One Night Bride

Chapter 345

Hua Rong himself did not want to return to Lin'an as a "hostage" She also had a vague worry in her heart. Although the Taizu of this dynasty made a vow not to kill ministers, senior officials were able to save their lives, but over the past hundred years, I don't know how many famous scholars and ministers have been relegated and exiled to poor places such as Hainan, and have been down and out for life However, she still hesitated: "but, Peng Ju, our identity is special. If the emperor thinks there are no hostages, how can he let you go?"

Yue Pengju slowly sat up, put his arm around his wife's shoulder, and said in a deep voice, "Seventeen sister, it is indeed my ideal to recover Lianghe and Yanyun. The so-called plan is in man, and success is in heaven! This ideal is not at the cost of innocent sacrifice of you and your son."

Hua Rong was also shocked and suddenly turned her head

"Seventeen elder sister?"

Yue Peng held her up for a while without saying a word. He stretched out his hand and touched her tears Since she became pregnant and gave birth to a son, her mental state has completely changed, and she has never cried for anything again. This time, hearing her husband's words, she couldn't help it anyway All heroes and heroes always think that things in the world are big and women are small. She has always regarded her husband as a great hero, and she always has a vague feeling of worship and Confucian admiration in her heart. Although she never doubted her husband's love for herself, she realized at this time that she had the same important position in her husband-in-law's heart in terms of world affairs and the ideal of family and country!

This is a true lover who lives up to his hard choices! If you marry a husband like this, what can you ask for?

Although she didn't say anything, Yue Pengju seemed to know her mind completely, put his head on her forehead, and said intimately, "sister seventeen, you have been working hard with me these years, so I want you to work hard again, no matter rain or death, you will always accompany me."

This sentence is better than any sweet words in the world. The flower melts on her husband's shoulder, smiles and makes a sound, completely stops the idea of returning to Beijing as a hostage, and firmly nods, "well, I'll be with you!"

Yue Peng held up a smile and comforted her softly: "sister seventeen, brother Lu has repeatedly advised my husband and wife to retire, but I played for many times to resign, but I couldn't allow it. This time, I'll wait and see, saying that I have to take another way."

Hua Rong immediately nodded: "since 'heavy troops to hold on, light troops to choose profits', this statement is vague, you will immediately act according to Li Ruoxu's suggestions."

Yue Pengju didn't delay. According to the consultation with his staff, he immediately set the date of the expedition Since Zhang Jun, who is closest to Yue Pengju military area command, had already sold out before the massive attack of Jin Wushu, Yue's army was completely alone and had no assistance this time At that time, Yue Peng commanded 100000 troops, divided into nine armies, with 64 generals below The mobilization work before the war is very important for how to make good use of these 100000 troops to fight a decisive battle with the Jin army

On this day, it rained in autumn, and the army was temporarily free. Yue Pengju summoned the scribes again to discuss the mobilization work. Hua Ronghu proposed to write a song suitable for inspiring the army and singing among the soldiers Yue Peng Ju Ju Xian didn't avoid his relatives, so he said, "Seventeen sister is both literate and martial arts. Please fill in the words..."

Hua Rong thought of the poem her husband wrote in the Yellow Crane Tower and said with a smile, "Peng Ju, you write better than me, or you write."

Yue Pengju did not refuse, and Hua Rong immediately studied ink and laid paper for him He held his breath and thought. All kinds of ups and downs of these years' wars surged to the bottom of his heart. He couldn't help being full of pride, so he wrote a song "Red River":

Angry hair on the railing

Drizzly rain and rest

Raise your eyes to the sky and howl

Strong and fierce

Thirty achievements, fame, dust and earth

Eight thousand miles of cloud and moon

Don't wait to whiten the young man's head

Empty sorrow

Jingkang's disgrace is still fresh

When will the official hate die

Drive a long car

Breaking through Helan Mountain, lack of ambition, hungry food, Hu Lu meat

Laughing about thirst for Hun blood

To clean up the old rivers and mountains from the beginning

Chaotian que

He swayed and swayed like a rainbow. When the last stroke was finished, he threw the pen aside, and a crowd of scribes surrounded him. For a while, no one spoke Yue Pengju is usually heavy and vicious. This is their first time to see the commander-in-chief. Unexpectedly, they still have such amazing talents

How can you have such a pen without being broad-minded and magnificent?

Everyone was overjoyed, and immediately the scribe Li Ruoxu composed the song. The next day, he widely taught the song in the military camp. Only two days later, there were Langlang songs everywhere in the camp of the Yue family army

The date for a decisive battle with the Jin army has come According to the deployment, Yue's army is mainly divided into three routes. Zhang Xian led the army to the west, while Wang GUI led the army to the East, Yue Pengju was in the middle, and led the army to be the forward in person Wang GUI is in charge of the military parade before sending troops Yue Peng took part in the military parade of the fifth and sixth armies

A huge "Yue" flag was raised on the school ground, and the soldiers' scarlet uniforms and armor were neat. Ezhou people came to visit the school, surrounded by a sea of people Yue Peng raised his head, wearing a big iron basket, heavy armor, and a sharp sword hanging from his waist. He rode into the barracks on a yellow Hussars Of course, the most eye-catching thing in the field is Hua Rong She is also a light armor, valiant and valiant, galloping and Yue Pengju stand side by side. Since the Jingkang disaster, she has shot zongwang and Jin Wushu successively, and played the only "flower" flag in Yue Pengju army. She has long been famous for escorting the sea and the Miao Liu mutiny. Over the years, she has almost become a spiritual inspiration in the army

He and his wife were in their best years. The commander was majestic, and his wife was beautiful. She was really a woman, and the people around him shouted loudly

At this time, she came to teach the soldiers to sing "Red River". As soon as she took the lead, the three armies opened their mouths, and the earth shaking song spread The spectators heard the song catchy, learned it quickly, and spread it widely

As soon as the song stopped, Yue Peng raised his horse to the front Pro army and shouted, "all the soldiers are full of righteous indignation, and they are all doing this!"

As the news that the Jin army destroyed the tombs of Zhao's ancestral temple has spread, the ancients attached great importance to the ancestral graves of their ancestors. "The humiliation of your father" means the humiliation of the country, and the humiliation of your country means the humiliation of yourself. In addition, the mobilization work deployed by the front staff has been very sufficient, and all the soldiers are full of righteous anger, united as one, and set out for the front line

As for the state of Jin, Jin Wushu also held the last military meeting before sending troops at Longde palace in Kaifeng He sat in the first place in the middle of the south. Sai Li, Han Chang, Tu Husu, the demoted General Li Qiong and other important generals of the kingdom of Jin were not wild, and Zhai Ping was separated from each other

Li Qiong's defection played a great role in improving Jin Jun's morale. Jin Wushu first rewarded Li Qiong, and then he deliberately asked Li Qiong, "you also know Yue Pengju, do you know how he is?"

Li Qiong naturally did not dare to say that she was afraid of Yue Pengju, so she said, "although Yue Pengju is the most daring soldier in the song army, he is not as good as the fourth Prince's strategy in observing that he has used troops many times. In addition, Qin Hui in the Song Dynasty is in power, and he proposes to fight and the generals will not help each other. Now only Yue Pengju is left alone, and the fourth prince might as well hit him head-on!"

Jin Wushu was very satisfied with his words and said excitedly, "in the hot summer, our army can't stand the heat, so it has been defeated many times. Now it's the time of autumn, and it's natural for Jin Jun to show his hands and feet. Our big golden army is suitable for galloping on the plains, and it can be guaranteed to win..."

All the generals knew that this was the auspicious words of the Grand Admiral before the battle, but Han Chang, who was blind, and Tu Husu, who was beaten, were still depressed and did not say a word Jin Wushu naturally had a bottom in his heart. He had already ordered all the families of the army in Kaifeng to be transferred, and was ready to escape if defeated

Yue Peng led his troops to Yicheng again Along the way, from time to time, he received the spies' return on Jin Jun's movements. He stayed in the array and only called the whole army on alert This troop consists of 9000 people, 6000 cavalry and 3000 infantry Because he was worried about the deployment and coordination of the three aspects, although he was not close to the battle, he was increasingly laborious His bedroom has been open for days. As long as it is military information, he will immediately report it day and night

Hua Rong was also with her husband. Seeing that he was getting thinner and thinner, she took more care of him in terms of diet This evening, the two looked at the map together. Yue Peng suddenly asked, "sister seventeen, if you are the fourth prince, which way do you choose to attack?"

Hua Rong thought for a while and immediately said, "there are many soldiers from East and West, but few soldiers from Yicheng, and you are in charge of it yourself. I am the fourth prince, and I will kill bengcheng."

Jin Wushu was defeated in Yicheng last time. Before he got close, he encountered several storms, broke the bridge, and was exhausted. It can be said that he was defeated by Tianshi Now it is late autumn and early winter. It has rained only twoorthree times, and the days are sunny. The water along the river is gradually exhausted. Looking ahead, there is an endless great plain It is the most suitable climate for the Jin army, the most suitable for the abduction of the soldiers and the charging of the two wings of the horse

Hua Rong was worried. Sure enough, the next day she received the war report, it was the fourth prince who personally led the army to Yicheng

Yue Pengju calmly arranged the formation, with cavalry in front and infantry behind The chief General's staff, Yang Zaixing, Zhu Fu, etc. were all surprised, because according to the previous law, infantry were in front, and cavalry, as a strange force, fought mobile Yang Zaixing raised a question, and Yue Pengju said, "Jin Jun is good at hitting with abductors and horses. Now we have more cavalry than infantry. We might as well have a cavalry battle in the front."

All the generals were convinced, and Yue Pengju immediately deployed the battle formation. In the open area outside the city, a flag with the word "Yue" was set up in the middle, which was divided into four formations. They cooperated with each other, and the middle camp was lined up with every hundred people

It was a sunny day. The sun was shining and it was quite warm in early winter. Just after noon, there was smoke and dust in front of it. It was the golden soldiers who killed it

Jin Wushu led a total of 120000 troops this time. He was very confident in the battle of plain cavalry. He personally led 15000 people as forwards. Han Chang and two commanders accompanied him, while Sai Li and Tu he quickly assisted

The captain led his men to rush to kill. Yue's army immediately shot arrows and fiercely shot Yang Zaixing and Han yuan into the camp. Yang Zaixing shouted, "the fourth prince, your family will catch you alive". He was invincible and killed sixty or seventy people The Jin army charged for three consecutive rounds without success, and even the commander was shot dead, triggering the first rout The song army called in the gold, and Yang Zaixing rose to kill. Seeing the flag of the four princes in front of him, he raised his gun and rushed over, and then chased Yu Kou Won followed him, and the two hacked for a while, but won was hit by a flying arrow and immediately died

Dozens of Song Jun rushed forward to help the two of them up. Yang Zaixing was already bleeding and had suffered more than 20 injuries all over. Seeing the death of Han won, he wept bitterly: "my family should avenge you."

Yue Pengju personally lifted him up and lost the fierce Korean won. His heart was extremely heavy. He only told Yang Zaixing to rest and recuperate before making deployment

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