One Night Bride

Chapter 348

He laughed and looked very proud: "Hua Rong, this time the crown prince is willing to let you go!"


"Do you know why?"

Hua Rong also stared at him: "fourth prince, don't be ashamed. According to the current distance, I can at least die with you! I don't really owe you!"

Jin Wushu looked at the arrow in her hand and Xu Qing's knife, and knew that what she said was true, but he didn't think so, and laughed very arrogantly: "die together? Are you willing to give up your son?"

Hua Rong didn't make a sound After a while, he suddenly asked, "how is Wenlong boy?"

Jin Wushu was stunned for a moment, and after a while, he angrily said, "Hua Rong, don't pretend!"

Hua Rong didn't make a sound again

Jin Wushu burst out laughing, "Hua Rong, you and I have already broken up. I let you go this day, but I want you to watch a good play."

"Fourth prince, you have been defeated by my husband many times. What else can you do?"

Jin Wushu looked even more arrogant, Also proud: "Hua Rong, you need to know that the real victory or defeat does not depend on the battlefield. Yes, the crown prince was defeated by Yue Pengju on the battlefield. However, naturally someone will remove this big trouble for me. Hahaha, Hua Rong, your emperor of the Song Dynasty, Zaifu, will naturally work together to remove this big trouble for me. I want you to save your life today, that is, to see your husband and son's tragic death with your own eyes and collect their bodies for them. How, is the crown prince's play wonderful?"

Hua Rong was furious, but said coldly, "the fourth prince, I'm afraid everything in the world is not as you want!"

"There may be times of frustration on the battlefield, but politically, Huarong, I rarely disappoint myself! Yes, I hate you..." his voice changed, rustling, like some crazy beast, not talking, But howl: "in the past, I just wanted to kill Yue Pengju, but today, I have decided to kill your son with him. Hua Rong, one day, you will see the body of your husband's son with your own eyes, and you will think of the prince's release of you tonight! They are all dead, but you are still alive, hahaha, do you think, how does it taste?"


Hua Rong stopped answering, waved his hand, Xu Qing understood, and the two ran away

Jin Wushu stood where he was, and did not catch up. The cold moonlight wrapped in the cold, and slowly hid into the clouds. Gradually, the woman running in front of him, the colorful dark colors on the arrowheads, could not be seen at all

Only corpses were left on the ground

With blood on his nose, Jin Wushu turned around and thought - the fox spirit finally hid!

Fox spirits do not belong to human beings. Naturally, they should not have husbands and sons. If they do, they will die

In his arms, there was also a secret letter sent by Qin Hui The Prime Minister of the Song Dynasty is his own servant. All his political opinions are his own ideas! No matter what the war is, the confrontation between the two countries' political situation really begins, and he is the big winner who dominates all this, because the first sentence on Qin Hui's secret letter is: "the emperor of Zhao sent a letter to marshal Du, saying 'Chenji'!"

Chen "Ji"!

Since Zhao Deji has become a minister and issued a strong banner of peace talks, how much can he do if Yue Pengju, Li guangfusheng and Huo Qubing are alive?

Hua Rong, Hua Rong! When your husband is separated for the first time and his son's blood splashes on the spot, I see how long you can hold on! Just like a dog protecting calves, it must face it, kill its children and relatives, and then see how crazy it is

Nothing is more enjoyable in life!

He laughed in the blood all over the sky, and the laughter and blood came into the eardrums of the gold army behind. They didn't understand what the commander-in-chief was laughing at, and they were all shocked!

The people ran away, passed Bali Town, and then moved forward, there was no sound of Jin Jun at all But the crowd did not dare to stop for a while and rushed back to Yicheng overnight

The gate was wide open, and Yue Peng greeted his wife and Xu Qing at the gate In the camp, sevenoreight thick ox candles were lit, and a slip of corpses were placed, which were two corpses snatched back by everyone

The bodies of Gao Lin and Yang Zaixing are placed in the middle Yang Zaixing was covered with blood, and every piece of clothes was cut and stained on his body again, as if his whole body was broken and reassembled, but his eyes were open angrily, showing his courage in his lifetime And next to him, Gao Lin, the beautiful man of the past, no longer has any formed appearance, because there is still a girdle hanging on his waist, a small piece that has not been dyed red by blood, revealing a pair of wings of green mandarin ducks, with exquisite workmanship, which is obviously given to him by Li qiaoniang Li qiaoniang must have a little affection for this one in a million beautiful man, Wei husband

Yue Peng raised his hand and stroked Yang Zaixing's eyes to make him rest. The people couldn't help crying Hua Rong, thinking of the scene when Yang Zaixing was ordered by Yue Peng to stay and give himself gold, insisted on his calmness and courage all night, completely collapsed and cried

Yue Pengju ordered the two men to bury their tombstones for fear of affecting their morale. The other 298 warriors who did not bring back also set up collective nameless tombstones to be remembered forever

Busy until midnight, all the talents dispersed, and Yue Pengju and his wife also went into the room to have a rest Two people lie down, Hua Rong tosses and turns, let alone sleep, and even their eyes can't be closed My head is full of corpses, and Jin Wushu's alarmist words

Yue Peng held his wife in his arms, but felt that her palms were cold under his control and could not warm up for a long time He knew that his wife went out with Xu Qing today to see such a tragic scene. No matter she was strong, she was also a woman. Obviously, she was deeply stimulated He loved his wife dearly. At that time, he didn't want her to go to war. Now, it's even more uncomfortable. He hugged her tightly, put her cold hands and feet completely in his arms, and kept her warm. Then he said softly, "sister seventeen, Zhang Xian came a good news from her side, and has fought with Jin Jun, fighting back Jin Jun's attack five times..."

"What about Wang GUI?"

"There's no big news yet, but the heavy troops here are not expected to be a big problem."

These two men are the most valued generals under Yue Peng's account But I can't tell why. In her heart, Hua Rong has always had a deep affection and trust for Zhang Xian But Wang GUI, perhaps not very familiar with him, or perhaps his wife's complaint against him, always felt that he was not as reliable and trustworthy as Zhang Xian

Yue Peng heaved a sigh: "sister 17, after this war, I really want to resign and retire completely, go back to Donglin temple to do a ritual, and pay tribute to all the soldiers who died in this war."

"Well, I'm tired of such days, too."

"From tomorrow on, I will send troops to join Zhang Xian and Wang GUI and attack them from three sides. According to the deployment, it should be stationed in Zhuxian Town, expel the Jin army, expel the fourth prince, and recover Lianghe and Yanyun. Maybe it is not a dream."

Hearing these words, Hua Rong was slightly excited, thinking of the threat of Jin Wushu, and hurriedly asked, "Peng Ju, what instructions do the imperial court have these two days?"

Because of the war and the inconvenient transportation in ancient times, the urgent delivery from Lin'an to Yicheng takes at least 20 days. If it is delayed, it is normal for a month or two Yue Peng shook his head and thought of the fold he handed. He didn't know what approval Zhao Deji would give Although uneasy, it's a great good thing that I haven't received the zhaoshu at the moment

Hua rongbian also prayed secretly. Anyway, he hoped to fight Zhuxian Town and expel Jin Wushu. Before that, the imperial edict must not come!

During the fierce battle between song and Jin Dynasties, when Yue Peng was preparing to take advantage of the situation to recover Lianghe and the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun ceded since Shi Jingtang, a huge cruiser began its first seaworthiness on the sea

In order to stabilize the performance, King Qin modified the design of the giant ship several times. Finally, the giant ship was launched. It was already a five story tall battleship, which could accommodate 50000 soldiers, hundreds of ships of different sizes, and set up ladders and sieges that were convenient for attack. King Qin also bought more than a dozen cannons and lihuatu muskets from the thunder family in Jiangnan When King Qin looked at this huge ship, which could be called the first in the world at that time, he thought of the millions of dollars it had spent, and sighed with a long sigh. Who would have thought that the property looted from the furniture of corrupt officials and treacherous ministers of the song state was enough to build such a magnificent ship

During the first cruise of the giant ship, the pirates who were ready to move along the way were invincible and willing to bow down King Qin convened the first alliance meeting between pirates on the giant ship with Liu Wu as the military division according to the plan of Uncle Yang The alliance at this time is no longer the loose alliance in the past, but really integrated, under the full command of King Qin

It was a sunny day. In winter, the sea was calm and blue On the new giant ship, a huge black pirate flag was raised, with a big word "Qin" on it, waving in the wind. This flag was so big that it almost covered half the sky

Far away, a small boat approached, and the people on board listened to the deafening cheers of pirates. After a while, they recognized that these people shouted, "king! King!"

"King! King!"

"King! King!"

It seems that the overlord on one side is accepting the worship of his ministers

A strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he was deeply gratified and looking forward to such a scene

It was already dusk at this time, and the winter sun began to end. He judged from the huge cheers that the grand event was coming to an end Therefore, he didn't want to get on the boat at this time, but made people stop and wait for night in the deafening sound of drinking and worship

He was still dressed in black, and even his head was covered with a black veil. Like a bat, he stuck to the cabin and looked at the boundless sea - he stayed inland in his life, in the desert, and was used to the vastness of the desert and the smell of death And the sea is vast, where seagulls fly, birds chirp low, and a red sun struggles in the clouds, as if it were the last charm of parting. The sea is full of such bright red, and the sea and sky are the same, enchanting and colorful For the first time, he saw such a different country!

He was very satisfied with the discovery and waited for the night to come

Night, like a big quilt, covers all things in the world

He likes the night. Although it is not completely dark yet, it is enough to make him feel safe - safer than seeing the red sun

As the boat drew closer, a small boat came, full of knights with sharp arrows, wrapped in black and red scarves, majestic: "who's here? What's the matter with you when you wait for a long time?"

The flag raised all the way on the boat again. Because a special phosphorous fire was used, it looked even more dazzling in the dark It was one of King Qin's flags, but after processing, everyone recognized it, so they let it go all the way

A pirate saw a man coming out of the ship, dressed as a southerner, but speaking stiff Chinese, standing on the cabin and shouting, "please report to the king, someone wants to see."

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