One Night Bride

Chapter 383

He smiled and nodded

After a while, she came out quietly and stopped three steps away from him She was dressed in a light red dress, with a hairpin inserted in her head and two bracelets on her wrist These were all bought by Yue Pengju for her In particular, this red dress was still after Li qiaoniang had a conflict when the couple were fighting in Dongting. After he was shocked by his wife's pain and grievance, he quietly bought it for her

Iron Man tenderness, who says that a fierce man galloping on the battlefield cannot have the vision to choose exquisite clothes for his wife?

He looked at her crazily, which was his consistent love for many years He stretched out his hand and held her in his arms. She smiled and took off a bracelet in her hand: "Peng Ju, you bought it for me, and we each want one." He smiled and hid the bracelet in his arms

"Seventeen elder sister..."


Her beautiful clothes, soft hair, spread together, soft candle light, so beautiful and crystal body, with the best lines of women The wind is cold outside and the house is as warm as spring At this time, both of them forgot the imminent threat of death, only hugged each other and forgot their love

Love! Have a good love!!!

Since ancient times, who hasn't died in life? If husband and wife don't want to live together but die together, who can say it's not a supreme happiness?

Love, if you can love the woman you love best like this, what's the fear of death?

What a wonderful feeling

In this life, the best days, the best feelings, the most relaxed, the most free stretching and publicity, are only with him Without him, there would be no such thing

Zhao Deji, Jin Wushu and even King Qin didn't understand why she was so determined to this man. In their mind, following this man, except for war, frugality, wind and rain, there was no glory, wealth and happiness What's good about such a day? What's so worthy of such a man's loyalty?

But they don't understand that the first thing a woman needs is not to be rich and respected. If she can stand side by side with her husband, heart to heart, and have a lifetime of dependence, such a feeling can't be compared with any kind of wealth

Some people can give you money, some people can give you material things, but Peng Ju, he always gives his heart, his most sincere heart

For a long time, they hugged each other in sweat, and their faces were all smiling He gently stroked her cheek, like a lazy cat, soft and clever, and also reached out and stroked his chest He gently followed her soft neck down and touched the faint scar, which was left in Jinying Then, there are some other faint scars on the body, all of which are injuries suffered in previous years However, since she was injured by King Qin, she began to recuperate. One year in the town, nourished by so many Ganoderma lucidum and tiger bones, and after the baptism of pregnancy and childbirth, this body became more smooth and delicate than when she was a girl, such as the most soft silk, such as white and radiant warm jade, especially those faint marks that seemed to be absent, which added incomparable beauty and temptation, but also sad, and clearly witnessed her suffering

His hot palm touched all the scars one by one, and sighed, "sister seventeen, you have suffered a lot with me..."

Her palm was placed on his lips, and she itched to laugh, and said softly, "Peng Ju, these years have been the happiest days of my life. In elong Town, in Donglin temple, and in Lin'an, I lived in seclusion and seclusion... All are very good, I am very happy with you..."

Her hand went down and rested on his chest Wearing a concentric lock on his chest, she gently opened the lid, and each of them cut a strand of hair from his head - the so-called "getting married" means this

This concentric lock has been worn on Yue Pengju and has become his amulet for fighting North and south He used to hide in his arms, and I don't know when he began to wear it on his neck

"Seventeen elder sister..." his voice was so soft that it would drip water. If he hadn't met her all his life?

She smiled on his lips and answered his confidences with softness. If she didn't meet him, she wouldn't have such happiness

"Sister seventeen, I want to discuss something with you..."

Her lips gently covered his lips, exhaling like LAN: "Peng Ju, how sleepy, we have a rest, OK?"

He sighed secretly. His wife was avoiding it, and she refused to accept it. She didn't even want to know what to discuss - and because she knew it, she avoided it even more He gazed at the face in his arms, the refreshing after bathing, the kind of smooth skin, but also with throbbing beauty The more so, the more reluctant he was to part with it and stuck it in her ear: "sister seventeen, we always want to think about tiger head..."

"Tiger head!"

Hua Rong is slightly absent-minded, son. Even if it is ecstatic again, who can really forget his hard-earned son? His own blood and bone were abandoned on that strange island, and from then on, it was hard to know

"King Qin will take good care of him."

Yue Pengju looked at the stubborn tenderness on her face. Every time he saw such an expression, he always disobeyed her and could only rely on her

"Tiger's life with King Qin will never be worse than when I take care of him." Her voice was firm, "tiger head doesn't need me, you need me, Peng Ju!" Her voice suddenly became weak, "Peng Ju, I also need you. I can't stand the days without you anymore..." along the way with her son, she has been thinking about a question, and has been regretting, that is, why did she make trouble with her husband when she was in Dongting Lake? Why separated from him for a few months? Now it seems that those twoorthree months are extremely precious. If we don't separate them and treat his eye diseases, how good would it be? Her hand touched his eyes and stared at his firm eyes. At this time, these eyes all became gentle

"Sister seventeen, my eyes are all right, and I have recovered long ago."

She laughed, "it's better for us to be together than to be alone. Peng Ju, these years, as long as I leave you, I will encounter various dangers. And I'm always safe by your side. I don't want to have any accidents again, so I'm selfish. This time, Peng Ju, tiger head will forgive me, and you will forgive me, OK?"

Yue Pengju gently stroked the faint tears on his wife's eyelashes and couldn't say anything anymore

Hua Rong secretly laughed. Over the years, it was her husband who made the decisions on major matters. Her husband sang along with her. Today, she also wanted to be the Lord and her husband to listen to her She climbed to his ear: "Peng Ju, since Zhao Deji is about to start, we must at least give him a little more trouble..."

He nodded: "I just want to save Zhang Xian, sun Ge and others first. As long as they don't die, it's not worth returning to Lin'an."

"Well, there's Qin Hui, and you can't let Qin Hui go."

"Don't worry, sister seventeen, I've also made some arrangements, but I don't know if it can work."

The couple discussed until midnight. Yue Pengju saw that his wife was sleepy and said nothing but coaxed her to sleep softly She also muttered to herself, "Peng Ju, I'm not sleepy yet..."

"Sister seventeen, be good, go to bed quickly, and I'll talk with you all day tomorrow."

Hua Rong whispered and finally fell asleep in his arms This night, toss and turn, how can you close your eyes? I don't know whether it's pain or comfort, worry or fear. I just subconsciously hold her tightly in my arms, sharing weal and woe, and going through hardships

Hua Rong fell asleep very well and fell into her husband's arms. She was complacent. Her long-standing worries and fears were all forgotten. Years of gathering and separation, years of war and separation, and the imminent catastrophe were all not enough to fear. As long as she was in his arms, everything would stop

Hua Rong sent her husband away before she came to the big living room In the living room, senior sister Gao and Li Yi'an, who were already anxious, were both relieved and surprised at the sight of Hua Rong

"Sister seventeen, you are back."

"Mrs. Yue, if you're all right."

If there was a tacit understanding between them, they didn't ask xiaohutou, especially Li Yi'an. Seeing Hua Rong's face with a smile, they had a bottom in their hearts Hua Rong looks at the two children of the fourth sister of high school. Both of them are in their teens and are already at the age of studying, but how can the fourth sister of high school have the heart to urge them to study these days? The two children also have some superficial understanding of their father's imprisonment, which is not as naughty as before Hua Rong took a close look at the fourth sister of Gao, and saw that she was seriously emaciated in a short time, and her mental state was very poor The fourth sister of Gao cried and whispered, "Gao Lin died in the war, and Qiao Niang died. Now, Zhang Xian can't escape..."

The cold wind outside the door roared, and Hua Rong realized more profoundly that her husband couldn't leave The eldest husband did something and didn't do something. Zhang Xian, sun Ge and others were in bad luck. It was impossible to ask his husband and wife to run away alone and stay out of the world. Fortunately, his son left, and his husband and wife had no concerns She and Li Yi'an both said something to comfort senior sister Gao, knowing it was useless, but they couldn't help saying it

The fourth sister of Gao got a little better, and Li Yi'an ordered the maid to take them down to have a rest She just raised the question she had been worried about for a long time: "17 elder sister, how to write Yue Xianggong's resignation?"

Hua Rong has been thinking about this problem. She took a pen and paper and spread it out: "I'll draft it for Peng Ju first, and then he'll come back and make a little supplement."

Li Yi'an hesitated for a moment, but he still bluntly advised: "Seventeen sister, why don't you ask Peng Ju to imitate Han Xianggong?"

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