One Night Bride

Chapter 357

Everyone said it was good, but the negotiation was not decided, but he received an edict from Zhao Deji. It turned out that he learned that Yue Pengju was the head teacher and received the false war report of Zhang Jun's "great victory", so he asked Yue Pengju to hurry back to Lin'an for an audience

At this point, Zhao Deji's renegade face has been completely exposed Everyone retreated, and Yue Pengju and his wife came to the temporary restaurant to rest

Hua Rong closed the doors and windows around, and saw her husband sitting on the table, pondering over a dim oil lamp She lowered her voice: "Peng Ju, what should we do? 'he' has repeatedly reneged, this time back, it must be bad. Qin Hui will never let us go."

Yue Pengju also whispered, "Seventeen sister doesn't need to panic. I expect this time to go back, it's not time to see the poor. We will definitely be sent out again..."

Hua Rong looked at her husband with some confusion Yue Pengju gently hugged her and whispered in her ear, "we missed the best time. Therefore, we have to strive for another opportunity. I really have trouble sleeping and eating without driving the fourth Prince out of Lianghe. Therefore, we have to change our strategy..."

Hua Rong was shocked and snuggled up to her husband, unable to speak for a moment

On the way of Yue Pengju and his wife to Lin'an, Liu Wu was also rushing to Lin'an He inquired about the news along the way. At this time, the news of Yue's army's great victory over Jin Bing was known all over the world. He was going to go straight to Henan, but in the middle of the journey, he got a bolt from the blue. The imperial court even ordered the victorious Yue's army to abandon Henan and return to the dynasty

Liu Wu was a "han'er" in Liaodong earlier, and now he is a pirate, so he can't say any feelings for the song state. However, when he learned this news, he also felt indignant and sighed: "what kind of person is the Minister of Yue? Working for the faint king is really not as natural and unrestrained as his king! His family envied Ma Su a little bit earlier that he could get what he wanted. Now we know that fortunately, he didn't get involved in that big hole!"

Thus, when Liu Wu hurried to the capital, he arrived before Yue Pengju and his wife

He contacted masu first At this time, Ma Su had become an idle envoy in the Ministry of officials Ma Su's outside circle and inside, plus Qin Hui and others don't know his origin, and he has always been low-key, so he didn't pay much attention to him, but was safe The two have been friends for many years, and now they are very happy to meet secretly

When Ma Su asked Liu Wu about his intention, Liu Wu shook his head and sighed, "Mrs. Yue is really unlucky..." he sketched out Yelv's "poisonous" fertility elixir Ma Su was shocked and uneasy. He sighed that although King Qin was infatuated with love, he inadvertently brought great disaster to Hua Rongtian If she was really poisoned, wouldn't it be even worse from the current situation of her husband and wife?

Naturally, the two men inevitably talked about this class teacher. Due to the limitation of his status, Ma Su couldn't know much about the top secret situation, but he came to pay attention to Qin Hui, especially from father Kang. He could get some useful things. He just lowered his voice and said, "father Yue is really bad this time."

Liu Wu was surprised, "can Qin Hui really cover the sky?"

"Over the years since the emperor ascended the throne, more than a dozen prime ministers have been changed. The reason is that these prime ministers don't agree with him and don't agree with him. Qin Hui keeps making peace, and the hearts of monarchs and ministers are interlinked. In addition, Wang Junhua, a bitch walking in the palace, is backed by the fourth Prince of captives. According to my judgment, Qin Hui's position as prime minister has been very stable. Alas..." Ma Su was talented and learned, and originally had a great ambition to show his strengths, But after more than a year's observation, I have long understood that if I want to stand firm in officialdom, I have no way out except to be Qin Hui's lackey He and King Qin witnessed Qin Hui's vileness and shamelessness in the kingdom of Jin. He despised Qin Hui in his heart. How could he be his lackey? With a long sigh, "to tell you the truth, I have no interest in any fat or deficiency in the dynasty, which is completely a vegetarian diet."

Liu Wu pondered for a moment, and then passed on the meaning of King Qin to him. Ma Su listened, his eyes lit up, and nodded: "that is, the king is thinking about it, Ma Su should be thinking about it."

Liu Wu originally wanted to ask about the princess, but when he thought that the princess had married, he stopped asking Ma Su and stayed in a secret place arranged by Ma Su, waiting for Hua Rong and his wife to return to Beijing

At this time, the funeral of the Empress Dowager was over. Although Zhao Deji still had to pretend to be sad, he had already not avoided meat and fish. Under the arrangement of Wu jinnu and others, the reason was to take care of the dragon's body. He still ate and drank, singing and dancing At this time, his plundered clan aunt Xiao Liu was already the favorite of the special room. The neglected Zhang Yingying gradually became more and more disgusted with the trick of flattering the emperor with two sides. Although she pretended to be virtuous and exquisite on the surface, she was secretly disappointed and bent on studying Lao Tzu's empty thoughts, and felt that the deep palace was lonely and the future was like a dream

On this day, after the people offered incense for the empress dowager, Tian Wei and Wan Wan left to the concubines Since the death of the empress dowager, it has become increasingly rare for the two to enter the palace. Zhao Deji suddenly thought of his only remaining sister and cousin this day, and wanted to express his family affection, so he left her and her for lunch

During the meal, Wan Wan tried to stop talking several times, but was stopped by Tian Wei with her eyes Zhao Deji also saw it and asked, "Wan Wan, what do you say? Don't hesitate."

Wan Wan summoned up his courage: "Yue Xianggong defeated the fourth Prince of the captives in Henan, but was forced to return to the dynasty. The world was surprised. They all said that Qin Hui and his wife were the work of the fourth Prince of the captives, who came to defeat me in the Song Dynasty..."

Zhao Deji's complexion sank, and the fact that the women's family members were involved in politics was a taboo of the court Tian Wei was even more frightened and dared not wink again. At this time, although she was timid, she couldn't help but say, "Qin Hui and his wife served the fourth prince in the state of Jin, and Wang Junhua had an affair with the fourth prince, which I saw with my own eyes..."

Wan Wan was not afraid, and said, "since Qin Hui became a sole minister, he has become increasingly domineering. Hearing rumors in the market, officials called him 'gracious minister'..."

Zhao Deji was surprised, whether Qin Hui's meticulous work was second, but if he really dared to become the "Gracious face" in the eyes of officials, wouldn't he openly despise his imperial power? He immediately asked, "who did you listen to? They really call Qin Hui 'Enxiang' behind their backs?"

Wan Wan said definitely, "this is already a well-known 'secret', but you are the only one who deceives the upper and lower levels and the ninth brother." Zhao Deji immediately asked several eunuchs around him, "Kang Qi, Zhang Ba, but have you ever heard?"

Father Kang looked very ambiguous: "I've heard people mention it, but I don't know whether it's true or false."

Zhao Deji was even more upset, and asked Zhang quwei. Zhang quwei received a small Golden Tripod weighing up to one Jin sent by Qin Hui a few days ago. Naturally, he said good things for Qin Hui and shook his head: "I've never heard of it."

Zhao Deji was half convinced, thinking that Qin Hui's flattery and infidelity were also known to me, but now the harm of the country lies in the fierce general rather than the prime minister. It's easy to strike the prime minister, but it takes a lot of effort to subdue the fierce general. The lesser of the two evils is the right, so he immediately ordered Zhang Wei and other eunuchs to secretly investigate the "Gracious Prime Minister" incident

Wan Wan, seeing Zhao Deji's order to investigate the matter, saluted and said, "brother nine is wise, holy bow and ten thousand blessings. Remove Qin Hui, and I will be able to revive the Song Dynasty..."

Zhao Deji said kindly, "you two go back and walk around the palace more in the future."

When they left the palace gate, Tian Wei sighed and held her heart: "Wan Wan, did you forget aunt Bo's dying lesson?"

Wan Wan has matured a lot over the years, but her nature is hard to change after all. She muttered, "I see that there are too many treacherous ministers in the court of brother nine. It is clear that the world is going to win a great victory and expel the prisoners, but she ordered Yue Xianggong to withdraw his troops for no reason. In this case, why do you serve the world?"

Although Tian Wei also obeyed the Empress Dowager's advice to only "eat and dress", with her early experience, it was naturally impossible to truly be an ordinary woman who did not care about the world. Her anger was no less than Wan Wan. She was reduced to the Jin Wu Shu mansion as a concubine, tortured and humiliated, and escaped back. The news of the continuous victory of the Yue family army came, and she was excited that she could finally behead the fourth prince, expel the prisoners, and return the ancestral temple tomb. Unexpectedly, in an instant, All this has become a mirage

Wan Wan pasted it in her ear: "I also found a secret, which is Wang Junhua's Secret..."

Tian Wei's face changed greatly, tightly usurped her hand, and said in horror, "Wan Wan, this is true?"

Wan Wan nodded, "I've been following for a long time, and the source of the information is terrible..."

"What should I do?"

"Don't worry, I've made arrangements. When I catch her, I'll report to brother nine to see if she has anything else to contend with..."

Tian Wei was worried: "you have fallen into her hands once. This time, don't fall into danger again."

"No! I'm very careful this time."

The two sisters went home after leaving

At night, it began to rain gently, and it was so cold that people shrunk their necks

Far away, there was the sound of horses' hoofs. The carriage was deliberately driven back to the prime minister's mansion in the dark night After passing this relatively quiet alley and crossing two blocks to the prime minister's mansion, the horse's hoof suddenly rose, and the opposite rode a fast horse to run, and the carriage had to stop. The people sitting inside bumped violently, rolled in the car, lifted the curtain and shouted, "which thing doesn't have eyes?"

"Wang Junhua, what poisonous trick did you offer to the fourth prince in the golden camp?"

Wang Junhua was stunned. At the same time, he also heard the voice, forced himself to calm down, lifted the curtain and recognized that the figure was indeed Wan Wan. He was supposed to salute, but his heart turned, pretended not to know the night, and said, "who are you waiting for? Dare to rob in the night, is there any royal law?"

"Don't be wordy..." Wan Wan waved his hand and said to the four bodyguards who followed him, "go and search her. There must be the detailed correspondence of the four princes..."

Wang Junhua was surprised. Her paperwork was safe, but she was carrying a set of jewelry given by the fourth prince. It was the stuff of the Royal concubine of the previous dynasty. If it was found and traced back, not only herself but also Qin Hui would be finished

Six selected warriors escorting her all the way drew their swords together. Wang Junhua kept doing it all the time and whispered, "these people must be killed..."

Wan Wan even saw that she had a ghost. She was caught by Wang Junhua last time and tortured. She had long thought about revenge. She also believed that Wang Junhua's husband and wife and the fourth prince had a ghost. She often sent people to secretly investigate. Unexpectedly, a few days ago, she accidentally found that Wang Junhua left with Zhang Tonggu Zhang Tonggu is the messenger of the golden man. Why does she follow? Wan Wan kept calm and sent spies every day to catch her hard evidence After waiting for ten or twenty days, I found her back and immediately blocked her

The two sides scuffled. Wang Junhua was about to run when the situation was bad. Wan Wan rushed up and grabbed her: "hand over your things quickly, and follow me to see the official family. Your husband and wife betrayed the country and sought glory. This time, let's see how you can sophisticate..."

Wang Junhua was flustered and caught by Wan Wan. He couldn't run at all. His legs softened and he almost fell to the ground Coupled with the outstanding martial arts of the four warriors selected by Wan Wan, Wang Junhua looked back and found that three of his six bodyguards had been killed and injured. He was even more guilty and short of breath. He made a sudden effort, but wan wan pulled her tighter: "you can't run today..."

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