difference on the battlefield, it's a good thing."

Although the table was full of wild cured meat, which was very rich, none of the three people wanted to enjoy it, and even the flower solution could not lift their spirits

Lu Da said, "Peng Ju, in the view of SA Jia, your northern expedition is really difficult."

"Brother Lu, but it doesn't matter."

"Peng Ju, your massive Northern Expedition now has three difficulties. The first is that you can only win but not lose. The second is that the generals in the war zones do not cooperate in fighting, and the defeat is not saved and the victory is not celebrated. The third difficulty is that the generals and the prime ministers are not at peace. Zhang Jun temporarily lives in Zaisu, but he is not a material to achieve great things. After Qin Hui comes in, he has to obstruct it. How can he give a go all out with such three difficulties?"

The first difficulty mentioned by Ruda is that Zhao Deji is now a frightened bird, and he can't stand any major failure. He can only win but not lose; The second difficulty, such as senior generals Liu Guang and Zhang Jun, often fled without fighting, especially Zhang Jun, who was completely a mediocre general, good at internal fighting and afraid of external fighting The only one that can be counted on is Han Zhongliang. Even though Wu Xuan, a famous general in Sichuan and Shaanxi, is generally excluded from the Northern Expedition system, he can't be counted on. If he can't unite the whole army, how can he mobilize coordinated operations on a large scale?

Yue Pengju knew that the generals of the dynasty had never been at peace, so in order to repair the relationship with other generals, he gave a large number of spoils captured in the Dongting naval battle as gifts to others He sent two ships to Han Zhongliang, Zhang Jun, Liu Guang and others Han Zhongliang and Liu Guang all wrote back, expressing their friendship and praising the tall and excellent Dongting watercraft, but Zhang Jun didn't reply Zhang Jun is narrow-minded, thinking that Yue Pengju is arrogant and jealous Yue Pengju also knows this, but he is determined to establish contacts with the brave Han Zhongliang and send Han Zhongliang a big ship, so he has to give consideration to the other two Although knowing that Zhang Jun could not make friends, he had to do so

As for the issue of generals, the two men understood that as soon as Qin Hui entered the cabinet, Yue Pengju would encounter many obstacles in his future military operations

"Zhang Junzhi has great talent, but he is sparse and headstrong. The SA family met this man once when he was a minor minister. He was born as a scholar and was arrogant. Qin Hui was cunning and good at steering in the wind. As long as he forbeared for a while, Zhang Jun would lead wolves into the house."

Yue Pengju pondered for a moment. This Dongting water war, Zhang Jun came to supervise the division, which was a good opportunity to get along closely. However, he had no personal relationship with Zhang Jun. besides, military generals were not allowed to interfere in politics in this dynasty. If he suggested to the literary minister Zhang Jun to guard against Qin Hui, it was a great taboo. Zhang Jun not only wouldn't listen, but also would be deeply afraid of himself

"Qin Hui is insidious and sinister, and behind him is the fourth Prince of the golden man. I'm afraid that one day, there will be endless disasters. Peng Ju, although you can't disobey the imperial court's order for the time being, since the imperial court is determined to negotiate peace, it won't fight for a long time. You need to know the truth of retreating bravely and protecting yourself. You can't insist in vain and sacrifice in vain."

Yue Pengju said solemnly, "thank you, brother Lu, for your advice. Peng Ju must care about doing things."

The three of them had a heavy meal. The next morning, they said goodbye to Lu Da and went to Xiangyang

Along the way, cars rattled, horses rustled, and there was a faint sound of firecrackers. The two realized that another new year was coming Yue Pengju did not ride a horse, but sat in the carriage with his wife and accompanied her all the way

The coachman who drove the cart was a skilled hired knight with a famous circumference. The horse walked smoothly and steadily. In addition, the carriage was arranged in a very comfortable and soft way. The flowers were soluble, sitting or lying, and he didn't feel too uncomfortable

For fear of any accident, Yue Pengju hired a middle-aged servant woman Liu Ma to accompany him Liu Ma had midwifery experience in her early years. Her husband and children died miserably in the war. She was helpless and naturally willing to be employed

The atmosphere of the coming New Year and the joy of the baby in her belly completely suppressed the bad news of Qin Hui's entering the cabinet. Hua Rong leaned against her husband's arms to take a nap, sat up, lifted the curtain and looked at the cold winter outside. The farther north, the colder the climate was. Gradually, there was already wind and snow

Feixue came in from the curtain. She hurriedly put down the curtain and raised her head: "Peng Ju, we have to hurry up. If only we could get to Xiangyang for the new year."

"Sister seventeen, we're on our way. We can't go any faster."

"But this year, I haven't seen the fourth Prince use a lot of troops. This year's autumn defense is just a layout, not useful. Peng Ju, what idea do you think Jin Wushu has?"

Yue Pengju was not in a hurry: "I once heard from King Qin that at the beginning of the year, the state of Jin experienced a great fight and purge, Zonghan and others were secretly executed, and the generals who could recruit and be good at war were in a hurry. How could they easily and wantonly go to war? If not for this, they would not accept the peace talks. The state of Jin is now desperately boasting about the attack, which is estimated to be fierce and weak, and there is no movement, so we don't have to rush too fast..."

Hua Rong took out the death free iron coupon of Jin Wu Shu and looked it over carefully, sighed, "if only he stabbed and decided to kill Jin Wu Shu one day. In this way, we can threaten him with this..."

Yue Peng shook his head. "Jin Wu's martial arts operations are not as good as those of Zonghan and others, but his plans and strategies are far above those of the valiant generals. After several major purges in succession, he is safe and sound, and he is not a general generation. He is the most fanatical main war faction in the Jin Dynasty. In recent years, he has led the large-scale war against the Song Dynasty. This autumn defense unexpectedly stood still, presumably to be wise and protect himself, and hide his strength and bide his time for the time being..."

Hua Rong nodded and suddenly said, "Jin Wushu likes to be surprised most. Since he has not been prevented in autumn, will he come to fight in early spring or summer?"


Jin Jun was afraid of the heat, and always fought in autumn and winter, but it did not rule out Jin Wushu changing tactics and using troops in spring and summer

"Then don't we want to strengthen Spring Festival defense?"

"I'm afraid the imperial court will relax its vigilance after winter. If the golden soldiers attack wantonly, it's not easy to be on guard."


The husband and wife here have just started on the road, and Zhao Deji has also received a rapid return from the messenger

Zhao Deji was very happy to hear that Yue Peng had recovered from eye disease and rushed to Xiangyang. However, the next news made his heart churn, and he didn't know what it was like The messenger reported that Yue Pengju's wife was already pregnant He didn't want to listen to what the messenger said next. He just felt that his brain was humming for a long time, and then he said to himself strangely: "how can ronger get pregnant? How can it?"

The messenger thought that he blamed himself. He was so afraid that he knelt down: "the minister is not empty words, Mrs. Yue is indeed pregnant..."

He waved his hand and ordered the messenger to withdraw. A surge of anger surged into his heart. He didn't know whether it was jealousy or anger. He shouted, "call Wang Jixian quickly, and this servant dares to deceive me!"

Wang Jixian had been tipped off by the little eunuch all the way. He learned that the emperor Longyan was furious because Yue Pengju's wife was pregnant! He secretly said something bad, but he couldn't think of any response at all for a moment, so he had to rush into the temple and kneel down

Zhao Deji sat on the Dragon chair and said, "Wang Jixian, how dare you deceive me? Why is Hua Rong pregnant?"

The sweat of Dou Da rolled down from Wang Jixian's forehead. He had been ordered to treat Hua Rong several times. Each time, he said categorically that Hua Rong would never have children in this life He couldn't understand it, but the fact was in front of him, so he could only kneel and kowtow: "small incompetence, small medical skills are not good, small crimes deserve death..."

Wang Jixian naturally didn't dare to bear the great crime of "criminals bullying the king", so he had to say that his medical skills were not good. Zhao Deji's anger didn't disappear and shouted, "since you are such an incompetent and quack, what's the use of staying in the palace? Get out..."

Wang Jixian still kowtowed: "thank you for your kindness!"

He drove Wang Jixian out of the palace, especially not relieved, grabbed a Jun kiln vase on the table and smashed it to the ground. In the sound of fragmentation, he leaned against the Dragon chair and gasped heavily, sad, angry and jealous. Why did he lose his son, and Yue Pengju have a son? How can he get such favor from fate?

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