One Night Bride

Chapter 376

Hua Rong ran frantically forward in the dark night. There was only the whistling wind in her ears. She shot two arrows in a row, and the horse's legs flashed, screaming and fell to the ground Originally, the pursuers behind saw that the distance was getting farther and farther away, so they could no longer care about it, so they shot arrows continuously, shooting people first and shooting horses With a scream, the horse knelt down on its front legs Hua Rong held the child in her arms and rolled over. She fell heavily to the ground, making her eyes full of stars She lay on her back, and the child fell into her arms, crying with pain

She struggled to get up from the ground. Although her whole body was like falling apart, she still supported her, knowing that as soon as she fell, her son could not be saved She took her son in her arms and finally stood up. As soon as she took two steps, a big knife had been cut, directly cutting the head of the little tiger from the front

She lowered her head to protect her son. The blade wiped her face, and a stream of hot blood splashed out. She didn't feel pain at all. She only heard her son's frightened cry: "Mom... Mom..." he seemed to have understood his terrible bad luck, and kept shouting, crying hoarsely

Another knife came, and Hua Rong was unable to escape. He just hugged his son tightly, turned around with all his strength, and let his vest take the knife

Almost between the lightning and Firestone, she heard so clear a cry: "Seventeen sister..." then, someone protected himself with his body, and the pressure on the vest suddenly reduced She was ecstatic, staggered, and almost fell to the ground again, but was pulled into her arms by a big hand, so relieved, so safe: "sister seventeen, I'm back..."

Yue Peng raised and waved his spear, killing and chopping whenever he saw anyone. Soon, the ground was strewn with corpses Kill until there is silence in the air, scream, wail, scream... Everything is gone, only the bloody smell in the air flows around

"Seventeen elder sister..."

"Dad, Dad... Mom, mom..."

"Peng Ju..."

The three hugged tightly, and the little tiger's head was choked by his father, but he giggled: "Dad... Hit the bad guys... There are bad guys..."

Mingming was extremely frightened, but Hua Rong couldn't help being happy, and the family was finally together At this moment, I thought, what is life or death?

Ma Chao, a private soldier, came over and whispered, "Yue Xianggong, the thieves have been killed and the bodies have been thrown aside. These people are all strangers and can't see their origins."

Yue Peng nodded, hugged his son, held his wife's hand tightly, and said in a deep voice, "let's find a place to have a rest."


The crowd retreated a few miles and lit a fire in the innermost part of a broken temple Seeing his wife and children, Yue Pengju temporarily changed his mind and no longer hurried home

His hands were wet and whiny. Yue Peng raised the light of the fire to see the blood on his wife's left face, a trace of the blade, his hair disheveled, and his body was covered with dirt and dust Hua Rong didn't know it. The joy of meeting her husband suddenly made her completely ignore the pain on her body. Her son was safe and sound. What could be more pleasant than this?

Yue Peng raised his side to wipe the blood and dust on her face, and felt distressed: "sister seventeen, you are injured..."

Hua Rong smiled, gently stroked his hand to wipe his cheek, and said softly, "it doesn't hurt, it's not serious, I didn't feel it..."

Yue Pengju wiped the wound for her. A soldier handed her gauze and plaster. Yue Pengju wiped and bandaged it for her. Her heart was like a knife He was a hero all his life, but his wife and children were chased to death

The soldiers warmed up some dry food and burned some water. The people were thirsty and hungry, and ate something casually. Yue Pengju ordered the people to build another fire outside and lay on the floor to rest. He and his wife sat around the fire and looked at the fading fire

Little tiger head experienced the shock of the middle of the night, but it seemed to be unaffected, and soon made a uniform breathing sound in his father's arms Hua Rong leaned on his shoulder and was sleepless. After a long time, he whispered, "Peng Ju, it's' he ', it's' he' who killed us! 'he' must kill his son first, and then you."

"I know it's' he '."

"I thought it was the fourth prince at first..."

"No, not the fourth prince!" Yue Pengju affirmed, "the fourth Prince is proud and conceited. What he wants is for me to die in the hands of 'him', which can also be regarded as a deterrent to other generals fighting against the gold war, to warn them that they can dominate 'him' and give orders to 'him'. The fourth prince will never kill us personally."

His understanding of Jin Wu Shu is the same as that of Jin Wu Shu The enemy knows the enemy each other, but he never understands the "king father" - the so-called "benevolent king", which is often thousands of times more terrible than the enemy

Hua Rong couldn't help it any longer, snuggled up in her husband's arms, tears streaming down her face, and choked: "Peng Ju, our husband and wife were full of blood to fight against the golden soldiers, but unexpectedly they came to this point..."

"Sister seventeen, it's all my fault. When I first lived in seclusion in Donglin temple, I should have gone away completely. I'm not sorry for my death, but what should your mother and son do?"

Hua Rong heard her husband's sad voice, and it was even more sad. Peng Ju fought in the battlefield all his life, and he had never done anything wrong in his life. It was originally a cavity of warm blood to recover mountains and rivers and expel foreign aggression, but it was not too late. Yingjie was like this. Only when a man was at his prime of life, he had reached the end of his life

The two hugged each other and wept. After a while, Yue Pengju calmed down first, hugged his wife in his arms, and whispered in her ear, "sister seventeen, since he's killed, I'm afraid it's impossible even to exile, he must want our lives. You go first, you can count one by one..."

Hua Rong burst into tears. "No! I won't go if you come back. I'll accompany you whether you live or die."

His voice was gentle: "Seventeen sister, listen to me once. This time, you must go first."

She cried bitterly, "Peng Ju, if you're not here, what's the meaning of my life?"

Yue Pengju forcibly suppressed the great pain in his heart. If there is a wife like this, what can he ask for? His voice was more gentle: "sister seventeen, if you can walk one by one, I'll have no worries after you leave. The three of our family are in Lin'an, and that's a sure way to die. If you and Hutou leave first, I still have a way to live..."

"What can you do to survive? As long as Zhang Xian and them are imprisoned, you will never leave. Peng Ju, I know, you don't lie to me anymore..."

Yue Peng gently hugged her shoulder: "sister seventeen, there is no way out. This time, you must listen to my arrangement. We must first ensure that our son is not hurt..."

Hua Rong listened to what he said very reasonably and hesitated for a moment. After all, she didn't want her son to suffer an unpredictable tragedy Tearful eyes mistily asked, "the world is so big, where can I go?"

Yue Pengju has thought about this problem many times along the way The world is so big, is it the king's land? Where can fugitives go? Ruda of Donglin temple, naturally, could not escape the search scope of the imperial court. He was not only unsafe there, but also implicated him Another person who is absolutely trustworthy is king Qin And his sea area is also beyond the reach of the imperial court

"Sister seventeen, go to find King Qin."

Her heart was shocked, and she shook her head in a conditioned way, "no, no!"

Yue Peng raised his big hand and gently stroked his wife's hair: "Seventeen sister, listen to me. He was scared out of his courage after escaping from the sea. He must not dare to return to the sea again in his life. The world is so big that I dare not say that King Qin is the only one to be trusted, but he is absolutely the only one that is really safe."

Why don't you know? However, Lin'an is still a long way from the nearest sea area. Who knows what will happen this time when I go there? Peng Ju, can he wait until the day when he returns?

His tone was firm: "sister seventeen, you must listen to my arrangement."

Hua Rong also slowly calmed down and said word by word, "Peng Ju, I promise you. However, after seeing off my son, I will come back immediately. You must wait for me."

Yue Pengju had nothing to say so far. His wife's temperament was clear that if he refused, she would not go, so he nodded, smiled and said, "sister seventeen, I must wait for you. But it's not too late, you must go right away."


"He's not willing to give up because he failed to kill him. In case of accidents, you must leave immediately."

"But what do you do?"

"Don't worry. If 'he' wants to kill me, he will have to collect decent charges for me again. It's impossible for me to kill me immediately once I return to Lin'an. If a cat catches a mouse, there must be some trickery, otherwise, I wouldn't have been sent to Chuzhou at the beginning. He has always flaunted bad women but immoral, and flaunted Rende but indiscriminately killed innocent people. In order to show his benevolence, filial piety and magnanimity of the emperor, he won't be desperate until the last moment, otherwise, he won't send someone to assassinate you tonight, but the public Catch you‘ He's eager to kill tiger's head, just forcing me. I went back to Lin'an, and 'he' will not investigate the whereabouts of your mother and son too much for the time being. "

At this time, Hua Rong was completely at sixes and sevens, so she had to obey her husband's arrangement Yue Peng summoned two of his most trusted soldiers, whispered instructions to Ma Chao, and took out a silver letter: "you must escort your wife to arrive safely."


At this time, Ma Chao had already carried Xiaohu's head on his back. For fear of him crying in the middle of the night, Hua Rong had to ruthlessly cover his mouth with a cloth as a mask Ready to stop, the two soldiers got on the horse and went out first. Hua Rong took her husband's hand and burst into tears, suddenly repented: "Peng Ju, I won't go, I won't go... If you want to die, you'll die together..."

Yue Pengju also shed tears: "sister seventeen, I promise you, I will live until you come back. Don't worry."

The two hugged each other for a long time. After a long time, Yue Peng pushed her away and said mercilessly, "sister seventeen, go quickly."

"No, just ask Ma Chao to send the tiger head to King Qin..."

"They can't find anyone at all. Seventeen sister, you must go there in person..."

Hua Rong still had to struggle. He had picked her up and put her on the horse's back. Yue Peng raised her on the horse's ass and slapped her heavily, and the horse rushed out At this time, the eastern sky has emerged a fish belly white, the flowers dissolved in the immediately wiped away tears, looking back, I saw her husband's blurred figure still waving in the distance, reassuring her

"Peng Ju, wait for me. You must wait for me to come back!"

She stopped crying, dried her tears and went to catch up with Ma Chao in front. Anger and cold wind grew and spread in the morning: Zhao Deji, who is the greater culprit in this world than Zhao Deji? Kill Zhao Deji, you must kill him!

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