One Night Bride

Chapter 380

Anxious and sad, Hua Rong suddenly stepped forward, grabbed his hand tightly, and hurriedly said, "Qin Shangcheng, I know you don't want me to die before saying this. But, I beg you, let tiger head stay?"

"Hua Rong, you are really wrong this time!" He looked at the festive atmosphere on the island and calmly said, "I was engaged to you before you came. I didn't know you would come in advance, so naturally it wouldn't be a show for you. So this time, unlike before, I would agree as long as you asked me. Because I have my own home, I will have my own wife and children in the future, and my obligation is to take care of them, not you and your son. You must take care of your son by yourself!"

She gnashed her teeth and was very sad and angry. Didn't she want to take care of her son? It's just that I can't take care of myself at all

"Since I promised to get married, I won't be perfunctory. I can't destroy the alliance between me and Yelv Dayong because of anything. Now, I need his financial support urgently. Moreover, his daughter is very beautiful, and I'm also very satisfied. I'm not young, and it's difficult to find such a desirable woman. Therefore, I can't give you shelter on this island anymore. By the way, I still have some friendship with the Imperial Navy stationed in front of me. If they know that Yue Pengju's son fled here, When it comes to questioning, I can't help giving an explanation In fact, this is not a safe place. It is inappropriate for your son to stay here Hua Rong, you'd better find someone else... "

Hua Rong slowly released his hand, cold all over, looked up at the distant sky, dizzy badly For a long time, she remembered that Liu Wu came to ask him for the medicine for his son, saying that King Qin was going to get married and his wife would need it That begging for medicine, plus the festive wedding ceremony he saw in front of him, acting? King Qin is really not acting!

She withdrew her eyes and stared at the man in front of her. His leopard like eyes and deep wrinkles on his forehead made her realize that Qin Shangcheng, he was also getting old He is well past middle age How can a man of his age ask him not to get married and have children? How?

He has the right to have his own wife and children and get the happiness of family he wants What he said is also true. If tiger head stays, it will really disturb him and leave him a lot of trouble Moreover, Zhao Deji may send someone to hunt him down. It's true that there is no need to take this risk

King Qin slowed down his tone: "I will prepare you with a rich purse. There must be a brave man under the heavy reward. After you get ashore, look for it slowly. It must not be a big problem to entrust your son to anyone in the folk. In this way, your son will be really safe and anonymous. By the way, your mother and son must be hungry and thirsty after traveling so long. Go to drink water and eat..."

Hua Rong slowly calmed down from the great panic, wiped her eyes, and said faintly, "don't bother."

At this time, the little minion who had just walked away strode back, holding a box in his hand and handed it to King Qin King Qin took it, waved his hand, and the minion retreated King Qin opened the box, which was full of portable gold leaves: "Huarong, this is the money I prepared for your mother and son..."

Hua Rong glanced at the box. The money was really rich. What king Qin said was true She shook her head, "qinshangcheng, thank you for your trouble. However, I have enough money, so I don't need it."

She glanced at her son, who was picking up shells on the beach in front of her. He had walked and crawled away for more than ten feet. Liu Wu followed and looked after him. His hand reached to the water and giggled, as if he were picking up some small fish and shrimp

"Hua Rong..."

She gave him a deep look: "in that case, Qin Shangcheng, I won't bother you. Thank you."

She ran over and saw her son catch a colorful fish in his hand. She didn't know whether Liu Wu caught it for him or he caught it himself The fish kept struggling in the palm of his hand. It was slippery. He held it desperately with both hands for fear of falling, itching and laughing

Hua Rong was like a knife in her heart. She hugged her son, and the child was suddenly hugged. As soon as her hand was released, the colorful sea fish fell on the beach and kept struggling and rolling He was anxious and didn't want to leave. He waved his little hand desperately, "Mom, fish... My fish..."

His palm exuded a faint fishy smell with the wind. Hua Rong raised his sleeve to wipe his wet hands stained with sand and fish scales, and said softly, "son, we're back, good..."

"No, mom, my fish... Fish... Fish..." he struggled up from his mother's arms. Looking from his mother's shoulder, he saw a group of small turtles crawling in groups on the beach on the left, some lying on their backs, looking particularly interesting. He giggled, "Mom, I want that... Want that..."

"Hutou is good, we won't play anymore. It's late, and if we play again, we won't be able to get on the road. Listen to mom's words... We need to go back to see Dad, and if it's late, maybe we won't see Dad... Well, Hutou, let's go back right away, and mom really doesn't want you..."

Liu Wu followed her. I didn't know what she had talked with King Qin, but I knew something was wrong Although she smiled, she looked so sad and desperate When he came back from Lin'an, he knew that Yue Pengju was in a dilemma and vaguely guessed the purpose of Hua Rong today Unexpectedly, he came in a hurry and was leaving in less than an hour

"Madam Yue, it's getting late. I'm afraid it's difficult to stay on the road now. Why don't we start tomorrow?"

"No, I have to leave today."

She picked up her son and sped up. The child anxiously looked at the turtle farther and farther away from him and cried, "no, don't go... Mom..."

He cried and shouted, but his mother's footsteps were so fast. His little hand waved and desperately grabbed his mother's hair, which was blown by the sea wind Hua Rong couldn't care to be torn into pain, but still strode forward In a hurry, xiaohutou grabbed and pulled harder. Hua Rong's hair was completely scattered and covered his eyes. Because he walked fast and couldn't see clearly, he staggered and almost fell to the ground Holding her firmly with both hands, she took a breath and stood firm. She saw that it was king Qin

King Qin stared at her. A woman who used to be so delicate, now her body is more haggard, and her hands holding her son also show blue tendons, but they are so powerful and stubborn This is a mature woman, no longer a 17 - year-old girl

Time flies. It turns out that it won't be long before another seventeen years

When xiaohutou saw his mother stop, new hope grew in his heart. He let go of the hand tightly holding his mother's hair, turned his head and looked at the turtles behind him. He found that the group of turtles were crawling over, and was so happy that he clapped his hands: "Mom, I want that... Fish..." he only knew "fish", thinking that those were fish

King Qin looked at the turtles, and his eyes fell on his mother and son. Her feet were so tired and her expression was so tired, but her arms around her son were so powerful

"Hua Rong, in fact, you don't have to leave in a hurry. Leaving tomorrow won't delay you anything. Even if you can stand it, can your son stand it? He's still a child, so young..."

She glanced at him, nodded, and looked very calm: "qinshangcheng, take care."

Like parting words

King Qin's heart shook, and his hand couldn't help but stretch out, but retracted again Hua Rong didn't notice his behavior and didn't stop. She just strode forward with her son in her arms

Liu Wu was always surprised by her hurry. He would never think that she came all the way here, just chatting with King Qin. However, he couldn't ask more questions, so he could only accompany her forward

King Qin helplessly watched Hua Rong go farther and farther. She was about to get on the boat. There, Liu Wu would personally drive the boat to send her out to meet Ma Chao and others waiting on the shore and return to Lin'an

From then on, it is a real farewell

Liu Wu was asking her what, and she actually had a little smile on her face. The light evening wind blew her disheveled hair, scattered, revealing such a haggard face

"Mom... Mom..." the little tiger's voice was still crying, thinking about the turtle Looking in this direction from afar, Hua Rong waved his small hand... But he didn't seem to smell it and ignored it. He just hugged him tightly, and one foot was about to get on the boat

The last glimmer of fantasy in King Qin's heart was also completely disillusioned - she would not agree, even because of her son, she would never agree to live alone She must die with Yue Pengju For this reason, she did not hesitate to sacrifice her son!

He dashed over

Hua Rong had already stepped on the spiral staircase with one foot, and was suddenly tightly hugged by a pair of big hands. Her body trembled, and she had to take back her feet, but she stood firmly, as if she had fallen into a mountain, which was too strong

"Girl..." the hot breath hit, and a fire burned on the vest, which almost made people boil, and the hot breath whirled around her hair ears: "girl... You always force me like this... How can I watch you die? Dead girl... Damn girl... Selfish and vicious girl..."

The flowers dissolved in tears like rain

"Girl, I don't want you to die! I don't want you to die at all, and I don't want you to die!"

Who wants to die? Nobody wants it

"Mom... Mom..."

Her body was empty, and her arms were empty. The little tiger head had reached King Qin's arms He flattened his small mouth to cry, but his eyes lit up and stretched out his hand to catch the little turtle in front of him Just about to grasp it, the big hand shrank and had been taken back He shouted anxiously, "Uncle... Hee hee... Uncle..."

"Smelly boy, what's your uncle's name? My father! From now on, you will be my son!"

"No, my father is... Yue Pengju..."

King Qin slapped him on the ass, but when he fell, he gently raised him over his head: "little rabbit, don't call me dad, I'll throw you into the sea..."

"Don't cry..."

"Little bunny, you don't want turtles?"

The little turtle swayed and swayed in front of little tiger's head. He drooled, looked eagerly, and shouted, "Uncle... Dad... Dad..."

After all, it's a child. If you have milk, it's a mother With a turtle in his hand, little tiger snuggled in King Qin's arms and giggled. He soon became very intimate with this "Daddy" Hua Rong smiled bitterly, relieved and relieved No matter how his husband and wife live in this life, xiaohutou, he will get the best care

This life is carefree

"Girl, you must stay for a rest and leave tomorrow."

She shook her head and beamed with laughter. The afterglow of the sunset reflected on her face. The original haggard reflected the brilliance, as if she had exposed a section of her calf on the beach at the dusk when she was seventeen King Qin looked away and couldn't look anymore. He just subconsciously hugged the child in his arms, like the person he hadn't seen for a long time

Hua Rong doesn't want to delay any more for a moment. Who knows what will happen to Peng Ju in the capital? "Qin Shangcheng, I'm not tired, I also brought dry food on the road, and there are two soldiers waiting for me on the road..." her eyes moved from King Qin's face to his son's face The son didn't realize that his mother was about to leave, but muttered that he was playing with the little turtle with all his heart, full of enthusiasm and smile

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