One Night Bride

Chapter 382

Hearing this, elder sister Gao Si blacked out and fainted to the ground Li Yi'an hurriedly picked her up, and two maids came in and helped her out to rest Yue Pengju sighed miserably, "Alas, I'm the one who implicated Zhang Xian and you."

Zhu Fu said with regret, "why should Yue Xianggong say this? We have been following you for many years. It's because heaven doesn't call great song Zhongxing and wants thieves like Qin Hui to harm the world... Where is the reason?"

The crowd was so angry that it dispersed in the middle of the night

Li Yi'an saw them off, returned to the living room, saw Yue Pengju still sitting quietly, poured him a cup of tea, and whispered, "Peng Ju, did the 17th sister mother and son escape?"

Yue Peng raised his head and nodded, "they have gone to a safe place... Alas, I'm just afraid that she will leave the tiger's head and come back by herself..." he asked his wife to get away, that is, he didn't want their mother and son to come back again. As long as they weren't around, he would have no worries

Li Yi'an was silent for a long time, and according to the nature of Hua Rong, he was sure to come back Is it destined that these two people will end up as good people?

The next day, Yue Pengju went to work He is in the same office with Han Zhongliang and Qin Hui, face to face Yue Peng changed into a Confucian robe, and Han Zhongliang also changed into a Confucian robe. He also deliberately opened his robe and brought a popular headscarf to vent his dissatisfaction

Qin Hui saw that the two of them were dressed like this, which obviously vented their dissatisfaction, and even gnashed their teeth with hate. Especially after Han Zhongliang was indirectly rescued by Yue Pengju, his resentment had been completely concentrated on Yue Pengju. Seeing that he was dressed in a Confucian uniform, he sneered: "you saved Han Zhongliang, but Han Zhongliang can't save you."

Yue and Han soon found that they were just sitting with the bookboy. Qin Hui reviewed all the official documents with one hand and prepared them with the other. They had no right to interfere. They could only sign the official documents he signed every day On this day, the two rode out of the palace after work. Han Zhongliang said angrily, "my door has become a picture book boy of Qin Hui." Yue Peng laughed. At this time, he didn't want to communicate with Han Zhongliang any more, because more contact would make Han Zhongliang more dangerous

"Yue Wu, I heard that your house is on fire. Where are your wife and children?"

"Alas, I have sent many people to look for it, and I have no whereabouts for the time being."

Han Zhongliang saw that he looked sad and lowered his voice: "Yue Wu, you saved me, why not save yourself like this?"

Yue Pengju naturally knew what he meant. That was to persuade him to go to Zhao Deji and present himself. He knelt down and begged him to spare his life However, his situation is different from that of Han Zhongliang. Moreover, he doesn't want to grovel at all. It's useless except being humiliated and teased again by Zhao Deji in vain Han Zhongliang saw that he shouldn't, and knew that he was resolute, so he couldn't do it. He couldn't persuade him any more, so they had to bow their hands and say goodbye

Zhao Deji learned at the first time that Yue Pengju came back, especially that Yue Pengju actually went to work in the Privy Council. He was very excited, because the distress caused by the attempted assassination of xiaohutou was also swept away

That afternoon, Xiao Liu was reading the memorial for him on his lap. The charcoal stove next to him was very warm. Zhao Deji played with the beauty in his arms for a while and asked her to go down before calling father-in-law Kang: "Kang Qi, there is no news about Hua Rong?"

"Yue Pengju also sent someone to look for it. He looked sad and had played for many times to go to visit his wife personally, which didn't seem to be faking..."

"Fool, Yue Peng is as loyal as a traitor, and this is a fake. On that day, I strictly ordered everyone not to hurt Hua Rong. How can Hua Rong die? We must find Hua Rong as soon as possible..."

"Small, yes."

As soon as Kang Gonggong retired, Zhang quwei led Wang Junhua in quietly

Zhao Deji was in a bad mood. Naturally, he didn't look good when he saw Wang Junhua Wang Junhua knelt down obsequiously and massaged his thighs, saying softly, "official family, why are you in a bad mood?"

Zhao Deji suddenly stretched out his hand and raised her chin. "Why can't you give birth to a son for me? You are also a hen that doesn't lay eggs."

Wang Junhua could not bear such an insult for a moment no matter how sad he was She has had sex with Qin Hui, Jin Wushu, Zhao Deji and other men for many years, but she has never been pregnant. In addition, she is nearly middle-aged, and she can no longer have children in this life She hated Zhao Deji's meanness and vulgarity, and knew that Zhao Deji's abnormal psychology was to get vent and comfort from other people's same pain, so she deliberately made a pathetic light angry: "Alas, my concubine's life is thin... I'm ashamed to be spoiled by the officials..."

Zhao Deji was bored and closed his eyes: "read those memorials for me..."

Wang Junhua picked up the memorials and read them one by one. When he got to the third one, he was very happy. This memorials was a secret letter brought by Jin Wushu only yesterday. It was the autograph of Princess Wei Xian He ordered Princess Wei Xian to write eight "autographs" of different degrees to take with him, and instructed people to submit them separately according to the seriousness of the matter

Hearing the secret letter from his biological mother urging him to kill the "fake Princess", Zhao Deji suddenly opened his eyes, grabbed the memorial and threw it aside Wang Jun and Hua Qiang were surprised: "Wei Tai's consequences are as thin as hair, and he can see clearly..."

Zhao Deji angrily said, "how do you say that?"

Wang Junhua pretended to kneel in fear: "my concubine is guilty, my concubine is guilty..."

"Wang Shi, what's your sin? By the way, you also met Tian Wei in the kingdom of Jin. Did you say she was true or false?"

Wang Junhua's voice trembled: "my concubine did meet princess Tianwei in the kingdom of Jin, and I met her more than once. Later, the princess was married by the fourth prince to a Han surnamed Xu in the city of five countries, and I haven't seen her since..."

"Tianwei really married to wuguocheng?"

"Yes. At that time, all Han people in the kingdom of Jin knew it. Later, I heard that she died of illness and was buried in wuguocheng..."

"What's the matter with Tianwei?"

"My concubine was surprised to learn that the princess came back. But my concubine was not familiar with the princess after all. Seeing her appearance was similar, I didn't dare to make random guesses. Besides, my concubine didn't see the death of the princess in the five kingdoms city with her own eyes, so I didn't dare to conclude..."

Zhao Deji angrily said, "good Wang, since you were suspicious at the beginning, why don't you report it to me immediately?"

"Official forgiveness... Official forgiveness... Concubine... Concubine... I was afraid of being rude to the princess, and I wanted to ask secretly, who knows how many times I started euphemistically, and I provoked the princess to be angry with my concubine..." she glanced at Zhao Deji and looked aggrieved, "presumably Princess Tianwei didn't say much about my concubine in front of the official family... It's because my concubine offended her..."

Zhao Deji sneered, "Why are you not afraid to offend her now?"

Wang Junhua said in a beautiful voice, "everyone knows the benevolence and filial piety of the official family. Whether it is war or peace, Empress Dowager Wei will be put in the first place. My concubine is afraid that the fake princess will block the Empress Dowager's return and hurt the kindness and filial piety of the official family..."

Fake Princess blocks the Queen Mother's return!?

Seeing Zhao Deji's eyes wavering, Wang Junhua took the opportunity to say, "my concubine is also worried that once the identity of the fake princess is revealed, won't it endanger the safety of the Empress Dowager? The official family is wise, and the official family will make a decision..."

These words, like a powerful medicine, cut off the last trace of brotherhood for Zhao Deji's sister, which wavered in his heart A practical problem is in front of us: the biological mother must be afraid of Tianwei revealing her identity

The princess can be fake, but the queen mother must not be fake. Otherwise, the fig leaf of the peace talks and the beauty of benevolence and filial piety will be swept away? Mother or sister? He meditated and made a quick decision If there is a real empress dowager, there can be no fake princess The two can only exist one, not coexist!

When Wang Junhua saw his expression, he was almost sure. He was so happy that he almost jumped up, but he still endured, knelt down at the feet of Zhao Deji and continued to knead his thighs for him

At night, the cold wind is biting

Three figures quietly approached "Yiyuan"

Yue Pengju was sitting under the lamp thinking hard. The door was pushed open, and a figure rushed in. He saw a flower in front of him, and there was a soft person in his arms: "Peng Ju, Peng Ju..."

His heart sank and warmed. He hugged his wife tightly and sealed her gentle lips The cold, snowy lips soon warmed and became hot in his arms He stuck it to her ear, shook her body, and was in deep pain: "Seventeen sister, why do you want to come back?"

Her eyes burned and she was very excited: "my son is safe, and we have no worries behind us. Peng Ju, I'm not afraid of anything. I'm with you and won't go anywhere. I won't be separated from you anyway..."

Yue Peng burst into tears. Only his wife's warm kiss from his forehead to his mouth to his palm seemed to melt him completely In my heart, I don't want her to come back at all. I don't want her at all, but when she's around, I really feel so wonderful - I wish she was around all the time and never separated

He stretched out his hand, gently brushed aside a wisp of messy hair on his wife's forehead, and softly said, "sister seventeen, tired?"

She put her hand on his chest wearily. For a moment, she sat up again, beaming, and took his hand: "Peng lift, get up, I'll take you to enjoy it once..."

In surprise, he picked up his wife and went to the next room under her guidance. Only then did he find a repaired bathing table. As soon as the stove was lit, the smoke-free high-quality charcoal fire made the room warm as spring

She took her husband's hand and they entered the bath together. Yue Pengju found that this was a natural hot spring and the largest scenery in this "Yiyuan" When they came in, they didn't care at first, and naturally they didn't manage It was discovered by Hua Rong when he was alone at home, so he repaired it and changed the stove to be available at any time I've long thought about letting my husband and son enjoy it together, but now my son can't enjoy it That night, she was so excited that she brought her husband

The two snuggled together in the warm water, washing each other's fatigue with water Under the dense spring water, Hua Rong blushed and looked shy: "Peng Ju, am I getting old?"

He looked at the woman in his arms in the bright light. For many years, the wind and frost of the years, the rushing invasion, and the flowery face had shallow crow's feet - his wife's extremely beautiful eyes had crow's feet His eyes were wet and he laughed, "sister seventeen, no, you're not old at all. You've always been so good-looking."

She bowed her head shyly, like a little girl. For many years, she was still the beauty of her first love in her husband's eyes Why should a woman come here?

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