One Night Bride

Chapter 343

When Liu Yuyi was deposed, it was naturally the Yue family army who had begun to encircle the commander Jin Wushu

Liu Yu's puppet Qi army was vulnerable, and now it was the big golden army he commanded that was fighting the Yue's army According to the deployment, 100000 troops came to the two rivers, and the rest were distributed in Sichuan, Shaanxi, Datong, Shanxi and other places, in order to truly "autumn siege"

Jin Wushu called a meeting of generals, and now it will wither, so some demobilized generals of the song state can also attend the discussion as nonvoting delegates Nuzhen's discussion was straightforward and everyone expressed their opinions, but most people were silent and did not advocate the use of troops at this time, especially in the face of the victorious Yue army, no one dared to be the pioneer Only the dragon and tiger king's sudden closing speed is very positive, He said, "I found out that Qin Hui, the former prisoner of Dajin, had entered the cabinet of the state of song. This person was timid and would inevitably secretly help Dajin. Dajin used troops, and was good at riding and shooting. He fought in autumn and winter, and ended his troops in summer. I also found that song soldiers did not have a large number of troops in Henan. In the plains of the two places, although the Yue family's military name was good at fighting, no horse lost its advantage. If we could take precautions and occupy the two rivers at one fell swoop, there was nothing we could do even if Yue Peng raised troops to fight..."

This proposal was in line with Jin Wushu's heart. He clapped his hands and said loudly, "this plan is very good, so we'll follow this resolution!"

After the meeting, Han often hesitated. Jin Wushu, like the habit of Han people, affectionately called his ranking: "Han 18, what else do you want?"

Han Chang no longer hesitated, remonstrated, "the villain has followed the fourth Prince for many years, and he has no second thoughts about life and death. But now Da Jin's military power is very different from that when he first entered the Central Plains. Today's song army is as brave as our army; and our army's cowardice is just like the song army in the past. The fourth Prince is obsessed with using military, and the villain thinks that there is only harm but no benefit..."

This remark was originally loyal and harsh, but Jin Wushu still didn't listen to him He has won a complete victory in the competition with a number of important political enemies such as Zonghan and Gu Shen in the kingdom of Jin. At the moment, he is completely "below one person and above ten thousand people". Except for the title of "wolf Lord", he is now the first person in the Kingdom of Jin! It was when I was full of ambition that I heard Han Chang's words?

Han often saw that he didn't speak, and dared to speak again: "Liu Yu's 200000 army was defeated like a mountain earlier, and the Yue army is powerful. If you fight against them at this front, it's inevitable..."

When Jin Wushu saw that he had never used troops and was afraid to fight first, he was angry, but he still stabilized his mood: "how can Han Shiba have such a long enemy's ambition to destroy his authority? How can Liu Yu's stragglers and stragglers be compared with my golden warrior?"

Although Jin Wushu is known as Da Jin's No. 1 "courteous corporal", he is actually very conceited in his heart. In particular, he believes that the past failures are to a considerable extent due to the laziness and arrogance of Zonghan and others, the unfavorable cooperation between the generals, and the failure to ask for help from each other Now, he has the absolute right to control all the troops in the world. At such a time, he is such an enemy in opportunity. How can he be willing to stop without a face-to-face real competition?

Although the strategy of the peace talks has been determined domestically, the basis of the peace talks is to suppress the other side with the absolute military advantage of Daikin. In this way, Zhao Deji can be completely afraid and obtain the maximum benefits Besides, he also has a consideration that Han Chang doesn't know. No matter how powerful Ren yuepeng is, he is subject to the constraints of the Song Dynasty: the compromise policies of Zhao Deji, Qin Hui, etc. will gradually be reflected. How much can he do no matter how powerful he is? In contrast, I am in charge of Marshal Du, and there is no worry about dispatching the army. If I don't fight at this time, when will I wait?

Han Chang could no longer persuade him, so he had to resign unhappily

Jin Wushu waited for him to step down, then looked at his right hand and smiled proudly, "Hua Rong, you vicious woman took the prince's death free coupon. You know, now the prince doesn't need this thing at all? Instead of waiting to be forgiven by others, why don't you control life and death by yourself?"

The song state naturally learned the news of Liu Yu's dismissal soon After Zhao Deji ascended the throne, he received the "olive branch" of the peace talks from the state of Jin for the first time. It is conceivable that he was delighted, and immediately convened Zai Fu, Zhang Jun and others to discuss the matter He first announced the death of song Huizong in tears. Hearing this, all the ministers immediately howled These people are basically not old ministers of song Huizong, but according to the Convention, Zhao Deji cries, and others can't help crying, but they really have little affection for song Huizong, and they can't shed tears at all, so they can only cover their eyes and howl

Zhao Deji didn't know whether it was out of flesh and blood or affectation, but cried heartily. After crying for a long time, he ordered: "since the prisoners promised to return the empress dowager, I'm not afraid to humble my kindness and measure the material resources of the song state to make the great gold happy..."

Zhang Jun couldn't help but report: "now Yue Pengju is fighting in the two rivers to defeat Liu Yu's army. Now it's time to face a decisive battle with the fourth prince. I think it's better to defeat the fourth Prince first, and maybe talk about more capital..."

Several other ministers seconded. At this time, Qin Hui did not have real power, nor did he come forward, but said a few words without salt Zhao Deji has been very dependent on Yue Pengju in recent years. Although he is afraid that the confrontation between Yue Pengju and the fourth prince will irritate Jin people, according to his experience in these years of accession to the throne, the peace talks really need to be guaranteed by victory. After thinking for a while, he said, "fight as appropriate!"

Qin Hui was happy and immediately realized the weight of the word "discretion". He knew that as long as Zhang Jun, an eye-catching figure, went away, the disturbing northern expedition would come to no good end

Yuejiajun, who had been stationed in Yuanting County, naturally learned the news that Liu Yu was deposed and Jin Wushu led the army to invade the south The crowd was very excited, and Yue Pengju immediately deployed the generals to fight

On this day, the song army had to report that about 4000 small forwards of the Jin army were stationed along the Yellow River in Jingkui, and the Yue army immediately sent a general niugao to fight This horse of 4000 men was sent by Jin Wushu after the occupation of Kaifeng. A clan, Hu Xuan, who was a brother with a perfect face and sudden speed, was temporarily appointed as the commander. Their task was to occupy the distant prefectures and counties Hu Xuan didn't meet song Yibing's resistance all the way, but he still didn't dare to relax his guard. This night, two centurions were arranged to lead 50 people each to watch the night, while the others slept peacefully

Niugao's men attacked in the middle of the night. He broke into the enemy's line with double knives. According to military discipline, they didn't say a word, but fought hard. Jin Jun was in his sleep when he was in fashion, unable to organize effective resistance. Ma Ge, saddle and so on were lost and fled everywhere

Hu Xuan was very brave. He bared his upper body and mounted a horse to resist. Niu Gao shouted loudly and swung his double knives forward. The two fought for several rounds. With a knife, Niu Gao took a fancy to Hu Xuan's knee. A song army came forward and cut off his head with a knife

Suddenly he quickly got the news, very sad, angry, said: "Nan man actually killed his own brother, I swear to revenge." Jin Wushu ordered him to unify his army and sent an additional 17000 troops from Han Chang

When Han Changjun and Song Jun fought, they saw a yellow horse riding vertically and horizontally in the enemy line, and a man wearing a scarlet Yue army dress, but the bow and arrow in his hand was very different from other soldiers

He saw that this man looked familiar, a stunned God. In the scuffle, an arrow was shot at him Han often avoided it. The small arrow passed through the iron helmet on his head and hit his right eye from the blindfold

He screamed, covered his eyes and fell to the ground. Song Jun caught the thief first, captured the king, and immediately chased him. Han Chang woke up in great pain. The man on the horse turned out to be Hua Rong - he had seen her archery at the sea and the willow shooting festival in the Kingdom of Jin

He was afraid to fight, even more afraid to fight, and immediately led his troops to break through

Jin Wushu, who was waiting for the war, saw that Han Chang was defeated and fled back, and his eyes were full of blood donation. He was furious: "Han 18, who shot you like this?"

Han Chang knelt down and couldn't stand up, and the blood in his eyes was still flowing down his fingers: "the fourth prince, who has ruined his own eyes, is Yue Pengju's wife Hua Rong!"

Hua Rong, a woman who has given birth to a son, is not at home to teach her husband and children, but also goes to the battlefield for what? At the thought of her husband and wife fighting side by side, their complacency burned their hearts, and Jin Wushu jumped up and jumped on his horse: "when the crown prince goes to fight Huarong himself, we should see how powerful she is!"


The camp of Yue's army

At dusk, several generals came in, and a young general of Liu Bao returned, saying that he had been fighting for days and that there was a lack of bows and arrows at present This is a fact. Because of the long battle, the supply of arrows is too late

Yue Peng summoned his staff for discussion, and everyone hesitated Hua Rong smiled and said, "I have a plan." She had been in the army for many years and had made great contributions to the military transformation of Miao and Liu. Everyone knew that, so they asked one after another, "what's the plan of Madam Guo?"

"In the Three Kingdoms period, Zhugeliang borrowed an arrow from a straw boat. We can't be so large-scale, but we can also consider it along the Yellow River."

Yu Peng stroked his hand, "madam, this plan is very clever."

Yue Pengju also nodded, agreed with his wife's idea, and immediately ordered: "Yang Qin, Huang Zuo out."

Both of them were incorporated into Yue's army after surrendering during the Dongting water war Yue Pengju said, "you two are proficient in water warfare. Immediately arrange ships for standby."


In order to avenge his brother, Tu he rushed forward straightforwardly On this day, I camped on the river bank in front of Jing Kui For fear of being attacked, the soldiers were divided into two parts, on duty and resting in turn When I started on the road at dawn, I saw that 20 people in front of me rushed on Song Jun's fast horse, scarlet clothes all the way, and bent their horses and arched Two Jin soldiers fell to the ground, but the group immediately turned around and chased after them Tu Husu sent a centurion to lead his men to pursue him. When he reached the forest in front of him, he was ambushed by song soldiers, and his arrows came swishing. Immediately, 22 soldiers fell, and others fled injured When the sudden closing speed army arrived, the ambush song army had already drifted along the Yellow River

The song army had a total of 12 boats, which were covered with cow felt grass At the sudden rate, Dajin started to chase and shoot along the river bank, and the song army raised its shield to resist. Therefore, there were no casualties For an hour, the grass was covered with arrows, like twelve giant hedgehogs

Suddenly, he was helpless, so he had to watch the fleet go down the river. He was very angry and ordered the people: "search the distant cities immediately, and kill all men, women, old and young, in order to revenge this great hatred."

Jin Jun was ordered to search in the three towns far away, but he only killed dozens of villagers who had no time to escape and couldn't find a grain of food. Finally, he had to kill his horses for a living One of his commanders suggested that Da Jin always depended on the war horses. If the war horses were eaten up, Yuuzhan would not benefit, and it was best to retreat Sudden closure speed can't be imagined, so they have to withdraw from Jingkui area and go back to jinwushu to recover their lives

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