One Night Bride

Chapter 394

Yue Pengju let go of his wife's hand, and Hua Rong handed him the packed package, which was full of winter clothes and toiletries: "Peng Ju, it's cold in winter, these are all useful. This other one was brought to Zhang Xian by the fourth sister of Gao..."

A package, as heavy as a thousand, Yue Pengju could hardly catch it, and hugged his wife: "sister seventeen, you must live well..."

Hua Rong couldn't help it any longer and burst into tears

Outside the door, Yang Yizhong saw that Yue Pengju hadn't come out for a long time and couldn't drink any more wine. He was not afraid of Yue Pengju escaping, but he was afraid of Yue Pengju committing suicide If Yue Peng committed suicide, how could he make a job with Qin Hui and Zhang Jun? He stood up and asked Ma Chao, "why hasn't Mr. Yue come out?"

Ma Chao bowed down and didn't answer, but heard a faint voice behind him: "thank you for waiting. I'll follow Yang Shige on the road."

Yang Yizhong breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing Yue Pengju walking towards the headspace sedan chair, he couldn't help but follow up and lowered his voice: "Yue Xianggong, why don't you follow Han Xianggong?"

Yue Peng shook his head. "Thank you, brother Yang, for your kindness."

Yang Yizhong sighed. Yue Peng fought the Jin people in the north, fought the Dongting in the south, and Yang Wei died in the north and south. However, he died before he was defeated. Although he relied on Qin Hui and Zhang Jun to protect his glory and wealth for the time being, who knows whether this wealth can last long?

Yue Peng raised the curtain and sat down steadily Yang Yizhong waved his hand and the sedan chair set out

After walking a few steps, he quietly lifted the curtain. Behind him, his wife stumbled up and cried on the snow. The wind and snow all over the sky were getting bigger and bigger. Soon, her hair and her figure turned into a ball of snow-white. Out of the distance, she still knelt down on the snow, but the cry was no longer heard

"Sister seventeen, I will lose you in this life, and I will not lose you in the next life!"

He clenched his fist tightly, and his burning eyes almost burned and melted all his bones... Seventeen sister, little tiger head... He was loyal and courageous for half his life, in exchange for which he was unable to protect his wife and children

If I had known this, what would loyalty do? To whom?

If there is an afterlife, one's own destiny must be grasped by oneself, rather than being in such a position of being slaughtered by others

As soon as Yue Pengju entered Dali Temple Prison, he was locked up in a room alone There are not many prisoners here. Those who can enter Dali Temple Prison are all political prisoners Next door to him, Zhang Xian, Yu Peng, sun Ge and other sixorseven deployed. They had already experienced severe torture, and saw the commander in prison. Under this major psychological blow, Zhang Xian, who was tortured the most seriously, had long been unable to support, climbed in front of the iron window, and cried out: "heaven does not bless the great song, heaven does not bless the great song..."

He screamed three times in a row, and finally fainted because of the pain of his injury Yue Peng ran to the window and looked at a bunch of subordinate brothers who had gone through life and death. The strong anger in his heart became deeper and deeper, almost breaking through his brain and breaking through the prison

Yu Peng looked up and sighed without saying a word

Yue Peng raised his hand and shook the iron window without saying a word

The official in charge of the trial is he Zhu. They have heard of Yue Peng's name for a long time. In fact, they have some sympathy in their hearts and are very polite: "Yue Xianggong, now accuse you of three sins, one is to compare yourself to Taizu, the other is to coerce the imperial edict, and the third is to accuse you. Can you plead guilty?"

Yue Peng raised his voice and said in a deep voice, "you can tell Qin Hui that it's OK for me to plead guilty. I must first release Zhang Xian and others. The day they get free is the time for me to plead guilty and lie down."

Looking at this untenable "criminal evidence", he Zhu couldn't continue, so he couldn't bear to work hard, and secretly paid for himself to improve the food of Yue Pengju and others

At the other end of the Dali Temple Prison, there is a special female family member, Princess Tianwei This is the first woman held in Dali Temple Prison for many years - a fake princess

Zhao Deji's imperial edict has gone down, and within three days, he killed the fake princess in the Wumen vegetable market When the imperial edict went out, the world was in an uproar Because of the great involvement caused by this matter, people wondered: if it was a fake princess, why couldn't the eunuch recognize it that day? When she left the palace, she was fifteen or sixteen years old. It was impossible for such a big girl to change her appearance in essence. Why can't the emperor recognize her own sister now?

The people ran around and talked about it, and the women in the palace couldn't sit still. Even Zhang Yingying, Wu jinnu and others were trembling, like a Mongolian drum

However, no one dared to ask about the order of the son of heaven. As long as they still want to stay in the palace and be loved by the son of heaven, it is the most critical to be wise and protect themselves I don't know why Zhao Deji kicked me black and blue

At this time, the three favorite concubines were eating with Zhao Deji. Zhao Deji stroked his heart and kept sighing: "Alas, I think I'm magnanimous. Why are these people all white eyed wolves? Yue Pengju and his wife received all my favor, high officials and rich, but they still had to be rebellious. When Tian Wei returned, I treated her better than my sister, but she was a fake..."

Accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger. The concubines know that he is acting, but who dares not to agree with him? Zhang and Wu, who witnessed Wan Wan's tragic death, and now it's Tianwei, intending to ask for a favor. However, when their words came to their lips, they only mentioned the beginning, and Zhao Deji severely stopped them, on the grounds that the women's families should not be involved in politics They dared not talk any more. Not only that, they had to be unconscionable, blindly praise the wise and proper officials, see through the real face of the fake princess, and make the palace quiet

Continuous rain and snow made the prison frozen like an ice cellar Next door came a series of screams, all of which were the voices of eunuchs and palace people being tortured

These people are eunuchs who used to serve Tianwei or welcome her return When Tianwei returned, these old people naturally came forward to identify the authenticity of the princess In particular, Feng Yi, who served Tian Wei's mother in his early years, knew her mother and daughter well. Therefore, as soon as Tian Wei returned, he thought that rare goods could be lived in, and he was very respectful to Tian Wei

It was a bolt from the blue that Tianwei suddenly became a fake princess. Naturally, he fought to the death and found a lot of evidence to prove that the princess was true However, the more evidence is found, the worse the punishment will be Zhang went to be at peace with him for the sake of equality, and didn't mention him When Feng Yi was beaten to pieces, he suddenly felt blessed and secretly bribed a small eunuch who came to visit him to inquire about the official family

He found out the news and immediately changed his mouth. At the beginning of the next torture, he kept kowtowing: "the little one deserves to die... The little one deserves to die... The princess is fake... The little one was greedy for the bribe of the princess... He made false testimony for her. This is the fake Princess... The fake Lord..."

As soon as Feng Yi changed his words, all the palace people immediately changed their words one after another, pointing out that they had accepted bribes from the "fake Princess"

The official in charge of the examination was very satisfied with the result. He took their picture pledge and immediately reported it to Zhao Deji

Tian Wei lay on the straw mat. She couldn't get in water for three days. In a daze, she listened to the screams next door. Then, she screamed down. She knew that next, it was her turn In these three days, she did not distinguish between morning and dusk. In her dream, she was her mother's concubine, close sister, and even little Lu Wenlong Vaguely, I think of masu, the pirate, but does he still remember having such a person? Tears kept flowing, and later, his eyes were completely swollen

With a "squeak", the prison door opened, two eunuchs lit lanterns, and a jailer in front of them put two bowls of dishes, a bottle of wine, and a bowl of rice on the tray in his hand Tianwei reluctantly opened her eyes, and her heart was shocked. She knew that this was the "Last Supper". After eating this meal, she was about to go to hell

The jailer shouted, "rice is coming..."

Tian Wei sat up, her eyes dim, stretched out a trembling hand, tightly held the hot rice bowl, but immediately put it down, picked up the wine pot on the ground, put it on her mouth, and drank it suddenly As soon as the spicy wine entered her throat, she coughed a few times, but her body warmed a lot

A man came in silently, and the crowd retreated, leaving only two bright lanterns, which illuminated everything in the cell and the people opposite clearly


Tianwei raised her head and gave him an indifferent look In this world, I have no father, no mother, no relatives The son-in-law has been implicated. The whole family has been demoted to commoners and ridiculed by others. In order to avoid greater involvement, they dare not visit again Before he died, no one visited him! Even the person in front of him is not his "relatives" - no longer


"Your Majesty, what else can I do for you?"

Zhao Deji sat down in front of her, suddenly stretched out his hand, rolled up her sleeve, and exposed the scar on her wrist Tianwei, this is real Tianwei!

He sighed: "Tianwei, you know, I have to. The queen mother insists on your death. I can't disobey her..."

What is this? To be honest? But what is the use of this truth?

She answered indifferently, "Your Majesty, the prison is filthy, and you must not sully Your Majesty's dignity. Please leave."

He said eagerly, "Tianwei, I didn't want to kill you. Not at all. You are my only sibling..."

Tian Wei stared into his eyes, trying to see from his eyes that there was something genuine and something false

"Tianwei, if you want to live, just follow brother nine..."

"What chance do I have to live?"

"As long as you persuade rong'er to follow me and give birth to a prince for me, and there are successors, you are a great hero. I will settle down with you well... Although your princess identity is not guaranteed, I will promise to settle down with you again, so that you can hide your name and live a prosperous life..."

Tianwei's red and swollen eyes burst into tears again, and the last glimmer of extravagance in her heart also disappeared Only staring at the person opposite, brother nine, how can this devil be his own brothers?

Zhao Deji thought she was moved, so he asked, "Tianwei, can you think clearly?"

"Think clearly!" Tianwei's voice has slowly become hoarse, "Jingkang is in great trouble, the ancestral temple city is broken, the last words of the Taizu official family are announced all over the world, and ministers and scholars who wrote things are not allowed to be killed, your majesty, do you still remember?"

Zhao Deji was very unhappy: "so what?"

"If you kill Yue Xianggong, you will violate the Taizu official oath. Disobeying your ancestors will surely be punished by heaven."

Zhao Deji sank: "Tianwei, you'd better think about how you can live another day! How can others' lives be precious?"

Naturally, in his eyes, the lives of all people in the world are less precious than those of Zhao Deji alone Life or death, ups and downs, turn to despicable, who is his opponent?

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