One Night Bride

Chapter 358

Wang Junhua heard a few grunts again, and another bodyguard fell down. On the wanwan side, a bodyguard had already run over. She knew that as long as she was caught by the bodyguard, the secret in her arms could no longer be hidden

At this time, a team of masked men and horses suddenly rushed out in the dark night, and only whistled. Wang Junhua was very happy. It turned out that this team of men and horses were the dead men raised by Qin Hui Wan Wan was shocked. The team had rushed over, and the situation soon turned around. The smell of blood in the air became stronger. Wan Wan had been cornered and watched all his four warriors die

At this time, she was blocked. Although she escaped to the horse, she couldn't rush out anyway Only shouted in the dark night, "I'm Princess Wan Wan, don't move..."

The dead men heard that it was the emperor's cousin. No matter how bold they were, they didn't dare to come forward. They just stopped a foot in front of her with a knife Wait for Wang Junhua's signal

Wang Junhua gnashed his teeth and whispered, "kill, kill this scourge..."

Wan Wan screamed miserably and ran away, but the horse rushed out of the block of three dead men and rushed out As soon as she ran less than a foot away, three throwing knives came one after another behind her. She was hit on her shoulder and vest in succession. With a terrible cry, she fell to the ground and died instantly

A dead soldier came forward and asked in a low voice, "what can I do?"

Wang Junhua was shocked and gasped, "what else can we do? She deserved her death. Clean up the scene immediately!"

The prime minister's residence was heavily guarded this night, and no irrelevant people were allowed to move around

Wang Junhua got down from the carriage and got into the inner room in the dark. Qin Hui was already restless. Seeing her coming in, she was bloody and said, "Madam Guo, what's the matter? I calculated the day you came back, so I sent a dead man out to meet you for fear of accidents..."

Wang Junhua took off his bloody coat, pulled his beard, grinned and said, "old man, you finally did the right thing. It's your turn to deal with the aftermath."

Hearing what she said, Qin Hui couldn't help but pause and say, "Madam Guo, how dare you cause such a great disaster?"

Wang Junhua sneered, "now you and I are grasshoppers on a rope. If you don't deal with this matter well, you'll be over, old man. Now it's up to you..."

Qin Hui had always been afraid of internal affairs, and this was not the time for disputes. He went out immediately. The leader of the dead who was most ordered by the secret imperial edict dealt with the matter overnight, and by dawn, he killed all the dead who participated in this time When he returned to his bedroom, Wang Junhua had been faking sleep for a while and woke up, still worried: "old man, do you have any future problems?"

"Don't worry, there is no leak. Even their bodies have been thrown out of the city, and no one will doubt you." Qin Hui was still afraid after all, and whispered, "kill that bitch, or kill that bitch. It was she who chewed her tongue in front of the officials and said the thing of 'gracious phase'. Fortunately, Zhang went to tell me a secret, and had already told me not to teach anyone to use the word 'gracious phase'. If this bitch doesn't die, it will sooner or later become a big problem for us..."

Wang Junhua was very proud: "it's called heaven help me. It's the bitch who came to die himself. She didn't kill her last time. This time, she rushed to give her head to me, so that I can get rid of this curse for the old man..."

"Madam Guo is wise..."

Wang Junhua told Qin Hui about the arrangement of the fourth prince. Qin Hui was sometimes elated and sometimes meditated. In particular, he was even more excited to hear that the fourth prince had promised to protect him as Prime Minister for a lifetime of happiness

Wang Junhua grabbed his beard and was ecstatic: "the official family, the fourth prince, the Prime Minister of the Song Dynasty, hahaha, I didn't expect slaves to be so blessed..."

Besides, since Tian Wei came home, she thought of Wan Wan's adventure and was terrified all night. On this day, Tian Wei still stayed in front of the mourning hall. When she saw the two people rushing in, she knelt down and cried loudly. Although she was sad and numb, she was also surprised to see that the kneeling people were Yue Pengju and his wife. How can she resist this? Just call Mrs. Yue, Hua Rong looks back, and they hug each other and cry bitterly

Although Yue Pengju has been used to seeing life and death, he recalls Wan Wan's voice and appearance. His husband and wife have a special relationship with Wan Wan. They treat her like a little sister. Unexpectedly, this parting turned out to be a farewell forever. The smart little girl will never see him again! The man didn't shed tears easily, just because it was not time to be sad. At this moment, Yue Pengju couldn't help crying, which was more painful than when he was forced to return to the imperial court

The three cried bitterly for a while, but Yue Pengju calmed down first: "princess, you must take care..."

Hua Rong heard her husband's voice in her sorrow. She couldn't help letting go of Tianwei. Only then did she see that she looked haggard, shapeless, and no longer human Tian Wei was still in pain: "aunt Bo is gone, and Wan Wan is also gone. In this world, I'm alone..."

Hua Rong saw another person coming to worship in the mourning hall, so she lifted Tianwei up: "princess, go to have a rest first..."

Tian Wei has been working hard these days, and she has long been eager to have someone to talk to. Seeing the arrival of Yue Pengju and his wife, she grabbed her wrist like a straw to save her life. "Mrs. Yue, I have a lot to say to you..."

In the side hall of the mourning hall, Tianwei held back around, and only three people sat opposite each other and wept

Hua Rong asked in a low voice, "is there something strange about Wan Wan's death?"

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