One Night Bride

Chapter 356

The so-called human health is a concubine favored by Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, and the empress Lu pheasant is jealous and hateful As soon as Liu Bang died, LV pheasant cut off both hands and feet of the concubine and dug out her beautiful eyes. Then before people died, she was thrown into a cesspit, known as "human health"

Jin Wushu only asked, "what is the situation in the song state now?"

"The grain and grass of the Yue army have been intercepted..."

Jin Wushu only knew 12 gold medals, but he didn't know that the Yue family army had been cut off even food and grass. This joy was not trivial, and Wang Junhua naturally didn't hide it, and told him a snare that Qin Hui's network followers had closely made

When Jin Wushu heard this, his heart moved At this time, killing Yue Pengju and recapturing the two rivers is a certainty, but you should get more than this!

How can I get more?

He turned his eyes and looked at Wang Junhua, who was already half old in his arms. Although her body had gradually relaxed, he really couldn't bring up any interest, but he increasingly found that this woman was an inexhaustible gold mine, especially her husband Qin Hui!

He poured her a glass of wine in person: "you've worked hard, you'll leave tomorrow and tell Qin Hui. Let him rest assured that everything, but from the prince's meaning, he will be Prime Minister of peace and happiness all his life."

"What does the fourth Prince mean?"

Jin Wushu but couldn't laugh Wang Junhua adored him so much that I guess he must have a great goal, especially when she was in the Longde Palace at this time, and lying on the Dragon couch with the fourth prince, which used to be only for emperors and queens, she was more imaginative, ecstatic, looking faintly, and unexpectedly felt the awe inspiring alien man in front of her, with the "Purple air" often said by Han people on her head!


Purple is the spirit of kings

Although she was flattering, her charming voice was particularly useful to Jin Wushu, and she lowered her voice and said, "honey, this can't be nonsense..."

She covered her mouth and laughed: "the slave naturally won't talk nonsense, even to the old ghost Qin Hui. Please rest assured, the fourth prince, the slave is for you, even if he is an ox and a horse, he will never have two hearts..."

Jin Wushu naturally knew that in this time of chaos, she dared to take such a big risk and come to the barracks thousands of miles away He was very proud. This woman was really his most loyal dog. With her, Qin Hui didn't dare to have the chance to turn his back at all As soon as he thought about it, he immediately asked his soldiers to bring a set of jewelry This set of jewelry belonged to Princess Wang, the favorite concubine of Emperor Huizong of Song Dynasty at the beginning. Jingkang fell and was obtained by Liu Yu when Jingkang was in great trouble. After Liu Yu was captured, it fell into the hands of Jin Wushu again

Wang Junhua looked at this set of emerald jewelry. Although she was knowledgeable and took more bribes, she also sincerely praised the delicacy of this set of jewelry Kneeling and thanking Jin Wushu, she put on her jewelry, and they laughed again. Until dawn, Wang Junhua got up and entered the carriage that had been prepared long ago, took the secret order of Jin Wushu, and rushed back

In the camp of Yue's army, it was destined to be a sleepless night From yesterday to now, I have been noisy and restless As soon as Yue Peng got up, the generals and staff of the whole army gathered in the big earth house again

When Xu Qing saw him, he was very excited and shouted, "I'm not willing to withdraw..."

Several other people also shouted: "unwilling, unwilling..."

"It's better to fight against orders to Kaifeng, and the pioneer chases the fourth Prince..."


Wang GUI sighed, "can you teach us to openly oppose the imperial court?"

The noise immediately subsided

Yue Peng raised his hand and all the shouting stopped It is almost inevitable to withdraw the troops. Food and grass will not continue. There are 12 gold medals, unless everyone openly wants to rebel against the imperial court Even Li Ruoxu, who volunteered to bear the crime of coercion, could no longer think of any reason. Naturally, he also thought in his heart that there was no way to fight even at this moment If you want to blame, you have to blame Yue Peng for his years of vertical and horizontal, and never harbored "ambition"! There is no preparation for "rebellion"

Yue Peng raised his voice and said in a deep voice, "let's retreat for the time being, but the two Taiwei of King Zhang are stationed separately and cannot withdraw temporarily."


He also assigned four generals to complete the deployment of military defense within the scope of consideration before announcing a complete withdrawal

The news that the Yue army was about to withdraw from Zhuxian Town spread quickly The officers and men of the three armed forces are boiling and the hearts of the people are shaking In the afternoon of that day, more than 30 local residents stumbled to the barracks, and regardless of the obstruction of their relatives, they directly ran to the commander's camp to find Yue Pengju

These people are the people who narrowly escaped the massacre after Jin Wushu occupied Zhuxian Town. When the Yue family army arrived, they defected at the news, but now it is such a result An old man with white hair and beard knelt in front of Yue Pengju: "in order to meet Master Wang, all the people of his family beat gongs and drums and sent money and food that day. Unexpectedly, Master Wang was at the eyebrows, and suddenly withdrew the army? What's the reason? As soon as Master Wang withdrew, the prisoners took the opportunity to retaliate? Poor me, we narrowly escaped, and now we have to die in vain..."

The old man said and cried, while others knelt behind him and cried

Yue Peng raised his heart like a knife, lifted him up with his own hands, and his face was full of tears: "old man, it's not that I must withdraw, but that the imperial court ordered me to obey..."

As he spoke, he helped the old man up, went into the earthen house and looked at the 12 gold medals on the table The villagers followed in and witnessed the "culprit". One by one, they were furious and shouted, "it's all Qin Hui, a thief..."

"Qin Hui's traitors mislead the country..."

"Qin Hui must be the work of the fourth Prince..."

For two consecutive days, the people around the nearby county came to hear the wind and visited the unprecedented 12 gold lettered signs in an endless stream, with earth shaking cries

It was the old man who stopped crying first and asked, "Xianggong Yue, how can we live in peace once the army is gone?"

Yue Peng raised his voice and said, "if you don't want to stay, you're not afraid to leave your hometown. You can go south with our army. Xianghan has a lot of idle land, which is enough for farming."

This is the best way for the people who have experienced the killing and looting of the Jin people The people were poor and had little family property. After picking up a little, they called their sons and daughters and joined the army And all the way south, residents from far and near all came to join in. Later, it even reached 100000 households, about 500000 people At that time, years of war, sparsely populated, the more people in a country, the more troops, labor, and taxes (at first, song and Jin Dynasties united to destroy Liao, song took sixteen prefectures of Yanyun, and Jin Taizu, the famous female hero in the history textbook of middle school, Wan Yan AGU, played tricks, and even moved all the population away, leaving only a few empty cities, perfunctorily saying to song.)

Although the northern expedition of the Yue army fell short at the last minute, the role of these 500000 people who moved southward was immeasurable for the small imperial court in Pianan Jiangnan

When the army retreated, Yue Pengju and Zhang Xian, Li Ruoxu and others fell last However, the soldiers were all dejected, some of their luggage was also thrown on the road, the flags were askew, and the lineup was not neat Yue Peng heaved a long sigh and said wistfully, "our army has always been strict, even if it is subdued three times and nine times, it has never been slack. But if the morale is slack, it will be defeated like a mountain. Alas!"

Hua Rong has been exiled for many years. He has seen the victory and failure of the song army and the victory and failure of the Jin army. He knows the importance of morale better Now seeing these soldiers like this, their hearts are too blocked to speak. They just ride their horses and stand beside Yue Pengju. The couple don't speak

As soon as the news of the withdrawal of the Yue army spread, Jin Wushu was naturally not idle, and immediately deployed his troops to receive the Lianghe generation Han Chang had secretly contacted to surrender to the Yue family army, but when he saw that the Yue family army incredibly withdrew at the moment of victory, he immediately repented and burned the flag and documents brought by Yue Peng. In order to avoid accidents, he killed Han Ba, the only nephew who knew the inside story, before leading the army to join the fourth prince

At this time, Kaifeng City was open, and Jin Wushu held a large-scale banquet for the soldiers of the three services in Longde palace for the first time to celebrate the great joy of winning without fighting

The generals discussed the military situation while eating fat pork plates

Sai Li said, "now that the Yue army has withdrawn, only Yang Yizhong is left to garrison the two rivers, but Zhang Jun and Liu Qi have formed a trend of mutual dependence."

Jin Wushu said, "although there are many horses between Yang Yi and Zhang junbing, it's not enough to be afraid. What we need to worry about is Liu Qi. Let's avoid Liu Qi first and let Yang Yi win a few battles..."


Everyone wondered why Song Jun should win the war at this time? Jin Wushu was very proud: "now Jiangnan ordered Yue Pengju to withdraw. If you want to completely dispel the wariness of the nine kings, you must first give them some sweets to let him understand that it is not only Yue Pengju who can win the war in the state of song..."

This is one of the most important news that Wang Junhua brought to him this time. It turns out that Zhao Deji has won great victories in Henan in a row. After playing 12 gold medals, he has some regrets. I think it's better to ask Yue Pengju to take advantage of the opportunity to recover Henan. In this way, he can also explain to the world and retain a reputation of great talent and foresight Qin Hui saw this, so in order to put an end to his last regret, he gave Jin Wushu some advice

Immediately, Jin Jun bypassed Liu Qi and several other small groups of Yue's army and fought only with Yang Yizhong Yang Yizhong led 20000 troops. As soon as he fought with Jin Jun, Jin Jun lost his armor and the city fell Yang Yizhong was overjoyed. He belonged to Zhang Jun. Zhang Jun immediately delivered Lin'an to the court

Unexpectedly, just a few days later, Yang Yizhong found himself trapped in an empty city plan, surrounded by 30000 Jin troops. Terrified, the song army fled the city, trampled on each other, and was chased by the Jin army, killing more than 15000 people

This victory greatly boosted the morale of the Jin army, which had been in a continuous downturn. The Jin army worked hard and swept the territory of the two rivers

At the same time, Yue Pengju and others have embarked on the road to the palace of pilgrimage When he arrived in Yuhang, Yue Pengju received a courier from Zhao Deji. It turned out that it was the eighth day after the gold medal was issued. Zhao Deji thought it was inappropriate and wanted to expect him to recover Henan. Unexpectedly, he sent another courier to let him postpone the withdrawal of troops

But at this time, the Yue family army was already on the road. Once it came, it was delayed for more than 20 days. When it arrived, the Yue family army was already in charge Yue Pengju looked at this childish hand imperial edict, greatly angry, and everyone was also furious

Xu Qing said, "it's better for our families to go back and fight the fourth Prince again."

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