One Night Bride

Chapter 344

It turned out that after the battle between the Yue family army and the puppet Qi army, the people of the two rivers fled to Xiangyang and defected to the state of song Yue Pengju ordered all the people to accept it, so the people settled in the song territory within Xiangyang, and a large number of local wastelands were reclaimed, and many young people were incorporated into the Yue family army

Yue Pengju was having dinner and was very excited to get the news of victory. He clapped his hands and said, "the fourth Prince's defeat this time will certainly dampen Jin Jun's spirit. Sister 17, the 12 ship arrows are really great."

Hua Rong put down his job and was also very happy: "now Jin Wushu is in charge of everything. It is estimated that he will not give up easily."

"The fourth Prince has a great advantage. He can freely control his troops. If he is used properly, he will have infinite power, which is beyond my reach. Seventeen sister, I have an idea that I can't wait for the fourth prince to breathe and pursue the victory..."

Hua Rong naturally understood the meaning of her husband's words. Starting from the great victory in Yicheng, she won one after another. The morale of the army lies in encouraging rather than attacking. If she can work hard, she will be able to overcome the mountains and seas More importantly, Zhao Deji didn't interfere too much during this period. If he waited for his master and consciousness to prevail, I'm afraid the hard work ahead would be in vain

Jin Wushu saw the defeated sudden closing speed three days later. His left leg was injured and he limped. At this time, it was late autumn, and the weather turned cold. Sudden closing speed stood in the autumn wind, looking very embarrassed Next to him was Han Chang, who was blind in one eye

Tu Heshu looked embarrassed and said, "the fourth prince, Yue Nanman is really difficult to fight."

Seeing that he was defeated, Jin Wushu was also depressed. He was so angry that he personally took the wicker and beat him: "what crime should you commit if you are not good at fighting and shake the morale of the army?"

Tu Husu got ninety wickers. Although it was not enough to hurt muscles and bones, it was unbearable and limped. From then on, he resented Jin Wushu

Jin Wushu immediately ordered the army to be divided into five armies, and really launched a decisive battle with Yue's army

Before the decisive battle, Jin Jun did another big thing Kaifeng is the mausoleum of Zhao's ancestors. The Jin army looted the mausoleum, destroyed the tombs of these ancestors, stole all the funerary objects, and whipped out the moldy bones and scattered them on the ground When the news reached the state of song, Zhao Deji naturally burst into tears again. This time, he made up his mind to fight a decisive battle with the Jin army, appointed three generals, Yue Pengju, Han Zhongliang, Zhang Jun, and so on, to recruit envoys, and announced that Zhang Jun would personally supervise the war on the front line

Zhang Jun arrived at Liu Guang's garrison first Because Liu Guangyong is mediocre and not as charming as Zhang Junshan, Zhao Deji is dissatisfied with him. He also knows himself well. He has invited many good fields and mansions, surrendered his military power and returned to his hometown to recuperate Therefore, there was no leader in his army Qin Hui, who originally belonged to Liu Guang, received a secret tie from Jin Wushu as soon as he took office

Wang Junhua has not seen the fourth Prince for a long time. He misses it earnestly and holds his handwriting for a long time. When his husband comes back from his business, he sets up a banquet early and says happily, "old man, the fourth Prince has a letter."

Qin Hui naturally wanted him to destroy the song state's anti Jin strategy When Wang Junhua saw that he was meditating and silent, he was a little angry: "old man, if the fourth prince had not been released, you would still be herding horses in the North today. The kindness of the fourth prince cannot be forgotten in a day."

"Madam, calm down. How dare the lower officer betray the fourth prince? Just, the new lower officer, Zafu, just openly declared the Lord's peace. Wouldn't he be impeached by such a rabid scholar?"

Someone had long impeached Qin Hui. It was the work of the prisoners. Wang Junhua naturally knew that the couple were worried and heard the doorman report that fan Tong was visiting Fan Tong and Qin Hui studied in the same Academy in their early years. Fan Tong was the first in his articles and looked down on Qin Hui very much Unexpectedly, after many years, Qin Hui was already the Prime Minister of the current Dynasty. He was only a seventh grade official and naturally wanted to curry favor with Qin Hui

Qin Hui said with a smile, "fan Tong is a hungry dog in the officialdom. The leftover food at this table is cold, and he is naturally rewarded."

Fan Tong came in and sat down, saying a few words politely to Qin Hui Qin Hui naturally didn't hide his former classmates and went straight to the theme: "I'm looking forward to it. Today, when I face it for the first time, the holy master asked about peace and war, I can only suggest that all armies should hold on to it with heavy troops and choose profits with light troops."

Fan Tong wanted to express himself, so he said, "the Duke of Qin might as well fight Yang and Yin."

Qin Hui was puzzled and asked, "why is Yang versus yin?"

"The lower officials believe that peace is the foundation of the long-term stability of the country. However, there are royal governors barking wildly in the court, and they cannot publicly advocate peace. Qin Xianggong might as well put on a high profile, advocate the use of troops to the prisoners, and promise a heavy reward, but privately, he prevented the actions of the generals and communicated and coordinated with the state of Jin."

This speech hit Qin Hui to the core and said happily, "wonderful plan. But other generals are all right. I'm afraid that Yue Pengju, Han Zhongliang and other proud and brave generals don't obey orders and support soldiers to go forward..."

"Qin Xianggong should know that our Dynasty is heavily guarded against military generals. If Yue Pengju, Han Zhongliang and others dare not obey, it is not a matter of arrogance, but a great crime of disobedience..."

Qin Hui thought of Zhao Deji's panic about Li Qiong's investment in gold, and said happily, "just follow this plan."

Fan Tongyi left, and Wang Junhua, who was eavesdropping inside, came out: "old man, the time has come for us to serve the fourth prince. Yue Pengju is light and belligerent, and this time he will die."

Qin Hui was also very proud: "the officer told his wife long ago that he must kill these two eyesores. He didn't pretend to be lying."

Wang Junhua was happy and pulled his beard: "old man, when you mention the heads of Yue Pengju and Hua Rong, the slave will personally restrain two beautiful concubines for you."

"Thank you for your kindness, madam."

When Yue Pengju made all-out arrangements for the decisive battle with Jin Wushu, he received a gold lettered calligraphy from Zhao Deji from Lin'an On the yellow paper inside, Zhao Deji wrote that he was required to "guard with heavy troops and choose profits with light troops", and was not allowed to accept refugees who defected from two rivers Those who have been accepted now should also be deported and returned to the Golden State

This news was like a bolt from the blue. Yue Peng lifted weights and patted the table with his eyes on fire. If he obeyed it, wouldn't the Northern Expedition fall short?

Hua Rong was also shocked by the news In view of the Li qiaoniang incident and the confusion in the army, some of Yue Pengju's ideas were not announced among the generals, and Hua Rong immediately persuaded her husband, "you can call the staff for consultation."

Yue Pengju called together the four most important aides under the account: Li Ruoxu, Yu Peng, Zhu Fu and sun Ge

Li Ruoxu sighed and said, "with heavy troops and light troops, we should choose profits, that is to say, the generals should stand still and allow the gold thieves to be arrogant."

Zhu Fu also said, "now Qin Hui is the prime minister. He is a detailed work of the prisoners. He will certainly do everything possible to obstruct the war of resistance and advocate peace."

The people talked endlessly, especially the people who expelled and defected. They held warm hopes and aspirations for the "King division", and hoped to expel the prisoners and restore the rivers and mountains. They didn't expect to be sent back to the Jin people by the "King division" and then be "expelled" (slaves)

Yue Peng raised his eyebrows and said after a long time, "I'd better start your majesty and state the advantages and disadvantages of the current war of resistance, hoping to buy time and complete the great cause."

Hua Rong knew that there was no hope, but he still didn't stop it. Li Ruoxu and others also knew that it was just a matter of asking for fish, but they also deliberated carefully. At present, Zhu Fu drafted it himself and revised it one by one. It also euphemistically mentioned that as long as he succeeded in the northern expedition, he would be demobilized and returned to the field and secluded in the east forest Then, Yue Pengju copied it in his own handwriting and sent it to Lin'an by urgent delivery

Express delivery, the couple had no sleep this night

The tiger's head, which had been for several months, was placed in his parents' big bed and slept sweetly Children grow very fast, can eat and sleep, and rarely cry, which saves parents a lot of worry He was less than two months old, and his parents went out to fight. After the victory, they returned. Hua Rong took his son with him again. He could get along with him soon and left again At this time, Hua Rong couldn't comfort her son's lovely little face, so she called Mrs. Liu in and took the child away

Although Yue Pengju has always been silent, he always has a lot of words with his wife. Tonight, he fell on his pillow, confused and silent Hua Rong was in the same mood, gently holding her husband's hand, Whisper: "In the past, Wang Jian, a famous general of the state of Qin, led 600000 troops to invade Chu. Before leaving, he sent people five times to ask Emperor Qinshihuang for fields, property, beauty, and wealth for future generations. Some people think that Wang Jian is too greedy and crude, but Wang Jian said, 'the king of Qin is violent and suspicious, and now he hands over all the troops of the country to me, don't you doubt it? I only need a lot of fields to seal the descendants, so that he can dispel his suspicion of me'. Now, the emperor is obviously suspicious of the generals under the pretext of Li Qiong's mutiny.", Naturally, you are not allowed to unify the army and fight in a row, for fear that the tail will not fall... "

Yue Peng gave a wry smile: "I'm afraid I can't dispel his suspicions even if I want fields and land..."

Hua Rong said slowly, "I want to take tiger head back to Lin'an to see the mansion that the emperor rewarded us..."

Yue Peng raised his heart and immediately understood his wife's meaning In order to complete her dream of the northern expedition, she wanted to take her son back to the capital as a "hostage"!

He shook his head: "Seventeen sister, never!"

"Why not?"

Zhao Deji was not the first emperor of Qin Dynasty with great talent Yue Pengju has two concerns. First, Wang Junhua regards Hua Rong as a thorn in the flesh. Now Qin Hui is the Zafu, and she will not miss any opportunity to frame Hua Rong; Moreover, according to King Qin's words from father Kang, Zhao Deji became psychopathic after impotence. In his early years, he tried to dissolve the flowers into the palace by force several times. If the flowers dissolved back, wouldn't it be a sheep into a tiger's mouth? Last time Miao Liubing changed, Zhao Deji could completely ignore Hua Rong's life and death. Now Hua Rong will return to Beijing again. In case there is any trouble, I'm afraid he will kill Hua Rong's mother and son first without hesitation

Yue Pengju shook his head vigorously. "If your mother and son go back, there must be more or less bad luck! Moreover, apart from the sacrifice in vain, it won't play any role at all."

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