One Night Bride

Chapter 349

When the pirates saw the small boat, with its black painted mast, they felt strange and inexplicable. When they saw the black bird and beast patterns on the boat, they felt even more unusual and said, "wait and stop where you are and wait for your home to announce."

In the huge cabin, the discussion of the big and small leaders had reached the end stage, and the arrangements and appointments of various positions had been distributed. Everyone was elated. King Qin waved his hand and ordered them to step down

A minion came in: "Your Majesty, someone wants to see you."

He said the other party's flag. King Qin was secretly surprised, but his face didn't show it. He immediately said, "bring it up."


This was the first time that King Qin had "seen a guest" on a large ship - and the visitor was an "uninvited guest" to the letter He was a flighty figure, wearing a huge black hat, and almost entered the cabin like a ghost, so that the pirates on patrol did not see him at all, only his entourage

In the passenger cabin

In the middle is a huge golden chair, with two rows of silver chairs in the left and right hands. Sixteen huge ox candles illuminate the surroundings as bright as day In front of Jin Jiaoyi, there is a big case table, on which there are good wine, delicacies, fish and fresh fruits

The man in black stabbed on the silver chair in the first place, and his voice was like an old Gua: "King Qin, long time no see."

King Qin raised his glass, drank it all in one gulp, and laughed, "Yelv, old devil, are you coming to take refuge in Lao Tzu?"

Yelv looked around without any worry. From the open window in front of him, he could see that there were heavily armed pirates up and down the spiral ladder, holding long guns and sharp knives. Such layers were difficult to count

He looked at it for a long time, then he looked back at the man sitting on the Jin Jiao chair according to the case. He was wearing a leopard print Luo ZAO thin fur, with a shiny jade belt around his waist and a crown of the same color on his head. He was really like an earthshaking saint, rather than the brave man he saw in the Jin State

"King Qin, if I want to invest in you, I must personally see whether you are worth it!"

"Hahaha, old devil, you have to see whether you have enough capital."

Yelv said slowly, "if I didn't have enough capital, would I risk going to the sea myself?"

On yeluda's thin face, a yellow skin, as if with a slight smile, he was about to break free from the shackles of the poor bones and flesh inside, stand alone, and spread out all the way Ordinary people looked at his appearance, not to mention the dialogue, but also scared to death. Perhaps, because of this, he always masked, or walked in the dark? King Qin looked at him curiously, "Yelv is very useful. I'll tell you the truth. No matter how much capital you have, it's a daydream to revive your Liao Qidan."


"Although he CI is crazy and kills the generals of the state of Jin wantonly. Now, Zonghan, Ceres, zongjun, buluhu and other generals are certainly dead early, but you need to know that Jin Wushu alone dominates the military power of the world. This guy is scheming, and it may not be much to fight, but it's his turn to play a conspiracy, and the state of Jin is absolutely first to him. On the side of the state of song, Yue Pengju and other generals rise, invincible in the world, how can you run, and what hope?"

"King Qin, you only know one, not the other. I expect the war between song and Jin will soon end."


"There is only one fourth Prince left in the state of Jin, and his combat effectiveness is much lower than before. Although the fourth Prince is a big winner, the state of Jin is a loser. Now heti children have been completely domesticated by Yu wenxuzhong. His words and deeds are like the ruthlessness of the monarch of the Central Plains, and he is suspicious of generals. In this way, today's Jin army is the former decaying song army. On the side of the state of song, the higher Yue Peng's military achievements, the faster he dies. I judge that he will never live for another two years! Yue Peng's death, the state of song has no generals from now on. Song Jin, in fact, are all The end of a powerful crossbow. "

King Qin was speechless for a long time. After thinking for a while, he said, "I really can't see how decadent song and Jin Dynasties are. What opportunities do you have?"

Yelv's withered eyes sent out a kind of green faint light, Like a tiger hiding behind: "Do you know that emperor Taizu of Song Dynasty set up a package library to collect money in order to recover the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun? When I founded the Liao Dynasty, my ancestors had lofty intentions, and also set up a 72 package library to protect the country for thousands of years. In the Song Dynasty, Xixia, the original Nvzhen would pay tribute to the year-old coins every year. A large part of these properties secretly entered the package library. These package libraries are very secret, not as advertised in the world as the great Song Dynasty, but every generation of the prince, only let the prince alone Know... "

King Qin was startled. No wonder Yelv was able to secretly cross the song and Jin Dynasties with great power. It turned out that he was incomparably rich. Money really can make ghosts grind

"So what? There are many rich people in the world, but not everyone can get the world!"

"My money, your army!"

"You need to know that Lao Tzu can only cross the sea. Land war is not my strong point, and I can't reach my power!"

"No! With your power and my money, you can also recruit a large number of soldiers and horses. Now, many survivors of song and Liao dynasties are in exile, poisoned by the Jin people, and the people can't make a living. At the beginning of the incident, I rallied my arms, and naturally I can recruit considerable soldiers and horses among the people of Liao! While the state of song is decaying, Zhao Deji is as timid as a mouse, and the imperial court is unable to prevent the sea at all. If you recruit troops in the surrounding provinces, you will gather from them. In the past, Zhong Xiang of Dongting Lake, Yang Yao, ordinary people Son, by magic alone, you can command 300000 people! With your great king Qin, you are not as talented as Zhong and Yang? People in the world are strong and powerful. That's what you Han people say, isn't it? Now it is a good time for the song and Jin Dynasties to go downhill. Heroes in troubled times must seize the best opportunity. Otherwise, when the two countries stop fighting and grow, we will miss the opportunity in vain. "

King Qin laughed: "old devil, you overestimate Lao Tzu too much! Lao Tzu has no great talent and ambition to fight in the world. He doesn't want to be an emperor at all. He is a loner. He just wants to be happy on the sea and carefree. Whether he is song Bing or Jin Bing, he doesn't dare to offend Lao Tzu, which is enough!"

"In this world, there is only one kind of people who are not offended, that is, they are absolutely powerful! King Qin, do you think you are strong enough now?"

King Qin was speechless for a moment I have to admit that Yelv's use of these words is actually very provocative But he quickly grasped the key part of the matter: "Yelu old ghost, do you think I'm a three-year-old child? Help you recruit soldiers and horses, help you fight song Jin, and let you step on my body to be emperor? Are you dreaming!"

"I am not the emperor, you are the emperor!"

"What are you talking about?! do you want to respect Lao Tzu as the supreme emperor?"

Yelv didn't get angry. He ignored his ridicule and abuse at all, and slowly said, "I'm also a shaman (wizard) born. As I said earlier, you have the aura of a king. People's life is about fate. I fell from the crown prince to the night, my family and country are not protected, and my relatives are lost, which is the lack of this kind of 'King's fate'! Therefore, I can't force it."

"Are you so kind? Thousands of miles and thousands of miles to find Lao Tzu and contribute money to help Lao Tzu ascend the throne?"

"Yes, it's not! Naturally, I won't help you in vain. The alliance between the two sides should have reliable sincerity and enough trust. For this reason, King Qin, you just need to promise one condition, and we can start."

"What conditions?"

"You must marry the woman I designate and have a son. The first son will take the surname of Yelv. After you become king, you will make this child prince!"

King Qin was dumbfounded After a while, he angrily said, "is this woman your daughter? You have a good idea. In the end, the throne is still yours!"

"King Qin, you are really stupid! This daughter is naturally my own daughter! She is also my only family member in the world. After she marries you, the son she gives birth to also needs to know that it is your own son. How will you lose if you pass the throne to your own son? Is it not the righteousness of heaven and earth that the father passes the throne to his son? Even if he has half of my Yelv family's blood, isn't the other half of your king Qin's blood? This river and mountain is shared by me!"

Yelv Dayong made his only son into a "blood ghost Gu" when the Liao dynasty fell. Although several concubines had daughters, after several exiles, only one daughter born to the crown princess was left. Now, all his hopes are placed on his daughter

King Qin looked at Yelv with disbelief, and gradually realized a funny thing, Yelv old devil, this is to be his own son-in-law!

He laughed: "Yelv old ghost, you are neither human nor ghost, and your daughter must also be a mother Yasha. Now she can't get married, but she comes to find my bad luck?"

Yelv stretched out his hand and felt a small image in his arms. He spread it out: "King Qin, you can see clearly! The little girl is eighteen years old. Even if she is not a city, she is also a country!"

King Qin saw that the woman in the picture was extremely beautiful and had the wealth of Khitan royal women

When Yelv saw that he was silent, he had some confidence in his heart. Then he said, "King Qin, look carefully. Now, it needs to be the time for me to conspire."

King Qin casually pushed the portrait: "the problem is that Lao Tzu is not interested in your daughter, nor is he interested in your suggestions."

Yelv held back his anger and slowly said, "King Qin, do you know that Yue Pengju's wife Hua Rongsheng has a son?"

King Qin naturally knew this, but when he said it, he still felt a little bitter, and said coldly, "Yue Peng gave birth to his own son. What's the matter with Lao Tzu?"

"Hua Rong was injured and sterile. It was I who gave you good medicine that cured her. Don't you want to be grateful?"

King Qin made up his mind and said, "I will not take advantage of you in vain. At the beginning, I also went to the Gu He stab for you. Now, I also promised to buy some soldiers for you, but you will send someone to command."

Yelv categorically refused, "no!"

King Qin said, "then I can't help it! Since ancient times, doctors have treated diseases, and patients have paid for diagnosis. I paid you enough for diagnosis. Do you want to be arrogant?"

"King Qin, to tell you the truth, the medicine taken by Huarong was found by me from other witch doctors. It is true to treat infertility. But I added something to it..."

King Qin was shocked and angry: "old devil, what did you add?"

"It's not a big deal. Don't worry, King Qin. I only planted a kind of poison bug in it. This kind of poison bug will not attack until two years later. When it happens, my muscles and veins are broken inch by inch, and my hair shrinks inch by inch. In the end, people will become the size of a kitten until they are completely exhausted..."

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