One Night Bride

Chapter 375

Zhao Deji suddenly turned around and saw a woman's face faint and very ethereal in the cigarette smoke of the Buddha Beside her, a bright light flickered, and Zhao Deji looked down the light, and it turned out to be Wan Wan's magic card I don't know why, he thought of Wan Wan's tragic death, and his heart shook

Hua Rong slowly came out of the light, with a faint voice: "Your Majesty, Hua Rong is just here to put a incense on Princess Wan Wan, praying that her spirit in heaven will rest. Her murderer is at large. Alas, how can she rest?" Her voice was faint, desperate and indignant in this gloomy and cold Buddhist hall

Zhao Deji couldn't speak for a moment, and his tone couldn't help easing down: "rong'er, you're here. It's good to be here..." he stretched out his hand, impatient, and wanted to pull her hand. Hua Rong walked straight forward and knelt down in front of the Empress Dowager's Lingpai: "rong'er once shared hardships with the Empress Dowager in the Miao Liubing transformation. Now, the empress dowager, Wan Wan, old friends are almost gone... Who should go first next?"

A row of long lanterns were all lit for the Zhao family's royal family. The ancestors, relatives and elders, Zhao Deji stepped back, saw Hua Rong slowly stand up from the futon, his hands folded, and his face was a faint jade color

His heart was in turmoil, and a desire heated up in his body. The strong desire for his son and the illusion of "masculinity" prevailed, suppressed the anger just now, and softened his voice. He was a little flattering: "ronger, I haven't seen you for many days, and I want to have a look..."

He even said such words shamelessly in front of Tianwei. Hua dissolved his heart and sneered. He knew that the wolf in sheep's clothing had completely uncovered his disguise and showed his ferocious face

Tian Wei cried and said, "nujia and Mrs. Yue prayed for brother nine day and night, and gave birth to the prince early. I have successors in Song Jiangshan..."

All the problems are insignificant compared with "having a son" Having a son, having a son - Zhao Deji was almost elated by this wonderful desire. Moreover, he had determined in his heart that if he wanted to have a son in this life, he must have Hua Rong. Subconsciously, he didn't dare to offend her at all, and hurried to say, "Tianwei, I blame you wrong. Rong Er, as soon as the fasting is over, I will consider proper arrangements for you. As long as you can make me happy, I will not treat you unfairly..."

"The queen mother will bless your majesty!"

Zhao Deji listened to her mindless answer. For a moment, he couldn't continue. He glanced at the Buddhist hall again and felt that the Empress Dowager really opened her eyes behind the gloomy cloth curtain He grew a kind of inexplicable fear in his heart. In front of the Buddha Hall and the Empress Dowager's throne, he exposed his shamelessness so naked that he finally had lingering palpitations. He didn't want to stay any longer. He just wanted to leave here quickly, as if he felt uncomfortable after staying for a while

"Ronger, Tianwei, I'll go back to the Palace first."

"To your majesty."

As soon as Zhao Deji left, Tian Wei went to close the door herself. As soon as she looked back, she almost collapsed to the ground Hua Rong picked her up and calmly said, "princess, take care."

Tianwei slightly recovered: "Mrs. Yue, where are you going?"

Hua Rong saw Zhao Deji several times today. Thinking of her son at home, she was afraid of any accidents and dared not stay any longer. She said in a deep voice, "I'm afraid of accidents at home, princess, I'll go first."

"Mrs. Yue, what if brother nine comes back again?"

"He has long been suspicious, and the result is the same whether he comes back or not."

Hua Rong settled the princess, and without hesitation, immediately drove her horse home

The cold wind of the night blew, and the cattle blew in Lin'an City for a day. The citizens of Qin Hui, the traitor who had been in peace talks for a day, had already fallen asleep, and the streets were silent on the dark eve of the humiliating peace talks in the Empire

Hua Rong waved his whip, and far away, "Yiyuan" was quiet in the night She reined in her horse a little and breathed a sigh of relief A dark figure flashed out from a tall Bush next to him and sneered, "Hua Rong, are you going to accompany Zhao Deji?"

The flower dissolved and waved a whip. Jin Wushu was ready and flashed aside A few faint stars and two lonely figures were strangely quiet around

Jin Wushu said again, "the crown prince regards you as pure and pure, but you have become Zhao Deji, the impotent and eager tool to have a son. Hahaha, Hua Rong, this is the end of your loyalty to Zhao Deji?"

The flower couldn't dissolve her anger and laughed. Jin Wushu was stunned: "what are you laughing at?"

"I want your life..." before the word "life" came out, she raised her bow and cut at Jin Wushu, "shameless thief, you are as brazen as Zhao Deji..."

Jin Wushu couldn't dodge this time. He took a slap on his left chest and took a heavy step back. Hua Rongshi was like a crazy tiger. He took another step, jumped off his horse, took out his Sabre and cut it off. While cutting, he scolded: "Jin Wushu, what deep hatred do I have with you? Do you want to harm me so deliberately? I'll die with you today..."

Jin Wushu parried in embarrassment and said loudly, "it's shameless Zhao Deji who hurt you, not me!"

"It's you, you hurt my husband, you hurt me..."

"Yes, the crown prince proposed to kill Yue Pengju before he could make peace. But, if Zhao Deji didn't kill him, who could force him? Hahaha, Hua Rong, your husband and wife are inferior to a dog in Zhao Deji's eyes. It's only because you two have no eyes and work hard for a shameless and obscene tyrant. This is the end you deserve... The crown prince heard Wang Junhua say that Zhao Deji has been thinking about you for a long time, and Yue Pengju hasn't died, he dares to declare you into the palace. It's so shameless that it's rare in the world ... hahaha, is this what you call etiquette, righteousness and integrity in the Song Dynasty? King of benevolence and righteousness? I think it's not as good as animals, hahaha... "

Hua Rong bit her teeth and was so angry that she shivered. Jin Wushu jumped away a few steps and suddenly changed her complexion: "Hua Rong, you are still doing unnecessary entanglement with me. Look at your home..."

Hua Rong looked back and was stunned. He saw a corner of the northeast of "Yiyuan", with flames in the sky and thick smoke rolling This is my living room Because Yiyuan is too big and there are not many people in the family, Hua Rong arranged the living room in the East attic for centralized safety. Li Yi'an lives in one room and his son Hutou lives next door

Her voice trembled, and she could hardly even say: "evil thief, how dare you send someone to kill my son? Crazy evil thief..."

"Hua Rong, don't spit blood..."

She couldn't care about Jin Wushu any longer. She turned over and ran home quickly. Her heart beat like a drum, and only flashed a terrible idea: "son, please don't have an accident..."

At this time, the gate of Yiyuan had been opened, and the servants were taking water to put out the fire. She hissed, "tiger head, tiger head..."

"Mrs. Yue, young master, he..."

"Where's tiger head?" Unable to answer, she rushed frantically to the East Pavilion. In the light of the fire, Li Yi'an stumbled out holding the tiger's head Hua Rong rushed forward, jumped off the horse, hugged his son, and was about to help Li Yi'an. Only to hear the cold wind blowing in the dark, Li Yi'an screamed, "sister seventeen, hurry... Hurry..."

Little tiger had a basket tied to her head, and she grabbed her son and carried it on her back "Sister seventeen, hurry up, you just go, and never come back..."

Hua Rong had no time to speak at all. Li Yi'an fell to the ground. In the dark night, two sharp knives came from both sides. Hua Rong was frightened and immediately found that the goal was aimed at his son Two soldiers chased after him and shouted, "bold thief, how dare you assassinate Yue Xianggong's house..."

They were killed and retreated, but in the dark, several people in black soon came The servant who was busy saving the life also rushed back and soon started a scuffle

Li Yi'an struggled to stand up: "Seventeen sister, go... Go... They want to kill the tiger head, not others, you go..."

Hua Rong hesitated a little, took her son in her arms, jumped onto the horse's back, and shouted from a distance, "protect Yi'an residents..."

"I'm a lonely old woman. Don't protect me. Go to protect little tiger head, quickly..."

Hua Rong fiercely pinched the horse's belly. In a hurry, he immediately hugged his son and protected him on his chest. The child was buried in front of his mother's chest. He was so surprised that he cried, "Mom, mom..."

Hua Rong put his arm around him, pulled the reins with one hand, and rushed out of the gate with a crazy roar Behind him, the sound of the hoofs of the pursuers came

As Li Yi'an said, the main target of these people is the tiger head, not others. Otherwise, they would have shot themselves as hedgehogs by shooting arrows behind their backs Hua Rong thought of this, and did not dare to take it lightly at all. On the contrary, she was so anxious that she was at a loss. There was only one idea in her heart, that she would save her son's life even if she died without a whole body She didn't care about the direction and the journey. She only knew that she would rush forward in the dark night, and then move forward, as if running like this, she would be safe

"Peng Ju, Peng Ju, save me, save my son..." she shouted in her heart, but she couldn't shout or cry. She just held her bow and arrow tightly and protected her son. She knew that no one could attack her head-on, otherwise, her son would be lost She beat the horse desperately, and never had such a heavy hand. She just wanted the horse to grow wings and fly

A dark figure in front was vague, and she had forgotten her fear. She hissed and rushed her horse: "Jin Wushu, you mean person..."

"It's not me! You should know who wants to kill your son!"

"It's you, birds of a feather..."

She was crazy, but did not dare to entangle with Jin Wushu anymore, so she had to run for her life, because the people behind her had chased her The shadow dodged, and her horse couldn't stop. It had rushed over and left the shadow far behind Immediately, the shadow flashed to one side, and seven or eight masked people rushed up. In front of them was a forked road. The leader shouted, "where are people going?"



"There are two ways. We must kill that little bastard."



The sound of horses' hoofs disappeared, and Jin Wushu flashed out from behind the Bush again. He took a few steps forward and looked at the sky burning fire in the Yiyuan in front of him Who but Zhao Deji can be so vicious? It must be Hua Rong who didn't let his plot get what he wanted. Now, kill her son first Even though it is Jin Wushu, at the moment, he is also creepy about Zhao Deji's shamelessness. Kill Yue Pengju, kill Yue Pengju's son, and only Hua Rong is left alone, let him play with it? Zhao Deji's idea turned out to be so vicious

It has been true since ancient times that rabbits die and dogs cook, and birds hide Zonghan of Da Jin, Gu Shen and other fierce generals are going to die, and Yue Pengju of Da song is also going to die A minister, no matter how high and powerful, cannot escape the palm of the emperor If you want to control your own destiny, you must be the ninth of five! He said to himself and smiled proudly: "Yue Pengju, this is the difference between the crown prince and you. Your destiny is dominated by others, and mine is dominated by myself. It's a pity that Hua Rong didn't understand this truth, so he followed you to death for nothing."

This woman will die after all

Just, why do you still feel sad because she is going to die?

Love, love!

Unfortunately, she loves others

Let's just let Zhao Deji help the three of them. It's not lonely to have company on the huangquan road

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