One Night Bride

Chapter 379

Hua Rong took the shell, took a closer look, and said softly, "it's so beautiful. Tiger head is good, and then go to pick up some for mother. Mother likes it very much."

"Hmm..." the child hesitated and staggered forward again Liu Wu lowered his head and said a few words to him. He threw his hands, Liu Wu picked him up and strode forward Until the two walked out of a good distance, Hua Rong took back her eyes, carefully hid the shell in her arms, looked up at King Qin, and her voice was very calm: "Qin Shangcheng, please promise me one thing."

King Qin's eyes also followed the child, only casually asked, "what's the matter?"

"No matter what happens in the future, don't come to me again."


"As long as you can raise xiaohutou, it is your greatest kindness to our husband and wife. In the future, xiaohutou only needs to remember his father's name. For others, please don't tell him, let alone ask him to have any revenge..."

King Qin stared at her closely: "why?"

"It is Zhao Deji who wants Peng Ju to die! It is the great song dynasty! The strength of a person against a court is really too small. Little tiger head came to this world not to bear the shadow of revenge from his parents. Otherwise, he will live under pressure and pain all his life. Peng Ju and I only hope that he will be safe, even if he is hunting, herding and fishing on the island, and spend his life like an ordinary person. Don't have any heroic achievements, as long as he is healthy and happy Ok... "

King Qin had never heard of this strange theory and angrily said, "girl, are you crazy? What does Yue Pengju mean?"

"Peng Ju agrees with me." Hua Rong looked at him sincerely, "Qin Shangcheng, I'm here this time. In addition to asking you to take care of my son, please don't go to Lin'an to find us. If Peng Ju wanted to live, he could have escaped long ago. He never had to wait for a big war to poison the living. We don't need anyone to take revenge for us, never!..."

King Qin's eyes were about to burst out: "I must kill Zhao Deji, a dog fool. He didn't cultivate morality and bowed to the golden dog under the excuse of welcoming his cheap mother who was ruined by thousands of golden people. Moreover, I heard from Ma Su that even Wan Wan was killed by Qin Hui's dog men and women, and he was indifferent..."

Wan Wan's death is just a prelude At this time, Hua Rong didn't know that Tianwei had been installed with a "fake Princess", but she also expected that if Princess Wei Xian came back, Tianwei would be in bad luck

"Qin Hui is now the main force of the peace talks. He and Wang Junhua are supported by Jin Wushu, and Zhao Deji dare not move them at all."

"Lao Tzu doesn't believe that Qin Hui can be prime minister all his life?"

If Jin Wushu doesn't die, Qin Hui is only afraid of this luck Jin Wushu, Qin Hui and his wife, Zhao Deji, these are enemies, Tianda's enemies, but how can I get these people? Evil will be rewarded, but when will it be rewarded? How can I report? Hua Rong looked up at the western sky and found that the sun had slowly begun to tilt westward This day is about to pass again

King Qin's eyes burned, and suddenly his eyebrows danced. He stood up and drank a cup of tea: "girl, my cruiser was successfully built and launched. Moreover, I bought a large number of firearms and bows and arrows. Big deal, kill on land and fight with Zhao Deji. Song Jun is mostly pustules. What's the fear?"

Hua Rong shook his head and asked King Qin to attack Lin'an, which was tantamount to hitting stone with an egg The marine army can't get inland at all. Besides, no matter how powerful he is, he's only tens of thousands of people Isn't it a big taboo for military strategists to resist hundreds of thousands of troops in the Song Dynasty with the strength of tens of thousands of people, and to give up maritime advantages to attack on land and use their own shortcomings to attack the enemy's strengths? Besides sacrificing King Qin and many other innocent people in vain, what is the significance?

In the twinkling of an eye, she saw King Qin's eyes flashing, and it turned out that she was really summing up the feasibility of this matter She was surprised and knew King Qin's temperament well. If her husband and wife's life needed to sacrifice King Qin, it would be against her will to come today I hope my son is alive and King Qin is alive, but I don't want him to die!

She spoke slowly: "Peng Ju entered the military camp when he was young and began his life of fighting against the Jin Dynasty. It was entirely Peng Ju's choice to take this road. If he just wanted to escape, he could lead some people away in Zhuxian Town at the beginning. However, his temperament could not do this at all. Even if he could not expel the Jin people and recover the rivers and mountains, he did not want to cause chaos in the song state because of his own selfish desires, and the flames of war would rise again, oppose each other, and fall apart. These were not what he wanted to see of Whether he lives or dies, he will bear it alone... "

King Qin stared at her closely: "he bears it alone? What about you?"

"I'm alone with him! His choice is my choice."

King Qin coughed heavily. The woman opposite had bright eyes and showed the long lost gentle brilliance of her girlhood. She looked moving, as if she was not going to die, but to meet her lover in love

In his chest, a flame soared and pain overwhelmed him How? How can I see such a pair of eyes to die?

"Qin Shangcheng! Please don't go to Lin'an to find us! Don't take revenge for us!! this is my greatest thanks to you! If you don't promise, I'll take the child back!"

King Qin was completely speechless After a while, he struggled to say, "can't you stay and take care of your son?"

She shook her head gently, "no!"

"But Hutou is your son, your only son."

"I know. But I have to accompany Peng Ju. I'll accompany him whether he lives or dies. So I have to grievance xiaohutou."

With leopard like eyes, King Qin seemed to stare down the sun approaching dusk and never rise again She would rather give up her son than accompany Yue Pengju It's obviously a sacrifice in vain. Why can't you live well? Why?

"Hua Rong. Why can't he die with two people?! since Yue Pengju called you here, what he hopes is that your mother and son will live together..."

"Yes. He told me to go for this purpose. But if Peng Ju is not here, I can't live!"

King Qin stepped back and gasped heavily

Hua Rong's tone was gentle, but he was very firm: "qinshangcheng, I know that I owe you all my life. I'm not clear about it, and I'm not ready to pay it back. But, will you help me again?"

King Qin clenched his fist tightly and spread out again. Don't start. It took him a long time to say, "no, I don't have time to take care of him!"

Hua Rong was stunned and slowly lowered her eyes. Her long eyelashes trembled again, confused and unbelievable

King Qin waved, and a minion came. He gave a low order, and the minion ran away He then turned his eyes, casually took down a red lantern from a nearby tree, and sneered, "Hua Rong, do you know what this is?"

Hua Rong glanced at the scarlet character "囍" on the lantern and couldn't open his mouth

"I'm engaged, and I'm going to get a wife and have children soon. I can't take care of my own son. Who cares about your son?"

Her heart sank, slowly opened her mouth, and said softly, "qinshangcheng, I know you don't want me to die..."

King Qin was furious: "if you want to die, die. What does it have to do with me? Take that little rabbit away quickly, and don't get in my eyes..."

"Qin Shangcheng!"

"Girl, you think I'm still thinking about the life and death of your husband and wife? You're wrong. Who are you? Who is Yue Pengju? It's nothing at all. I tell you the truth, I've combined Yelv's great use, armed the army with 72 treasure houses of the Khitan family, bought good horses, bows and arrows, and I don't believe that if Zhao Deji can be emperor, I can't be king Qin? I..."

Hua Rong coldly interrupted him, "do you really marry Yelv's daughter?"

"Yes! Her Han name is Li Tinglan. Lao Tzu has exchanged Geng tie marriage letters with her, and the bride price has been paid and the ceremony has been performed. The big husband is full of words, not to mention that she can bring everything Lao Tzu needs..."

Hua Rong was distressed. I didn't expect that King Qin would also aim at the world one day Jin Wushu and Zhao Deji have become mean, sinister and shameless in the world's confrontation And King Qin, he also embarked on this greedy road of the strong - as long as he goes on this road, he is doomed to abandon his conscience and devoid of benevolence and righteousness, otherwise, he will not achieve great things!

At this time, she understood the meaning of lights and decorations on the island. It was so grand and grand that King Qin was obviously determined to win the country Yelv has a treasure house. What does he have? Or do you have any chips to help king Qin look after his son for nothing?

King Qin followed her eyes and said faintly, "Yelv is very cunning, and his daughter is not a fuel-efficient lamp. If I suddenly have another child to take care of, I'm afraid they won't be happy, and the child won't have a good life..."

Her heart was cold, her eyes closed, and her body trembled slightly

It turned out that this was the taste of a dead end A real dead end My husband and wife died, and I couldn't even protect my son

However, she soon opened her eyes again and was very flustered: "qinshangcheng, tiger head doesn't need to live a good life. He, you just need not let him starve and freeze to death. You can let him work... He is like his father. In a few years, he will be able to do a lot of work... Please, will you leave him?"

He was resolute: "no! I have no money to support idle people now..."

She was incoherent: "tiger head is not idle, he will grow up, and when he grows up, he can work to repay him..."

King Qin was very impatient: "you are not even afraid of death? Why are you afraid of your son dying?"

Yes, I'm not afraid of death. Why are I afraid of my son's death? Hua Rong had no words to answer, only vaguely thinking that the world said, don't look for relatives in distress! Sure enough

However, after all, she couldn't believe it in her heart. She looked up and said, "Qin Shangcheng, I beg you, OK?"

"Why do you ask me?"

"Because you were sorry for me before, you hurt me, and you owe me, so you should pay me back! Also, it was you who proposed to be my adoptive brother..."

"Hurt you? Where did you hurt? Made you infertile? Where did your son come from? What do I owe you?"

"You are my sworn brother! So you must help me!"

"Brother in law?" He laughed, "Hua Rong, you know in your heart, what kind of brother is Lao Tze? Lao Tze has cleared up with you long ago, and he thinks he doesn't owe you anything. He doesn't want to wade in this muddy water."

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