One Night Bride

Chapter 355

Jin Wushu still smiled: "Yelu, don't play any tricks. Later pregnancy is also called the seed of the crown prince. Who knows what wild man you found to make peace with before you came? As long as you dare to get pregnant, the crown prince will kill your son..."

Yelv Guanyin is like falling into an ice cellar Over the years, Jin Wushu attends more and more concubines, and some are pregnant and have children, but these are all born to the subjugated women in Qidan or Bohai Sea, which are very cheap. Jin Wushu fought South and North, and he has no feelings for these children. What's more, because of the previous lesson, he always thought he didn't see it. Who knows whose kind those children are? So indifferent At that time, the mortality rate of children was high, and he did not know that several of these children died

The fourth Prince and his descendants withered. Because of this, before coming, Yelv Guanyin had dreamed of putting all his eggs in one basket. If she could sleep and get pregnant, she would surely turn over one day. Therefore, she took great pains to get through all the joints with a female, and spent countless money. With the help of Jin Wushu's soldiers, she mixed in the pile of maidens and waited in the Longde palace. Unexpectedly, she got such a result She dared not disobey and had to go out and drink a bowl of abortion juice


The soldier received the bowl, which was opened by the witch doctor with the army Since Jin Wushu saw zongwang die of fever, he was very vigilant, so he always took a witch doctor with him every time he marched, but the witch doctor did not prescribe these drugs, because no one knew even if other captured Han women were lucky to conceive the son of the fourth prince The fourth prince liked the new and hated the old, coupled with marching and fighting, so the female slaves who had been in bed were either sold out as slaves or freely rewarded to the soldiers to buy people's hearts

This witch doctor is called Tai man. He is only in his early thirties. He inherited his father's mantle. Because he is also of Khitan descent, he is very sympathetic to Yelv Guanyin. It is because of his help that Yelv Guanyin was able to sneak into the military camp

Seeing Yelv Guanyin put down the bowl, he looked sad and lowered his voice. He said to her in Qidan dialect, "don't be sad. If you want to get pregnant, I will help you..."

Yelv Guanyin's eyes were full of hate, and he whispered, "in fact, I don't want to have a son for that rude barbarian at all. If not, alas..."

National enmity and family hatred, Jin Wushu's several humiliations, she really hates Jin Wushu, but since she came to this place, she had to endure all kinds of humiliation

She stood up, walked to the window, and looked out at the heavy winter night. Under the night, the former prosperous court of the Song Dynasty was shrouded in a dead silence, but it looked extremely crazy At this time, naturally, she had long been a woman who didn't care about the world. She inquired about the war situation all the way, especially the news she got tonight, which made her fully understand that after this war, the real power of the fourth prince must be higher than that of He Ci It seems that there is nothing wrong with betting on him when one person is lower than ten thousand people!

While hesitating, I heard the hurried hoof outside the door. It was obvious that there was some urgent information coming

She thought it was military information, and she was not interested. She was about to turn her head, but she saw the carriage open. In the dark, someone greeted him with a lantern. Although the visitor was dressed in black and covered with a veil, his figure was familiar The dark figure took a few steps, and her heart jumped, but she really couldn't remember who this person was

At this time, the two soldiers immediately went to inform the fourth prince who had already gone to bed The candle in the room lit up, and jerush was even more curious. He quietly walked out of the corridor. The moment he entered the door, the woman walked gracefully and deliberately took a little charming. At this look, she was almost confused. It turned out that she immediately recognized that this person was Wang Junhua!

What did Wang Junhua do in Jinying in the middle of the night? Moreover, at this time, she was already the wife of the Prime Minister of the Song Dynasty

She was surprised that the door had slammed

At this time, Jin Wushu had received the news. As soon as the light was on in his bedroom and the soldiers opened the door, there was a flower in front of him. Wang Junhua, who took off his veil, had rushed over and said in a charming voice, "the fourth Prince..."

Ruoyu Wenxiang hugged her full. Under the light, I saw Wang Junhua with heavy makeup. Although it was quite dusty, it was obvious that she had stopped to dress up on the road. As soon as she took off her fine Luo shirt and the big fur stained with wind and snow, she knelt on the ground and hugged the leg of Jin Wushu: "the fourth prince, you want to die..."

Jin Wushu was in a good mood this day, and laughed: "this time, you really made great contributions. Great contributions, hahaha..."

Wang Junhua's eyes were like silk: "how will the fourth Prince reward me?"

"The crown prince must reward you heavily..."

Before his words were over, Wang Junhua got up and leaned in his arms Wang Junhua is just as old as a wolf, but he and Qin Hui are just nominal husband and wife, and they both hate each other very much. They won't have any substantive sex with Qin Hui for a year or so Zhang Tonggu came back to report to Jin Wushu after his mission to the Song Dynasty. The state of song sent heavy troops to escort her. She was so obsessed that she had the courage to hide in the carriage. Zhang Tonggu naturally covered for her, so she came out at night and hurried to the Jin camp

Yelu heard clearly outside, only heard Wang Junhua's lewd voice, but felt that the world * * he knew was not as brazen as such a woman. She wanted to kick the door open and tear her mouth in However, this is not what it used to be, but she was only outside the door and did not dare to move

She turned back quietly, and just walked to her room. Looking again, the room was occupied by robbed maidservants. It was very shabby, and it was even more jealous and painful Outside the window, the wizard Tai man was about to come in and comfort her a few words, but he heard the footsteps of Jin Wu Shu's soldiers: "Yelu, the fourth Prince ordered you to go."

At this time, jerushi was not willing to meet Wang Junhua at all, but how dare the fourth Prince not respect him? He had to tidy up his face in front of the mirror, pretended to smile and came to Longde palace

At this time, the Longde palace was full of lights, and the singers had been ordered to play and feast again

Wang Junhua went in and saluted according to the etiquette of his maid Peeping slightly, I saw that on the Dragon couch in the middle, the fourth prince was holding Wang Junhua. Both of them were naked, especially Wang Junhua, who was only covered with a layer of gauze, and his face was drunk after the cloud and rain. When he saw Yelu coming in, he covered his mouth and laughed. He held a bottle of wine to Jin Wushu's mouth and whined, "fourth prince, have a drink..."

Jin Wushu drank it all in one gulp and was very proud: "you have been a great contributor this time, hahaha."

"Of course, in this world, slaves are the best and most loyal women to you."

"Yes, yes, of course. Hahaha, Yelu, come and propose a toast to Mrs. Qin..."

Yelu's teeth itched with hate. Looking at Wang Junhua carefully, she saw that her face had already flown rosy clouds after three glasses of wine, and she was bossing in the arms of the fourth prince, with an expression of unprecedented pride: "Oh, please also ask Mrs. Yelu to pour wine for the slave, rare, rare..."

Yelu only sighed that the tiger fell flat, but there was nothing he could do, so he had to harden his scalp, fill a glass of wine, kneel and hold it up to his head: "please the fourth prince to drink, please Mrs. Qin to drink..."

Wang Junhua never dreamed that after Yelu's big scandal that day, he dared to brazenly come to the fourth Prince again She was a woman. Seeing Yelu's expression, she naturally knew that this woman must still be serving the fourth prince, and she was so angry that she vomited blood in her heart. She also saw that although Yelu's clothes were not gorgeous, she still had bright eyes and teeth, a plump figure, and retained her former seven or eight points of beauty. She was jealous and hated, and stretched out her hand to pick up the wine glass, but turned her hand, and a glass of wine immediately poured on Yelu Guanyin's hand and chest

Because it was winter, according to the habits of people at that time, the wine was warm on the stove, and the wine was hot. Yerushi poured the hot wine just removed from the fire. This overturned on her body, which made her miserable, but she didn't dare to make a sound, so she hurriedly took a robe to wipe

Wang Junhua smiled, "Why are you so careless?"

Jin Wushu was also in a happy mood: "Yelu, madam Qin is a noble guest of the crown prince, so you'd better serve her. Pour it again, and if there is any mistake again, the crown prince will cut off your hand..."

Yelu's head was filled with blood, but he had to pour the wine again But when Wang Junhua saw that she was still serving the fourth prince, he didn't dare to go too far. After taking a sip of wine, he smiled and said, "it was really unthinkable to have Mrs. Yelv serve..."

"Hahaha, Mrs. Qin is so great, not to mention a maid. Even if she is any woman in the world, the princess and princess can serve..."

Wang Junhua smiled and hugged his neck: "fourth prince, this is what you said. I don't look for any princess to serve, but I long for a woman to serve me like Mrs. Yelv..."


"Hua Rong!"


"The fourth prince, to be honest, Nu and Qin Hui have discussed many times and made a plan, so Yue Peng had to give it back to the court, but it's gone forever. Therefore, you should give a favor to the fourth prince in advance, and slaves don't want other rewards, but ask for dissolving the flowers and giving them to nu in the future..."

Jin Wushu drank three glasses of wine in a row, but laughed silently

Wang Junhua got up coquettishly: "fourth prince, do you still miss that bitch? She gave birth to a son for Yue Pengju..."

Son, son!

Jin Wushu put down his glass and laughed drunk: "well, as long as you kill Yue Pengju, his wife and son, what you want to do is up to you. I can't say in the future, I'll ask Hua Rong to pour a glass of wine for you on his knees..."

"Thank you, fourth prince!"

In a blink of an eye, she saw that jerushi was still kneeling to one side and stretched out her foot to kick her: "get out, don't hinder me from serving the fourth Prince..."

"I'll leave the house." Yelu saluted, and then slowly left, cursing in his heart a hundred times: "but on the day I get the upper hand, I will find a chance to cut off this bitch's hands and legs and make a human..."

Just when she thought like this, Wang Junhua, who was promised by Jin Wushu, was 10000 times more proud than her. She touched a strand of her hair and deliberately covered a shallow scar, which was cut by Hua Rong at the beginning She didn't even think about it, but said with complacency: "but if you call that bitch who catches Hua Rong, you must make her human..."

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